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Latest Posts By dealer0168 - Elite      About dealer0168
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03-Jul-2009 12:25 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Thanks RichTan for the information.............Smiley


richtan      ( Date: 03-Jul-2009 12:17) Posted:

From Westcomb:

Midas Midas bags contracts worth 73.8m yuan


MIDAS Holdings has clinched its first two downstream fabrication contracts worth 73.8 million yuan

(S$15.6 million), as part of its bid to become a one-stop service supplier to China's transportation industry.

The latest contracts brought to 918.8 million yuan (S$184 million) the orders that the group has announced

over two weeks.

Midas' order book before these 918.8 million yuan of deals stood at S$120 million. Based on this, BT
estimates that its total order book now stands at some S$300 million.

The contracts secured are in line with the revenue guidance of between S$200 million and S$300 million worth
of new contracts that were being pursued by the company's management.

The group, which manufactures aluminium alloy extrusion products primarily for the Chinese rail
transportation sector, has been benefiting from the Chinese government's fiscal stimulus package and the
infrastructural development projects in the mainland.

The latest two contracts were awarded by CNR Tangshan Railway Vehicles Co Ltd and comprised 23
million yuan for aluminium alloy extrusion profiles and 50.8 million yuan for fabrication processing fees.

The first contract - worth 43.8 million yuan - involves the supply of 12 types of specialised stretch band, roll
bend and press bend fabricated aluminium alloy extrusion profiles for 1,280 train car bodies.

The second contract - valued at 30 million yuan - involves the production of specialised stretch bend, roll
bend and press bend fabricated curved surface profiles for 100 units of driver's cabins.

Commenting on the new contracts, Patrick Chew, CEO of Midas, said: 'These two contracts represent
another key milestone for our group as they mark our successful foray into the business of downstream
fabrication. Our foray into downstream fabrication marks the beginning of our long-term strategy to become
an integrated manufacturer and one-stop service supplier to the rail transportation industry.'

A company spokesman has said that the majority of the contracts will be completed between 2009 and
2011. Thus, the contracts will have a positive impact on the earnings for financial years 2009 to 2011.

Over the past four weeks, the Bloomberg consensus analyst estimates for 2009 earnings per share have
been revised upwards by 0.1 cents to 4.4 cents. The EPS for 2008 was 3.87 cents.

The series of new contracts secured have led some analysts to raise the possibility of a fourth production
line. Currently, the company has two production lines and have invested in a third one which will only be
ready in 2010.

The management has said that capital expenditure needs will be funded using a blend of internal funds and
bank loans.

Source: Business Times

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03-Jul-2009 08:54 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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The opening of STI index is a bad one. Hope will recover later.
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02-Jul-2009 23:56 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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I thk handon 68.5% confident level cannot hit liao.....

Emm still bad. I thk really can sleep liao..... Smiley
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02-Jul-2009 23:30 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Bad to imagine. But should not happen.........

iPunter      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 23:28) Posted:

What if the STI keeps falling (correcting) for 3 months? ... Smiley

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02-Jul-2009 23:23 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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I mean hot favourite to buy.

Those that cannot buy, i will not list out as that will be un fair to those who had vest in them.

I believe all investor had do their  homewk & got back up plan also.

Must remember TuaPekGong, try to go at low price for this one........

Trade with care. Remember do yr own homework to check first.

dealer0168      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 23:12) Posted:

StraitAsia is one of the hot favourite. Emm the rest check out at the forum, u will find.

But remember must trade with care........Smiley.

I trade commodities for coffee money only, once got slight profit go off.

As i strongly feel that commodities can't sustain high value stock price currently. Maybe end of the year.... maybe more convincing

TuaPekGong9413      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 23:02) Posted:


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02-Jul-2009 23:12 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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StraitAsia is one of the hot favourite. Emm the rest check out at the forum, u will find.

But remember must trade with care........Smiley.

I trade commodities for coffee money only, once got slight profit go off.

As i strongly feel that commodities can't sustain high value stock price currently. Maybe end of the year.... maybe more convincing

TuaPekGong9413      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 23:02) Posted:


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02-Jul-2009 23:01 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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U mean which commodities to go for? Or?

TuaPekGong9413      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 22:59) Posted:

hi dealer...which are the commodities stock?

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02-Jul-2009 22:59 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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I think differently fr u. Commodities are the one that should be avoid instead.

Not much economy growth, how can commodities rally, simply as that.

So for commodities play, i see timing to go in. N usually play short term.Smiley



TuaPekGong9413      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 22:52) Posted:

however, i dun think price will return to march figure when the big crash comes...it may remain 20to30% higher on march price....main thing is buy within yr limit..and nvr buy those companies which didnt make $ at all....so if sway sway kana stuck just take it as an investment....nvr go for loans to buy stocks or contra....if u make, good luck...but if u dun, you'll be stuck with papers and gotta crack yr brain to raise the $ to pay back...property stock is not advisable at the moment...it may still rise but theres a big trap there....better to be safe then sorry...just my 2cents thought

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02-Jul-2009 22:43 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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68.5% confident level..........emm i guess Handon quite confident huh.Smiley

If me, i put 50% only,...haha

handon      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 22:37) Posted:

68.5 confidence to rebound... hehe... Smiley

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02-Jul-2009 22:40 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Agreed. If u see a stock got recommend many times, have to be careful. I thk the analyst company gots lot of the share from that company & they want to sell. Thus they keep recommending....(my guess)

Anyway, In this world..... no easy money come..............

