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Latest Posts By dealer0168 - Elite      About dealer0168
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02-Jul-2009 21:22 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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Ohhh...Dow future is very BADSmiley

I thk tonight can sleep early again.
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02-Jul-2009 21:13 China Sports   /   China Sport       Go to Message
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So easy want 0.16 than 0.16 meh. There are many BB around............ not only one.Smiley

Ya btw RichTan, so that means 0.125 (that Bintang mentioned) is the worst that it will fall before picking up?


richtan      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 21:10) Posted:

SmileySmileySmiley  newtothis, u so garang to shout "Gonna Touch 0.16 TODAY", wat say u,  

neither yesterday nor today did it touch 0.16??

Actually, I initially had no intention of doing a TA on CSI as this is a TA detractor's baby n  a nemesis of TA but as he/she is so intense in druming up with buy calls with intense one-liners n criticising TA, I feel compelled to do justice to TA practitioner, I finally decided to do a chart analysis, hope fellow TA practitioners can exchange pointers with me n correct me any mistakes.


richtan      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 01:33) Posted:

SmileySmileySmiley did it toch 0.16??

Tomoro maybe or maybe not.

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02-Jul-2009 21:11 China Sports   /   China Sport       Go to Message
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If Dow continue to drop more tonight, i thk all counter will drop tomorrow.

Emm seems like lots of negative news fr this baby huh. Smiley
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02-Jul-2009 18:35 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Yup, RichTan for Midas, what is the support resistance level B4 0.835 support level u metioned below. Emm Like to see when to enter, actually quite interested in Midas as well.

richtan      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 09:46) Posted:

Congrats to those having n holding onto Midas.

 If Midas break through the high of 83.5 (resistance) on 30/6,  83.5 would possibly turned into a support n next resistance at 84.5 (close on 10/3/2008)

which will ultimately be broken in due time even though it might pose as short-term resistance.

Once nroken, next resistance at 1.13 (17/8/2007).

richtan      ( Date: 01-Jul-2009 22:47) Posted:

Hi maseratiq,

If u had diligently follow n read this thread, u sholud have noticed tat I had made a posting quoting some broking houses mentioning tat Midas had more contracts coming.

U must look at the whole mkt in perspective, given tat the whole mkt had been correcting for the last 2 weeks, this is considered already exceptionally good for Midas.

See my chart commentaries:

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02-Jul-2009 18:25 Mermaid Maritime   /   Mermaid       Go to Message
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agreed with Bintang, come bk fr this counter later. No rush........
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02-Jul-2009 18:11 China Sports   /   China Sport       Go to Message
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RichTan n China HX investor , btw china HX is potential as well. Hope both counter investor will benefits fr investing. NewtoTHIS, WORK hard fr yr favourite counter. Don't run around other counter, very tired loh, cheers. Like yr determination, n confident in yr own counter. Good, I like to see confident people. Cheers. Hope all of us Huat n happy forever
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02-Jul-2009 17:48 China Sports   /   China Sport       Go to Message
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Ooo, I thk it will be better each individual write forums at their own invested counter. Come on come on........ THERE IS NO FOREVER ENEMIES LOH. BTW WOW IT IS 0.14 NOW. newtoTHIS WHAT HAPPEN? ???, Anyway intend  to keep long fr this one  temporarily . This counter should ramp up when 2nd qtr result announced.
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01-Jul-2009 23:59 Others   /   DOW & STI       Go to Message
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Dow result very positive now........Smiley(very good)
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01-Jul-2009 22:42 Others   /   Most - S-Chip get ready to get 10-20% Price Hike       Go to Message
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Hi Richtan, emm how u view on this new.Smiley

To be frank, the market will belong to China soon as after all they are the Giant.

Their recovery are faster than the rest of the country. I also believe S Chip will revive. But have to pick correctly........(this statement fr newtothis i agreed).



richtan      ( Date: 01-Jul-2009 22:07) Posted:

China Manufacturing Expands a Fourth Month, PMI Shows (Update1)
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By Bloomberg News

July 1 (Bloomberg) -- China’s manufacturing expanded for a fourth month as a 4 trillion yuan ($585 billion) stimulus plan and record bank lending revive the world’s third-largest economy.

