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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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07-Mar-2007 23:13 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hullo everyone... let's do this by song themes shall we...on my itunes now is silverchair's dreams of dying alone, elf just woke up from a nap, gonna wander off for a bite and back to sleep again...

yongjiu, nope, my co doesn't give off. like your operationally ready NS men, i'm 24/7 on call for work. expected to drop everything and rush back (like SQ girls too! hehe) the moment i get a call, even if i'm overseas. What do you do for a living btw? civil servant like the rest of us? haha. and it's my foolish heart by al jarreau now...think that's a redundant statement, no? since what's the point of hearts if they can't be foolish? :)

and aiyah. i'm just temperamental by nature lah. not very strong physically, so things like light, temperature, sound, food (lack of), sleep, affect me... will always wake up on full moon nights 'cos it's too bright... and the sound of the sweeper's broom at 6 am, all the unseen, unheard people of singapore...altho no, i don't howl at the moon. bwah haha. ooh, and it's il divo's version of Hero now...

and always, we gotta end off with a *hugs!* to bunnie! :)))
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06-Mar-2007 22:42 Others   /   Dow       Go to Message
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hahalol, you can go to finance.aol.com

there's a brief snapshot of the dow, nasdaq and s&p in the top right hand corner. :)
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06-Mar-2007 22:40 ST Engineering   /   ST Engg       Go to Message
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yup da gege, i'm here just to check on things. :)

ste holding steady, don't worry. If fall below psych level of 3.1, cut. But very strong insti buying throughout tho. Have been tracking this one for past 2 weeks.
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06-Mar-2007 22:34 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hey, the puppycon (henceforth abbreviation for puppy eyed emoticon) is back. *patpat*. keke. why are you insomniac, chinkiasu?

tech rebound as expected. what i didn't expect was that the sti would stay up in afternoon trade. ah well let's see.

STE still very strong. charts consistently show institutional buys, even for yesterday.  

has tanglinboy been in this thread before or is this your first time? are you from police HQ or do you just live in the area?  

ok, just got home and i'm grumpy now. gonna go off to sulk. tata.
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06-Mar-2007 00:21 Others   /   Dow       Go to Message
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Markets: Full Coverage
DJIA +64.73 12,178.83
NASDAQ +2.76 2,370.76
S&P 500 +3.55 1,390.72

ok. we're going up. stay off the puts tmrw....
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06-Mar-2007 00:20 Others   /   Dow       Go to Message
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Markets: Full Coverage
DJIA +54.07 12,168.17
NASDAQ +1.08 2,369.08
S&P 500 +2.39 1,389.5

ok. 32 pts more to the psych level. let's see what uncle sam can do.

In the market, fixed methods perhaps don't really matter. personalities, however, do. and what succeeds is finding a method that suits your personality.
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06-Mar-2007 00:10 User Research/Opinions   /   Stocks To Buy Recommendation       Go to Message
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hey yammay74,

a word of caution here on china counters: they're being affected by external conditions--impending capital controls by the govt; so no matter how good your co's fundamentals are, it is likely to take a hit. That's it for the macro perspective.

For TA:

Jiutian's lead signals are weakening, a sell signal was crossed on 1st march by MAcrossover (3 and 14 day). it has also broken its lower bollie today, so longterm it's likely to fall further. Note that its being sold like crazy...

China energy: apparently has solid fundamentals, but again, in a trending market, fundamentals aren't going to be worth much. By TA: china en has been weakening since 5th feb with clearest signal for sell on 12th @ 1.35. (when A/D and chaikin flipped to negative in sep days with chaikin leading 1st). note that broke lower bollie today too, so likely to dip.

Caution advised for both. 
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05-Mar-2007 23:52 Others   /   Dow       Go to Message
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yep, lookcc. a real investor will feel nothing, 'cos it's all just part of a game. So let's focus and play it well, yea. :) must eliminate all the white noise to see what's really happening.


DJIA +25.87 12,139.97
NASDAQ -5.33 2,362.67
S&P 500 -0.67 1,386.50

likely tech rebound up for tmrw. rollercoaster continues. whee! keke.

