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Latest Posts By niuyear - Supreme      About niuyear
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11-Sep-2010 12:27 SGX   /   SGX       Go to Message
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Can us US$  to buy singapore stock? eg. SGX?
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11-Sep-2010 12:24 SGX   /   SGX       Go to Message
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I am wondering got ppl reallly sell their houses? to buy shares?  How many % of ppl in singapore do that.

Jackpot2010      ( Date: 10-Sep-2010 16:57) Posted:

'Sell house to buy SGX' must do before 30 Aug. cooling measures. Now too late to sell, all wait & see. SGX hit all-time high >$16 on 8 Oct 2007.

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11-Sep-2010 12:17 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Singaporean parents  dont want their kids to go Casino, yet, they want to take FREE private bus transport and bring their kids to Universal studios and drop off point is very near to the  CASINO!!!!  ?????   The big word  CASINO  can be seen veryy clearly  from the drop off and pick up point.
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11-Sep-2010 12:10 Others   /   NEWS: 220 million China's workers now jobless       Go to Message
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If they are super talent, they could come here. Our garment want talented elite group to come here.

I am wondering ;  some PRs have been approached if they want to take up singapore citizenship , if not, their PR status will be revoked.   This group of people may be the group that can be 'redundant' ones.......err....i think our government would not have approached them if they are truly and geniuingly 'talented'?
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11-Sep-2010 12:01 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Why must provide FREE transport to those who want to go and enjoy the outings in RWS? 

Previously, there isnt any transport to  places of interests eg. Zoo, jurong bird park etc......

To encourage more  ppl to go these places of interests, the only solutions is :   Reduce the entrance fee . 

Raptor22      ( Date: 11-Sep-2010 11:46) Posted:

I doubt if the IR or casino will be severely affected. Universal Studios will still be the attraction for youngsters although they may have to cough up a bit more to donate to our public transport companies for their enjoyment.

It's the other attractions at Sentosa that will feel the loss without this free transport, as it was in the past.

Gamblers have not been deterred by FREE stuff. Before the IRs came to existence, ppl still make their way to the harbour for their cruises and to Batam, right?

So this whole issues of scrapping the free transport affects MANY others than just those few uncles and aunties. It's like throwing away the whole basket for transporting eggs just because there was a rotten or cracked egg in it. They could have just alight the passengers at the IR, away from the casino.

So the question now the authorities have to decide is if it is alright for the passengers to alight/board just before the entrance/exit of the IRs. Note: Resort is not just casino, there are MANY others who want to enjoy the other attractions.


Happy belated Hari Raya. :)



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11-Sep-2010 11:55 User Research/Opinions   /   <*> Free And Free <*><*><*> Pay And Pay <*>       Go to Message
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BEWARE!!!!  THINK!!   FOOD business will be booming!! Flats gettting smaller only a  little space to boil water and small basin.


Those who wrok as hawkers now, are becoming  Boss of their own, the will teach you how to cook, and you become their workers.

pharoah88      ( Date: 10-Sep-2010 18:38) Posted:


Home > Think > Story

Aug 29, 2010


Don't sniff at their culinary skills


I agree with Professor Tommy Koh wholeheartedly that good hawker food is hard to find these days.

It has been ages since I had hor fun with good wok hei. Rojak with kangkong is virtually unheard of these days. Slowly but surely, we are losing our food heritage. I am all for teaching how to prepare such dishes in culinary institutes.

One should not sniff at hawker food preparation. Each step affects the final taste. Just stand at any stall with a long line and watch the hawker work with the greatest concentration.

I would rue the day we are reduced to eating at food courts where our hawker dishes are prepared by helpers who merely go through the motions.

I am sure there are willing teachers among hawkers and chefs. I am keeping my fingers and chopsticks crossed that our young aspiring chefs will take up the challenge.

Ong Soek Peng (Ms)

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11-Sep-2010 11:47 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Got   rich ppl  travel  by  helicopter  to Genting Highland's  (malaysia) casino, why not  here?   Can lar, if garment say ok to do so, But , opens up to threat and probably the biggest safety issue here.

pharoah88      ( Date: 11-Sep-2010 11:42) Posted:

sIngapOre  stIll  dOn't  have  ? ? ? ?