The official Purchasing Managers’ Index rose to a seasonally adjusted 53.2 in June from 53.1 in May, the Federation of Logistics and Purchasing said today in Beijing in an e-mailed statement. A reading above 50 indicates an expansion.

The Shanghai Composite Index rose above 3000 points for the first time in a year, copper gained and the yen fell as the report added to signs that the global economy may be over the worst of its slump. China’s economy may keep improving in the third and fourth quarters, enabling the nation to meet its 8 percent economic growth target for this year, central bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said this week.

“China’s recovery is gathering further momentum,” said Lu Ting, an economist with Bank of America Merrill Lynch in Hong Kong. “It has been recovering faster than the market had expected.”

Another PMI, released today by CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets, also showed an expansion.

Copper for delivery in three months rose 2.2 percent on the London Metal Exchange as of 11:15 a.m. in London. Shanghai’s benchmark stock index closed 1.7 percent higher at 3,008.15. Yuan forwards rose for a second day.

U-Shaped Recovery

China’s recovery will be U-shaped, with export growth returning to “normal” by the end of this year or early 2010, central bank adviser Fan Gang said at a forum in Beijing today. The nation is the world’s second-biggest exporter.

The economy will revive “faster or earlier” than elsewhere because China limited asset bubbles, including in housing, Fan said.

An export-order index rose to 51.4 in June from 50.1 in May, expanding for a second month, the government-backed PMI showed. A measure of new orders fell to 55.5 from 56.2.

“Fiscal stimulus projects are gathering steam and everything is going according to plan,” said Sherman Chan, an economist with Moody’s Economy.com in Sydney. “The pickup in export orders is the most encouraging sign for an economy that’s been very externally dependent.”

Output and employment indexes climbed, the survey showed. Input prices jumped as raw-material costs rose.

Growth is likely to continue to improve in June, Zhang Liqun, an economist at the State Council Development and Research Center, said in the statement, describing the economy as in a “preliminary” recovery.

Stimulus, Lending

The outlook for China contrasts with that of Japan, where sentiment among large manufacturers rose less than economists estimated in June, signaling the economy may be slow to recover from its deepest postwar recession. An index of confidence climbed to minus 48 from a record minus 58 in March, the Bank of Japan’s Tankan survey showed today in Tokyo.

In China, the stimulus plan and new loans of 5.84 trillion yuan in the first five months, almost triple lending a year earlier, are driving growth.

“China’s stimulus program is having a demonstrable effect on domestic spending, which has resulted in increased manufacturing activity,” said Jing Ulrich, Hong Kong-based chairwoman of China equities at JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch and JPMorgan raised this week their forecasts for second-quarter economic growth. The former expects 7.6 percent, compared with 7.2 percent previously. JPMorgan increased its forecast to 6.9 percent from 6 percent.

Copper, Steel

Prices of copper, used for autos and construction, have climbed more than 60 percent this year as Chinese buyers boost imports to records to replenish stockpiles.

Higher coking coal prices are adding to evidence that demand for steel is recovering. Fushan International Energy Group Ltd., a producer of steelmaking coal, said last month that it raised prices for the first time since January.

China’s lending boom sparked a 32.9 percent surge in urban fixed-asset investment in the first five months, the fastest growth in five years. New loans in June may exceed 1 trillion yuan, triple lending in the same month a year earlier, China Business News reported June 30.

To contact the reporter on this story: Kevin Hamlin in Beijing on khamlin@bloomberg.net

Last Updated: July 1, 2009 06:41 EDT

newtothis      ( Date: 01-Jul-2009 21:55) Posted:

Sigh. These guys dont understand economy and so why bother explaining to them? They are so ignorance so a child.

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01-Jul-2009 21:53 Others   /   Most - S-Chip get ready to get 10-20% Price Hike       Go to Message
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I thk this news maybe the reason why newtothis say this quarter is for S chip:

China Manufacturing Expands a Fourth Month, PMI Shows (Update1) China’s manufacturing expanded for a fourth month as a 4 trillion yuan ($585 billion) stimulus plan and record bank lending revive the world’s third-largest economy.


tanglinboy      ( Date: 01-Jul-2009 14:00) Posted:

Its ok... but unsubstantiated posts got very little value.

newtothis      ( Date: 01-Jul-2009 13:58) Posted:

Sorry I cant share my trade secret. But i can tell you this quarter belongs to S-Chip

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01-Jul-2009 21:48 China Sports   /   China Sport       Go to Message
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Ooo newtothis, yr information looks interesting & positive to us investor for this counter.Smiley



newtothis      ( Date: 01-Jul-2009 21:29) Posted:

Why China Sport is way better than Hongx.

