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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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04-Mar-2007 17:46 Others   /   Challenges for Temasek       Go to Message
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keke, punter, yes. i'll be the first to admit i'm guilty of that. keke.

here, flowers for the offended. *chinkiasu's puppy eyed emoticon*

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04-Mar-2007 17:43 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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sporeguy!!! i wanna know your 2 counters! please, thank you. :P
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04-Mar-2007 17:41 Others   /   Challenges for Temasek       Go to Message
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one thing to add: to play the markets, you must be aware of politics. Money doesn't just move without a reason.
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04-Mar-2007 17:39 Others   /   Challenges for Temasek       Go to Message
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asterisk: temasek does not publish it, but if you go through the actual companies themselves, they're required to list top 10 holders. so if temasek is one of them, it'll be in.

bwah haa, ipunter, that's 'cos you're a pure TA trader. :) Must realise that in the market there are more than one styles of playing lah....to me, as long as ppl can make money, it doesn't matter which way. keke.

lausk22: no such thing as a supreme master. that's hubris. I'm just a wildflower who makes her living whatever way she can. I am who I am simply because I had to be so. Yes, i'm at least 20 yrs younger than most of you here; no, i'm not a scholar. Most people cannot believe i'm real, that's why i'm elfin child. But yep, thanks regarding the OB marker thing, which was why i cut that topic short. :)
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04-Mar-2007 17:29 SingTel   /   Singtel       Go to Message
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hm. rickytan... Are you aware that Lee Hsien Yang is leaving as CEO of Singtel from 31st march? He's been very much the driver of singtel. Once he's gone, it might get messy.

Internally, singtel is confused now and staff morale affected. Apparently the heads know who is taking over already, but it's kept closely secret. Institutions are selling, that's a red flag already....

second reason to watch against singtel: ppl who managed to get it discounted long time ago have til 31st march to sell it before having to get a broker. Most will sell out at any price since it's a profit, and to avoid the trouble of getting a broker (if you haven't sold your original singtels by now, you're likely someone who doesn't watch the market and with no broker access).

all in all, from now til march 31st, it's sellers all the way...TA-wise, i do not see any bottoming out yet....note too that even before this meltdown, it was on TA downtrend already....

The pic for singtel is a bit blur because of all your shortists and contra ppl. But long term as FA, it's on TA downtrend.

no prob. can help you monitor once in a while. Won't be able to be online frequently next week tho; on course. Actually, if you're in singtel for a TA trade, my advice is to cut it. Too much institutional cross-fire. Rewards not worth the risk. 

But again, this is MY call. Pls do make your own. :)   
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04-Mar-2007 17:21 Others   /   Challenges for Temasek       Go to Message
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ah...now now punter, be nice....i think a lot might have bled during this correction...might not be nice for us to rub it in. have some sympathy yea? :) it's always difficult to lose hard-earned money. :)

sporeguy. yep. it's not the thai poor. in fact if you talk to them, most of them are a little disgruntled, but their idea too is that, thaksin can take something since he's given something to them, unlike the previous leaders. George Yeo. An intelligent man, but a scholar, isn't it? Was sidelined when he was neck-in-neck for the race for PM. And erm, we'd better not go further on this topic. Big Brother's watching. :P

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04-Mar-2007 17:12 Others   /   Challenges for Temasek       Go to Message
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keke. i think ppl will be scared to meet our initial criteria. :P

sporeguy, why the strong emotion over this topic, btw? :)
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04-Mar-2007 17:09 Ho Bee Land   /   Riding High On The Sentosa Wave       Go to Message
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...which is why, in any call, the investor must first of all look for the burden of proof. And proof as in what is, not what you want to see.

