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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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28-Feb-2007 01:53 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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lookcc....lots of other counters to short if you want to....try not to do it on SPC lah....likely limited gain...plus. generally speaking, oil is inversely proportional to the broad market. (ie, market goes up, oil is down. oil up, market down.) So a bit counterintuitive to short SPC leh...its quite costly too....
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28-Feb-2007 01:50 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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ahhhh so cute!

and ahhhh, it's way past my bedtime! making money is hard work. zzz.
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28-Feb-2007 01:49 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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the last part of the DBSVB call: if fall below 3193, support then is at 3060.

Looking at the large insti sells on quite a few blues, STI likely to go below 3200 tmrw.

hanwudi...i don't do shorting. but yes. it's likely a shortist's market tomorrow. pick your counters wisely tho. highest chance might be with the blues that haven't dropped too much yet, and which posted large institutional sells today. good luck. ;)
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28-Feb-2007 00:54 Allgreen   /   Allgreen       Go to Message
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yep i divested today liao.

winds of change blowing through the entire market. might be wise to get out of all TA trades. keep only solid FA counters. A correction's here....

l_tan, your cost price is low, but i dunno... might be wise to take profit first? live another day, fight another day. You can always use profits from AG to buy other counters to make up for the loss in the rest. Besides, if you're depending on prop stocks, then haha, Ho Bee's more solid on fundamentals.

give your broker a range to sell in...it's really easier. or mebbe it's just me, i don't like to queue...citigroup's call is 2.09, i still hold by my initial FA call tho. am now wondering if they missed out the dilution.... esp since, for the first time: insti sellers more than buyers. mostly retail buy ups and insti sell downs, esp late afternoon.
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28-Feb-2007 00:47 Others   /   Dow       Go to Message
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sti likely down tmrw too. money appears to be going into gold. and prepping for oil. if so, expect emerging markets to crash.

DBSVB call:

support for STI at 3215. If fall below 3193, it negates the rising trend. sorry for posting on dow thread; indices are all linked to me....
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28-Feb-2007 00:15 EDMI   /   EDMI and parent SMB: What's the potential?       Go to Message
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ooh yea. and this is why my long term money is mostly parked here.

in fact picked up more of it just yesterday. keke.

thanks victorian. owe ya one for spotting this counter man. :)
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28-Feb-2007 00:05 ST Engineering   /   ST Engg       Go to Message
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think STE likely to do an SPC. ie, range bound and yoyo up and down til a couple of weeks prior to its XD date....

anyhow, this is a good FA counter. if you're holding it long term, shouldn't get distracted by the day to day movements. (not unless it does a drastic drop of course). but in the event of war, SPC and STE are your hedges when all else are dropping. hehe.  
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28-Feb-2007 00:03 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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fwah. gone one day and so many posts. i cannot make it man....ok, only had a brief glance through and wanna zzz liao....so this is gonna be haphazard...

singaporegal, i would like you to adopt me 'cos i think you're really intelligent and diplomatic to boot. :)) wasn't thinking as a godma tho...you can have a pet elf with a pet bunnie attached if you want! the rest of the family is optional. keke. muah haha. 'cos you've really taught me a lot...

the other ppl i've learnt a lot from are ppl like victorian, sporeguy and kilroy. not directly sometimes... but like, i picked up fibo and the waves thing from seeing sporeguy's posts, and doing back calculations to see how he derived his figures....and doing TA to see if i can match singaporegal's predictions, and rate of accuracy etc. so yea, this is a good forum to be on. :)

fairygal: nope, i haven't been to robinsons recently, but yea, will tell if i happen to spot her. :) and yes! sometimes they fake to be blind/etc!!! think it's so unscrupulous!

actually, i give angpows to my parents and grandma. CNY is 'loss' period for me haha. but aiyah, we can't count it that way lah.  

