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Latest Posts By niuyear - Supreme      About niuyear
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14-Sep-2010 09:57 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Casino seems to be the only attraction right now.

Friends used to talk about what nice car , where to dine, where to travel to....but, now, it seems all the $$$$  are put on the gambling table at casino instead of buying luxury stuff. 

 Government is quick   to remove the FREE bus services  to Casinos.    The rests (free buses to RWS can be talked later).

The decisiveness is what a leader should possess, right time, right place.
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14-Sep-2010 09:47 Others   /   So you want to retire ...       Go to Message
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Your legs ( i mean your 2 legs )  must not be "too comfortable"  .:)   Must move around and exercise, may be,  If you are married, help with some house chores, members will treat you like king.

jm2212      ( Date: 14-Sep-2010 09:36) Posted:

financially i'm very comfortable

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14-Sep-2010 09:23 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Beautiful Budhha pic.


Your posts are my inspiration

Your vision is my success

pharoah88      ( Date: 14-Sep-2010 08:40) Posted:

 V I S I O N

pharoah88      ( Date: 13-Sep-2010 15:56) Posted:

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14-Sep-2010 09:20 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Those who punt big,  take profit, go Casino,  then punt again, take profit, go casino..............hahaha!!

This stock is truly  a    Hot stock of the year,  Roll dices, money come.......

I change to   no $3 , no sell...................................................


BullishTempo      ( Date: 14-Sep-2010 09:18) Posted:

It made you rich too !!!!

iPunter      ( Date: 14-Sep-2010 09:11) Posted:

This counter made many people rich recently...

    It's a real darlin baobei... Smiley

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14-Sep-2010 09:17 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Dont worry about Banks!!

Banks wont die like that,  they are coming out more Personal loans,  not necessasry must only focus on Housing Loans,

Perhaps, I thnk they will have cheaper  interest rate and easier to get loan,  like that,   Loan Shark will die jia lat!!

pharoah88      ( Date: 14-Sep-2010 08:31) Posted:

B A N K S  ? ? ? ?

nEEds  FRESH CASH  TOP UP  ? ? ? ?











nickyng      ( Date: 14-Sep-2010 07:03) Posted:

when all are bullish i better start SHORT/SELL more ! :P hee....

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13-Sep-2010 13:01 Others   /   TRADE FREELY & LiVE LONGER       Go to Message
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2010  -  金虎赌年

2011  -   兔子捧金 (gold price rises)

2012  -    龙土藏财  (property price booming)

2013 -      蛇通全岛  (circlines go into 80% operation) 

2014 -     马到成功  (reaping the rewards)

2015 - 羊洋得已  (Year of happiness)

2016 - 


pharoah88      ( Date: 13-Sep-2010 12:39) Posted:





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13-Sep-2010 12:39 Others   /   Life has to go on, says MM Lee       Go to Message
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Though family come first, BUT,   do not  'overly'  love someone (include family members or life partners) .   Parents love their kids so much so that they are badly trumatised when something happens to the kids... Same goes to the spouses.

Take the kids and spouses as companions and not to the extend of   " he dies, i must go with him."

There is this mother who has only 1 son, and when the son has girl friend and planning to get married, the mother kind of sunk into depression and refused to give blessings to the son and his wife-to-be...later on , more things piled on and she committed suicide.
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13-Sep-2010 12:22 Thomson Medical   /   dancing with former remiser king       Go to Message
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Louis 大人,

The remiser king  is at the bukit timah hill top  left there by you!!  After dancing, you came down, but, he is still up there dancing alone!!    hahaha!

louis_leecs      ( Date: 13-Sep-2010 11:52) Posted:

tp 165cts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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13-Sep-2010 12:11 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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yeah, buy rolex in HK is cheaper.

loyfam88      ( Date: 13-Sep-2010 12:07) Posted:

Couldn't agree more... My holding in this share helped to reverse all my other share blunders. I am finally gg to breakeven for all my blunders. Though not making but knowing that you can recover your capital is itself a great news.

Told my hubby that if it hits $2, I will consider getting him the new big faced rolex in HKSmiley


BullishTempo      ( Date: 13-Sep-2010 11:50) Posted:

I can't complain. Very grateful to this counter, I know I can bring family for good holiday in December

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13-Sep-2010 12:07 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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HDB got new rules,  Genting also must have new rule!

The Sign Board should read:

Do Not  pick Nose in Casino

I saw someone keep picking his nose while pllaying slot machines and holding the cards while playing.............who would be the next holding that ''card with boogers"  like below!!


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13-Sep-2010 11:02 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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一定发发来了  :)

BullishTempo      ( Date: 13-Sep-2010 10:08) Posted:


GentingSP is up 3 cents today at a high of 1.86. The markets has already taken into consideration the possible damages of the removal of free bus rides and basically shrugged it off. 

Laulan      ( Date: 13-Sep-2010 09:58) Posted:

What I meant is that with the withdrawal of free transport to the casinos, expected drop of revenue from ad-hoc players who are both initially non-indulgent but curious while being somewhat enticeable gamblers.  This is the logical conclusion of the turn of events.  How much value the counter will at hindsight command will take this factor into consideration.

