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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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20-Mar-2007 21:46 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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Would you want a doggie that obeys you, or one that outwits you?

k, i'm done interrupting in the topic of evolution; will let the serious discussers get on with their core questions.

haha. nites all! 
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20-Mar-2007 21:45 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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Would you want a doggie that obeys you, or one that outwits you?

k, i'm done interrupting in the topic of evolution; will let the serious discussers get on with their core questions.

haha. nites all! 
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20-Mar-2007 21:33 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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nono asterisk, you're missing the point. an alpha male would take a beta dog.

or vice versa.


ok, nites all! stressssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss..........................
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20-Mar-2007 21:24 ST Engineering   /   ST Engg       Go to Message
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predominantly 'cos its a defensive stock in more ways than one. haha. high divvy yield, and in the defence biz. So not likely to go broke. haha. Will let victorian do the honours on the nitty gritty calculations.

i'm calculating a new fibo in light of the drop: target to 3.81 based on 4 mths reading. ie, to june 07, all things remaining constant. DBSVB call is $4 in one year, accurate as of march last week. Not for a short TA punt pls.
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20-Mar-2007 21:07 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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singaporegal, my bunnie's on a biz trip to some foreign country (can't rem which) without net access. weh weh weh. no bunnie. no pet to play with. :(

and ah. lest anyone thinks the evolution opinion is mine, it's not. i'm just discussing. the elfin world is infinitely more complex than that. keke.

something else to link up (anyone's brains exploding yet? :P)--From Jim Crace, Quarantine, "The business of trade is superstition. Unearth what is overvalued, amass it, sell at inflated prices."

So think. what's valued in today's world? beauty, youth, longevity. The same things linked with evolutionary trends. So what industries make moolah? Cosmetics, plastic surgery, medicines, pills, medical research. We're more controlled by our genes than we think.

And yea. Ideas of beauty change, but genetic ideals do not. Kate Moss and Marilyn Monroe, for eg, are two representations of what's considered beautiful in their own eras. Figure-wise they're so different, aren't they? But then, their waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) are the same: at 0.7, which apparently is the ratio guys are genetically cued to find most attractive. haha. There's more too, about symmetry, the Golden Ratio used in art etcetc.
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20-Mar-2007 20:59 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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evolution: too many posts, i'll just reply to what i can...

the idea of the darwinian principle: "Only the fittest survive, adaptability is the key to survival." For a female to survive she must be attractive to the males; for a male to survive, he must be attractive to females.

Females in that sense look less for physical beauty (defined as looks alone) than for strength: defined more as stability and power. So all things being equal, a female will be more attracted to a wealthy man than a poor one.

and precisely 'cos you don't see the world populated by beautiful people, that's why beauty is a premium. And being sought after, being desirable is the definition of power. Masculine and feminine alike. Therein lies the concept of hierarchy.

And that's why you have society: The true definition of a social being: one who exists in a hierarchy. Hence, alpha, beta etcetc beings. Because any animal that is social will always have a ladder of power. the top dogs, the runts of the litter etc. You will never have a society of all beautiful and strong people (for instance) because then, everyone is equal. But life doesn't work that way.

evolution accounts for niches. each species has its own function and its own reason for being, it occupies a niche in the scheme of things. If the niche (ie reason for existence) is gone, the species is wiped out. That's where adaptability comes in. The environment is the same, but too many occupying one function means some will have to die. to avoid dying, they adapt, they change to become what the other is not.

and man. sporeguy, you're damn cute. i like the way you tell the dog story. haha. My view's a little dif from chinkiasu... Basically, the female dog chose the one best adapted to her. The fierce dog would have likely killed her. 'Fittest' does not mean all brawn. It's about adaptability. Like hey, there are women attracted to Li Ka Shing, there are women attracted to Bill Gates, there are also those attracted to your Armani male models.   

