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26-Aug-2010 14:09 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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No lar,  not real one.   ONly the man lying on the road, where is that intelligent bike?  became sandwich?   not possible.   hahaha!

rolandchiau      ( Date: 26-Aug-2010 12:17) Posted:

Wow ! This Video is Real !

AK_Francis      ( Date: 26-Aug-2010 11:58) Posted:

Ha ha, ds burger may give a jerking kick near close, as wat the pass trending seemed like. AK guesses only loh.

But, before lunch, if u still being bored, then watch the below video clips, to enlighten your Thusday:

Subj: Motorcycle Accident Prevention Program ...

Absolutely amazing what modern technology can do! The clip is in German (I think) but it has sub-titles... be sure to watch until the end... simply astounding.

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26-Aug-2010 13:49 Tiger Airways Rg   /   TigerAir       Go to Message
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They can fly within Singapore  so as to ease the road congestion .   From changi to jurong takes only 1 minute............per trip $90.   lol!

pharoah88      ( Date: 26-Aug-2010 13:27) Posted:



pharoah88      ( Date: 26-Aug-2010 13:25) Posted:

Singapore budget carrier Tiger Airways caused something of a stir when chief executive Tony Davis, along with key shareholders Indigo Singapore Partners and Ryanasia Limited, sold 40 per cent of their share holdings in the airline soon after the announcement of its alliance with Thai Airways International to set up Thai Tiger Airways.

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26-Aug-2010 11:43 User Research/Opinions   /   ~~~~ CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ~~~~       Go to Message
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i  was approached by one of them,,,,,,,,,,the land they wanted me to buy  is  somewhere in Canada or UK (i cant remember that),  a mere S$10,000 can buy a small fraction of land.......or may be   a   small sand pitt where i can find in Sentosa..........hahaha!

pharoah88      ( Date: 20-Aug-2010 14:43) Posted:

CAD steps into Profitable case


The Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) investigations are said to have followed numerous complaints against the six-year-old land-banking company, which promises exceptionally high returns of between 12.5 per cent and 900 per cent on investments ranging from real estate in England, to fuel products and art.

Land-banking is the practice of speculating on land in the hope that it could be developed for residential housing or commercial purposes.

Not all CAD probes unveil wrongdoing.

A police spokesman said in an email reply:

“It is inappropriate to comment on police investigations, if any.”

This newspaper’s efforts to reach the company’s management by phone and by an email address provided on the company’s website were unsuccessful.

When MediaCorp visited yesterday afternoon, the company’s Stanley Street office was closed.

There were no signs that the office workers had packed up the place. Neighbouring tenants could not recall when the office last opened for business.

A couple of months ago, more than 50 disgruntled investors turned up at the Speakers’ Corner to vent their anger at the group following failed efforts to get their money back upon maturity of their investments.

Another dozen or so confronted operations director John Nordmann at the group’s office, which boasts a staff strength of about 100.

These investors were said to have invested between $3,000 and $200,000 in various products.

— In May, the Profitable Group was placed on the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s (MAS) Investor Alert List. Now, Today understands that white-collar crime busters have stepped in and begun a probe into its dealings.Conrad Raj and Teo Xuanwei

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26-Aug-2010 11:17 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Chinese bestseller slams Goldman Sachs for financial crisis
Bank’s ultimate goal is to ‘kill China’

Thursday, August 26, 2010


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Chinese bestseller slams Goldman Sachs for financial crisis

Read more: http://dailystar.com.lb/article.asp?edition_id=10&categ_id=3&article_id=118623#ixzz0xg782d1H
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)

Elaine Kurtenbach

Associated Press

SHANGHAI: Goldman Sachs & Co., reviled in the US for its role in the financial crisis, is now getting hammered in the world’s No. 2 economy with a sensationalist new book accusing the bank of trying to destroy China.

