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25-Nov-2013 16:19 Shen Yao   /   ThinkEnv name change to Liongold Corp       Go to Message
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Preponderance of Evidence

A standard of proof that must be met by a plaintiff if he or she is to win a civil action.

In a civil case, the plaintiff has the burden of proving the facts and claims asserted in the complaint. If the respondent, or defendant, files a counterclaim, the respondent will have the burden of proving that claim. When a party has the Burden of Proof, the party must present, through testimony and exhibits, enough evidence to support the claim. The amount of evidence required varies from claim to claim. For most civil claims, there are two different evidentiary standards: preponderance of the evidence, and clear and convincing evidence. A third standard, proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, is used in criminal cases and very few civil cases.

The quantum of evidence that constitutes a preponderance cannot be reduced to a simple formula. A preponderance of evidence has been described as just enough evidence to make it more likely than not that the fact the claimant seeks to prove is true. It is difficult to translate this definition and apply it to evidence in a case, but the definition serves as a helpful guide to judges and juries in determining whether a claimant has carried his or her burden of proof.

The majority of civil claims are subjected to a preponderance of evidence standard. If a court or legislature seeks to make a civil claim more difficult to prove, it may raise the evidentiary standard to one of clear and convincing evidence.

Under some circumstances use of the low preponderance of evidence standard may be a violation of constitutional rights. For example, if a state seeks to deprive natural parents of custody of their children, requiring only proof by a preponderance of evidence is a violation of the parents' due process rights (Santosky v. Kramer, 455 U.S. 745, 102 S. Ct. 1388, 71 L. Ed. 2d 599 [1982]). Freedom in matters of family life is a fundamental liberty interest, and the government cannot take it away with only a modest evidentiary standard. However, a court may use a preponderance of evidence standard when a mother seeks to establish that a certain man is the father of her child (Rivera v. Minnich, 483 U.S. 574, 107 S. Ct. 3001, 97 L. Ed. 2d 473 [1987]). Most states use the preponderance of evidence standard in these cases because they have an interest in ensuring that fathers support their children.
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25-Nov-2013 16:18 Others   /   Survey Should goldman sac be punished?       Go to Message
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Criminal Lawyers
Facing Criminal Charges? Affordable Fees. Free Consultation. 64389770


Preponderance of Evidence

A standard of proof that must be met by a plaintiff if he or she is to win a civil action.

In a civil case, the plaintiff has the burden of proving the facts and claims asserted in the complaint. If the respondent, or defendant, files a counterclaim, the respondent will have the burden of proving that claim. When a party has the Burden of Proof, the party must present, through testimony and exhibits, enough evidence to support the claim. The amount of evidence required varies from claim to claim. For most civil claims, there are two different evidentiary standards: preponderance of the evidence, and clear and convincing evidence. A third standard, proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, is used in criminal cases and very few civil cases.

The quantum of evidence that constitutes a preponderance cannot be reduced to a simple formula. A preponderance of evidence has been described as just enough evidence to make it more likely than not that the fact the claimant seeks to prove is true. It is difficult to translate this definition and apply it to evidence in a case, but the definition serves as a helpful guide to judges and juries in determining whether a claimant has carried his or her burden of proof.

The majority of civil claims are subjected to a preponderance of evidence standard. If a court or legislature seeks to make a civil claim more difficult to prove, it may raise the evidentiary standard to one of clear and convincing evidence.

Under some circumstances use of the low preponderance of evidence standard may be a violation of constitutional rights. For example, if a state seeks to deprive natural parents of custody of their children, requiring only proof by a preponderance of evidence is a violation of the parents' due process rights (Santosky v. Kramer, 455 U.S. 745, 102 S. Ct. 1388, 71 L. Ed. 2d 599 [1982]). Freedom in matters of family life is a fundamental liberty interest, and the government cannot take it away with only a modest evidentiary standard. However, a court may use a preponderance of evidence standard when a mother seeks to establish that a certain man is the father of her child (Rivera v. Minnich, 483 U.S. 574, 107 S. Ct. 3001, 97 L. Ed. 2d 473 [1987]). Most states use the preponderance of evidence standard in these cases because they have an interest in ensuring that fathers support their children.
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25-Nov-2013 16:10 Others   /   Survey Should goldman sac be punished?       Go to Message
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You see we are so free here.... because we cant trade anymore.... market is dead...