Final thought on makeup: us girls don't call it warpaint for nothing. bwah haha.
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20-Mar-2007 20:50 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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warning on HPL: A/D and C/O consistent downtrend for 2 days alr. been tracking the actual buy/sell vols too: for friday and today (did not see yest's data, apologies), consistent reading of large lots sold, small lots buying. For today, trades of 50 lots above, 8 sellers, 3 buyers. Candlestick topping first red signal. Caveat emptor.

baseerahmed, belated thanks for the compliment. no prob, we're all just learning from each other here. :)

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19-Mar-2007 23:05 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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keke. yongjiu, cmi.... too many guys. btw, my bunnie's overseas on trip; don't miss her too much hor. keke.

if singaporegal wants to join bunnie and me for some shopping/gossip stuff tho, i certainly wouldn't mind! hows abt it singaporegal? keke.
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19-Mar-2007 22:59 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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haha. punter, by asking that question you intuitively know the answer already.

but let's take it a little deeper. in the female context it's the same: would a man love a woman that much if she didn't look as beautiful as she did when he first saw her?

because reduced to darwinian principles and evolutionary trends (yeayea, i'm belated), the definition of masculinity is strength; the definition of femininity is beauty.

and you know what both are? power.

that is where we can link up: "power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."

and that is also where you can get "fair of face, foul of heart".

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19-Mar-2007 22:51 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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yeah, and what's more, he's doing it for free. Only hope those attending can imbibe the value of education and not the value of hot tips....

btw, has anyone noticed? our Fellowship thread has broken 30,000 viewership! *clapclapclap* not bad for a 2.5 mth old thread....

*break out the mead!* or champagne, or sake, or whatever your poison of choice is. keke.

ok, nties. gotta go zzz liao.
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19-Mar-2007 22:43 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hey, market's green today! :)))))

tanglinboy. keke. high standards? nah. it's simply a question of commensurate value. ;)


ipunter. interesting question. i suppose it all depends on whether the woman in question married the guy for money or love. If it's the former, she'll leave him when he's poor. if the latter, she'll stand by him through it all. which leads back to tanglinboy's question, you see; commensurate value. What you pay is what you get.


i think simonloh has a very kind heart for organising/doing such a seminar. hats off to him man. :)

victorian. HPL shot up today still. perhaps it's too much too fast.... who's meeting you on thurs? i wanna know too if firstlady's a guy or a girl. keke.

and mister ngiammie! remember, fat stars are good stars. they're heralds of stuffed wallets and prophets of gold. keke.

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18-Mar-2007 21:08 Food Junc   /   Another potential quality FA stock. (Researched)       Go to Message
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my first time in this thread....man, i think you guys are damn cute. haha. i like the impromptu-ness of this all. almost tempted to join in. not sure if i'd be a distraction tho. haha. but seriously, wld like to hear our eminent victorian speak...
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18-Mar-2007 17:41 Longcheer   /   China 3G licence       Go to Message
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this poor baby actually looks like it might be bottoming out. risky in this current market tho. wait and see.
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18-Mar-2007 17:38 JurTech   /   JurTech       Go to Message
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agree with singaporegal on the downtrend. quite a steep one too. pls be cautious. support is abt 80c.

in addition, DBSVB call as per pasted below, accurate to 16th march:


 Jurong Tech Ind Corp
Frail Outlook

Story: Jurong Tech?s business prospects are lackluster for FY07. Although
the new business momentum going into 1H07 is healthy, 1H07 performance
would still be lower y-o-y, due to the loss of Maxtor business.

Point: FY07 revenue should continue to grow on the back of new business
segments, but these are lower margins compared to existing business.
Therefore, we expect FY07 net profit to fall by 8% y-o-y. Furthermore, the
company is exposed to the risk of a slowdown in Motorola, which now
accounts for over 70% of total business. Jurong Tech is actively looking to
diversify its customer base.

Relevance: We have trimmed our estimates on earnings by 15% for FY07.
Taking into account customer concentration risks, high gearing ratio and
expected decline in net profit, we maintain HOLD for Jurong Tech. Our
revised target price of S$0.98 is pegged to 6.5x FY07 PE, based on the
lowest historical PE of 6.2x.
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18-Mar-2007 17:33 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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sorry sporeguy, missed the one on STE:

STE data is reverse of HPL. HPL registered large lots sold, small lots bought overall. But for STE: it's actually abt even no of lots bought and sold. what is interesting is if you put a limit: track trade lots of >50. (50 lots of STE at say 3.30 =>165K per trade. again, not likely retailer; if it is, it's damn bullish anyway)--the data you'll get is 1,880 lots sold, bought = 3,097 lots (or something like this.. can't rem the figs offhand).

