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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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17-Feb-2007 10:38 Longcheer   /   China 3G licence       Go to Message
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hi l_tan888,

out of courtesy to the other longcheer serious forumers, i'll post allgreen on allgreen? see you there. :)
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16-Feb-2007 21:20 Longcheer   /   China 3G licence       Go to Message
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bwah haha, jackjames, sure thing. one make $, all make $, that's the way to go man. *grin*

not yet tho. if you go by its previous data, drop occurs steeply for abt a month with two freefalls before doing a bounce up for abt 7 mths (during which you can buy/sell). drop started feb 9th, so not til march, or when the trend starts turning. this drop likely to be more severe than the previous one last May.

meanwhile if you're looking for TA counters to start the piggy year with a bang, consider: allgreen, osim, cdl h trust.

keke. and caveat emptor yea! :) 
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16-Feb-2007 21:10 Longcheer   /   China 3G licence       Go to Message
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concur, jackjames. this stock is fundamentally quite sound. Best of all it responds to TA. we wait for it to bottom out and consider a buy when the panic selling is over. ;)
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16-Feb-2007 21:06 Others   /   Short Sell Genting       Go to Message
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don't know for sure but my guess is some big boy private investor.

the T+3 rule is flexible actually. it depends entirely on what your broker is willing to give you. so if you trade big enough, you get certain privileges retailers don't get.

the alternative is the shorting was done on a CFD account, in which case the settlement period is T+30 if i'm not mistaken. Leverage of 5x could then explain how the person could afford to short so much.   
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16-Feb-2007 21:03 Longcheer   /   China 3G licence       Go to Message
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l_tan888, it's all part of the game....if i want to be cynical i can say, well, if someone wants to sell, some naive person has to buy, isn't it? and what better way to induce a buy than to 'talk up' the stock?

but to be fair, they could be basing their calls on fundamental analysis.

thing is, fundamentals do not always correlate to actual market movement, since stocks move prevailingly on sentiment, not fact.

Longcheer: if you look at its TA charts, the clear sell signal came on 26th Jan, when its A/D and C/O dropped drastically for three consecutive days: A/D dropped from abt  -5mil to -47mil, while C/O dropped from -1mil to -16 mil. Envelope starts to curve to a downtrend.

It was the clearest signal to bail out at 1.14. So really, sometimes, ignore what the brokerage houses say. trust what the trend says. Big boys were actually selling already (note the spike in vol on 22nd jan).

caveat emptor.

post CNY: pls note that it has broken its lower bollie yet again, so wed will expect drop to cont.

take care, yea...
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15-Feb-2007 22:43 Entertainment   /   How much Ang Pao money to give?       Go to Message
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bunnie, what different scary thought? :P

eh thought it's standard practice in s'pore. husbands and wives have joint acct, and wives have personal acct. esp if they not working. it's the old saying, zhang4 fu1 bu4 ru2 kou3 dai4 qian2.

(ie, a husband cannot compare with money in the pocket).

and erm. $10 for close relatives sounds a bit too little....

i'm not married but i still have to give leh. like $100-200 to parents and $500 to grandma. so married ppl, pls don't complain....just have more kids, or go borrow some. haha. agree with bunbun tho, it's the thought that's more impt. after all, not everyone can afford to give a lot.

aiyah. men. all the same. tsk.
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15-Feb-2007 22:38 ST Engineering   /   ST Engg       Go to Message
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ok set. this one's probable for a march play.
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15-Feb-2007 22:21 Celestial   /   worth going in       Go to Message
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hm. yep concur. looks down to me too.

actually, pet, why don't you look at allgreen again? tell me what you see. ;)
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15-Feb-2007 22:18 Chartered   /   Re-rating of Chartered       Go to Message
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csm. only three words: bleep bleep bleep.

i'm taking it off my list of TA-able stocks. not worth the risk for me. indicators appear to have become recently desensitised to this guy...
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15-Feb-2007 22:14 Longcheer   /   China 3G licence       Go to Message
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keke. it's ok, guess i'm a bit insensitive too, since i did find it funny. heh heh. pai seh.
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15-Feb-2007 22:12 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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yeah, happy happy CNY!

this has got to be my favourite festival. hehe.

ok, nites all! :)
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15-Feb-2007 22:11 Others   /   Happy Chinese New Year!       Go to Message
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may all your bank accounts fatten, may you be in the pink of health, and may you trot cheerfully wherever you go!