I know how bank deal structure..... and banks has the right to force sell whatever it has.... but remember being unreasonable expect them to top up within just 2 hours is wrong.... furthermore they found buyers to take over the shares.....and yet they dont care..... all actions from goldman sac only point to one purpose to sell in the public domain in order to bring down the price.... totally against client interest.... 
This is not acceptable... 

Now the market is totally dead because goldman action of course we blame him..... we need to find the caused for the market dead.... so we know its caused by the trio but why the trio falls because of goldman trigger the sell...
Market was performing well when the 3 trio is doing well.... even though i dont trade them but we traders benefit from the sentiment.... from what all the announcement i read they are really into building up their assets.... not just any pump and dump..... 

But because of goldman action the market is dead..... tell me how not to blame goldman..... i cant blame sgx because they are pressure by the media.... but goldman is the one that pull the trigger..... 

Goldman must pay.... i studied law before and there is a strong case against goldman.....
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25-Nov-2013 16:01 Shen Yao   /   ThinkEnv name change to Liongold Corp       Go to Message
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I know how bank deal structure..... and banks has the right to force sell whatever it has.... but remember being unreasonable expect them to top up within just 2 hours is wrong.... furthermore they found buyers to take over the shares.....and yet they dont care..... all actions from goldman sac only point to one purpose to sell in the public domain in order to bring down the price.... totally against client interest....
This is not acceptable...

Now the market is dead because goldman action of course we blame him..... we need to find the caused for the market dead....
Market was performing well when the 3 trio is doing well.... even though i dont trade but we traders benefit from the sentiment.... from what i see they are really into building up their assets.... not just any pump and dump.....

But because.of goldman the market is dead..... tell me how not to blame goldman..... i cant blame sgx because they are pressure by the medias..... but goldman is the one that pull the trigger.....

Goldman must pay.... i studied law before and there is a strong case against goldman.....

wanglausern      ( Date: 25-Nov-2013 15:51) Posted:

Please don't speculate.

I know what it's like to deal with investment banks. 

risktaker      ( Date: 25-Nov-2013 15:48) Posted:

I do not think they exceed their margin.... read the story carefully... goldman sac did a 360 degree turn.... and demand unreasonable terms..... are u with goldman sac..... good luck wang.... because from what i see there is a strong case against goldman...

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25-Nov-2013 15:48 Shen Yao   /   ThinkEnv name change to Liongold Corp       Go to Message
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I do not think they exceed their margin.... read the story carefully... goldman sac did a 360 degree turn.... and demand unreasonable terms..... are u with goldman sac..... good luck wang.... because from what i see there is a strong case against goldman....

wanglausern      ( Date: 25-Nov-2013 15:45) Posted:

Borrower must have exceeded her credit line before the 2nd October  to trigger Goldman Sach's force sale.

shoutnovoice      ( Date: 25-Nov-2013 15:34) Posted:


Read properly. The force selling started on 2 oct, which is before the crash. There was no reason for GS to do that

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25-Nov-2013 13:52 Others   /   Survey Should goldman sac be punished?       Go to Message
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Wonderful... market vol at 694million and value at 349.9million....
yeah all traders eat grass.... let the ang mo houses made all the money....
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25-Nov-2013 12:56 Others   /   Survey Should goldman sac be punished?       Go to Message
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Trading in the market is our bread n butter...with this event....our big boys suffered huge amount of losses...not just these 3 stocks but in most penny stocks ..billions are wipe off in the market....

Many big boys are going bankrupt....who dare to trade when sgx can happy not happy designate the stocks u r trading.... then plunge 90% again...investors have no idea whats going on...