But basically, it's abt twice more bought than sold for large lots. Indication for momentum upward. Further supported by A/d, c/o, candlesticks and even MAcross--just crossed a buy on friday.

again, i'm not really interested in trades of small lots since these don't move momentum much. it's large lots that swing price movement.

note above all just my reading ah. I'm calling the charts as i see 'em, nothing more, nothing less.   
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18-Mar-2007 17:12 Straits Times Index   /   Investors BEWARE       Go to Message
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hey bradical, where did you get the quote from? the tech guy is good.

anyhow, going by the dow on friday, am expecting sti equivalent drop on mon of abt ~40 pts. Initial correction stage hovered at 3,100. I'm giving the new hummingbird range at ~2,950 for the next week/so.

note just my opinion here. caveat emptor. (and hummingbird is not a proper market phrase yea. its just my own term for the index when it does a hummingbird, i.e., hover around a certain range and dip up and down around it.)
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18-Mar-2007 17:05 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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keke. tanglinboy. $$ is of course attractive---i'd hardly think any girl would turn down prince william, ain't it? It's a measurement of strength and power; the modern calculation of the alpha male.

why you're in the gym: reduce it to ancient calculation of the above: if you don't got the moolah, you can at least have the build. :P

bwah ha.
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18-Mar-2007 17:02 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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argh. post got truncated.

nvrmind. sporeguy, long story short: if you follow the buy/sell vols, what you get is an indication of buying/selling pressure. So if like HPL last 15 min of trade, you see large lots selling, small buying, it's an indication of institutional selling, since common sense will tell you that few retailers can afford to buy/sell 101 lots of HPL at one shot. 1, 2, 5 lot is confirmed retailers.

it's an educated guess, but it gives an idea of sentiment and direction, since willingness to buy up => bullishness, willingness to sell down => bearishness. And if overall more sell, the implication is depression of price. esp large lots, since these control movement.

pls note that if it is BBs selling, then they do not likely dump so straightforwardly. what you see is controlled depression of hte price: so eg, HPL: 16:57:21 trade you see 101 lots buy up, but less than 3 min later, registed sells of 99 lots, 105, 124 lots.

'cos if you sell too much at one shot, the price will spiral down out of control before you can get out. When distribution's the aim, the goal too is not to panic the market before you've completed your distribution.

the thing i don't like abt HPL is the number of large lot X trades it had on friday (can't speak for days before). X lots is either married trade or cancelled trades. If it's cancelled trades, it implies manipulation. Simple psychology: a small fry wants to buy a stock, say at 4.72. You suddenly see a buy queue of block 455 lots at 4.72. You're likely to go, "Ah!!! cannot! must buy first at 4.74!". so you buy, and thereaft, the large trade is cancelled, mission accomplished. It's a bit fishy to me lah...but my experience is limited at best.

you'll normally not see firehouse selling unless it's like the time of the first crash last mth, where if you had watch, you'll notice sudden large lot selling across all counters from 330 pm the day before the crash. That's pure technical screaming at you, "wtf, get out, kid".
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18-Mar-2007 16:34 Stamford Land   /   Time for Re Rating?       Go to Message
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yep, keeping an eye on this counter (not vested yet). appears to have undergone selling since feb 9th. good support at 37c, could perhaps look to enter then.

quiet counter; can't use traditional lead indicators on this one. MAcross, bollies and RSI more accurate--need a period of at least 2 mths tho.

general trend of market likely down tho. so no hurry to enter perhaps. good counter for the divvy play.
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18-Mar-2007 16:28 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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hey...concur with singaporegal on the stagnancy. looking at the dipping vols, likely to stay muted for now. might be a good entry below 4.32 (seems to have quite a bit of support there). no hurry to enter any counter now anyway; general outlook is pessimistic. can afford to wait and see.
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