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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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12-Apr-2007 17:05 EDMI   /   EDMI and parent SMB: What's the potential?       Go to Message
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gah. they're playing punk with edmi again. closed 39.5c courtesy of one miserable lot thrown down at closing bell. 1 lot!!


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12-Apr-2007 17:01 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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wheeee......UOBKH is at 1.6 and KE is at 1.7!!! did anyone follow my call re 9th april regarding these two babies?? lemme know so i can cue when i exit as fyi for your own decision...


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12-Apr-2007 15:11 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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oop sorry kitten, missed your post.

what i meant was generally: that guys seem to be very sentimental on their stocks; they'll cling to the losers and keep hoping and hoping that it'll go up, despite evidence to the contrary they'll believe that single little itty blip that says it'll go up. And they keep going back to 'favourite counters'. whereas for relationships, like what you said(!), looking for high return, high potential; and the moment they think the other person is not, they'll 'cut loss' straightaway, no hesitation. (in the first place, why are you looking to take, and not to give?)

like, kaoz. sigh. men. sigh.


hehe, it's ok kitten, i'm sure we can find you a partner.....let's put you up for advertisement. keke.

 *ring bell*

lelong, lelong, one lonely little elfin kitten for sale....extremely amenable, friendly, affable, able to sweet-talk. Likely quite a high earner. Young, fresh, with a good stock portfolio. Lelong, lelong....any takers????


fine print: kitten comes alone without elfin tips for stocks. The advertiser is not liable for any losses or defects in above sale item.


keke. haha. bwah haha. Smiley  

don't kill me hor. bwah ha. Smiley
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12-Apr-2007 12:35 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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k baseerahmed, i'm replying to your gems post here...'cos think quite a few ppl might have lost $$ on gems, so didn't want to post your 'academic lesson' there as it might come across as me showing off after the event has happened... gotta be sensitive to those ard too yea... pls note tho that i'm not vested in gems, nor did i track the counter at all, til my kitten mentioned it just yest.


anyhow, re your qns from that thread:

1) I use the software that SJ provides. and the actual buy up sell down from poems. that's all. All free. heehee.


2) MAcross (henceforth MAx): Depends. I vary the days based on the actual price action: correlate the peaks and troughs as best as you can. Generally i like 3 and 10/14. For pure TA trades, sometimes i'll even use 2 and 8/9. It all depends on the counter. try to have more than 5 days between the two tho, or  you'll just generate crazy buy/sell signals all the time.


3) A/D: Don't just look at the line, that can be misleading. Look at the numbers. Yea, A/D hovered between -150mil to -155mil, but the latter drop occurred concurrent with large vols, and a serious chaikin drop. (chaikin precedes AD). You need to look at more than one indicators. Also note that A/D is actually rather insensitive to gems: large price increase from 31st jan to 13th mar was shown in A/D by only an increase from -170 to abt -150mil.


So keke, if you wanna be anal and track precisely (pure chart ppl are gonna kill me here, since it's likely not what you're supposed to do), but it means a drop of abt 1mil in A/D is equivalent to a drop of abt 0.03c in actual value. So yest shows an A/D drop of 5 mil. this shd correlated with a 15c drop in share price. Which if you look at close from 10th apr to 11 apr (1.64 to 1.51), is abt right. haha. note pls don't keep doing this for all counters tho. It's a bit too much close tracking; and likely to be inaccurate after a while. don't get so caught up in numbers that you neglect the macrotrend.


4) yah. Chaikin or C/O is chaikin oscillator. sorry, too much trouble to havta spell it all the time.


5) final pt: indicators are only as good as their last test of accuracy. Stocks can lose sensitivity to indicators; so always check that you're using the right indicator for the right counter. if all else fails, nothing beats pure price/vol charting. That's the basis of all indicators, really.


6) yah. the bollies broke downward. so if you dep on pure techs, downtrend likely. but this is where psychology and price/vol comes into play. Psychology: BBs are playing this counter. (look at singtel as another play counter). So despite all the techs, my guess at final for short term is actually volatile range-bound. perfect for day/shortterm traders. Your range is abt 1.45 to 1.65.
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12-Apr-2007 12:10 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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 qzpm, re your qn on EDMI thread:

yep concur with victorian and ipunter. don't just look at RSI/Williams overbought/oversold to make a decision. Often, just because a stock is overbought doesn't mean it'll go down. In fact it might even go up further. It simply means that more and more ppl are buying it. (look at all your props like AG and HB etc).


Gotta remember too that indicators are right only if the initial parameters for their functioning are fulfilled.