1)Goh start writing in press against the trio
2) david gerald start asking for investigation
3) goldman sac force sell director shares in their own interest
4) news about the trio are muted. No positive news are ever on business times or straitimes either neutral or negative.

I am pretty sure.... there is a grp behind to bring down the trio.... i dont care but u have destroyed my christmas and new year....

Knn....we can forget about sg market.... if we let bully goldman off without any punishment... because this will happen again.... the next time could hit our cpf funds....

MAS/SGX ought to give investors an answer.... we cant let goldman sac behave like this... we are like sillyporean right now....
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25-Nov-2013 12:27 Shen Yao   /   ThinkEnv name change to Liongold Corp       Go to Message
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This is really bullshit if sgx/mas still take side on bloody goldman.....

maixisuahlai      ( Date: 25-Nov-2013 12:11) Posted:

Hi morning guys, i think interested investors in any of these 3 counters, especially big investors, will still want to wait and hear something coming out of SGX's and MAS' mouths, something concrete or black and white regarding this saga from their own findings before they dive in to push up the prices. I think investors' confidence has really been hit badly and i don't think they'll want to go through the " once bitten, twice shy" experience in case if SGX pulls the plug on them again after jumping in. Today i read business times on an article explaining why singapore market so bad while other markets like Dow Jones from the west and HSI from the east are rallying like crazy towards year end but neither of these good news from these markets seem to rub off our local market. They said that it was mainly due to our market's bad earnings reports and fear of QE tapering but hey come on we all know the real reason was really due to this incident. Ever since the collapse of pennies, it has already sent fear and shockwaves to our market. Don't know why media trying to divert attention to the real reason. Bui tahan. That being said, it was good to know the side of story from the directors so we finally get an idea what caused the plunge in prices. Hope SGX and MAS don't keep their silence any longer if they want SG market to revive again!!! It is very damaging.

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25-Nov-2013 10:02 Others   /   Survey Should goldman sac be punished?       Go to Message
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I only care about our dear SG market .... is our bread and butter ..... now goldman sac has killed our market.... look at the vol.... shouldnt MAS or SGX give us an answer?
Ang mos are celebrating their christmas happily and must be thinking stupid singaporeans.... knn
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25-Nov-2013 09:43 Others   /   Survey Should goldman sac be punished?       Go to Message
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Please click thumb up or like button... if you feel that big bully should be punished and be allow to claim back our losses....
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25-Nov-2013 08:29 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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I have few friend that used them will ask them to terminate their services.... i believed PAP will give us an answer ....the act by goldman has destroyed our sg market sentiment.... goldman has to be punished....

Octavia      ( Date: 24-Nov-2013 14:25) Posted:

If you guys think that you have any lead that cause the trio px to collapse,by all means send an email with your supporting evidence to MAS/SGX or to the NE director Ng.Yr whinning here will not change anything or help the broader market.

risktaker      ( Date: 23-Nov-2013 18:07) Posted:

Fck off la goldman knn...... ur big but ur terrible..

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25-Nov-2013 08:00 Shen Yao   /   ThinkEnv name change to Liongold Corp       Go to Message
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Not so simple.... many deals fall apart because of the crashed.... the losses is in billions... more lawsuit coming at goldman ....because goldman is big we let them bully?

spss1955      ( Date: 25-Nov-2013 07:57) Posted:

Yep, very likely so. For us retail investors, we just want it to go away and the counters to reflect their true value.

sharefrenz      ( Date: 25-Nov-2013 06:49) Posted:

most likely court case scenerio: out of court settlement. this is just part of the game plan. at least hundred of millions already made. what's the tens of millions settlement ........ in this case, they don't hv to share their game plan to the world

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24-Nov-2013 21:11 Shen Yao   /   ThinkEnv name change to Liongold Corp       Go to Message
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U promise someone a credit line...could you just turn it down all the way the next day..... and require her to top up 61 mln right now....Furthermore she is ur credit you should take care of her.... instead ur action cause her huge losses....

its a break of trust n care n unreasonable demand... its a strong case against goldman sac...

wanglausern      ( Date: 24-Nov-2013 21:00) Posted:

When the two Su Lings were drawing down on their credit line at GS, could GS tell them that we've run out of cash and you need to wait for us to replenish our cash from other banks?

