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Latest Posts By AnthonyTan - Elite      About AnthonyTan
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18-Mar-2010 10:42 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Hulumas, r u the 1 who sometime go to

Bt. Timah hill for retreat, haha
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18-Mar-2010 10:36 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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" I only fear when ppls are greedy. I am greedy

when ppls fear." Yesterday was a perfect example.

Anyway, once u make a decision, don't regret.

The mkt is always there for u to fight another day.

Cheers and good luck

hotokee      ( Date: 18-Mar-2010 10:24) Posted:

Wah le, always when market down feel like selling.  Many times innerself say sell lah, market going down.  How many of you experienced this?  Then after selling a counter, the counter starts to move up, curse and swell and say "LLB yeh"?

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18-Mar-2010 10:16 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Those who bought yesterday, kena caught.
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17-Mar-2010 14:21 Others   /   Jack Neo saga cont'd.....       Go to Message
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AnthonyTan      ( Date: 17-Mar-2010 09:27) Posted:

I don't see any significant to talk about it anymore  in

this forum. Everythings are reported in the media. Why

go on and on gossiping about this matter. Let's put a stop

to it.Talk and talk, it's very boring. IF YOU HAVE



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17-Mar-2010 14:10 RafflesEdu   /   Raffles Edu       Go to Message
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The way you type your posting, these students who have

Alternative Education qualification wont't be able to read.

You haven't change your keyboard?????? hahaha

pharoah88      ( Date: 17-Mar-2010 10:52) Posted:

Its Alternative Education Marketing Strategy is to distribute easy qualification with least effort at high prices.

This Alternative Education type of qualification does not command good job, good salary, good career.

Alternative Education Graudates' return on education will be from low to nil.

But such Alternative Education qualifications are good for decoration if students are RiCH and don't need the qualification to secure a job and establish a career.

Until nOw, did any of their graduates dO wEll?

This Alternative Education market segment is very small.

REC has expanded  tOO fast and  tOO large incuring  tOO  much  HiGH  Overheads.

This happened to Informatics befOre.

frOm the TiME it FiRST gave frEE  nOtebook (which was EXPENSIVE at that time) for every sign up,  market  knew that Informatics was scrambling for custoemrs (students).

REC is also now scrambling for students.

STUDENTS can't afford to pay fEEs.

It is their Parents who pay fEEs.

mOst Parents  dO nOt  want tO pay fOr Alternative Education at HiGH  PRiCES.

wOuld yOu pay fOr Alternative Education as a PARENT?




boyikao3      ( Date: 05-Mar-2010 14:15) Posted:

Be specific lah ! Wat steps? Maybe we have the same answers in mind leh...share share lah....Smiley

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17-Mar-2010 12:22 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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If it does not close abv 97 cts tdy does it mean

downtrend lor. What's the next support.

trader9988      ( Date: 17-Mar-2010 12:15) Posted:

agree.97 cts the 61.8% retracement level....resistance turn to support if close abv 97 cts tdy....warrant got time decay factor...though it is 1 good tool to leverage when the mother share up....as chinese saying...small knife cut big tree..good luck.. nt vested..

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17-Mar-2010 11:11 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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I have changed my keyboard oreli.

I suggest pharoah88 to change his keyboard oso

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17-Mar-2010 10:34 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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At this crossroad, it"s a tough decision to either

go long or short. Anyway, wait for a clearer picture.
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17-Mar-2010 10:26 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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ArE yoU gOiNg tO shOrT thIs BUrgEr??????

pharoah88      ( Date: 17-Mar-2010 10:22) Posted:

as the PRiCE  goes  HiGHER  mOre  dOwnside GAP  fOr  shOrtEr  tO  CFD.

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17-Mar-2010 09:55 Eagle   /   Stock at 0.07, Cash Distribution at 0.08!!!       Go to Message
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This is a china stock. We must be very careful.

Most likely there is some catch somewhere , you

and I don't know. Where got so good lah, buy the share

now at 0.075 and the co. pay u 0.08. The best part is

the share will still be traded after u collect yr 0.08.First

time I heard this in a listed co.Pl. check very carefully

before you put your $$$$$$.

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17-Mar-2010 09:27 Others   /   Jack Neo saga cont'd.....       Go to Message
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I don't see any significant to talk about it anymore  in

this forum. Everythings are reported in the media. Why

go on and on gossiping about this matter. Let's put a stop

to it.Talk and talk, it's very boring. IF YOU HAVE


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17-Mar-2010 09:12 Eagle   /   Stock at 0.07, Cash Distribution at 0.08!!!       Go to Message
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This is as good as free lunch. I am still doubtful.

If the co. is going to pay u 8 cents per share, my

question is why are these ppl selling at 0.075.? These ppl

do take maths in schools, haha

kingster      ( Date: 16-Mar-2010 17:35) Posted:

just to clarify any doubts, the distribution is 8 cents! pls see the links for more information. any doubts on how the cash is raised and so on is all clarified inside. i already loaded huge on this so do your own homework :)

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16-Mar-2010 08:54 Others   /   Jack Neo saga cont'd.....       Go to Message
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Walau, still talking about it.


I will give you all a kit kat, haha
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15-Mar-2010 10:48 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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They don't have the strength to push the share px, haha

iPunter      ( Date: 15-Mar-2010 10:30) Posted:

Signs are many "Ah Mmm's" and "Tai-Tais" and "Lau Ah Peks" and twenty-somethings are buying...

With their pocket money... 

hehehe... Smiley

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15-Mar-2010 10:41 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Walau, with this kind of trading band, it is hard

to make coffee $$$$$$ and wanton mee, hahaha
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15-Mar-2010 10:35 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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In my opinion, not in the near future.Fundamentally,

nothing has changed unless there is fantastic news.

Another possibility is when the BBs are playing,

Watch out for vol. of more than 200 million. Just my


hotokee      ( Date: 15-Mar-2010 10:19) Posted:

Most investors are waiting until their necks are stretching longer for Genting Sp shares to go above $1.00.  Don't know when it can happen.

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15-Mar-2010 10:01 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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1 hr of trade, vol abt 12 million, px 93/935.

I don't hv any plan.

Wat's yours??????

iPunter      ( Date: 14-Mar-2010 20:24) Posted:

If GentSp stays @.93 and below, it would be good to let your short profits run...

It is only worth buying if it penetrates up to .945/.955 ... 

This is my own plan... Smiley

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13-Mar-2010 13:58 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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This island city is too small to have two casinos.

Where to find so many gamblers who are prepared

to loss $$$$$$ for the casinos' survival. To date,is

there any record of high rollers gambling in genting

casino.? We read about cheats that are caught. I would

really like to know the profiles of ppls going to genting

casino to gamble. Count me out. I only play the share mkt.
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13-Mar-2010 13:19 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Ah Lian, the rich tai tai is going to play genting sp next week.

Really don't know whether she is going long or short.

Haha,keep a close watch.
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12-Mar-2010 16:54 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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YoUr keYbOaRd haS prObLeM aGaIn??????

pharoah88      ( Date: 12-Mar-2010 16:51) Posted:

singapOre is like SarOng Party GiRL  [SPG].

lOOk Up  tO  Ang mO  [BiG BiG]

lOOk dOwn  On  nOn-Ang-mO  [small small]

dOuble  StandardS

yummygd      ( Date: 12-Mar-2010 16:20) Posted:

see that latest news sia signing up with MBS WTF!! they damn smart hor Tiger air with Genting SIA with MBS. double headed snake.

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