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26-Apr-2007 09:50 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hmm...singaporegal, no worries. i don't remember seeing any sharks at redang the last time i was there. altho that's just snorkelling off hte beach there. lots of colourful fishies and clams and corals tho. and a particularly stubborn little fish that's black with a white spot, who will insist on ramming itself into your snorkel mask. *sigh*

anyway, the sharks in shallow waters are only the reef sharks here, so not much worries. :)

and keke. that's what dive buddies are for. if you should see a big shark coming at you, you push your partner in front first! muah haha.

kitten wanna go diving with elf now? muahhahahahaaa...... *grin*

asterisk, as where stocks are concerned, gotta make up own mind. all buy sells are your own call, yea? altho, if you're in exam season now, i wldn't advise watching market AND studying at the same time. doubly stressful man.....wait for exams to be over then you can learn at own time own pace. market's always there, you're still young, no hurry to go scalping all the time.

k gotta go!

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26-Apr-2007 09:43 Osim Intl   /   Release of Q1 result today and AGM 27 apr       Go to Message
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keke, it's ok hohokit. looks to me as tho the shorting action is mostly over alr. wld expect stablisation ard 78-80c. thereaft, up. close the day abt 82c?

i wanna know who's the smart guy who shorted 430 lots at 88.5c man.....kaoz. sure made a lot.
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26-Apr-2007 09:31 EngKong   /   Eng Kong - Wrts issue       Go to Message
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k, possible to calculate tech target now based on yesterday and previous days' breakout. on fibo and a right graphical shift to take into acct the tremendous momentum:

a retracement to abt 23.5c is in the works, altho i do not expect it to stay there long, if at all. likely just a touch and go.

thereaft, upside is to 32.5-33c.

will wait for this target to be breached before posting the next consolidation/upside possible.

cheers! Smiley

and as per usual, pls make own minds up before buying/selling anything. check and correlate with various sources, never just one. :)
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26-Apr-2007 09:26 EDMI   /   EDMI and parent SMB: What's the potential?       Go to Message
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hey all, tech update for edmi (and yep, still vested):

tech target of 52c i called earlier this year being breached. (cf UOBKH's fair value target of 53c). A retracement is in the works, however, given EDMI's past tech data, i do not expect the retracement to be serious. likely just a touch and go, if even that (~48c). Thereaft, the upswing possible is to 72c.

not so soon tho. give it some time to rest first. slow and steady. that's why i like this baby. keke.
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26-Apr-2007 09:21 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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hey CWQuah,

no prob. we're all just sharing here. :)

just a brief update for the hh-ers here:

like i posted on fellowship thread on sunday: expect hh to be squeezed this week. Smiley tues was the last of the T+6 forced selling, so naturally squeezed down. So far it's nothing out of the ordinary, which is good.

what is interesting to note tho, as cwquah said, you'll see charts showing sell down, but note that hh is a tight float/cornered stock, ie, charts (esp indicators like a/d and c/o) are likely to be inaccurate. pls be careful when using indicators with this stock, as not all will be accurate. Easiest way to track the real picture is via the actual buy up/sell down data:

as victorian astutely observed: you'll see run ups by retailers, whereupon a certain price is reached (eg, 1.11), suddenly a large lot of 100, 200 will be thrown down. then retailers panic and sell, and a consequent large buy up occurs (1.09). this pattern has been repeated for at least the last week. which dovetails with the picture of BBs shaking out small timers.


because if it is genuine distribution by the BBs going on, then, you won't see that many large buy ups consequent to the sell downs. And long term, if you track from 60+ cents, the picture is clearer: it's major accumulation going on, not distribution.

as i said tho, expect a volatile ride. just sit in here quiet as mousies. big pic, or tech pic, it's uptrend. no reason why if HB, UIC, wingtai etc go up, hh will not, esp as their land and props are in the high end market and orchard road belt--look at keppel's results.