We're not looking for gods here. Faith is false hope when facing the market.

and erm. perhaps we should shift this to the fellowship thread? HB ppl might get irritated. keke.
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04-Mar-2007 17:00 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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shplayer. qn for you: why did you not look at OCBC?
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04-Mar-2007 16:55 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hehe, singaporegal, i wanna have your kind of luck man. :P

godpa, keke. elves are not so easily won. keke. besides, must focus on market! c'mon ppl, this isn't an SDU forum, as asterisk mentioned. haha.
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04-Mar-2007 16:53 Others   /   Challenges for Temasek       Go to Message
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keke, ipunter, we'd drive all the fund managers out of business. :P not to mention we'd be regarded as renegades since our styles of investing (both a bit different already) are way against what is traditionally taught.

man, i'm so thickskinned. bwah haha.
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04-Mar-2007 16:51 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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*grin* da gege. of your list of 7 stocks, 3 are in mine. I'll let you guess which. muahahhaa. 'cos i've been orchestrating a switch to FA since CNY. 4 if you include SMB, but hehe, apologies to victorian, i'm sticking with EDMI by pure instinct alone. :P (ok fine, not just instinct but also technicals.).

btw, right now i'm not using TA indicators, they're not responsive enough for a volatile overemotional market. I'm using pure charting data and buy/sell vols.

Let's bring back the fellowship journey to learning motive (and not the sex shops of amsterdam!!! o_0 ): could other experts or anyone with the stocks/opinions pls share too, we all do better by sharing info: (and i'm doing this from memory so pls check the data yourselves)

SPC: you need to look at its upside and not just divvy yield. My call for it was range bound last month, and i still hold by that call. If it's oil you're after, there are perhaps better proxies to consider. Plus, in terms of upside per dollar invested, there are cheaper buys.

SMB: solid counter. But again, by instinct alone i prefer EDMI.

SCI: Rangebound and on downtrend actually, since beginning of feb. It is, however, in the ST list of top 50 earners. Actually i believe its in top 10. It's also temasek owned. keke.  

GMG and courage: sorry, i won't touch pennies in this market. Courage is in USD. The USD is expected to fall to 1.48 against S$ by end this year, if not 1.45. This drop is likely because the S$ is controlled by our govt, who is concertedly orchestrating a strong S$ so that our ppl can live with the increased GST hike, amongst other reasons. Means you need to factor in a 7c drop as well. Not worth for a 21c counter if you ask me.

Macq: Another solid baby. Book value of 1.02, strong support there even in this meltdown. It dipped to 1.02 for only an hr or so one of the days. Insti fair value target is abt 1.17. Div paid twice a year in march and sept, march is expected 4c. If you can time it right, your upside is potentially 13% pa.

STE: yet another solid baby (shplayer, you've really done your work). Despite meltdown, it dropped to its lowest of 3.14, slightly below its support level but bounced back swiftly despite sea of red all over. Very strong insti buying. If you've seen its charts, consistent up and large buy vols overall (cf to sell). You're also supported by div of 15c. Which is more than a sufficient buffer. Expecting it to be rangebound for now tho.
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04-Mar-2007 16:33 Others   /   Challenges for Temasek       Go to Message
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thank you ipunter :)

trust your portfolio's fine? read somewhere else you're all out of market. you'll always have my respect as one of the best readers of the market. Good one on the divergence. :)

it dovetailed with my own reading that why i cut all TA plays last week
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04-Mar-2007 16:15 SingTel   /   Singtel       Go to Message
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ppl holding onto singtel pls be very careful. I've tracked this counter since CNY.

For the past week there's been very heavy institutional punting on this counter. Lots of 1000 sold and bought. It's being shorted and contra-ed like crazy, but there's also distribution going on (large lots sold consistently more than bought).

And a lot of small retail buy ups. Perhaps wise not to get caught in cross-fire of big boys.
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04-Mar-2007 16:12 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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singaporegal!!! hullo!!! *hugs* long time no see or hear from you. :))))

hope your portfolio's fine?
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04-Mar-2007 16:11 Others   /   Challenges for Temasek       Go to Message
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actually sporeguy, it was not singapore per se which antagonised the thais. What got their goat was that the Shinawatras got the money from the sale of Shin Corp tax free.