oh and godpa, i only hold one full time job and one part time. so not so bad. last year was doing 2 part times. bwah haha. and 200K!!! niama...if you give me that sum i'd have parlayed it into a fortune for life man....sigh....as for reserves: generally, the guideline is that you should have enough in your bank to last you at least a year if you don't work.
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26-Feb-2007 22:40 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hey fairygal...

just saw the last part of your post abt the old lady at robinson's....never saw her before, but yea, that's one of the effects of globalisation. Ppl get left behind. :( that's why quite a lot of poorer countries are against it. they were bankrupted by the rich nations. in many ways, globalisation is just an excuse for rich countries to rob the poor.

to give an idea of numbers: Mexico: after globalisation, the % of ppl living under the poverty line grew by 50%. Africa (always raped by the western powers for its copper, cobalt, diamonds, gas, oil etcetc, aided and abetted by corrupt regimes--most of whom are funded by westerners, mind you): their debt ballooned 4x and rates of AIDS, basic sanitation diseases etcetc all exploded. I could go on, but heh, let's not lah.

closer to home what measures income disparity is known as the Gini coefficient. that has upped from 0.49 to 0.52. meaning the rich are becoming richer, the poor are becoming poorer. That's why the govt hires like 50% of all grads, and our bureaucracy is bloated. if not, we'd not be able to keep employment rates so high. it's artificial, but it works.

i tend to buy tissue from old women peddling them too (as i believe you do too, you have a kind heart. :) )....and sometimes end up with no money for my own lunch. ahahhaa. i don't buy from able men and all that tho! think if you're able you should work.  
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26-Feb-2007 22:27 Osim Intl   /   OSIM       Go to Message
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keke, honestly, correct or incorrect, as long as make money, i don't really care man. :P

but hehe, cannot be flippant. must always make sure we know our trading tools well. that's the only way to profit long term. :)

will wanna ask you to teach me FX someday! ok, nites! headache from allgreen liao. gonna zzz. hehe.
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26-Feb-2007 22:23 SingaporeLandGrp   /         Go to Message
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may i add in to the good news here for those vested. :)

OCBC research just raised UIC's target price to $3.01.

huat tua tua for those vested. :))))  
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26-Feb-2007 22:18 Allgreen   /   Allgreen       Go to Message
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yes! thank you ahbear! man, i could kiss you!


this baby's likely to grow fast tomorrow. :) *sigh of relief* next time i'm gonna keep quiet on counters now....eep. stress man....
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26-Feb-2007 22:04 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hmm...dunno...i went to australia as a child, didn't have a good impression of it 'cos of racism....

wondering which country will welcome an emigrating elf. hehe. i like hawaii still. sun, sand, sea.

and dudes. surfer dudes.

keke. or thailand. NZ? dunno...need to check it out. not yet anyhow. still wanna make more singaporean cows first. i.e., moooo lah!

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26-Feb-2007 21:58 Osim Intl   /   OSIM       Go to Message
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keke, kilroy, actually, if i were a shortist, i'd have shorted osim today.

so what, shall we call 'em a kilroy and a reverse kilroy? :P sounds damn cool leh.....hehe.  
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26-Feb-2007 21:57 Allgreen   /   Allgreen       Go to Message
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am actually confused on AG now. spent the past half hr reading its FA results report. the dang company certainly made it tricky to suss out actual value. >~<

as follows: EPS for '05 was 6.01c, for '06 was 7.19c. So if you take an average of 1.5 as last year's share price, it means PE ratio of 25x (20-31x was the range), meaning fair value this time appears to be 1.79.

But the '06 EPS was given without the dilution. the flipping dilution was 1.8 times in all (abt 1560 mil share cap vs 865k previously)--only revealed in the final pg of the dang report. Which means diluted value down at the best case ratio of 31x including div, is only ~1.28.

 the thing i don't understand is this: its TA signals, and buy/sell volumes are still bullish, and bollies haven't broken out yet. all the signals are for a breakout UPWARDS. (and AG moves to TA trends, it's accurate on backtesting)

To give breakdown: total buy/sell data now (not just insti):

BU: 2165 lots via 78 buyers, ave size 27

SD: 1531 lots via 80 sellers, ave size 19 lots.