Buyer from HK? Better say Warren Buffet was waiting on the sideline too! 

terencee      ( Date: 24-Nov-2013 17:25) Posted:

Don't forget Goldman refuse to accept the buyer from Hong Kong. If the bank really have the client interest at heart, they would have agreed to let the Hong Kong buyer take over the shares instead. They refuse and force sell even more.. That goes to show how much they want the price to drop.

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23-Nov-2013 18:07 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Fck off la goldman knn...... ur big but ur terrible...

Octavia      ( Date: 23-Nov-2013 15:51) Posted:

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22-Nov-2013 11:12 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Market is terrible especially funds get ready for christmas..... market scene will not improved .....

1) The MAS has to release its investigation report of the 3 famous amos stock by dec.
2) The uncertainty is killing the market sentiment.
3) The circuit breaker that will trigger a trading halt in both ways. For how long and what is the percentage that will trigger it? I would say 30-40% and 15 mins will be nice...
4) Funds are going for holiday and penny stock hit by losses that many have not seen in years...i see gloomy days coming for singapore 2014....

Becareful.... 2014 will not be easy....
I hope PAP will do something about it.... times will be bad but cost keep on raising....

God bless Singapore..... huat ah.....


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20-Nov-2013 13:52 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Christmas coming.....next week we may try to trade some stocks .....when market is bad we also need festive rally..... come on everyone help to regain the market sentiment.... what done cannot be undone....PAP huat ah.... Santa clause is coming to town.....

1)rowsley - possible more projects coming
2)rex - oil drilling report out soon
3)valuemax - its trading at ipo price dirt cheap
4)albedo - RTO is backed by strong players
5)singtel - my target $4.00 by 2014
6)wilmar - investment is finally making $$$ many good quarters ahead
7)ossia - expect 10 to 15 cents dividend
8)rh petrogas - drilling reports coming
9)geo energy - BB maybe interested in buying a stake
10) genting sp - as usual the best period for RWS.

I believed a 20 to 30 percent upside potential..... good luck thats my own thinking... even though i know market has lost many BB......

huat ah singapore and merry christmas
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19-Nov-2013 09:05 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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To pay for their losses they first they liquid their stocks if any.....thats why u see stocks coming down despite Other markets went up.... and many stocks even crashed down.... then they will start to liquid assets such as property.....
These BBs contribute significant amount.of transaction to sgx.... without them market wont perform .... no one will participate with the market with such vol... especially with all brokerage houses still trying to recover the losses....and still curbing on the trade.on penny..... we can all say goodbye to the market.....

yummygd      ( Date: 19-Nov-2013 08:17) Posted:

Like that next to fall will be property market lor BB got to sell house n assets to pay up or get back into e game.

risktaker      ( Date: 19-Nov-2013 07:48) Posted:

Told you guys.... lots of Big Boy seriously injured ..... some even bankrupt.... stock market future is looking very bad for Singapore.....i repeat once more thanx to those people who created the penny crashed....never think before they do something .... only care for themselves .....

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19-Nov-2013 07:48 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Told you guys.... lots of Big Boy seriously injured ..... some even bankrupt.... stock market future is looking very bad for Singapore.....i repeat once more thanx to those people who created the penny crashed....never think before they do something .... only care for themselves .....
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16-Nov-2013 14:41 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Very soon.... remember market is forward looking

olehze      ( Date: 16-Nov-2013 14:26) Posted:

After recent events, what is your analysis risk taker? when do u think a crash will start?

risktaker      ( Date: 13-Nov-2013 07:41) Posted:

Market condition will worsen ..... expect market to retreat at least to 2920 level.... good luck.... we expect fed to taper dec 2013/jan 201

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16-Nov-2013 11:00 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Not this round...

oldbirdy      ( Date: 16-Nov-2013 08:33) Posted:

Will it bring back the Bull as November 2006?........very exciting !!!!

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