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25-Apr-2007 09:36 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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keke asterisk, nice to see we have something in common. ie, hopelessness in racquet games. i see a ball coming at me, i duck.


i like water a lot tho. *splish splash* :))))) snorkelling is lovely; i shd get my scuba cert really. and yea, redang is very, very lovely. white sand and baby blue waters. wld like to go back there sometime; or to pulau perhentian. it's further out from redang, so you get the hammerhead sharks and manta rays too. Off langkawi's pulau payar, you get to snorkel with sharks too. only the bitty reef ones tho, so no worries. gotta watch out for the barracudas tho. very scary. >~<

ehh, what dunhill lifestyle? i only know it as a cigarette and a perfume...eh kittie, i gave you tips alr. not my fault if you don't buy. haha. :P i repeat them here: ek and hh

note that this market is very, very volatile tho. esp hh, as BBs at play here. Yesterday T+6, deliberate depression of price. today shd stabilise, slight up. movement depends entirely on whether retail punters get in or not--if they do, BBs sure as hell to suppress price to force them out again.  Neither counter advisable for contra or short term.

And as always, caveat emptor.

and nono, kitten. the lady never treats a gentleman. Go dutch, no prob. but treat a guy, never. Pet, or not. muah ha. bunnie, tho, always can! :)))) *hugs!*

k, byes for now, gotta work!
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24-Apr-2007 09:45 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hehe, zhuge_liang, you sound frustrated. it's ok. don't let other ppl bother you so much. focus on what's of value. :)

yeayea kitten, hello to you and bunnie and godpa and the rest of the family. like sheesh, some of us have lives/jobs outside of SJ ya know....sigh. high maintenance kitten. sigh. hm. wonder what i can get for selling him off. keke. how come no takers?! sighhhh.....

heh, godpa, i'll take the MACD question for singaporegal. pai seh, have been v busy at work so will make it fast:

MACD stands for moving average convergence divergence. essentially, it lets you cross the moving averages of two time periods (so called 'cos it's a continuous line that tracks the price average of a determined no: of days). in practical terms: when the short (eg 3 days) crosses the long (eg, 10 days), it's a buy signal. when the long crosses the short, it's a sell signal.

Most pure techies will not use MACD as a buy indicator because it's a lagging indicator: ie, it moves after the share price moves. Lead indicators on the other hand, like a/d and c/o, move before the share price moves. The benefits of a lag indicator tho, is that there's perhaps greater certainty: since the movement is after the price has actually crossed the buy signal prediction.

pls note tho that singaporegal has parameters for the stocks she chooses to play; which is why she perhaps doesn't need to pay so much attention to MACD (ie, weeded out the stocks on chosen indicators alr). For most beginners, MACD is a very good, and much easier guide to learn; esp as a/d and c/o nos: can get misleading, esp if you didn't weed out on initial parameters first.

btw, market is rather crazy right now. pls be cautious for all trades, people. aside, have posted on a new stock (asterisk, you were asking how we spot stocks)--engkong. go see the thread for the techs on it. essentially a guide on using the other indicators, when a/d and c/o are insensitive, to see the tech pic of what's happening. (not an encouragement to buy ah! pls make own minds up! >~<)

ok, long mail. elf needs to go, tata for now, hope the above helps!
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24-Apr-2007 09:33 EngKong   /   Eng Kong - Wrts issue       Go to Message
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hi noobie,

the NTA and cash figures are figures normally stated in the annual reports. easy to miss tho, 'cos it tends to be a one liner beneath mountains of data.

anyhow, the FA story i'll leave to vic to elaborate, since that's not my area of speciality. i'll just give the techs for EK. pls note that below all just my opinion, make own mind when buying/selling. also, advise caution 'cos market is really rather crazy right now.

EK: has not broken out yet (ie, not even 1st wave), so i cannot and will not give any upside tech target, or it will be misleading. Facts only. What i find interesting tho: definite accumulation since at least 15th march:

note EK is a low vol stock, so pls don't use a/d and c/o on it or it's inaccurate. MACD crossed an uncertain buy signal on 20 mar at 19c, a definite buy on 3rd apr at 19c again. RSI steadily increased from 6th mar (18c) to today, and still rising. price momentum (a sign of breakout soon, and/or increasing interest from buyers, willing to pay higher prices) has been steadily increasing since 16th mar. williams shows strong buy trend from 2nd Apr.