The “Goldman Sachs Conspiracy,” which has sold over 100,000 copies since its June release, reaching popular website Sina.com’s top-10 list, follows another by author Li Delin, “Eliminate All Competitors – How Goldman Sachs Wins Over the World,” published last year.

Li, a financial journalist, appears to have hit pay dirt among Chinese readers with an appetite for the would-be exposes that get prominent display in downtown bookstores, such as “Who Killed Toyota: the Truth of America’s Attack” and “Currency War.” The nearly 300-page, highly dramatized account covers much of the same ground as a widely cited piece by Matt Taibbi last year in the Rolling Stone magazine that portrayed the Wall Street institution as a “a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.”

Li’s book takes ample license in its attacks on Goldman Sachs.

The firm’s final goal, he says in chapter 1, is to “kill China.”

“Like a fox chewing a bone, Goldman Sachs knows the rules of the game and when to go for your neck,” it says.

With the “cruel character of a Manchurian tiger, the group creeps around the world, like a veteran hunter stalking its prey, when it smells blood it pounces!” the chapter says.

Goldman Sachs’ office in Beijing refused to comment on the book and on others of its ilk.

The financial cataclysm of 2008 and ensuing global recession has resulted in a profusion of books dissecting the role of global investment banks including Goldman Sachs.

“It reads like a novel, rather than a real story,” said Peng Yunliang, a securities analyst.

“Goldman Sachs has been at the eye of the storm and is seen as the culprit behind the mess. That’s clearly the most popular topic on the market,” he said.

Goldman was sharply criticized for its high executive pay after it accepted a $10 billion state bailout during the financial crisis. It also received $13 billion from insurer American International Group Inc. after the government bailed that firm out.

In China, the firm’s business appears to have weathered well the market chaos elsewhere.

The investment bank was an underwriter in the recent record-breaking $22.1 billion initial public offering by the Agricultural Bank of China. Goldman also saw handsome gains from a $4.9 million investment in 2007 in a 12.5-percent stake in drug maker Shenzhen Hepalink, which later raised about $864 million in an IPO.

Li, in an online chat, said the book was no exaggeration.

“The real financial battle is even more dramatic than my book, according to my knowledge of the markets,” he said.

“Goldman Sachs is the hand behind the financial crisis, maybe even its cause.”

He soon plans to publish a third book about the company.

The conspiracy genre and dramatized accounts of scandals are popular in China, as in many markets. Beijing exerts strong control over the news media and broadcasters, but the book publishing industry has a bit freer leeway for commentary, particularly when the targets are not Communist Party officials.

The book also accuses Goldman of involvement in the recent Dubai and Greek debt debacles and the wider European financial and fiscal crises.

To buttress its allegations, the book notes well-known links between former top Goldman Sachs executives, such as former US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, and state officials in the US and other countries.

It also includes copies of what appear to be US court documents. They include a complaint against Goldman Sachs and Fabrice Tourre, a Goldman vice president accused of shepherding a deal at the center of SEC charges that the firm sold mortgage securities without telling buyers they had been created with input from a client that was betting on them to fail.

Last month, a US federal judge approved a settlement calling for Goldman Sachs & Co. to pay $550 million to settle civil fraud charges that the Wall Street giant misled buyers of mortgage-related investments. In the settlement, Goldman acknowledged its marketing materials for the deal omitted key information for buyers.


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26-Aug-2010 11:10 Others   /   Photographying Floods can be risky too       Go to Message
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Which area is good to stay?    No flood, cheap and good?  Which property to buy?
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25-Aug-2010 13:29 Others   /   TRADE FREELY & LiVE LONGER       Go to Message
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A cat was being thrown into a dustbin for 15 hours by an  english fat woman in London.  Will you want to do the same to her?

What can make her feel remourse over this incident and make sure she doesnt do that again?

1)  punish her the same way she treated that cat?

2)  make her live with the cat in the same cage?