Total Shares for China Sport: 673,700,000

Current Price: $0.150

profit for Q1: RMB $49,644,000

Dividend = Yes

Ads Campaign = 飛輪海 - so bloody popular.


Total Shares for China Hongx: 2,751,960,000

profit for Q1: RMB $56,036,000

Current Price:0.170

Dividend = No

Ads Campaign = North Korea Team - condemn by international.


China Sports fair value should be $0.22 and if its quarter 2 releases it should rack up to $0.30. Results hint - Sales & revenue increases over XX%.

China Hongx is still fine for now. But in long term unless its director gonna wake up its stupid idea. = DEAD HONGX

There are alot of reasons you cant explain from TA, thats why i say TA is a guide. You will see the trend building up because we are racking it up.  Why we want to rack China Sport up, and there are more reason to it than the above which is "secret". This is maybe your final ang bao from me. I will not give out free tips anymore.



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01-Jul-2009 21:44 China Sports   /   China Sport       Go to Message
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Bintang...ok noted n thanks. Anyway i had vested in this one. Put it long if required.

Looking at the prospect of the company & finanical stability of this company,

will not be a problem to see it goes up again...... Smiley(the higher the better)

Bintang      ( Date: 01-Jul-2009 21:10) Posted:

Yesterday 's candle stick  had already shown the bearish engulfing pattern n sure the price  today  will never cross yesterday 's candle stick definitely . But need not to be worried , this is just a pull back in the continuation H&S pattern , if the correction completed , the trend will resume upward again . Chances to cross 17 cents is very slim due to the low volume .

dealer0168      ( Date: 01-Jul-2009 20:24) Posted:

But Bintang, i recall u mentioned that the case will be different if this baby cross the 0.17 mark.

So that means if manage to push it through this mark, this baby in term of TA projection may also progress smoothly up. Am i right to put in this way?

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01-Jul-2009 20:27 China Sports   /   China Sport       Go to Message
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Other external supporting factor that favour this baby is China Sport is financially sound in actual. And the Rights are meant fr expansion.


(My opinion)
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01-Jul-2009 20:24 China Sports   /   China Sport       Go to Message
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But Bintang, i recall u mentioned that the case will be different if this baby cross the 0.17 mark.

So that means if manage to push it through this mark, this baby in term of TA projection may also progress smoothly up. Am i right to put in this way?

Bintang      ( Date: 01-Jul-2009 20:13) Posted:

Although China Sports struggled to close unchanged at 15 cents , unfortunately it goes below the 55 day MA , this is not too good in the near term .

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01-Jul-2009 19:02 Goodpack   /   Earnings prospects       Go to Message
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News on Goodpack to share: Smiley

GOODPACK: Buying by 2 foreign funds Print E-mail
Written by Leong Chan Teik   
Wednesday, 01 July 2009

Goodpack's containers are used to ship natural rubber, synthetic rubber and juices around the globe.

A New York-based foreign fund has emerged as new substantial shareholder of Goodpack while another foreign substantial shareholder, The Capital Group Companies, has raised its stake further.

* On June 26, Mason Hill Advisors, LLC became a substantial shareholder with a direct and deemed interest totalling 25.9 million shares. The direct and deemed stakes are 0.14% and 5.42%, respectively.

The indirect interest of Mason Hill arose from its controlling interest in Equinox Partners, LP and Kuroto Fund, LP.

In a filing to the SGX yesterday (June 30), Goodpack said the purchase that lifted Mason Hill’s exposure above 5% involved 3.5 million shares bought at 90 cents a share.

* Between 6 Oct and May 25, The Capital Group Companies raised its stake from 6.0018 % To 7.1169 %, according to the US fund manager’s note to Goodpack on May 26.
Source: Goodpack

In its announcement in May,
Goodpack said it posted an 11.4% increase (16.2% increase excluding the impact of foreign currency translation) in revenue to US$78.7 million for the nine months ended March 31.

Net profit was down marginally 0.7% at US$
21.8 million.

