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23-Sep-2011 09:51 User Research/Opinions   /   SOVERIGN # DEBT # RATINGS       Go to Message
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Unwise for GIC to reveal exact amount: MOF


Responding to a reader’s letter published in T

“This is against our national interest. 


It would make it easier for speculators to attack the Singapore dollar

[gIc And nOt MAS is mAnAgIng the S$ ? ? ? ?]

during periods of vulnerability. Further, our reserves are a strategic asset, especially for a small country with no natural resources or other assets.

“It would be unwise to reveal the exact amount at our disposal for defending our currency, or for use in an emergency,” said the ministry.

It noted that it has been publicly stated that the GIC manages well over US$100 billion (S$130 billion) of assets, and the GIC publishes its 20-year annualised

[sO that new TEAM can benefit from the pAst 19 years' better performance ? ? ? ?]

real rate of return and reports its returns over five- and 10-year periods.

To manage risk, the GIC invests in a well-diversified portfolio, said the MOF.

[#### DiversificatiOn means UNfocused and UNsure and UNdecided ? ? ? ? ####]

[Well Diversified means Invest in EVERYTHING and ANYTHING  ? ? ? ?]

“This, too, is why GIC’s performance has to be measured on the basis of its overall portfolio, rather than by how much it makes or loses on individual investments,” it said.

[Is gIc hOldIng OntO sOme  DEAD  DUCKS ? ? ? ?]

The MOF also clarified that the President does not oversee the investment strategies of the GIC, the MAS or Temasek.

The President’s role is to decide, after consulting the Council of Presidential Advisers, whether to approve the appointments of board members and the CEOs, the ministry said.

" nO  trAnspArEncy"   Is  trAnspArEncy  ? ? ? ?

eXcUsE ? ? ? ?

smOke ? ? ? ?

hAzE  ? ? ? ?

lIe  ? ? ? ?— Unlike Temasek Holdings and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC) cannot disclose the amount of funds it manages and its annual profit and loss.oday on Wednesday, the Finance Ministry (MOF) said that the GIC manages the Government’s assets, and revealing the exact amount would expose the full size of Singapore’s financial reserves, if taken together with the published assets of the MAS and Temasek.

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23-Sep-2011 09:36 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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SPH with its extensive range of multilingual media platforms is well placed to cater to the news and information needs of all Singaporeans.

I look forward to working with the Board, management and staff to provide better service to our readers be it in print or digital media products.

Dr Lee Boon Yang (picture)

Lee Boon Yang slated to take over from Tony Tan as SPH chairman

prOmOtiOn pAth creAted by DR TT's depArture ?

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23-Sep-2011 09:21 Others   /   SG shortists really need to go for upgrading cours       Go to Message
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shOrt  dOw

shOrt  stI

shOrt  SGD
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23-Sep-2011 09:19 Others   /   SG shortists really need to go for upgrading cours       Go to Message
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shOrtIsts  shOws

TRUE  cOlOurs


fOllOws  by 

neXt  wEEk
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23-Sep-2011 09:05 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Schools to rope in parents and the community

Ng Jing Yng



The teachers for the lower primary cohort at Temasek Primary are at their weekly morning meetings, but singing and laughter can still be heard from the Primary 1 and 2 classrooms.

In place of teachers are parents from the school’s parent volunteer programme, who use the weekly sessions to teach character values to students though songs and games.

Initiatives like these, as well as partnerships with community groups to be part of students’ development process, are what the Education Ministry (MOE) hopes to tap into further, with values and holistic education being the central focus at the MOE Work Plan Seminar this year.

At Jurong Primary School, students in the Green Club bond with residents in a welfare home through gardening activities.

Said teacher-in-charge Wendy Looi:

“They learn to work with different groups in the community but are also inculcated values like responsibility and respecting others.”

