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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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21-Feb-2007 11:22 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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about the same then. i won't sell one counter to buy another (esp if the first is going up!) but i always make sure i have full cash to back up even contra trades. good practice, this. does require a lot of discipline tho. sigh.
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21-Feb-2007 11:12 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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keke livermore, which counter, or shall i let you complete its buy first before you say? :P elf got one and watching another. wondering if i should play osim too, but its upside might be limited. (btw, should we shift this to fellowship thread? we seem to be veering off...see you there?)
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21-Feb-2007 11:10 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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keke shplayer, oh yea. but we live and learn. and then earn. ;)

mistakes are useful, they always teach us something new. what are you holding or looking out now for, da gege? :)
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21-Feb-2007 10:30 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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AG is a TA trade. will dep on the trend.

if i must call an exit price, then it's btween 1.85-1.91. respectively that's the psychological support and the fibo target.

but i'm more fluid than that tho. they're just guides. i'll run when the trend says run. pls note too that i tend to run too fast. hahaha...

APB high price, yea.
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21-Feb-2007 10:26 Longcheer   /   China 3G licence       Go to Message
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oh yea. for the sake of those vested, c'mon longcheer!

elf's cheering you on too! :)))

btw, not vested ah. hehe.
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21-Feb-2007 10:09 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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ahh...chinkiasu!!! your emoticons are so cute! thanks for the flower! :) and i like the big puppy eyed one at the end especially. heehee. aiyah, no need angpow lah, thought can already. :)

godpa, like the giant, elf prefers to drink at private functions/homes. Don't think it's nice for a lady to drink outside and get (pardon the language) pissed drunk. it's so disgraceful, seeing all the sweet young things puking outside zouk/mohamed sultan etcetc. In any case, when i drink i always control, so i never get drunk even at friends' homes etc.

but ok, back to biz. Market's up. Surfer babes and dudes, riding the waves yet? Buying vols are strong, so elf's in play.

Allgreen, vested: 1.68
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21-Feb-2007 09:58 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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keke, yes livermore, high five man. it's playtime! *yeay*
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20-Feb-2007 23:21 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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heya all,

yep singaporegal, STE = st engg. I was a bit mixed on its charts since AD was up, but weakening as you said, tho that could simply be 'cos of traders wrapping up before CNY. thing is, envelope is starting to curve to a down. too many factors to see clear trend for now.

in any case. the dow is bleeding tonight, and people are getting bearish. since markets move on sentiment and not fact, i would personally hold off all buying decisions tomorrow morning. might be a good idea to wait and see morning session first.

still looking for two counters tho: allgreen and cdlh. fyi for those interested. hehe. man, am i thickskinned or what! haha.

giantlow, cannot lah... bunnie already said i can only have one pet. must keep my little pet happy. :)

k all, nites. cannot make it, too much boozing....zzz liao.
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19-Feb-2007 15:42 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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hi kp8888,

would like to hear your views on the current market? :)
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19-Feb-2007 15:29 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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chinkiasu...ehhh...angpow how can do e-transfer....and yeah. token sum will do, it's the actual red packet i want. mebbe can rub some off good luck from godpa....keke.

ooh. ireland! land of the leprechauns! wanna go there sometime. visit my fellow species. weh. i need to travel...

how do you get the animated icons? so cute...and what's that wavy thing in the grey costume? can't quite figure out if it's a samurai or what... *puzzled*

bunnie darling, don't you worry a thing. sweet and salty go together, and besides, you're only as old as you want to be. :) cheers, all!

godpa, cdlh owns diversified properties. What caught my attention is because they own office properties as well: i.e., office rental rates, which are forecasted to give the best increase in value since luxury is more or less at its tail-end already. Until CDL opens their office reits, this stock to me is one of the better prop plays. By TA: consistent uptrend since its IPO, fibonacci gives next wave target to 2.50. It's at 1.92.

However, I'm playing it as a TA trade first since the parent CDL gives FYE results on 28th feb. Will watch run up carefully. If it does the spurt before results and then dip (as most cos seem to be doing), i'll sell before results day.

thereaft will assess results to see if it's worth as an FA holding.

cheers, all! :)
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19-Feb-2007 15:08 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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well, for what it's worth, this 'PSLE ungraduated' here thinks that STI will rise up on wed. :)

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17-Feb-2007 23:58 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hullo godpa, happy new year and gong xi fa cai to you and your family too! :)

angpow, don't worry. you come back in august can still give us.

muah haha. :P

back to biz: a lot are pessimistic because i think the correction caught many unexpected...i'm perhaps more of a contrarian here, but my instinct is not a broad fall, but a mixed market that rotates. Dif between the two: the STI rise/fall is not indicative of all counters. Since the STI is made up of a basket of certain stocks with different weightage. i.e, the sti could very well fall, but quite a few counters are in the green. Alt, STI can go up, but a lot in the red (as in the days preceding this).

If you've noticed, there's been divergence between sesdaq and sti. gainers vs losers are almost even. those are clear indications of rotational play.

After CNY is the tail end of the blues rise and the rise of the midcaps. Something is brewing with STE, i can't quite figure out what. there's been steady accumulation on the counter, and its bollies are tight. all signs are for a breakout soon, but its envelope is curving to a slight downtrend? singaporegal...would like your opinion on this act...

actually, godpa. look at cdl h trust. ;) 
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17-Feb-2007 23:48 Longcheer   /   China 3G licence       Go to Message
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keke, nickyng, if you wanted to short this you should have started from the time it was dollar plus. would have made lots man.

still worth a short on wed tho. ;)

eheh, since you are our resident shortist specialist (RSS nickyng??) :P....tip for you: take the blues like singtel, every time they break their upper or lower bollie, short the counter. you're likely to make. the only qn is how much. ;) pls do make your own decisions tho!  
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17-Feb-2007 23:45 Allgreen   /   Allgreen       Go to Message
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ahbear, the institutional fair price target is 1.33.

not sure if they'll revise it tho. and sorry, can't rem which brokerage house gave that...think it's merril lynch.