It's psychology. if you are poor, and this PM and his family get 1.9 billion tax free, while you're squeezed to death, wouldn't you dispose of him? the rest of it was internal thai politics. Thaksin's loved by the biz world but the old guard have never liked him. They used Shin Corp to drum up support from the poor, and when the public and elites turned against him, his game was lost. Must say the poor, esp in the north, are very much for him though. they still have pictures of him up in their houses. And say what you like, he's the only PM who's done something for the poor--cf the small-loan cooperatives he's set up for villages there. It's given many a chance out of poverty.

Temasek was just the silly guy who got caught in the cross-fire. And may i note here that since it's always scholars who run the country here, they're not very good in the biz world either, since they've never even been in a proper job interview, let alone negotiate a biz deal. they think black-and-white means black-and-white, which is why we get eaten up alive in any institutional biz deal we try to do overseas. Suzhou Industrial Park being a key example, amongst many, many others that the singapore populace doesn't even realise. This is how cloistered we are.

Indonesia's just greedy if you ask me. They want to profit from the casinos too. but then, everyone wants. It's human nature. The problem with singapore too is that we don't know how to bend with the wind. There are times to be rightly proud, but there are also times to be humble. we've never been apologetic about our success, which in a gotong royong SEAsian mentality, is irritating to those with less. It's the politics of envy, the crabs-in-a-barrel mentality, and singapore fails at this game.

We only know how to be the master and not the concubine. As a nation, or as a people, we're simply not adaptable enough.
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04-Mar-2007 16:01 Ho Bee Land   /   Riding High On The Sentosa Wave       Go to Message
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bedoop marky27. the point of investing is this: you never trust what you hear, from here, from the coffeeshop, even from fund managers themselves. You hear what ppl say, then you do your research on it, and buy only if it satisfies your criteria.


o/w, even listening to the best of 'gurus' (be they templeton or buffet) and just rushing to buy is only herd mentality.

In the market there is no such thing as faith. There's only your mind, and what you make of what you see. Trust no one but yourself. Lose or win, blame/credit no one but yourself. It is an independent game above all.  
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04-Mar-2007 15:57 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hm...asterisk, lest this thread sounds too much like an SDU forum o_0...

the original intention of the thread was a fellowship to journey together to the mountain of profits. By sharing and learning from each other. but as you can see, we got sidetracked by topics like food and sex shops. human factors. haha. Perhaps we should create another thread for those other topics? so likeminded ppl can get together there.

livermore, nope, i don't go to st james; not keen on teenager places. Need some quiet in my life man.

chinkiasu, thanks for the flowers. :) don't get your clue tho....
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04-Mar-2007 10:57 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hm, yes asterisk, you sound like you're quite young and in your first job. pls don't just jump into the market...

and lemme just clarify here that i don't do contra either: i always make sure i have full cash to back up any purchase i buy, and if i contra, it's only because the share price went up by that much within the time. More often than not i don't contra tho; it's only because these few mths have been a bull run.

elfinchilde: 'cos that's what my friends call me in real life. Since reality doesn't have a very good grasp on me. Plus, I'm small and cute. bwah hahaa. 'childe' comes from old english for 'child'.

ok gonna go out, it's play time! see ya! :)
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03-Mar-2007 18:42 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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what gathering, when? how come never ask meee along? bwah hahaaa....eh, chinkiasu and yongjiu, don't worry, will always have space for you two. keke.

fairygal, gah! no, red and white nothing to do with singapore. It's just my ideal of things lah. I don't like in-betweens. and to me, flowers should be either red or white, either passion or purity, you see. The only flowers allowed to be other colours in elfin-land are sunflowers, orchids and violets! because these have their reason for being themselves. keke.

like the white iris best tho, of all of them. Which do you like? and hows about bunnie and singaporegal? :)

ok, time to go boozing, byebye people!
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