So your case in pt: Aussino is a low vol stock. Some days it's even zero vol. what this means is that your traditional indicators like A/D, C/O, RSI and Williams are going to be inaccurate, since even one buy up a day will turn the williams into zero (ie, overbought). When realistically it is not so.


if you're using indicators, then the general advice is to specialise in one or a few. ie, know those few well. What you gotta do then is to pick stocks that respond to those indicators. Because not all stocks respond to all indicators. Some are notoriously insensitive. So always do a back test. if you can't run that, then simple comparison using SJ charts: 1st chart take bar chart, 2nd and 3rd the indicators of your choice: do they correlate?


Elf does technicals by a different way tho. I go by stock first, then tech method. So if a stock responds to fibo and candlesticks, i'll use that. If a stock responds to A/D, C/O, i'll use that. Essentially, i let the stock decide what it responds to, and i just follow it. Note i'm not vested in aussino, nor am i interested in it--the counter's a flatliner!--But arbitrarily, for aussino, if you want to track it, use momentum, price and vol oscillator, candlesticks. Bollies and envelope are good to see general direction. So reading for aussino: likely to be flatliner for some time.


General rule of thumb for me for pennies is to use fibo and bollies. The pennies seem to like these two for whatever reason. Note, pennies are extremely susceptible to manipulation tho, so be very careful with them. Buy only pennies with strong fundamentals. O/w, you're liable to get caught in BBs play.  


yep baseerahmed, hang on.....elf on MC today. gonna see doc later. 'working' on SJ now. haha.
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12-Apr-2007 12:04 EDMI   /   EDMI and parent SMB: What's the potential?       Go to Message
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hullo qpzm,


will respond to your aussino post on fellowship, pls follow thread there. let's not distract the edmi-ers.


For edmi-ers. yep, stilll holding. BBs playing hokey with counter yesterday. closing bell threw down mini lot to make it close 39.5, 'cos previous few quotes were buy. Just sit tight on this counter. tight float. heehee.
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11-Apr-2007 18:09 Gems TV   /   Sparkling gemstones       Go to Message
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yea jackjames, cyjjerry got it right. this counter is very volatile, and the FA is very weak for it: thinning margins, high competition. so it's best for traders (short term) rather than investors (long term). a momentum play, so to speak. note short term is not nece contra tho.

SYT, i really can't give advice, since you havta make up own mind. do note i'm not liable for any of your losses, or gains too yea. we each gotta be responsible for our choices. tech call:

Long term direction: down. Short term: up. esp tmrw. closed day with large lots buying. it's being punted by the BBs. If you're not a momentum trader, it's perhaps best not to get caught in the cross fire of the BBs. approx resistance at 1.58, again at 1.7. support at 1.45.

Caveat emptor.
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11-Apr-2007 16:18 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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sigh, oh kitten, you guys all the same...so sentimental on your stocks, and never in relationships. sigh.

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11-Apr-2007 16:15 Gems TV   /   Sparkling gemstones       Go to Message
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keke. jackjames, gems is a trader's counter, not an investor's. can play if you are able to watch counter whole day: use momentum and intraday candlesticks to decide entry/exit if keen then; dun bother abt a/d, c/o etc.  


good luck! :)
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11-Apr-2007 15:20 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hey, is anyone able to provide info on why tat hong halted trading?


aside, just posted on gems tv. eastonbay, if you want an eg of 'do what they do, not what they say', go look at the techs for gems, plus their analysts report etc: esp the date of the report cutting rating to neutral. They sold since abt 4th april (earliest sign of selling act abt 30 mar) while issuing bullish reports abt late march. blatant case of talk up while they're selling at the back. Smiley

kitten, perhaps look to other counters if you're keen on trading.


cya, gotta go!
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11-Apr-2007 15:12 Gems TV   /   Sparkling gemstones       Go to Message
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hey all... not vested in this counter but just reading the techs here, in light of my kitten being here. pls don't shoot the messenger ah....


counter has been sold down since 27th march if you follow williams. actual sell signal (3 days chaikin down, A/D more or less down consec too) came on 4th apr at its close of 1.74. BBs have been selling this counter since then. it's taken quite a bad dip yesterday alr: chaikin dipped from 840k positive to -439 negative. MACD crossed sell 3rd apr at 1.75; MAcrossover (3 and 14 days) crossed sell 9th april at 1.72. RSI crossed sell yesterday; williams is almost zero: heavily oversold. All signals reading sell.


YJ, was the analyst report only today? but clear signs from techs of BBs unloading ard 4th april alr. Might be anr case of talk up while they're selling.

those still vested, pls be very careful.