FYE is on 26th feb, that will give some interesting play from wed. yep singaporegal, signals aren't completely clear, but what is clear is that some kind of momentum is building...think will have to be fast to catch it, have an inkling it might do a ho bee or cdlh and run up in one day.... 
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17-Feb-2007 23:42 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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bedoop, hope everyone had a good reunion dinner. :)

lucky168, i completed all TA trades on thurs of the previous week... think it was right before the market started correcting. Currently same as you, 50/50 cash/equity. Have id-ed possible trades for next week tho, will likely enter two on wed.  
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17-Feb-2007 13:00 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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sigh...oh my dearest pet bunnie, i don't mean to scold, but why on earth did you buy indofood? (just realised you bought it from the celestial thread) 

in the first place, if you're playing IPOs, then standard practice is to sell out on first/second or max 3rd day. it's a punt, nothing else, no matter how good its FA is.

in the second place, are you familiar with the history of the company, and the bad blood from investors regarding the takeover of cityaxis? all i can say on a public forum is this: be careful when dealing with indonesian-related companies.

Moreover, one of your main holders in placement trade is JF asset mgmt. They're the ones who recently bled longcheer.

charting's not possible now since it's too new. but common sense will tell you that this is a counter for shorting, all the way to 1.25. Thereaft you'll see a bouncy bounce pattern when all the cityaxis people cut loss and run at wherever they're comfortable with their loss, because they are certainly not happy holding this baby.

long term of course i don't know, but short term (since you strike me as a short term contra player), that's what you're looking at. and don't bother with the reasoning of 'placement institutions having vested interest keeping it above 1.25'. because trust me, right now, they're selling like heck already and pocketing all the profits.

sigh. please my dear... be very careful in choosing your trades. elf doesn't want a chao ta bunnie leh. :((((

hope this doesn't spoil your new year....meh. meeeehhhhhhhh. :(
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17-Feb-2007 11:44 Others   /   Online Brokerage       Go to Message
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yah. total agreement. I don't buy unit trusts myself. Stock markets already are a gamble; if you trust a fund manager, it means you're not only picking stocks, you're also picking a person to pick the stocks for you: that's double jeopardy, since you have to

a) choose the right funds,

b) choose the right fund manager.

would rather trust my own judgment direct on the stocks itself.

aside, need to be careful of whatever you have been taught in schools and courses etc. They'll always tell you to diversify, to trust fundamentals, to invest long term, to buy unit trusts, trust the brokers etcetc.

But what they never tell you:

overdiversification dilutes profit; 

fundamentals can be manipulated via PE/EPS/etc ratios,

long term only works for blue chips,

unit trusts mostly underperform the market,

brokers are human too.  

and last but not least: we are retail investors. they are insitutional. I still hold that both must trade by different strategies since our aims are the same yes, but more often than not we are at cross purposes. Am sure that anyone who has ever heeded a 'recommended: BUY' rating and bought in only to find themselves holding a bleeding baby will agree with me!

no offence to the institutional-minded traders yea. just a rather contrarian opinion here.  
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17-Feb-2007 11:20 Others   /   Happy Chinese New Year!       Go to Message
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em. tabbykat.... if you follow the destructive elements cycle, then water destroys fire... not a good idea to destroy the controlling element?? dunno for sure. any fengshui experts here???  

think shd be looking for what leads to fire leh... so the element preceding is wood. after fire is earth (fire gives rise to earth). So look for growth stocks and earth-related. Property, anyone???


and pls, i'm just guessing ah! :P
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17-Feb-2007 11:12 Allgreen   /   Allgreen       Go to Message
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argh, apologies for the funny font, my comp's acting up again.

happy chinese new year all! :)
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17-Feb-2007 11:00 Allgreen   /   Allgreen       Go to Message
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hey l_tan888,

citydev acts as a proxy lead indicator for AG because the former's a diversified property blue chip, geared towards luxury end. so normally, the flow follows that luxury props lead to a trickle down effect on mid-range props, which is what AG does.


abt your qn with the 160 lots unsucessful sell: are you queuing all at one price above current market bid? How i dispose of large holdings is to give my broker a range to sell in, and/or to sell at buyer's price.

'cos 160 lots is really quite big for market to swallow at one shot, so it's easier to sell if you split them up so that retailers can buy as well as institution?


tech-wise: A/D up for 3 days, C/O for two. bollies tight. indicates a breakout soon.


This is expected since AG's FYE is on 26th feb. the co, like the rest of the prop stocks here, will likely post a good profit. coupled with bullish news just today that midpriced props are rising. But FA-wise, AG is overvalued already and trading at a premium.


So taking all this into acct, i'd expect AG to rise from wed to next mon (a perfect contra trade if you ask me), thereaft, unless their results are that good or market posts some fantastic news, it is likely to stagnate.

If you're looking for price targets, from fibo and wave patterns: could queue a buy at 1.65 or current 1.67, and fibo gives the sell at abt 1.91. The psych resistance level is ~1.85.


pls note that the above is just my opinion ah, do make your own buy/sell calls. Also note that I use price targets as guides only, and will move in accordance with the trend instead of fixed targets.

btw, I wouldn't personally hold AG as an FA stock already since it has run up since mid jul and has overstretched its full year valuations already. This is just a short term TA stock for me.
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