Goodpack’s synthetic rubber division recorded the highest growth amongst the Group’s three main product verticals (Synthetic Rubber, Natural Rubber and Juices) as the company continued to gain more market share in the sector.

The juices division too experienced an increase in revenue arising from new customers but revenue contribution from natural rubber division slipped as the global automotive industry slowed down.

Overall, the increase in demand for the synthetic rubber and juices divisions has more than offset the holdback in demand from the natural rubber division.

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01-Jul-2009 17:15 Goodpack   /   Earnings prospects       Go to Message
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I thk u regret selling early liao. Smiley

This one is a good stock.

(my opinion)

dealer0168      ( Date: 01-Jul-2009 15:23) Posted:

Ooo this baby worth more than current price. U out too early friend. Cheers.

freeme      ( Date: 01-Jul-2009 15:03) Posted:

there is a article on them today on http://www.nextinsight.com.sg/content/view/1279/60

Im out of the counter as im in for trading purpose. Those who bot them near 0.9 should be good bec i tink goodpack gt potential to move further up.. ;)

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01-Jul-2009 17:13 China Sports   /   China Sport       Go to Message
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newtothis      ( Date: 01-Jul-2009 17:04) Posted:

Wow that shorter is getting desperate :) lol. No Matter .... We will win :) Up up up 0.19 !

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01-Jul-2009 15:23 Goodpack   /   Earnings prospects       Go to Message
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Ooo this baby worth more than current price. U out too early friend. Cheers.

freeme      ( Date: 01-Jul-2009 15:03) Posted:

there is a article on them today on http://www.nextinsight.com.sg/content/view/1279/60

Im out of the counter as im in for trading purpose. Those who bot them near 0.9 should be good bec i tink goodpack gt potential to move further up.. ;)

chinton86      ( Date: 01-Jul-2009 14:53) Posted:

Congrats but not invested!

By the way what does it do arh? I go webby see also still dunno....

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01-Jul-2009 15:15 China Sports   /   China Sport       Go to Message
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Sorry the previous info is abit messy, badly paste. See this one instead:

Based on the current issued and paid-up share capital of HK$26,948,000. comprising 673,700,000 Shares, with an issue price of S$0.10 for each Rights Share and assuming that the Rights Issue is fully subscribed, the Company expects to raise approximately S$16.2 million in net proceeds from the Rights Issue (after deducting expenses of approximately S$0.6 million). The net proceeds from the Rights Issue will be used for future expansion and general working capital purposes of which a majority will be


injected as capital into the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary in China, Yeli Sports (China) Co., Ltd (“Yeli China”). Yeli China is a wholly-owned foreign entity and would be entitled to tax exemption subject to capital contribution being completed. Yeli China will use the injected capital for upgrading and expansion of distribution network, advertising and promotional expenses.


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01-Jul-2009 15:10 China Sports   /   China Sport       Go to Message
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Actually this baby financially is ok. And according to the news, the RIGHTs thing is mean for their expansion. If view positively, can be vest. (My opinion)

Read from below:

Based on the current issued and paid-up share capital of HK$26,948,000. comprising

673,700,000 Shares, with an issue price of S$0.10 for each Rights Share and assuming

that the Rights Issue is fully subscribed, the Company expects to raise approximately

S$16.2 million in net proceeds from the Rights Issue (after deducting expenses of

approximately S$0.6 million). The net proceeds from the Rights Issue will be used for

future expansion and general working capital purposes of which a majority will be

injected as capital into the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary in China, Yeli Sports

(China) Co., Ltd (“

entitled to tax exemption subject to capital contribution being completed. Yeli China will

use the injected capital for upgrading and expansion of distribution network, advertising

and promotional expenses.

Yeli China”). Yeli China is a wholly-owned foreign entity and would be

Andrew      ( Date: 01-Jul-2009 14:57) Posted:

NTA = 27Scts.   Cash = 712M RMB.  Short term debt = 39M RMB.

Wonder why they need raise cash at 10cts per share ??

If correct for the rights effect....the 15cts stock become 14cts....

dealer0168      ( Date: 01-Jul-2009 14:34) Posted:

Smileygood, keep up the good work newtothis.

PUSH it up.

In actual this China Sport is quite a not bad company also lah.

Can vest in it.

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