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15-Feb-2007 22:08 Longcheer   /   China 3G licence       Go to Message
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sheesh...singaporegal...do have some sympathy for those still vested leh... no offence yea...

yep concur, still dropping tho. broke its lower bollie too, so pls do sit tight tmrw...would expect abt a 3c drop from today's close to tmrw's close...

do hope i'm wrong tho! :)
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15-Feb-2007 22:01 ST Engineering   /   ST Engg       Go to Message
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when is ste's xd date? charts are looking encouraging...
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15-Feb-2007 21:59 Others   /   Dow       Go to Message
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does anyone know the tech support/resistance level for the DOW? thanks
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15-Feb-2007 21:52 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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keke, nickyng, you're the best barometer of SPC i've seen. ;)
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15-Feb-2007 21:32 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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heya one and all,

firstly, thanks to the guys for the flowers. :)))

lonely heart shplayer, aw...it's ok, you got an elf now. and a bunnie too! keke. and yea, bunnie's right, are you fine being our elder bro instead? always wanted an older brother.....*please?*

ah, pikachu (i'll make you yellow as your namesake)...a brokeback valentine i presume is what a guy gives to another guy. :P

weh. so sian. i still need to work tomorrow. taking wednesday off tho. haha.

back to biz: market's moving as expected in a rotational play; only thing unexpected is its speed. We've been given an unexpected fillip from china's central authority issuing limits and monetary controls. (incidentally, that's why your china counters are down) Basically, money is trapped in Asia with nowhere else to go since global markets are still soft. And malaysia, thailand, indon, (and now china) are out of the pic. So expect HSI and STI to go up. It'll likely be a blue chips play, since it's foreign funds. Rotation is to be expected since money's kinda stuck here. S'pore stocks are rated at full PE ratio already, but book-to-value ratio is 2.3x, compared with other countries average of 2.7. So there's still some upside to go. If US or oil keeps going up tho, get out of market soon. Follow the global flow.

Just to give an idea of direction: we're currently in the start of the third wave, which i kinda expected only after CNY actually. But roughly, it's blue chips up now and pennies down. stage 2 of wave is midcaps up, blues stagnant/down, third stage is pennies up and mids and blues down. We shouldn't be done with stage 1 so soon yet. so post CNY would expect some upside still from the blues. Esp since some have yet to report their results. Can either look to ride the blues wave, or prepare yourself for the midcaps.

bunnie...hope this explains why your ausgroup is down and so many counters are in the red...
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15-Feb-2007 21:14 Allgreen   /   Allgreen       Go to Message
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TA perspective: looking ready for a breakout upwards soon. hehe.

FA basis: need to be careful. Brokerage house call for fair value is only 1.33. so stock is already at a premium, trading entirely on momentum.
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13-Feb-2007 22:26 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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*patpat* singaporegal, keep yourself warm and cosy yea. never good to fall sick. giantlow, you too. :)

bunnie dahling...yea, elf's a purebred convent girl. ie, ten full years. proud of it and wouldn't change it for the world. :)

hm, yea shplayer. Not sure, but from your tone perhaps you might be too young to be a wise old godpa? give you a choice...wanna be god uncle, or ta gege, or what? :)

 and my dearest pet, i do believe fairygal is too young to be a fairy godmother..at least, not in the cinderella disney cartoon sense. She'd probably make a pretty tinkerbell tho....

ok, elf a bit grumpy now and thorough lack of sleep. just home and showered. gonna have dinner now and wanna sulk a bit. tata.

*hugs bunnie goodnight*
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12-Feb-2007 22:34 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hey fairygal,

sorry missed your post in exuberance over my pet. hehe.

out of market or not: it depends on what stocks you're holding, really. if you have solid FA counters, it's time to put in more. if not, might consider locking in profit. Esp if they've run up since june/oct. the key thing is not to regret, since hindsight is always perfect. but the point is: at this point in time, could you have said for sure that the price will rise/fall?

fact is, you can't. and that's the key to trading. Never look back. See what is real, what is in your hand. Feel nothing at all. You call a sell when the profit is enough for you. :)
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