All in all: definite accumulation going on. likely some of the accumulation was passively done, as well: ie, someone is mopping up all the sell quotes ala kim eng, instead of shocking the market and generating premature interest by queuing large buy quotes. a sign that BBs are not yet ready for the counter to chiong; perhaps a perfect opp for the small fries to buy. the a/d and c/o patterns are wonky, a sign to me that it's a cornered/tight float stock.

long post. hope the above information helps. as always, advise caution and do your due diligence before buying any stock. good luck!

your resident elf
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24-Apr-2007 09:21 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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hi citysky and cwquah,

hh lags the rest of the property market because they still own 300,000 sq ft of prime land in the orchard road belt, that has not been fully developed yet. Focusing on high end market, they've soft launched only one (or two if you count causcaden royale) of their props. most of their releases will be in 3rd Q of the year. So this is why they lag the other prop counters.

plus, news spin: HB, wingtai, UIC, capland, kepland and AG were getting the attention earlier this year 'cos they launched earlier.  

so briefly, they lagged 'cos were off market radar: market sentiment catches only what's in the news. And meanwhile, if you look at the charts, definite accumulation since its consolidation: the first run from 60+c to 80+c took place almost unnoticed by retailers. Market sentiment has not yet priced in their new props (that's partly why i say it's an early HB too)--look at HPL for instance. ran up that high just 'cos of one bullish report that said it's worth $10 plus--do you know how they got that value? purely via the assumption that the govt would revalue plot ratios. meanwhile, if you follow the charts, you can see that the BBs were offloading HPL like anything.

hh on the other hand is the opposite story. real value there, but ppl haven't noticed it yet. and yea, like i said, definite accumulation since its consolidation. I've been tracking this counter since then. a lot of playing along the way to squeeze out the small fries. which is why i advise caution for this counter. def a lot of value, but will also be alot of volatility. it'll be a game of nerves between you and the BBs.  

cheers! and as always, caveat emptor.
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22-Apr-2007 21:58 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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yo asterisk, glad to see you're still around, and i certainly hope your money's safe. keke.

k, out now so will make it quick:

market outlook for this coming week: upswing and volatile. It's a market for momentum players. Pennies. Do it fast, do it nimble, do it only if you are able to watch the screen every single second of the trading day.

Requisites: fast fingers to click your buy/sell; alternatively, excellent brokers. Pick your pennies well.

Tips: in a momentum trade, timing is everything. Take what the market gives, don't ever be greedy and hold out for that half cent/one cent more. 

Weigh your risks/returns carefully. If you cannot stomach high risk, stay out. I cannot overemphasize the risks of the momentum play: a lot will lose. It's a question of speed.

For those who are game, three words: Follow the wind.

good night, and good luck! Smiley 
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21-Apr-2007 18:29 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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whee. i see my fav people are all online now. hehe.

how's everyone doing?

elf feeling a bit boneless now. hmm. dow went up 153 pts last night. what does this augur for our STI on mon...crazy market now. it's a trader's market, not an investor's. sian. highly tempted to momentum trade. but that takes a lot of watching.

godpa, depends on what you like. sometimes you drink alcohol for the taste (the same way you'd appreciate cheese, or your chilli crabs or whatever), other times,it's just stress relieving. getting high legally. haha.

is the keejang on now the real keejang? *hullo!* Smiley

hahaha, look! a ROFL emoticon! so cute!Smiley

for the hh ppl, this emoticon sums up what's gonna happen to it next week, esp mon: Smiley

and i just think this one is very happily sweet. hehe.  Smiley

ok byes, elfie tired. gonna go zzz
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19-Apr-2007 18:01 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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sigh. see. this is why people should have only one pet (or one wife, for the men. ahhaha.) competiting interests. :P

yes bunnie dearest, i won't spank you. not unless you misbehave that badly, which i seriously doubt. but even so, there are more than one ways of handling my pets. hehe. act, i'm prob more afraid of you spanking (or more likely, nagging) me. haha.

chinkiasu (now in this age of instantaneous gratification, so sadly abbreviated to cks. sigh....): are you some kind of travel writer or something then? *curious*
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19-Apr-2007 17:31 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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eh paiseh. typo. slid 100 pts, not 800.
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19-Apr-2007 17:28 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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geez. you ppl are so violent. sheesh. poor kitten. hahahhaa! don't worry, elf has many ways to discipline recalcitrant pets. i can make them suffer even without using physical violence. *evil look*

haha. but yea kitten, do reduce the size of your posts; not very user friendly. ok? good boy! keke.

market slid 800 pts plus. hope everyone safe. :)

oh yah. wanted to reply to fairygal's pt about journey to the west. nevermind if you don't believe in the talking monkey (sun wukong!!!): the monk tripitaka is real. He was the one who transcribed the Heart Sutra, fyi. that's the shortest and possibly one of the most famous sutras in buddhism. only 268 characters if i rem rightly.
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19-Apr-2007 17:03 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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kaoz. gege, i didn't want to post the 5th wave target 'cos i thought it might be unbelievable to ppl! kaoz....pang lau kwee....