Gah. TA and FA contradict each other. we need an expert here. My opinion: watch the 9-9.15 am session very carefully. 

l_tan888---you're holding onto 160 lots....if selling, perhaps split them up into 20 lots or less each time? it's more troublesome, but might ensure a faster sale, esp if you're doing it online....  
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26-Feb-2007 21:31 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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gah...one day gone at work and so many posts. o_0 ....ok, take this one by one...in no particular order ah....*pls don't fight*

godpa, pls don't get so angry over little things....this is a forum after all, and sometimes, our words run faster than our minds.... i know i've made that fatal error firsthand before too. hehe. But really, remember that our aim at end of day is to learn and hence to profit. And we're doing that, aren't we? ;) everything else should come second. so ppl, let's just leave aside the minor disputes and focus on the profits. And here, i'd like to thank all those who've helped me learn one way or another! :)

yongjiu, welcome backkkkk! :)

chinkiasu, you have the cutest emoticons i've ever seen!!! *ahhhh!* and eh? what is bunnie sharing with me? blur....

pikachu! you forgot you posted here before already! i remember 'cos i gave you a badge that time. :P and yes, welcome to the family. squabbles and all. you'll have a marvellous time i'm sure. ;)

bunniiieeeee! nono, like i said, you can never make an elf do anything against her wishes. i fully adopted you on my own accord, and i certainly don't regret it! you're adorable! *hugs* keke. and hmmm...l_tan888 (no prob with the sharing, that's what we do here. :) ) has no children....pet, you thinking what i'm thinking? haha, i thnk we'll soon run out of relations man. bwah hahaa. man, are we thick-skinned or are we thick-skinned. bwah haha.

actually, i want singaporegal to adopt me. but don't dare to ask. :P

hey fairygal, thanks for the compliments but really, no need. we're all just learning from each other here. i'm sure there's loads i can learn from you too. and hey, we're similarly non-human species, so that's the relation already. ;)

adrianpang and eastonbay (yeay i guessed right! :P), don't worry. as long as SJ's not the first and last thing on your mind, and you still lead healthy lives, you're safe from addiction. haha.

ok, if i've left out anyone, pls forgive....elf tired. gonna post on AG and go zzz liao. nites all. :)
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25-Feb-2007 21:51 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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hm....think spc likely to drop a bit tmrw...pls don't get euphoric yet yea....
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25-Feb-2007 21:48 Longcheer   /   China 3G licence       Go to Message
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hm. yep. oversold or overbought sometimes don't make much of a dif. an overbought stock can keep going up and up, just like an oversold stock can go down and down.

Not yet on LC tho. pls do be cautious...

and jackjames, still watching? you're gonna be my LC kaki if this does a turnabout. keke.
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25-Feb-2007 21:45 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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gah....ok, looks like i must ding dong and post less already. o_0

keke, adrianpang (the theatre guy??) and l_tan, welcome to the fellowship! yea, warts and all, for better or for worse. keke.

aughhh!!! giantlow, elf very stressed already, a lot of ppl are riding on my call! *howl* kinda regret posting it out....stressss....i trade for my friends too, so like. sigh.

hm. more seriously: i really can't post during office hours. so please please do watch yr counters and make your own calls yea....investors must always make up their own minds. 

giantlow again: 'cos my pet held onto indofood lah...capitaland for a contra. fwah.....big time players.... *excuse me while this hay bee mousies away....*

hehe. where's yongjiu, btw? never see him ard for quite a while liao leh...
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25-Feb-2007 19:13 Allgreen   /   Allgreen       Go to Message
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hehe i don't know how to do the doji candlestick chart either. ask kilroy (yoohooo!!! mister kilroy here??). he's very good at it. keke.

does anyone know what time AG releases results tmrw?
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