REAL  rIch  rIch  rIch  ? ? ? ?

whO  helIcOps  In  the  aIr  ? ? ? ?

and  neVer  travel  by  rOads  ? ? ? ?

kIllIng  theIr  precIOUs  tIme  ? ? ? ? 

In  traffIc  qUeUes  and  jams  ? ? ? ?


O V E R H E A D:

sIngapOre  Only  has:

rIch  pOOr  peOple  [whO  have  ASSETS  and  hIgh  DEBT  bUt  nO  CASH]

pOOr  rIch  peOple  [whO  have  nO ASSETS  and nO  DEBT  bUt  Only  CASH]

sIngapOre  cOUld  eVen  affOrd  the  napUne  theatre

nOt  tO  mentIOn  the  BOSS  clUb   In  hOng  kOng 

niuyear      ( Date: 11-Sep-2010 11:05) Posted:

1 more casino in sentosa to serve VVVIPs  who travel by  helicopter. confirm make money. 

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11-Sep-2010 11:43 Others   /   GIC and Temasek       Go to Message
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I am ready for this roaring lion  before Election or after?  .,..  cheong arrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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11-Sep-2010 11:41 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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WOW!!   Yummygd  dated  5   handsome guys at one go...................  ifi not, how do you know they are now very fat huh? Smiley 141

 .   lets celebrate with them Halloween next month.

yummygd      ( Date: 10-Sep-2010 19:42) Posted:

they now too full n too fat to move liao hahaha victor all earn enough liao...now go hibernate

Bon3260      ( Date: 09-Sep-2010 17:35) Posted:


Where r Victorf, Ozone2002, Des_Khor, Boyikao3 & iPunter huh!?!?!

Who again hv approved their leaves??? Bcos of Hari Raya Puasa???

Funny ley... They r not Malay...


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11-Sep-2010 11:34 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Government  want you to travel  by  PUBLIC BUSES,  so they can earn from you lar!!!!  They painstakingly revamp the who public transportation, and  ,  now you take FREE Private Buses??   HOW CAN!!!    hahahaha!!!

pharoah88      ( Date: 11-Sep-2010 11:28) Posted:

FREE  bus services  benefit  ? ? ? ?

FAF  [Free And Free]  rIders  ? ? ? ?

phIlanthrOpy  gestUre  ? ? ? ?

especIally  fOr  ? ? ? ?

actIve [sUbject  tO  transpOrt  cOst  cOnstraInts] senIOr  cItIzens  ? ? ? ?

tO-and-frO  retUrn  trIp saves  abOUr  S$4  per  passenger  ? ? ? ?

Of  cOUrse  it  is  lOst  revenue  and  prOfIt  fOr  SMRT  ? ? ? ?

4,000  x S$4  per  day  =  S$16,000  per  day  ? ? ? ?

Of  cOurse   

niuyear      ( Date: 11-Sep-2010 11:07) Posted:

Wont affect business i think.  People want to go gambling, will travel with comfort and wont bother about wheather got free transport

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11-Sep-2010 11:31 User Research/Opinions   /   %%%% WORLD ECONOMIC SUMMIT %%%%       Go to Message
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Our government's economic point of view :  You dont produce good engough result, nothing for you.  

As godd as a father telling his son :  Results and Report Book dont lie, you dont put in efforts, you get poor result, you wont get rewarded.
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11-Sep-2010 11:28 User Research/Opinions   /   %%%% WORLD ECONOMIC SUMMIT %%%%       Go to Message
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If China is ruled by singapore leaders,  it will fly!