Weekly Meetings should be hEld  On SAturdAys nOt during  lessons' periods

Character building is already in the CCA

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23-Sep-2011 08:50 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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By Channel NewsAsia, Updated: 22/09/2011

Unlikely for S’pore, Malaysia to merge: Lee Kuan Yew

Unlikely for S’pore, Malaysia to merge: Lee Kuan Yew

Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

SINGAPORE: Singapore’s former minister mentor Lee Kuan Yew said it is unlikely that Singapore and Malaysia will merge in the future.

He was speaking at the Singapore Global Dialogue, held at the Shangri—La Hotel, on Thursday evening. The dialogue was attended by some 400 participants from all over world.

Mr Lee was asked by a Malaysian citizen if he foresees both countries coming to a political or economic union in the future, given the growing strength of Indonesia.

Mr Lee said having gone through a failed merger in the 1960s, such a move is not likely.

But he also gave a positive outlook of bilateral relations, noting the efforts of Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak.

These include developing the Iskandar region in southern Johor, which will complement Singapore’s own economic growth.

" Najib has brought forth a positive view of bilateral relations and the desire to develop southern Johor, the Iskandar region, using Singapore as a kind of Shenzhen. (This) means a complementary set of forces will be let loose, which will make it unprofitable for either side to be unfriendly," said Mr Lee.

He added: " You want our investments, we want to invest. Having invested, we don’t want problems with Malaysia, and Malaysia which wants more investments will not give us problems. So that’s a positive development."

Mr Lee also said it is in the country’s best interest to spread its wealth, to maintain " national solidarity" .

" If you have fast growth, and it’s confined only to one section of society, particularly the Chinese, and the Malays are left behind, I think it’s not sustainable," said Mr Lee.

" It is in our interest to maintain national solidarity, to ensure there is a spread of the wealth that comes with growth, to the disadvantaged in the population."

The 40—minute dialogue saw wide—ranging questions from the audience.

Among them, what Mr Lee Kuan Yew thought were the key qualities that will keep Singapore going.

Mr Lee said factors such as meritocracy, pragmatism and a clean government have taken Singapore to where it is, and losing sight of any of them will cause the country to lose momentum.

Asked about his thoughts on Singapore’s recent general election in May, where the ruling People’s Action Party saw its vote share dip, Mr Lee said the " result was bound to happen" .

" Our total dominance was not sustainable [CHINA's wAy ?], a younger generation wants to see competition, they voted in an opposition party... (but) to have a two—party system is another matter. It depends on the performance of the opposition, the response of the government, and the mindset of succeeding younger generations that come with every general election."

When asked on how he hoped to be remembered, Mr Lee said he has no desire to be remembered for any particular reason, but he has a job to do — that is to maintain a fair distribution of growth for the country, and to maintain good relations with neighbours.

— CNA/cc

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23-Sep-2011 08:09 User Research/Opinions   /   SOVERIGN # DEBT # RATINGS       Go to Message
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Recession panic grips global markets

World markets buckled under a frenzied sell-off Thursday as investors panicked the global economy was headed for another slump, one which policymakers may be ill-equipped to prevent.

Recession panic grips global markets

Recession panic grips global markets

World markets buckled under a frenzied sell-off Thursday as investors panicked the global economy was headed for another slump, one which policymakers may be ill-equipped to prevent.

From New York to Tokyo it was a brutal day for investors as countless billions of dollars were wiped off the value of companies globally.

The 30 firms that make up the Dow Jones Industrial Average alone lost $103 billion of their value -- or around 3.5 percent -- while major indexes in Europe, Asia and Latin America commonly suffered losses of around five percent.

The seeds for the turmoil appear to have been planted Wednesday, when the Federal Reserve warned an already tepid US recovery faces serious risks, even as the bank appears to be running low on policy remedies.

" It's the ever-increasing threat of another recession that is really spooking investors," said analyst Simon Denham at Capital Spreads.

But concern about the fate of the world's largest economy only heightened long-running fears that key pillars of the global economy are cracking under the strain of debt and slow growth.

