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10-Mar-2007 19:04 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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violin and viola almost the same, just that range for the latter is lower. that why its sound is closer to human voice. Violin has upper registers that viola can't play. Also in a different key: alto clef (or is it tenor), not treble as violin. If you can play the violin you can play the viola. if you're new and fingers soft, strings are likely to cut you for the first few times tho. bleeding fingers.

yahoo group... altho not very nice to lah, as long as SJ's free, we don't gotta go elsewhere wat...most girls are not gonna organise stuff and all that 'cos that means we havta give our email out in a public forum.....very public, if you look at the viewership of this Fellowship thread.  o_0 
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10-Mar-2007 18:59 EDMI   /   EDMI and parent SMB: What's the potential?       Go to Message
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yessssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!! clap clap clap!

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10-Mar-2007 18:55 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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dancing. try salsa. more structure but sufficiently fluid. great for interaction too. used to do it but stopped a year ago. too many hum sup men ard. ahaha.

and yes, you can join solo or in pairs. They rotate among dif partners anw. Logic's 'cos if you're a good dancer, you can dance with anyone.
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10-Mar-2007 18:50 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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venting frustrations: as long as you don't go beating up children, women and small animals, i think it's valid lah....

and which reminds me, who's eating dogs here?!!! arggghhhhh!!! Not the puppies, not the puppies!!! :((((((( wehhhhh.....
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10-Mar-2007 18:48 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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if it's beginners lesson it's only abt 120-160 per month.

yes, it is very timeconsuming tho, esp if you wanna be good at it. I used to practice everyday. so do think twice. you can get cheapo pianos for under 1k (look under used goods in the classifieds), but i don't guarantee their quality. If you've plonked before, you'll know the dif btwn a good and a bad piano. Keyboard's better option.

ooh the viola's lovely. the closest instrument to the human voice. very warm sound. :))) i think the strings are more difficult than the piano tho! you need very good tonal pitching since there are no frets like on the guitar to indicate where the right note is. and like, niama, my hands too small, so i can't play guitar either. the appropriately named F chord is out of my reach. *curses* Act, why not the guitar???? quite fun wat. can entertain ppl at functions too. haha. easier to learn also. cheaper too. i saw some gits going for $88 at the esplanade before....

i don't club also wat.
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10-Mar-2007 18:34 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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eh pai seh. typo error. i meant 'dancing'.

and erm. asterisk, do i know you in real life?
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10-Mar-2007 18:22 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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giantlow! welcome back!!! :)))))) stay out of warrants hor.....keke.

asterisk, i was actually thinking of a yahoo groups. hope the admin of SJ is wiser than that tho....

no, not difficult to. all depends on interest... sure your fingers might be stiff at the start, but with practice, anything can be learnt. :) it helps in venting frustrations. i can personally vouch for that. haha. Might be good to buy a keyboard first tho, pianos are expensive. So at least if you lose interest you can sell off the keyboard for more. I have both a piano and a DGX keyboard--highly recommend the latter, you can have headphones on so you don't disturb the neighbours. Plus it comes with all sorts of cool functions so you can play with beats, change instruments halfway, etcetc. damn cool. :))) Sound-wise it's one of the top range for keyboards. Weighted keys, full keyboard range, proper piano sound (others can sound tinny).

other musical instruments: drums. damn cool. haha. :P easier too, if you're rhythmically inclined. plus, i'd think just banging away would really help vent frustrations. i don't guarantee the frustrations doesn't go to your neighbours tho. bwah haaha.

oh, be warned that as with all instruments, the piano esp needs lots of practice. I started learning when i was 3 yrs old. Stopped formal lessons a long time ago tho, and haha, think i enjoy it more without the burden of grades and exams. You can look for private classes with yamaha or kawai, or private instructors. private might be better, since you can tailor it. they have pop courses, jazz piano etcetc too. I'd like to learn jazz piano actually...right now i'm just whacking based on hearing alone. ahaha.

you guy or girl? if girl, take edancing. more fun. helps confidence and poise too. :)
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10-Mar-2007 18:14 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hi baseerahmed, no prob. The higher highs/lower lows thing was taught to me by kilroy, really. (thank you kilroy!) and ask away, that's the only way to learn. i'm sure i'll be learning from you someday. :)

higher highs/lower lows: apologies i have no charts to post. But if you were to imagine a stock's price over a period of say 1 mth: let's call it stock X:

X hits a peak of $2 on week 1.

Week 2 dips to $1.50.

Week 3 hits $2.5.

Week 4 dips to $1.8.

That's a 'higher high, higher low' scenario: 2nd peak and 2nd low is higher than the 1st peak/low. Generally regarded as a bullish sign, on uptrend. You can see it on almost any stock for the past few months. I recommend you look at ho bee and allgreen from mid jan onward to before this correction as an eg. (we'll ignore the other indicators for sake of discussion).

A lower high, lower low can be guessed. Briefly:

Week 1 = $2.