In Singapore,  our economy is  driven by  'Productivity' , not productive, no  Pay Increment even though our  GDP is growing.  

pharoah88      ( Date: 09-Sep-2010 20:59) Posted:

China cheat sheet helps investors survive

Ben Simpfendorfer

Ten years ago, China barely registered on global financial markets. Today, it is front and centre. Yet, the market’s understanding of the world’s second-largest economy has struggled to catch up. It is big, foreign and suffers from a serious lack of economic data, meaning speculation can be as important as fact.BLOOMBERG

Ben Simpfendorfer is the chief China economist at Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc in Hong Kong and the author of The New Silk Road. The opinions expressed are his own.

So here are five simple points that go a long way to understanding one of the world’s most complex places: First, China doesn’t publish gross domestic product data in the same way as other countries. It publishes a growth rate but no quarterly breakdown of real demand.

This is a problem. National accounts data is an economist’s most important tool.

It shows how much consumers have spent on food or companies have spent building factories. It is the breakdown that helps us understand if the composition of growth is healthy or reliant on only a few sources of demand.

In the case of China, there is a risk the country is spending too much on building highways and factories, resulting in overcapacity and bad debts. And since there is no reliable quarterly data on such investment spending, it is hard to understand whether last year’s rocket-fuelled recovery has only worsened imbalances.

So when third-quarter growth figures are released early next month, it’s worth attaching a health warning to the report.

Second, food almost always explains surprise changes in the consumer price index. Part of the problem is that the average Chinese household is more likely to purchase fresh food to be cooked at home.

By contrast, in neighbouring Hong Kong, food eaten in restaurants accounts for half of the food sub-index, so labour and rental costs help to damp the impact of a sudden increase in the prices of fresh food. Not so in China, where the prices of fresh pork alone, for instance, can visibly shift the CPI. The upshot is that the country’s weather patterns, rather than its economic cycle, are arguably more important in forecasting the CPI.

Third, China’s domestic demand provides less support to the global economy than popularly believed. Its imports have surged in the past decade but it’s important to understand what exactly it is buying.

About a third of imports are destined for the re-export trade. Chinese factories buy semi-conductors and mother boards from producers in Singapore and Taiwan, for instance, assembling them into notebook personal computers and then shipping the finished goods to retail shops in the United States and Europe.

Almost another third is commodities.

China accounts for much of the world’s demand for many raw materials and is the main buyer of iron ore. Its commodity imports benefit countries such as Australia, Brazil, Chile and South Africa, even as this trade inflates prices for other importers.

The final third is made up of goods such as turbines from Germany, excavators from Japan and aircraft from the US. These are the real drivers of global growth. Yet, such imports were valued at only US$430 billion ($580 billion) last year. To put that into perspective, South Korea’s imports were worth US$320 billion in the same year.

Fourth, China is big but poor. Its per capita GDP is US$6,600, as measured by purchasing power parity. Yet, this still ranks China alongside Algeria and Namibia in terms of wealth. Moreover, much of the country’s growth has so far benefited companies, rather than households. That’s one of the downsides of a low-cost business model.

It’s no surprise then that the government is now aggressively trying to address these imbalances, by lifting minimum wages and improving working conditions.

The focus on raising wages and preventing job losses is one reason China has yet to revalue its currency, as critics have demanded, and why it is likely to resist such calls in the future.

Fifth, structural growth drivers are as important as cyclical ones. The liberalisation of China’s housing industry in 1998, for instance, explains much of the country’s surging growth. Until then, the state provided most of the housing stock. But reforms allowed households to buy bigger and better homes, and property developers built them.

It might be that the structural drivers are now being overwhelmed by cyclical ones and that China is experiencing a housing bubble no different from those of the United Kingdom and US. If so, the bears will soon be proven right as the bubble bursts and China’s decade-long boom will be brought to a screeching halt. But if the bears are proven wrong, it will be because of the emergence of new structural drivers.

Urbanisation is one such driver. Some analysts say China’s urban population will grow by 15 million people annually over the next 10 years, implying an extra 5 million apartments annually. Services are another.

China’s manufacturing is still the largest driver of growth but there are the early signs of an emerging services sector, from car rental to cinema multiplexes.

These five points are by no way exhaustive.