The Dow lost 391 points to finish the day at 10,734, a level only seen once in the last year.

[#### neXt  9,999 ####]

London's FTSE-100 index closed down 4.7 percent, Brazil's Bovespa was down 4.8 percent and Hong Kong the Hang Seng closed down 4.9 percent to its lowest finish since July 2009.

As representatives from the world's major economies gathered in Washington for a regular meeting of the G20 and the International Monetary Fund, there were increasing doubts that Europe can overcome political difference and decisively tackle its long-running debt crisis.

" Bad economic news from the United States and Europe, compounded by political paralysis and the risk of a serious policy mistake, continues to roil markets," IHS chief economist Nariman Behravesh and IHS Global Insight economist Sara Johnson told clients.

The heads of the World Bank and IMF warned that Europe and the US risked " suffocating" the global economy if they did not get control of their economies.

World Bank president Robert Zoellick called for action, warning: " The world is in a danger zone."

The IMF's Christine Lagarde said that risks to the global economy had increased, " but there is a way forward, if countries act now, act boldly, and act together."

But across the globe investors voted with their feet, pumping money into perceived safe-haven assets, notably the dollar and US government debt.

The euro fell to its lowest level since January against the dollar, at 1.3462 dollars [#### neXt  USD0.9944 ####] at 2130 GMT, while the yield on the 10-year Treasury note sunk to a new record low, indicating sky-high demand.

Michael Hewson of CMC Markets said " European markets have plunged today on a trifecta of different factors, starting with disappointment about last night's measures by the Federal Reserve as well as its downbeat assessment of the US economy."

He added that " fears about a slowdown in China on disappointing HSBC manufacturing PMI, which contracted for the third month in a row, and disappointing eurozone, French and German manufacturing PMI's data," also weighed on sentiment.

It was stocks that bore the brunt of that flight to safety.

Tokyo shed 2.1 percent and Shanghai lost 2.8 percent. Argentina's main index tumbled 5.89 percent and Mexico slid 4.82 percent.

Such was the scale of the fear that traders even shunned commodities, which have long been kept buoyant by growth in China and other emerging markets.

Crude oil prices fell more than six percent in New York, or $5.4 a barrel to 80.51 percent.

Even gold, considered a relative safe haven since the 2008 crisis, fell more than four percent.

Sentiment was further damaged by escalating concern over the banking sector in Europe, linked to contagion from the eurozone debt crisis and downgrades by Moody's on three top US banks -- Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citigroup.

French banks were again hit hard with shares in Societe Generale and Credit Agricole down more than nine percent and Franco-Belgian bank Dexia down more than 11 percent on Thursday.

Bank of America fell 5.0 percent while Citigroup was down 6.1 percent.

" Equity markets have been bombarded by bad news after bad and this week looks to have been as bad as any so far," added analyst Denham.

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22-Sep-2011 21:52 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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22-Sep-2011 21:50 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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MasterNg9999      ( Date: 22-Sep-2011 21:02) Posted:

Yah Uncle Bon me think the same too....

but people want to try their luck and hope for the best ....

especially bankers and politician.....

hehe... hand inchy for more bullet points.... since tonite already red ... might as well .....

Depressed As A Nation? 80 Percent Of Americans Believe That We Are In A Recession Right Now

According to a brand new Gallup poll, 80 percent of Americans believe that we are in a recession right now.  Of course the government insists that the recession ended quite some time ago, but apparently the message is not sinking in.  Not only that, most Americans also do not believe that things are going to get better any time soon.  According to the Gallup poll, 61 percent of Americans believe that the economy will be the same as it is right now or will be even worse one year from now.  Two years ago, only 35 percent of Americans felt that way.  Talk about pessimism!  So are we depressed as a nation?  Have too many people been reading the Economic Collapse Blog?  How do we account for such strange numbers?