I think reassess is better.

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13-Sep-2010 10:46 Genting HK USD   /   Genting HK US$       Go to Message
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You never failed to post Nice picture.  :)

pharoah88      ( Date: 13-Sep-2010 10:32) Posted:


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13-Sep-2010 10:45 Genting HK USD   /   Genting HK US$       Go to Message
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This counter can be traded by using US$.  The impact of performance of US$ has some effect to counters like this ?

pharoah88      ( Date: 13-Sep-2010 10:22) Posted:

wear  the  shoes  yourself ?

wOuld yOu  sell, USD0.445 ?

I  wOuld  nOt !

whO  wOUld sell, USD0.445 ?

hOw many wOUld, USD0.445 ?

WHY  dO  peOple  sell, USD0.445 ?

nEEd  CASH ?

nO  patIence  fOr  mOre  prOfIts ?

cOntented ?

change stOck ?

leave market ?


epliew      ( Date: 13-Sep-2010 10:08) Posted:



any chance to drop ?

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13-Sep-2010 10:39 Others   /   Singapore Private Home Prices May Fall 10% - BNP       Go to Message
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The new property cooling measures become   a    HDB rules?    HDB is a scapegoat?

or  is it our garment wants to go back  to  BASIC (back to 20 yrs ago)

What was BASIC? life in singapore 20 yrs ago 

1)  everyone owns only  one HDB flat

2) no credit cards, so no hassal of setting limits

3) No Casino

4) No MRT

5) No ...................







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13-Sep-2010 10:28 Others   /   Singapore Private Home Prices May Fall 10% - BNP       Go to Message
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This is telling me  that :

To be a PR in singapore , you have to be able to afford   private property and you better not  'wish'  to buy HDB flats so that you can keep your overseas property intact . If you dont like Hdb LATEST rule, dont own HDB flat.

To  Singaporeans, garment spend efforts building HDB flats,  you better stay for 5 years to repay the efforts.  AFter that, you can then consider  buying private property.  If you dont like HDB rules, dont own HDB flat.

nickyng      ( Date: 13-Sep-2010 08:03) Posted:



New HDB rule on overseas home ownership raises questions

The recent measures by the Government to prevent a property bubble in Singapore are generally welcome. However, like all such measures, they sometimes appear to have unintended effects. In some cases, they may appear to affect people who probably were never meant to be the target of those measures. Take the case of those who own private property not in Singapore but abroad. According to the new rules, a person who buys a non-subsidised public housing flat after the end of last month can only purchase a private property after living in the HDB apartment for a minimum of five years. Those now own private properties and want to buy a HDB flat will have to sell their private property within six months of their HDB purchase. It does not matter if the private property is here or abroad. Those who fail to declare their ownership of private properties or make a false declaration face fines of up to $5,000 or a prison term of up to six months, or both. The HDB can also compulsorily acquire its property if it discovers a false declaration has been made after the buyer takes possession of the flat. But many will get away with it for it is impossible or impractical to verify property ownership abroad. Still, why penalise those having private properties abroad in the first place? How do these people compete for properties here? How are you going to attract foreign talent if they have to give up homes they may have to go back to one of these days - unless you intend to more or less imprison them here? Not all foreign talent attract the kind of remuneration or pay packages that will allow them to buy or rent private property here. It may make more sense for these people to buy their own HDB flats. And as already reported, permanent residents who inherit properties overseas can also be placed in a quandary. Do you dispose of your inheritance, no matter what the sentimental value attached? I know foreigners have been accused of driving property prices here sky high. But if you want to attract talent, you have to provide the infrastructure to accommodate them. The solution lies in building more flats, not in depriving them of what they own overseas. While property prices here, both private and public, are generally expensive, a property in Malaysia or elsewhere abroad, including Australia may be relatively cheap - sometimes one third or less the cost of a four-room HDB flat here. In fact I know of many friends who have properties in Perth or Malaysia which they use for vacations abroad. Now the new rules will not allow for such luxuries. Why? One lady wrote in to the papers to say she had a small property in Malaysia which now houses her parents. And she had paid the option for a HDB flat here. Now she has to give up the option or leave her parents homeless. Were the rules meant for such cases? What about retirement properties overseas? Do you have to live five years in an HDB flat before deciding to invest in them? By then, those properties may be beyond your reach. Prices do not go up only in Singapore. At one time, the Government itself was promoting property ownership as one of the best forms of investment. That was why it relaxed the rules on private property ownership for HDB flat owners. Now it has made a dramatic U-turn, even where there is no competition in the property market here. How is owning overseas private property going to impact on local property prices? Perhaps the Government hopes to lower prices by keeping out a section of the population with private flats abroad. There must be quite a large number of people owning private property abroad for them to have an impact on property prices here and for the authorities to want to enforce the prohibitions. For sure the HDB has said that it is prepared to exercise flexibility on a case by case basis, depending on the merits of each transaction. But you cannot make a property purchase in the hope that the case will have merit in the eyes of an official with subjective views. The rules on the exceptions must be clearly spelt out for all to know and act accordingly. If there is a rejection the reason must be given. All too often here, things are rejected without any explanation although you may be allowed to apply again, not knowing why you were rejected in the first place. There must be greater transparency and people must be aware of the clear line of thought instead of thinking that the decision depended on the whims and fancies of the person in authority. The writer is a Editor-At-Large at Today.