But China is unusual compared with many of the world’s largest economies, perhaps because of the country’s status as a developing, Asian, or formerly planned economy. The usual set of analytical tools won’t always apply, however tempting it is to do so.   

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11-Sep-2010 11:19 Others   /   I know you never liked me. I never liked U either       Go to Message
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  If everyone likes each other, the world will be LESS  interesting.  One needs to hate someone, love someone, like someone, ok ok with someone,  dont really like someone,  pretend to like someone,   love soemone from the bottom of the heart, kill someone for someone............lol!
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11-Sep-2010 11:07 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Wont affect business i think.  People want to go gambling, will travel with comfort and wont bother about wheather got free transport.

shadowmoon      ( Date: 11-Sep-2010 10:43) Posted:

ya right, shown on yesterday newspaper. Emm some what somehow may affect their business abit as ppl will deter to go there as quite inconvenient without free bus ride.

AnthonyTan      ( Date: 10-Sep-2010 12:20) Posted:

HAHAHA, no more free bus ride to RWS.

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11-Sep-2010 11:05 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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1 more casino in sentosa to serve VVVIPs  who travel by  helicopter. confirm make money. 

bishan22      ( Date: 11-Sep-2010 10:57) Posted:

Sentosa island is for foreigners and dogs only.Smiley

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09-Sep-2010 17:20 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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hahaha, everyone start to get more and more suspicious of  the government 's next move.

 if unemployed, cannot enter, those earn less than 36,000 , cant enter,  Married with young children below 18 yrs old, cannot enter.................blah.............

rolandchiau      ( Date: 09-Sep-2010 17:16) Posted:

Yah, also hope that this will not happen.., but what abt if,they raise the min. age limit? say 40s or 50s & above?

BullishTempo      ( Date: 09-Sep-2010 17:08) Posted:

It will never happen. You think the government will do that to one of its best cash cow company in Singapore thats pays such high taxes? Think about it

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09-Sep-2010 17:07 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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I think singaporeans could bargain for the  Levy entrance fee for  paying $50 for half day while at the counter.  Try your luck,  you may be allowed to do so!  Just try , no harm!  


rolandchiau      ( Date: 09-Sep-2010 17:03) Posted:

What's the consequences of this counter, if all Singaporean are Bar from going the IRs? :>

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09-Sep-2010 17:04 Others   /   Hulumus' s-chips holdings       Go to Message
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Very sorry,  I  spell wrongly.   My apologies!

Cant edit from here, perhaps, you creat another one.  Tks! :)

Hulumas      ( Date: 09-Sep-2010 16:42) Posted:

I am afraid to tell you that, my posting nick name is HULUMAS instead of HULUMUS . Thank you for your kind arrangement!

niuyear      ( Date: 09-Sep-2010 16:38) Posted:

Dear Hulumus,

As s-chips is getting more popular, this thread is opened in honour of your name for all your s-chips stock holdings based on sectional  and its period to hold.  

Appreiciate your effford and it is purely for use as reference and follow-up by Forumers or for those who are interested.

Thank you and regards,



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09-Sep-2010 16:59 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Our LKY got good brain!!   He pays our ministers very well,  do you know why??  So that  they wont corrupt, they wont play monkey business, they work real hard.!!

LKY is a  SMART Leader with  super good brain.  He is my idol.


BullishTempo      ( Date: 09-Sep-2010 16:55) Posted:


Its just free bus rides, why the big hoo-ha ??? 

niuyear      ( Date: 09-Sep-2010 16:41) Posted:

Free bus to  RWS, what about MBS?

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09-Sep-2010 16:53 Genting HK USD   /   Genting HK US$       Go to Message
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AFter the long holiday, you monitor the stock.   If it hits lower,  you may wish to buy back ?  Wish luck is  with you!   :)

gavinl      ( Date: 09-Sep-2010 09:49) Posted:

Tks for fine advise,aready cut loss just now @ 0.445.Lets hope that it will go up.Intend to keep the remaining for future,I strongely believe that it will be like mother genting when phillipines and them got married.Bright days ahead bro.

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