Certainly there are some areas of the country that are still doing quite well.  If you live in an area that is closely tied to the federal government (Washington D.C.), the big Wall Street banks (New York) or corporate America (Silicon Valley, etc.), then you can go out on the weekends and find packed restaurants and mall parking lots that are overflowing.

But most of the rest of the country is really hurting.

Tonight, there are millions upon millions of Americans that won't sleep well at all because they are trying to figure out how to get back on their feet.  It can be really tough to keep going when you have been searching for work for years and still nobody will hire you.  If you have a family, it is easy to feel like a failure when you have to look your spouse and your children in the eyes day after day knowing that they are depending on you.

If you have never been through it, then you should not mock those that are depressed because they cannot find work.  Losing a good job and not being able to find another one can be an absolutely soul-crushing experience.

So why do 80 percent of Americans believe that we are in a recession right now?

Well, it is because that is what it feels like for most people.

For example, a reader identified as Carol recently shared the following with us....

My unemployment ends the end of December, yes, I will be one of the 99′ ers, one that did not sit at home and eat potato chips, drink soda and watch TV. I have no health insurance, I support myself and cannot afford it. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis last fall. Not to mention, degenerative disc disease, and osteoporosis. But I have continued to pursue work and regain employment, despite my health. I have no other choice but to fight and PRAY!

It amazes me at the stupidity of the general population, who still have their heads in the sand. The majority have no idea what is actually going on in our country on the political or economic side.

What would you do if you found out you were sick, you had no job, no health insurance and you were rapidly running out of money?

Please pray for those that are out of work.  You never know when it will be you that needs some assistance.

For those that still believe that the economy is doing " great" , let's review some of the cold, hard facts....

*46.2 million Americans were living in poverty in 2010.

*The number of Americans living in poverty increased by 2.6 million last year.  That was the largest increase since the U.S. government began keeping statistics on this back in 1959.

*14 million Americans are officially unemployed.

*6 million Americans have been unemployed for at least half a year.

*8.8 million Americans are working part-time because they cannot find full-time jobs.

*Only 63.5 percent of all men in the United States had a job during the month of July.

*Zero jobs were created in the United States during the month of August.

*Median household income has fallen for three years in a row.

*49.9 million Americans do not have any health insurance at all.

*The percentage of Americans covered by employer-based health plans has fallen for 11 years in a row.

*More than 45 million Americans (a new all-time record) are on food stamps.

If you are still doing really well, be thankful for that.  Don't use the fact that you are on top of the hill as an opportunity to look down on others.

Unfortunately, as I talked about in a recent article, the U.S. economy continues to get even worse.

It certainly does not help that we continue to see millions of jobs shipped overseas.  Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans are proposing anything that will stop the bleeding.

A lot of very skilled Americans are being put out of work by all of this offshoring.  For example, a reader identified as GlennA recently shared the following with us....

Yes, lurking in the shadows, that’s been me. A professional man with a master’s degree in a technical who has not worked at a full-time job with benefits since mid 2009. Spent my last 2 years with the company offshoring to India all my team’s work. I hear through the grapevine that quality there has gone completely off a cliff, but profits are OK.

Have had only sporadic benefitless contract work ever since, and am now down to my last few bucks.

All of the horrible natural disasters that we have experienced this year are not helping things either.  As I have written about previously, in many ways this has been the worst year for natural disasters in modern U.S. history.

In a recent article for Newsday, Jennifer Wheary described the impact these horrible natural disasters have had on many areas of the country that were already facing tough economic times....

But after decades of disappearing jobs, declining wages and increasing expenses, this is no longer the case. As a result, people across New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maryland, the Carolinas, Texas and elsewhere lack the savings needed to weather these unexpected economic shocks. Well before the spate of recent bad weather, or the recent recession, millions of middle- and working-class families were already under water.

Right now, even the vast majority of American families that still do have jobs are barely scraping by.  At this point, " financial security" is just a far off dream for most Americans.

So what are our leaders doing about this?