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12-Sep-2010 13:35 User Research/Opinions   /   &&&&&&&& PROFITS & PHILANTHROPHY &&&&&&&&       Go to Message
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If they impose $200 levy entrance per visit,    many will pay $2000  !


pharoah88      ( Date: 12-Sep-2010 13:09) Posted:

FAIR  dIstance-based  +  travel tIme-based  gamIng  LEVIES

SENTOSA  is  OFFSHORE  -  gamIng  LEVY S$100

MBS  is  ONSHORE  -  gamIng  LEVEY  shOUld  be  DOUBLED  at  S$200  [tOO  accessIble]


PRIVATE  JACKPOT  CLUBS  RIGHT  IN   CITY  CENTRE  -  tOO  cOnvenIent   ? ? ? ?   tOO  temptIng  ? ? ? ?

PRIVATE  JACKPOT  CLUBS  -  gamIng  LEVY  shOUld  be  hIgher  than  pUblIc

at  S$200  x 1.5 times  =  S$300   [tOO  prIvIlege]

nOte:  Private  TranspOrt  prIces  mUst  be  1.5 tImes  Of  pUblIc  transpOrt  prIces 

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12-Sep-2010 13:15 Others   /   Singapore Private Home Prices May Fall 10% - BNP       Go to Message
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Good suggestion!   Because, they just  refused to have babies , then,, leave the job to the other woman who is willing to do so.   Dont waste the husband's sperm plse.,

artng25      ( Date: 11-Sep-2010 18:08) Posted:

Hmmm....instead of artificially increasing the population and causing all these 'problems' maybe they can consider tweaking the woman's charter, let Singapore man have 2 wives, our population will surely increase Smiley

junction      ( Date: 11-Sep-2010 16:36) Posted:

The crux of the matter is Singaporeans cannot produce enough babies.  Chinese Singaporeans is worst only 1.08 compared to Malay Singapores at 1.8.  But we need 2.11 just to maintain population.  No foreigners, no PR then don't grumble when services deteriorate,break down.  Singaporeans are too materialistic and calculating.  They want good income, 5C's and work very hard in their career so much so that by the time they get home, they have no energy nor mood to produce babies and the youger ones don't have time to date and so don't get married.  Money seems to be their main pursuit.  Too little pay, too low class, they don't want to work.  So who want to work in the shipyards, as bus captains, sweepers, cleaners, maids, etc What % of essential service workers are Singaporeans?  We should be thankful that these workers leave their families behind to help grow Singapore economy.  Not happy, then try stopping all the foreign workers and PR's but don't complain if services break down.  Maybe wat Singaporeans need is Viagra and less work hours and a realistic mindset

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12-Sep-2010 13:08 User Research/Opinions   /   <*> Free And Free <*><*><*> Pay And Pay <*>       Go to Message
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Anyone actually really made money  from  Jackpots machines?  either RWS or MBS or Privae clubs (where are all those private clubs ??)


pharoah88      ( Date: 12-Sep-2010 13:05) Posted:

SENTOSA  is  OFFSHORE  -  gamIng  LEVY S$100

MBS  is  ONSHORE  -  gamIng  LEVEY  shOUld  be  DOUBLED  at  S$200  [tOO  accessIble]


PRIVATE  JACKPOT  CLUBS  RIGHT  IN   CITY  CENTRE  -  tOO  cOnvenIent   ? ? ? ?   tOO  temptIng  ? ? ? ?

PRIVATE  JACKPOT  CLUBS  -  gamIng  LEVY  shOUld  be  hIgher  than  pUblIc

at  S$200  x 1.5 times  =  S$300   [tOO  prIvIlege]

nOte:  Private  TranspOrt  prIces  mUst  be  1.5 tImes  Of  pUblIc  transpOrt  prIces 

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11-Sep-2010 12:34 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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This can be solved!!  If compromised.

Pick up and drop off point  a  bit  farther  away from the  CASINO and those who are not going to casino, drop outside near the universal studios.

pharoah88      ( Date: 11-Sep-2010 12:31) Posted:

Regulator puts immediate brake on IR shuttles

Passengers, transport firms caught off guard; RWS recalls 100 staff

Ong Dai Li n


What we are really concerned about is our guests… to cut it off just like that is a bit blunt.

Resorts World Singapore vice-president of resort operations N oel Hawkes

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11-Sep-2010 12:31 User Research/Opinions   /   <*> Free And Free <*><*><*> Pay And Pay <*>       Go to Message
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Sad , but true,   our libraries are mostly occupied by  PRs especially those   from China.

The older folks come to singapore to take care of their grandchildren, and , they spend most of the time in library with their grandchildren,  reading books to them, spending time in the airconed-library.........where are all the singaporeans grandparents??    OOps, in the Casinos, in gambling cruises............................................ 
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