TuaPekGong9413      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 22:35) Posted:

we all know the economy hasnt pick up yet....every1 knows there'll be any real crash but when is a question mark. look at it this way...if those big players dun play up the shares, how are they gona make $? trust only yrself...dun rely on reports and analysts...if they are so good, y are they still working?1 thing for share...nvr chase after a rising stock....,although the temptation are really great...and buy only when mart are real bad, then hold it...this scenario always happen: when analysts recommend to buy, stock have already risen(thats where they notice then tell ppl to buy), then it will rise a little further, and ppl will rush to get trapped....look at US....retrenchment is still very high and the housing issues did not resolve at all...so how are they gona recover by yr end?they are know the truth...but if they were to tell the truth, can u imagine how the mart will react? so rather let out bad news bit by bit for ppl to get used to...by the time they realise it, its too late...

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02-Jul-2009 22:28 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Human fear factor loh. Heard a bad news, than everyone throw (sell) the stock......

But tomorrow, i got a strong feel STI won't drop badly. Today already drop in advance already.

Hope fr the BEST tomorrow.

Peg_li      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 22:23) Posted:

Everybody says that stock market is ahead real economy six months, since everybody says America will end the economy recession by end of this year,why the market reponses very badly recently.specially tonight dow is sliding down due to employment rate high which is due to GM closed down, everybody knew it in June.why the market is a little bit panic, really don't understand. who should we listen to?all the specialist is nonsense?funny!

DnApeh      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 22:12) Posted:

Great s'pore sale tomorrow. get ready your shopping list.

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02-Jul-2009 22:08 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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Hi Handon yr BOSS show hand on Which stock? INterested to know which one she whack at.....

Smileycan share

handon      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 21:44) Posted:

my boss show hand liao... betting on 8.3 to be strong support....

dun care just whack... hehe.... Smiley

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02-Jul-2009 22:06 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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No problem RichTan, busy with yr things first.

Emm, Midas is a quite good company as well n recently got lots of business.

If really can drop to 0.60 level, its really worthwhile to vest at it. Smiley

Again thanks Rich Tan,  i will check up more n decide when to go in fr this one.


richtan      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 21:54) Posted:

Hi dealer0168,

I m sorry, too pre-occupied, so not doing any chart posting today,

basically today is a down candle, support at the 15ema followed by 25ema n 65ema n possibly even 0.60

dealer0168      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 18:35) Posted:

Yup, RichTan for Midas, what is the support resistance level B4 0.835 support level u metioned below. Emm Like to see when to enter, actually quite interested in Midas as well.

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02-Jul-2009 21:59 China Sports   /   China Sport       Go to Message
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Wow u got 0.19.........

Emm even average yr 0.15 & 0.19, u will get 0.17.

Emm tomorrow see how things go. Actually need not be afraid as we are only at STI 2320.82 now.

When good time ( STI may surge to 3500 or more) come u will recover bk & even profit. But at a condition, u are using spare money to hold loh.

If not, than have to put a cut lost target. Smiley

fartist      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 21:45) Posted:

Thanks for sharing bintang, im holding on with at 19cents and 15cents. This is one scary ride and i hope i'll not regret it.

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02-Jul-2009 21:48 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Actually tomorrow maybe STI is flat or slightly up. Recent trend is STI drop first than DOW.

Hope tomorrow same........

iPunter      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 21:47) Posted:

Dow follows STI...

Dow now down -152 pts early on opening... Smiley

Things look real bad...

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02-Jul-2009 21:45 Others   /   DOW       Go to Message
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Ya very bad, here a live chart........to monitor:


williamyeo      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 21:42) Posted:

Dow down 153 points

dealer0168      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 21:22) Posted:

Ohhh...Dow future is very BADSmiley

I thk tonight can sleep early again.

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02-Jul-2009 21:42 Sakari   /   Straits Asia       Go to Message
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Ooo i mean alot of supporter maybe in to push this baby back.

Btw Dow results now very bad, tomorrow does not need lots of shorter like nickyng ....also  got chance to slip down.

Continue to monitor first.

dealer0168      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 21:39) Posted:

If nickyng short it to below $1.70, alot of support will be in to push bk. Smiley

buysell      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 17:44) Posted:

That explains why but i don't see a big deal with that.

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02-Jul-2009 21:39 Sakari   /   Straits Asia       Go to Message
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If nickyng short it to below $1.70, alot of support will be in to push bk. Smiley

buysell      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 17:44) Posted:

That explains why but i don't see a big deal with that.

nickyng      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 16:16) Posted:

because i SHORT it ! :D

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02-Jul-2009 21:35 China Sports   /   China Sport       Go to Message
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Thanks RichTan ..........Emm noted.Smiley

richtan      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 21:31) Posted:

I may be right or wrong as TA is not infallible, but looking at my chart posting, the support is at 0.12

(support from 26/11/08 to 2/12/08 n the confluence with the lower sloping support line) or b4 0.12 but it needs to be confirmed with reversal pattern

dealer0168      ( Date: 02-Jul-2009 21:13) Posted:

So easy want 0.16 than 0.16 meh. There are many BB around............ not only one.Smiley

Ya btw RichTan, so that means 0.125 (that Bintang mentioned) is the worst that it will fall before picking up?


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02-Jul-2009 21:30 Yanlord Land   /   Lord of China Prop       Go to Message
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Now too expensive leh. Other singapore property stock cheaper than it. Cheaper abit will be attractive.
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