Well, as I have written about previously, the Obama jobs plan is a complete joke.  It is really quite sad if that was his best shot.  His plan would spend a lot of money, but just like the last " stimulus plan" , it would not create many jobs at all.

The Federal Reserve has decided that it better jump into action again.  The Federal Reserve has just announced that it is going to sell $400 billion of its short-term U.S. Treasuries and will use that money to buy $400 billion of long-term U.S. Treasuries.  The Fed is hoping that this will lower interest rates on mortgages and home loans and will help to spur the economy.

So will this fix our economic problems?  No, it will have even less of an impact than QE2 did.  But the Fed wants to at least appear as if it is trying to do something.

The Federal Reserve has also pledged an " unlimited" amount of dollars to help bail out big European banks in October, November and December.

It is quite frustrating that virtually nobody in the mainstream media seems upset that the Federal Reserve is going to be showering European banks with cheap loans.  Apparently they must all think that this is a wonderful idea, or perhaps they are just too preoccupied with talking about " The X Factor" .

In any event, it does look like the global financial system may need some propping up very soon.  Yesterday, I shared 21 signs that the financial world is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Well, here are a couple more....

Right now, corporate insiders are selling 7 dollars of stock for every 1 dollar of stock that they are buying.

That is a very troubling sign.

Another troubling sign is that Moody's has just downgraded the credit ratings of Citigroup, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America.

The last time we saw so much financial chaos was back in 2008.

We all remember what happened back then.

At this point, things are still so bad that 80 percent of Americans believe that we are still in a recession.

So what are things going to look like if there is another major financial crash in the coming months?

Will we soon see millions more Americans going dumpster diving as they hunt for something to eat?

Will we see even more tent cities start popping up all over the nation?

Will we see even more elderly people freeze in their own homes because they can't afford to heat them?

Already, more than one out of every five children in the United States is living in poverty.

How much worse can things get?

Unfortunately, they can get a lot worse.

If you think that Americans are depressed now, just wait and see what happens after the next financial crisis.

This country is going to become unglued in a major way.

Buckle up and hold on tight because it is going to be a bumpy ride.


there are more and more bank runs and FX CDS halt and the mass media are not reporting it.....

Uncle Bon .. there is always a calm before a storm.... me think its coming ...


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22-Sep-2011 21:07 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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Dow Jones Future down by -295

Economic News

New Zealand GDP Growth Slows In Q2

New Zealand's economic growth rate slowed to a near stand-still in the June 2011 quarter. (Sep 22, 2011) Full ArticleForwardFacebookTwitterLinkedIn

China Manufacturing Sector Contracts Again

China's manufacturing sector contracted for a third month running in September, with both production and new orders declining during the month, the results of a survey by Markit Economics showed Thursday. (Sep 22, 2011) Full ArticleForwardFacebookTwitterLinkedIn

New Greek Austerity Measures Leave 30,000 Civil Servants Redundant

Greece has announced a fresh package of austerity measures for securing further bailout funds to weather its debt crisis that threatens the Eurozone country with default. (Sep 22, 2011) Full ArticleForwardFacebookTwitterLinkedIn

Eurozone Private Sector Shrinks For First Time Since 2009

The Eurozone private sector contracted in September for the first time in more than two years, preliminary results of the Purchasing Managers' survey from Markit Economics showed Thursday. (Sep 22, 2011) Full ArticleForwardFacebookTwitterLinkedIn

U.S. Weekly Jobless Claims Slip To 423,000

New unemployment claims in the U.S. fell in the week ended September 17th but still came in higher than most economists had predicted. (Sep 22, 2011) Full ArticleForwardFacebookTwitterLinkedIn

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22-Sep-2011 16:59 User Research/Opinions   /   SOVERIGN # DEBT # RATINGS       Go to Message
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S& P downgraded 7 Italian banks by one notch from A+ to A with a negative outlook, and also lowered its outlook on UniCredit, Italy’s largest bank by assets, to negative and affirmed its A/A-1 rating.