Week 2 = $1.5

Week 3 = $1.8

Week 4 = $1

Basically, the second peak is lower than the 1st, and the 2nd low is lower than the 1st. That's a sign of downtrend. especially dangerous if the second low breaks below its support level. It's your signal to cut and run.  

But for a defensive strategy, firstly you need to pick GOOD stocks that have at least dividend yield to back them up, as well as sufficient history of payouts and earnings. So only the blues for me.

I'm actually opting for a kinda contrarian stance here: by advocating buying in when the stock dips (lower highs and lower lows), i'm actually betting on a recovery. Which i can do so because of the backing by the high dividend (eg, STE div's 15c, means i can afford a paper drop to 3.11 before it's a loss from its current price), and sufficient funds in pocket. As well as historical price/vol which shows recovery is certain for such counters. (don't try this on pennies, you're likely to haemorrhage). Pls note that you wouldn't just buy on any downturn/upswing too. o/w you're likely buying every other day. haha. There'll be specific strike points you can look at to enter. Roughly abt px of dividend is a good gauge.

The last part of it (higher highs higher lows) means a rebound is in progress already, so you average up less since buying more would erode profit.

Hope this is clear? :)

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10-Mar-2007 17:02 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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singaporegal! *hugs* my oasis of rationality.... keke. gonna take any punt next week, or sitting out? keke.

btw, just to correct the misperception: giantlow was the one who started the fellowship thread. Credit is his, not mine. How are you, anyway? Loss is ok, but come, yea? It's just money, and that can always be earned. *patpat* smile! :)))))
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10-Mar-2007 16:58 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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chinkiasu, can't see half of your emoticons actually....

sporeguy--the most impt qn, apologies for the belated response as i've been on course. My current strat for march and april mirrors yours (TA on FA strat). so outlined below is my dream portfolio for these few months, which i unfortunately can't do 'cos don't have the funds to. if anyone follows it and makes $$ and wanna buy me some diamonds etc, lemme know. ahahhaa.

On defensive portfolio:

1) need to note that defensive stocks does not equate a defensive strategy of playing. Defensive stocks, we know them like the back of our hands, smrt, st engg, semb corp etcetc, needs no repeating. Defensive strategy, however, is different.

2)The 'buy on dip' philo is in operation for March and April. But specifically, you do not buy on downtrend 'cos that's anticipating the trend. You need to buy on the upswing following each down.

3) therefore, funds need to be divided up carefully. Unlike TA, i wouldn't buy all at one shot. Would split up to do dollar cost averaging (DCA). The higher highs lower lows principle is in operation, but reverse: start by buying small lots since it's early days now, as it gets lower lows and lower highs, buy more. Til it starts higher lows and higher highs, average up less. Logic for this: 'cos market is volatile range-bound, not a straightforward downward correction. so the final dip is impossible to predict. Hedge against both up and downswings by DCA.  

4) The stocks i would eye for this: UIC. OCBC. STE. Capland/Kepland. Starhub.

note i didn't just hum-tum the stocks. they're selected for both potential upside AND dividend. not so simple as just select high divvy stocks. some high divvy stocks are likely rangebound or down for march/april, alt have negative sentiment. I've also selected across industries so as to hedge against the overconcentration risk which i'm taking by selecting only 5 counters. (ie, diversify via industry so as to concentrate via no: of stocks). Also note the majority shareholders of the counters i'm selecting. haha. I believe you're eyeing/vested in SC and ste? :P

Word of caution: stocks have been rerated. the latest TP for STE is 3.50 (by DBS, 7th or 8th march). However, given its current price and divvy yield of 15c, that's still upside of 35c possible. 10% gain and above is my target for all the counters.

note as always: caveat emptor. This is MY call, make your own. Note too that this strat is for the patient people with deep pockets. If you've less than 6 figs in the market, or are likely to twitch at every downturn, likely to be difficult to pull this off.

happy trading! :)    
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10-Mar-2007 16:42 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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fwah lau. not online for two days so many posts. CMI....(cannot make it)....i'll reply to the work ones (ie, related with stocks)

firstly: argh! this is NOT the SDU! am i the only one focused on the market here?! sheesh.... :P l_tan, no problem with other topics, that's what the fellowship is for, anyway. However, i would like to make a request to the male forumers here to steer clear of more salacious topics tho (like the sex shops of amsterdam etc)....this is a public forum after all. thank you!

and ah. why did you choose to panic sell all your AG after holding it for so long? hehe. hope this doesn't kill you, but likely to go up on monday. hehe. altho really. once you've sold, don't look back. there are always lots of boats, and lots of missed ones. have no hangups whatsoever, and you'll make in hte long run.

da gege, saw your posts on Starcruises. I posted there once, but will not post there again. Quite simply, all the FA and TA in the world cannot fight against hope--We know what the call for that is; i posted mine when it was 41c, and i maintain same call. But let it alone, you cannot fight hope. As investors tho, what we can do is to learn, both by example and disexample. Quite simply, we don't have to be right all the time; sometimes, human relationships matter more. and more importantly, you can only help ppl who want to be helped.