3)) serve her cat's food for 15 days?


pharoah88      ( Date: 23-Aug-2010 16:09) Posted:

Famous psychic animals (AP image)

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25-Aug-2010 13:20 Informatics   /   Road to recovery in next 1-2 years       Go to Message
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If that hijacking were to take place here,  there will be no negotiation,  kill first and talk later.  We wont allow to wait for that 11 long hours man!!

word of reminder - dont take it out on the innocent maid e.g. like sacking the maids etc , they are innocent and not be blamed for the incident.

niuyear      ( Date: 25-Aug-2010 12:45) Posted:

This  counter  needs   some   Hijackers  to  hijack  then it will move. 

serene      ( Date: 25-Aug-2010 12:40) Posted:

 Hopefully OHL or GIC or Temasek  can be involved in the  rescue operation as well.

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25-Aug-2010 12:53 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Defensive stocks also can go bankrupt. 

alexchia01      ( Date: 25-Aug-2010 12:39) Posted:

Defensive Play meaning Buy Stocks that are very safe.

You want to look for stocks that are:

1. Strongly supported by government.

2. Have products that will continue to sell well during economic downturn.

3. Price is already beaten down, hence chances of them going lower is minimum.

You do this because the market is becoming bearish and you need to protect your capital, plus position yourself for the next Bull Run.

Good luck.

cathylmg      ( Date: 25-Aug-2010 10:32) Posted:

Whats is the meaning of defensive? Long or short

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25-Aug-2010 12:51 Fixed Deposits   /   $$$$ F D Interest Abnormalisation MLM BUBBLE $$$       Go to Message
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Is is time to   RE-look at  all my insurance policies?   How to get the most out of it?  Imagine, each of us paying "YEARS" for few policies and what have we gained from there?  

1) LIfe insruance policy - i can only claim when upon death

2) endowment fund - is going to due soon

3) medical - Dunno what i am paying, and , some got riders tagged to policies, some just ,medical/hospitalisation., only to realise i can

                   only claim from  ONE insurance company.



pharoah88      ( Date: 24-Aug-2010 12:00) Posted:

Bank Depositors  and  Insurance Policy Holders 

are at least  pOOrer  by  3.1%

pharoah88      ( Date: 24-Aug-2010 11:57) Posted:

S’pore inflation up 3.1%

Higher transport, housing and food costs

Mok Fei Fei



According to data released by the Department of Statistics yesterday, cars and petrol were the main items contributing to the 10.7 per cent on-year spike in the cost of transport.

Housing cost also rose 2.7 per cent because of higher electricity tariffs and accommodation costs.

Compared to June, the CPI last month rose 1.3 per cent due to higher costs of housing, transport as well as clothing and footwear — the highest on-month prices increase so far this year.

DBS analyst Irvin Seah said rental costs and electricity tariffs are expected to push housing costs higher.

“We should, therefore, see inflation stay above 3 per cent for the rest of the year before falling to 2 per cent on weaker growth momentum in 2011,” he said.

Prices of clothing and footwear rose by 3.2 per cent on-month owing to more expensive ready-made items after the Great Singapore Sale period.

In the first seven months this year, the CPI moved up 2.1 per cent compared with the same period last year.

Excluding accommodation costs, prices rose 2.9 per cent during the same period.— Inflation in Singapore continued to rise last month with the consumer price index (CPI) increasing 3.1 per cent on-year, led by higher costs in transport, housing and food.

Cars and petrol were the main items contributing to the 10.7 per cent on-year spike in the cost of transport.

Department of Statistics

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25-Aug-2010 12:45 Informatics   /   Road to recovery in next 1-2 years       Go to Message
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This  counter  needs   some   Hijackers  to  hijack  then it will move. 

serene      ( Date: 25-Aug-2010 12:40) Posted:

 Hopefully OHL or GIC or Temasek  can be involved in the  rescue operation as well.