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05-Mar-2007 23:40 Others   /   Dow       Go to Message
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keke, yes lookcc, ta doesn't work in this, 'cos it's a trending market. You read by pure price/vol charts.

holding by my call of a volatile range-bound correction. ie, swift swings both ways, but big pic is down. Money to be made for the daring. advise caution as alway, tho. And if you're out, stay out.

ipunter, i'm kinda hyper now and haha, ppl are gonna think we're nuts. :P better tone down, let's have some consideration for those in the bloodshed yea....let's try not to give false hope. :) Caution, ppl. Don't take every little blip as a sign of hope, pls.  
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05-Mar-2007 23:32 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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just to let ya know that STE has very strong buy vols still. largest buy of 656 lots at 16:54 pm. Quite a lot of selling tho, my guess is a large part of it was forced. cheers!

Macq if trying tmrw can try for 2c below closing.

SCI: not yet. it's on DBSVB's buy list tho for AFTER current correction. Resp on their buy list: Keppel, SCI, STE, SPH, Comfort, Singtel, STarhub.

i'd personally strike singtel off that list 'cos i've seen its buy/sell vols for the past two weeks. Starhub vs M1, M1 is a better buy for divvy yield.

elf on course for the rest of this week, so no posting! everyone, keep alive! :))))  
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05-Mar-2007 23:27 Others   /   Dow       Go to Message
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concur, ipunter.

my qn is, is 150 pts enough, or do we need to breach the 12,200 level?

interesting to watch hope and fear fight for control in the market ain't it. keke.

c'mon billywows, shine some sun on the old dow! haha.  
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05-Mar-2007 22:39 Others   /   Dow       Go to Message
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haha. ok peeps. if dow tanks below its psych level of 12,000 tonight, be prepared to cut everything and run.

singaporegal, by my estimates, a volatile range-bound correction with final spike up in april, then down.

If anyone's been tracking indices, dow -1% abt equivalent to STI -3%, HSI -4%.
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05-Mar-2007 21:36 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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word of caution to the vested: consider cutting loss on all speculatives if dow tanks tonight.

even for FA counters. Few are truly solid.

Those itching to jump in, WAIT. Everything depends on the dow tonight.
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04-Mar-2007 18:31 SIA Engineering   /   SIA Eng       Go to Message
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eheh, pls make your own call ah! don't just listen to me. always take own responsibility k...good luck which ever way you choose. :)
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04-Mar-2007 18:27 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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aiyah, already in contact with my godpa and bunnie. they know who and what i am.

you can keep your opinion of me as being as aged as you are. it doesn't affect me one whit. bwahahaha.

yesssss....needless topic, shoo! byes! :P
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04-Mar-2007 18:25 Osim Intl   /   OSIM       Go to Message
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jackjames.... o_0...

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04-Mar-2007 18:24 SIA Engineering   /   SIA Eng       Go to Message
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hey maxliukt, apologies i don't have info on it, but tech-wise:

has been on TA downtrend since 8th feb. accumulation/dist actually constant, but other indicators (chaikin, RSI, williams) all down: quite heavily sold in past few weeks.

Support was actually at 4.5 but it just broke below that. dipped below its lower bollie so expect further downtrend. caution advised for this one.
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04-Mar-2007 18:17 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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aiyah. lausk22, i'm always getting that same comment in real life (that i sound older than i really am). so nothing new there. i know it's difficult for some to believe, but well, i don't gotta prove anything to anyone.  

and haha. i don't particularly care about the personal opinions of others on myself. "To thine own self be true."--Hamlet.

In SJ i'm looking to learn, and to improve my accuracy in making calls. Since in the market it is not age that counts, but accuracy.

Also, it's a fallacy that age, experience and wisdom are proportionately related. Eg, an Iraqi child would be older and wiser than an average one of the same age here.

But aiyah, this topic's boring. i don't see why my age (or any one else's for that matter) should be an issue at all. It never crossed my mind. Focus on the market people! keke.  
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04-Mar-2007 17:57 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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lausk22: why that question, you interested in me? bwah ha.

sporeguy: yep. i know the chinese phrase. i meant it in the western sense tho; as compared to hothouse flowers who need watering, care etcetc to grow. okok, i'll stick to being an elf.

actually, from the tone of your writing i'd put you late twenties to thirties? If so, i'm still a bit younger than you?

punter. someday, when i'm secure enough on my charts, i'd like to trade the way you do. :)
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04-Mar-2007 17:55 Others   /   Challenges for Temasek       Go to Message
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can we pls shift this to the fellowship thread? think we're sidetracking from the Challenges for temasek....sporeguy, answer you there? :)
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