S& P said the downgrades were based on its decision to cut Italy’s sovereign rating by one notch to A/A-1 on its weaker growth prospects and uncertain political environment.

Under its criteria, S& P generally capped most bank issues ratings at the level of the foreign currency long-term rating at the level of the sovereign if they had at least 40 per cent of their assets located in that country, and Intesa Sanpaolo, UniCredit, Mediobanca and Banca Fideuram fell into this category. The negative outlooks on the long-term ratings on the 15 banks reflect the possibility that S& P could lower their ratings, all other things being equal, should S& P further lower its ratings on the Republic of Italy, but did not factor in a potential further deterioration in the economic and operating environment of the Italian banking sector.

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22-Sep-2011 14:06 Others   /   sigh.. now we can buy cheaper and cheaper...       Go to Message
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STI  700 ?

STI  70 ? ?

STI  7 ? ? ?
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22-Sep-2011 12:35 User Research/Opinions   /   SOVERIGN # DEBT # RATINGS       Go to Message
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China FX purchases last month surge amid yuan strength


The so-called position for foreign exchange purchase is often used as a measure of capital inflows to China. Economists at China International Capital Corp wrote in a research report that a stronger yuan last month may have boosted hot money flows into China.

The yuan rose by 0.8 per cent last month against the dollar, one of the strongest monthly gains since China de-pegged the yuan from the dollar in July 2005.

The yuan strengthened by 0.03 per cent to close at 6.3823 per dollar yesterday, according to the China Foreign Exchange Trade System. August foreign exchange purchases were the highest since March this year and exceeded the monthly average of 335.6 billion yuan in the first eight months.

To keep the yuan largely stable, the People’s Bank of China buys foreign exchange inflows generated by China’s trade surplus and foreign investment from commercial banks, resulting in an injection of yuan into the banking system.

The central bank then soaks up excess yuan in the system via open-market operations and higher bank reserve requirements to prevent the money from flowing into the economy and fuelling inflation.

But as long as foreign funds keep flowing into China, the central bank’s efforts to soak up liquidity are not entirely effective because the surfeit of yuan in the banking system often leads banks to increased lending.

— China’s central bank and other financial institutions spent 376.9 billion yuan (S$74.3 billion) buying foreign currencies in August, a five-month high and a 71.6-per-cent jump from July, according to official data published yesterday.AGENCIES

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22-Sep-2011 12:24 User Research/Opinions   /   SOVERIGN # DEBT # RATINGS       Go to Message
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E.U: IMF sees EUR 300b credit risk to Europe banks, calling for capital injections to reassure investors and support lending. Political squabbling in Europe over ways to fight contagion and delays in implementing agreed measures are raising concern about the risk of government defaults, the IMF said. Banks, in turn face " funding challenges" because investors are concerned financial institutions will potentially show losses on government bonds holdings, and reliance by some on the European Central Bank for liquidity, it said. (Source: Bloomberg)

U.K: Consumer confidence falls in August  as Britons grew more pessimistic about the outlook for the economy, Nationwide Building Society said. An index of sentiment slipped 1 point from the previous month to 48, the lowest reading since April. A gauge of consumers' future expectations for the economy in the next six months declined 1 point to 65. (Source: Bloomberg)

Greece: Accelerates cuts to wages, pensions to ensure aid payment. Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou's government said it will accelerate budget cuts, targeting civil servants' wages and pensioners to keep emergency loans flowing and avoid default. (Source: Bloomberg)

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22-Sep-2011 12:17 Mermaid Maritime   /   Mermaid       Go to Message
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Mermaid Maritime -

We view the cessation of CEO, Mr Denis Welch negatively.

Although no adverse impact on business operations or radical change to general course of the company is expected, a perceived lack of direction for the company is damaging. In addition, while valuations are compelling (0.4x P/BV), we believe that Mermaid would at best, perform in line with market amid negative sentiment. Hence, we downgrade the stock to NEUTRAL from OUTPERFORM.