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25-Aug-2010 12:35 China Minzhong   /   China Minzhong Food forum       Go to Message
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 Revenue rose 34.5% to RMB1,422.6 million

 Gross margin remained strong at 40.4%

 Net profit up 27.6% to RMB367.5 million in tandem with higher revenue

 Strong operating cash inflow up 185.4% to RMB610.6 million in FY2010

 Cash position of over RMB1 billion to fund expansion plans

Singapore, 25 August 2010
– China Minzhong Food Corporation Limited (������

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25-Aug-2010 11:01 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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hehehe!   Pharoah88 reporting now!! 

iPunter      ( Date: 25-Aug-2010 10:23) Posted:

Such sagely advice is great to have in a forum...

     (I beat Pharoah in this posting, before he does it with his nice big fonts).

          hehehe...  Smiley

limkt009      ( Date: 25-Aug-2010 10:08) Posted:

You must have your reasons for going in at 155, take action with your thinking. Your 'cannot lose' strategy is not benefitting you in your learning to trade stocks. Develop your own course of trading/investing actions. Every lost or win is a learning opportunity.

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25-Aug-2010 09:37 Osim Intl   /   OSIM       Go to Message
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If one household buys one set, you calculate, how many sets can be sold in China!

But, the  'A' 货 (fake prdocuts)  will be seen in their market followed by this but, with the risks of comsumers might be  electrocuted while siting on the 'A' type of massage chairs and become    BBQ  pork. .........hahaha!

louis001      ( Date: 25-Aug-2010 09:30) Posted:

Beware of what's been reported by some analysts, they have their own calculation, assumption and motivation. While general public may react for a while, target price of $1.50 within 1,2,3, years? Long term wise nobody knows. However, OSIM is expanding its business in China and improving bottom line so the prospects appear to be good.

hpong5      ( Date: 24-Aug-2010 11:07) Posted:

Macquarie says recent fall not justified. Target $1.50.

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25-Aug-2010 09:26 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Bonbon, you burnt slippers to him isit?   LOL!

Perhaps, we need to teach the US folks that they should start to burn stuff also to those brothers and sisters so that their economy will pick up.--------



During the US treasuary secretary's speech in Peking University, he  tried to reassure one questioner that China's investments in U.S. government debt were "very safe," the response was perhaps an indication of the onset of a new economic order: the students laughed.

not sure whether did he roll on the floor though.  lol!

Bon3260      ( Date: 25-Aug-2010 09:22) Posted:

Oops! Sori my Goondosamy... I've missed out urs.

Shd hv included ur portion lastnite (Chinese 7-mth 15th) when burning...

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25-Aug-2010 09:20 Informatics   /   Road to recovery in next 1-2 years       Go to Message
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serene      ( Date: 25-Aug-2010 07:49) Posted:

Uncle Lim or VT coming to the rescue soon??  =====>>>>>>


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25-Aug-2010 09:12 Others   /   DOW & STI       Go to Message
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Change this thread to  ;   China and STI.  Forget about  DOW.


During the US treasuary secretary's speech in Peking University, he  tried to reassure one questioner that China's investments in U.S. government debt were "very safe," the response was perhaps an indication of the onset of a new economic order: the students laughed.

not sure whether did he roll on the floor though.  lol!
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24-Aug-2010 17:17 Trading Techniques   /   ! ! ! ! Trading Seminars ! ! ! !       Go to Message
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Oh is it E.T.?

iPunter      ( Date: 24-Aug-2010 16:35) Posted:

A certain Mr. E is always my favourite ...

      I always fondly remember his humourous

           "juicing the market" analogy during his seminars...

                It always never fail to  make my day...

                    hehehe... Smiley

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24-Aug-2010 17:12 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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tomorrow,  they need bigger  'ngeh ngeh'  to cover.........hahahah!

cathylmg      ( Date: 24-Aug-2010 16:54) Posted:

Why it ngeh ngeh don't want to go down? Those naked short this morning have to cover short wah...

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24-Aug-2010 17:10 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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24-Aug-2010 16:59 SingTel   /   Concerns over Optus       Go to Message
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This stock is a must on DOWN day  :)  hit 3.02.
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