Guess i'm cruel that way.

adrianpang, yes, i'd like to hear your story too. It'd be good learning experience for all of us, if you don't mind sharing? :)

ipunter, TA or FA really doesn't matter much to me. what matters is the reality of the market. If TA (charts or indicators or wahtever) work, i take it. If it's a volatile ranging market like now, I'm using TA on FA strat. Essentially, i'm a realist. Not in love with any method or style or whatever.
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10-Mar-2007 16:15 Rotary Engg   /   Rotary To Be The "Darling" In The Year Of The Pig!       Go to Message
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da gege, nice to see you too. yea, i'm watching rotary, primarily 'cos broker houses have been very bullish on it, but charts are not. so i want to see which one is right. haha. not vested and will likely not vest in this counter.
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10-Mar-2007 16:14 Others   /   View of Next Week       Go to Message
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alftan, your comment is a bit too general....must note that bull or bear market, not all stocks will rise or fall accordingly. You'll have to specify which counter in order to know what strat to adopt for it...

generally tho...on my part, i wouldn't buy on low vols. It's akin to trying to catch a falling knife. perhaps not worth the reward. just follow the trend, essentially. If it says buy, you buy, if sell, you sell.
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10-Mar-2007 15:56 Others   /   View of Next Week       Go to Message
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concur, singaporegal. too early to say the bull is back. the low vols are classic signs of a likely correction. plus, only select stocks have been up the past few days, not the general market.
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10-Mar-2007 15:54 Trading Techniques   /   Trading Mistakes       Go to Message
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yep lg_6273, excellent post. thanks! :)

agree absolutely that the most impt thing is cutting loss, and not listening to gurus.

gotta disagree with the diversification thing tho. Think it all depends on how much funds you have. of course, can't be so silly as to put everything into internet stocks alone for instance. but yea, overdiversification reduces profit. and not all mutual funds make. most underperform the index.  
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10-Mar-2007 15:46 China Energy   /   Upside or downside       Go to Message
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tech-wise, china en has been on downtrend since feb 6th. intraday is too volatile to do charting on, so i won't comment there.

however, your resistance is abt 1.07, support at 0.97. does not appear to have bottomed out yet.

pls note macro factor of being a china stock is likely to affect this counter's volatility a lot--capital controls. expect intraday movements of abt 8c on ave.
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10-Mar-2007 15:39 Rotary Engg   /   Rotary To Be The "Darling" In The Year Of The Pig!       Go to Message
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rotary's heavily advocated by brokerage houses... Note stock has been sold down since feb 26th tho. Also has a tendency for large swift drops. Run up actually started on nov 1st at 58c already.

Resistance abt 95c, support at 80.5c.

agree with musicwhiz abt avoiding stock market 'darlings'.
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10-Mar-2007 15:27 Wing Tai   /   Wing Tai       Go to Message
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note: charts indicate trend change likely soon for wing tai. likely down. advise cut if drops below its support of 2.61-63.
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07-Mar-2007 23:38 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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and i'll sign off here with a final song, Your Eyes, by Cook Da Books, for all you dreamers, lovers and loners out there; a final thought for you: always know what emotion(s) drives you the most, because only then can you control it, and so master yourself.

DBS, UOB and OCBC are calling for a defensive portfolio strategy. In a market correction, stocks fall 10-20%. S'pore's PE ratio is being revalued. I'll place my call as per usual: volatile range bound from now til end april--because people still want to believe--thereafter down. Listen to greenspan perhaps, he's more intuitive, more powerful than bernanke. Take care, and always, patience in the hunt.

signing off,

your resident elf.
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07-Mar-2007 23:31 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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and it's the sound of silence now...remember someone once saying they liked simon and garfunkel here? gotta love the harmonizing done in thirds and fifths. They use jazz chords of sevenths and ninths, that's why the song's haunting melodically...and ya gotta agree with the words, isn't it... Cities are such cold places. Glass, steel, pollution and loneliness, but people are organic and memories, too, likewise... anyone read kerouac or ginsberg before? silence like a cancer grows indeed. and all our neon gods, what value, life?.

eastonbay, the course was of use. It's at the shangri la anyway, so if you've tried the food there, hey, no complaints man. ;)

ipunter, yes, you called? keke. it's yesteday once more. and i think, as long as singapore keeps tearing down her old buildings, it's the erasure of presence, because memories are always physical, so why do they keep wondering why we're always talking of uprooting, or why we're a nation of amnesiacs? alfian sa'at called it rightly, and he's a poet because he could word what everyone felt but could not say.

if it's TA, yes. TA split into two = technical (what the charts dispassionately record) and analysis (which is the stargazing, where you must ignore emotion to be good).

Technical, honestly, is easy to master, after all it is just basic mathematics when you go down to the fundamentals of price and volume. It's the analysis that's always difficult, because there will always be human interference. Like stargazing. why do we call things in the shapes of scorpions, swans, and such like? A realist will tell you they're just discrete dead rocks in the sky. It's the human who wants to see the shapes of gods and other things. Who must insist on seeing and possessing hope. That's why she was the last to fly out of Pandora's box. summertime is playing now, and that, perhaps, is the condition of the human heart.

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