We keep our estimates but lower our target price to S$0.31, based on 0.5x CY11 P/BV, bottom end of its trading range. Re-visit the stock upon better clarity on the strategic direction of the company, better-than-expected quarterly performances or favourable contracts for its newbuild jack-ups.
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22-Sep-2011 12:06 User Research/Opinions   /   SOVERIGN # DEBT # RATINGS       Go to Message
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Singapore dollar’s recent weakness to benefit some firms


According to a report by UOB Kay Hian, companies may benefit if a significant amount of their revenue is held in a basket of foreign currencies.

For Singapore Airlines, about 64 per cent of its revenue is denominated in a basket of foreign currencies, UOB Kay Hian said. And with every 1 per cent depreciation of the Singapore dollar against its exposed foreign currencies, SIA’s net profit will rise by 1.3 per cent, it added.

It is not just weakness against the US dollar that is good for Singapore businesses.

UOB Kay Hian said that the recent Singapore dollar weakness against the Australian dollar, Thai baht and Philippine peso has benefited SingTel as Optus and regional associates account for 20 per cent and 46 per cent respectively of SingTel’s EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation) in its first fiscal quarter 2012.

Indofood Agri reports earnings in rupiah, and a 5 per cent depreciation of the Indonesian currency against the US dollar would result in a 2.9 per cent rise in its net profit, said UOB Kay Hian.

Some REITs, such as Mapletree Logistics and Parkway Life, are also beneficiaries of the Singapore currency depreciating against the Hong Kong dollar and Japanese yen, considering between 13 per cent and 36 per cent of their revenue is denominated in these two currencies.

But where there are winners, there are also losers.

Tiger Airways will be adversely affected by the weakening Singapore dollar against the US dollar as only 6 per cent of its revenue is US dollar-denominated, compared to 54 per cent of its operating costs that are denominated in US dollars, UOB Kay Hian said.— The Singapore dollar has weakened by 5 per cent against the US dollar since the middle of last month and this is good news for some companies.

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22-Sep-2011 11:57 User Research/Opinions   /   SOVERIGN # DEBT # RATINGS       Go to Message
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                  WORLD  FINANCIAL TSUNAMI



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22-Sep-2011 11:48 User Research/Opinions   /   SOVERIGN # DEBT # RATINGS       Go to Message
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U.S. Markets Tumbled 3% after FOMC Comments

The S& P500 was almost unchanged for most of the day before a late sell off taking the index 2.94% lower in the afternoon. 

As expected, Mr. Bernanke did announce the “Operation Twist”.

The central bank will be buying $400bn worth of long-dated bonds with maturity 6 to 30 years, at the same time selling the same amount of its short-term holdings.

The move aims to lower the long-term interest rates and to stimulate the economy.

“Significant Downside Risk”
Investors went for a risk-off mode as the Fed warned that “there are significant downside risks to the economic outlook, including strains in global financial markets”. 

The central bank also noted that the economy is still grim with continued weak job creation, low consumer spending and a depressed housing sector.

MER Downgrades U.S. and Europe Outlook
According to Macquarie Equities Research (MER) report yesterday, the global economy is set for a rocky few months, characterised by risk aversion in financial markets resulting in weaker economic growth.

MER now expects Europe to grow by 2.0% in 2011 and 1.2% in 2012, while U.S. is expected to grow by 1.7% in 2011 and 2.4% in 2012.
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22-Sep-2011 11:39 User Research/Opinions   /   your biggest worries?       Go to Message
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A disappointing performance

Singapore International Film Festival plagued with ticketing issues and glitches

Letter from Robin Chee Ming Feng

I understand that such problems are common in film festivals, but the numerous glitches this year are unacceptable and could tarnish the reputation of a festival attempting to arrest the decline in attendance over the last few years.


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Underwear model shows ageing Japan how to grow
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