Note: above just my technical reading; i'm just posting what the charts say. I'm not advising buy/sell. pls do make up own minds.  
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11-Apr-2007 12:05 Stamford Land   /   Time for Re Rating?       Go to Message
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k, elf just divested stl at 52/51.5c. gonna follow trend and trade counter.


careful, seeing large sell quotes now. eastonbay?
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11-Apr-2007 10:03 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hey chinkiasu,

credit for stl should go to shplayer, not me. he's the one who raised the counter, i merely called the techs on it. my geges and i are splitting up the work ya see. they do the FA, i call the techs. of course, any buy/sell decision is up to individuals alone, but it helps since we can leverage off each other.

yepyep, very happy with the two counters. the other two positioned already. want a fifth counter hiap hoe but not enough funds. sian. will see how.


dun worry kitten, elf ain't gonna go anywhere if her pets can't come along. :) be careful gems tv btw. anr overhyped counter.

tata for now gotta go!
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11-Apr-2007 09:57 Stamford Land   /   Time for Re Rating?       Go to Message
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hi cashiertan, if you're interested in shorting, perhaps not yet. still got large lots bought up. retail sells only.


eastonbay and shplayer, close watch? hehe.

btw, try not to trade in 1st hr of market. mostly emotional trading then.  
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11-Apr-2007 09:55 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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act, it's at 1.11. hold, bunnie, don't sell yet. BB large buy vols still and for whatever reason, retailers are selling. they're gonna be kicking themselves afterward.


shoot, wanted to buy this but no funds. allocated out to stl, edmi, ke and kh liao. sigh.
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10-Apr-2007 22:30 Stamford Land   /   Time for Re Rating?       Go to Message
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wah sian. why they issue report so fast...


xmen, elf gave my earliest tech call for stl on 24th march alr (then: 58c in abt 6 mths). brokerage houses playing hokey man, issue report after they buy: tech charts show they've been buying since last friday....


note my highest tech count is 63c, they're giving a more bullish 64-66c. reasons can be guessed. hehe.


da gege and eastonbay, 1st signal of storm code up alr. next stage: brokerage houses gonna talk up the stock. keke. For traders: follow the buy/sell vols. when you see large consistent sells, follow and sell. Do what they do, not what they say. this is the second up wave. if this is the case elf might follow trend and lock in some profit. see how.   
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10-Apr-2007 16:47 SingaporeLandGrp   /         Go to Message
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sheesh. my da gege must be grinning from ear to ear on all his counters man. sian, i wanted this too but had to concentrate my funds. argggh....must focus, must focus! can't get too greedy. focus, elf! >~<
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10-Apr-2007 16:45 Stamford Land   /   Time for Re Rating?       Go to Message
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yea to be honest, i was expecting it to go up, but not this fast.

like i said, follow the trend. it's shooting up now; so perhaps worth a quick play.

pros to this:

stland first wave had a fibo retracement to 37c lowest. so 2nd wave will follow same pattern have retracement likely greater than brokerage cost (unlike EDMI where i don't even dare to sell out of the counter since very fast movement, tight range during stagnant period, and might not be able to catch back)---long story short: can perhaps play a certain percentage trading, a certain percentage FA holding. Lock in some profit first. dunno how much you have so ya gotta decide the % split. If you can catch the wave, you can conceivably lock in more profit and buy back lower. timing is very very important here tho. So only do it if you're sure.


cons to playing:

be careful tho: its FYE is end may. so if you sell out and intend for FA holding to buy back, make sure you can buy back in time. Wld be a bit silly to have to buy back at higher price, esp if you didn't invest the money elsewhere.


note: perhaps sell out only if you are eyeing another stock with higher potential upside than stl. 'cos really, it's on a very strong uptrend. if you're not eyeing another counter, then perhaps no sense selling.

even when smiling bigger than a smile, always keep rational.

never shoot your winners, remember?

cheers! :)
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10-Apr-2007 16:01 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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travelling: elf taking long leave in oct leh. was planning backpacking either siem reap again (to finish off the ruluos group and bang melea) or to go hawaii.

bunnie, sggal! trip together? heehee. note hawaii gonna be expensive tho. check out four seasons hua lai lai. best beach resort in the world. heehee.

dowan europe....just went UK and Italy last year....
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10-Apr-2007 14:06 Stamford Land   /   Time for Re Rating?       Go to Message
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eastonbay, stland closed lunch time 53c. a smile doesn't even begin to describe the expression on my face. :P did you vest?? 


victorian, no need to worry. mei mei here keeping very close watch on counter; notification of storm code sent out to shplayer alr. watch the targets, ppl. it'll keep moving, so follow the trend.


reiterate for the newbies here: tech target is 58-63c. the first wave for stl was 28c to 43c. then retraced to 37c. This is the second wave only. Follow the trend, because i can't be online all the time to warn ppl to sell. Also: all targets are arbitrary, remember that: if stl keeps going up past 63c, and there's strong buy vols still, there's no reason to sell, esp since we're close to divvy date.

Eyes open and just follow the trend.


all decisions at own mind and risk ah.

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