but sigh. since it's out. yeah. the 5th wave target i calculated was 2.15. not for the next 3 mths at least tho, if not longer.

pls note: be cautious in all trades. Trends continue only if existing macro forces remain the same. So do NOT take what targets i put as fixed prices. Gotta follow trend and be more fluid.

good luck to all! :)  
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19-Apr-2007 16:58 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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k, just fyi to add in to victorian's post. pls note that below is solely my tech call, not telling ppl to buy/sell. all decisions up to own person to make:

said sometime ago in this thread that HH is an early HB, a counter with a lot of potential: it follows very closely HB's pattern abt six months ago. ie, precedence to follow alr. Corroborated by FA story--cf what victorian posted.

long story short: short term resistance at 1.19-20, when stale bulls who bought earlier try to get out. Support at ~1.08.

3rd wave upside is to 1.58. Fifth wave much higher. 

Note: not for the contra player, nor for very short term (ie, one/two weeks). I'm positioning for this same way i positioned for EDMI in jan alr. Likely going to be very volatile. But the potential's undeniable. Not for the faint-hearted.

Elf: vested.

Caveat emptor.

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18-Apr-2007 21:25 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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ahhh!! singaporegal, so cute!! :)))) i dunno whether to hug you or your doggie. hehe. :P baseerahmed, aft my A levels i did an internship in fund mgmt. got the chance to sit beside the BBs live and watch how the trade. Honestly, they don't look at as many techs as i do now (since they set the trends, we just follow), but yea, the 'inside stories', you realise after a while, are always the same. like rachmaninov, or chopin. variations on a theme. so what i do is to follow the patterns on tech, and deduce which inside story it is likely to be. that's abt all. 'cos if you do it by logic (rather than seeing what you want to see), then, there can only be that many conclusions to one tech pic. Of course, sometimes it isn't easy, but that's why i track my basket of counters, and keep very close watch on them. i write down everything abt my stocks: why i buy them, what induced me to (tech, not 'it's gonna go up!), why i sell. and most importantly, what lesson i learn from my mistakes. for stocks i'm not buying, i have all their TA records, and my predictions of their movements. Then every week i check back to see if my predictions are right. Helps two ways: to see if i'm right, to see if the indicators are sensitive enough. TA. hehe. i'm self taught, basically. never read a book or whatever. just put your money on the table and learn. fastest way. keke. this forum's helped me a lot tho. like singaporegal, ipunter, kilroy, sporeguy, etcetc. I've learnt from all of them. so thanks yea, you guys. :))))
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18-Apr-2007 21:08 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hm. gege. if your fund manager sifu makes 35mil from 5mil in 6 years, and that gets him a mercer no: 1, then if elf started with 2k and is now playing 6 figs, shdn't i get a mercer no: 1 too? :P and haha, oh yea, i'm so gonna be turned down by GIC too. no finance degree. haha.


you are too kind; i've benefited a lot from your guidance too. keke. our 8 characters go well together. haha.


as for the pan jinlian thing, relax, peeps. elf was just playing with her kitten. hehe. you see, kitties get bored very easily. they like challenges. they aren't as simple as they appear to be. offer them security they'd be gone in a whiff. Boredom kills them. By lelonging him off at times, and at times patting the kittie, he never knows where he stands with me, he only knows my affection has to be earned. so he's always cautious/interested. that's how you incentivise a kitten. muah haha. play on, little pet? :P


yea eastonbay. elf would like to know more abt you too leh. Obviously someone cultured, been around, erudite, but fun loving beneath the veneer of traditional caution you wear.


ok, my stocks are doing nicely but i'm getting too much of a headache from the market. too exciting. haha. i need a slower pace. be careful of overheating, people. when aunties and uncles start to rush to buy, that's your cue to exit. leave some on the table for others. You don't havta take it all. Measure risk and reward very, very carefully, especially now. Rather a live chicken than a dead tiger. haha.
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18-Apr-2007 11:50 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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haha. godpa and gege, i find your exchanges on SPC very funny. sorry. :P

you see, what's actually happening is a difference in trading styles due to a difference in personalities. just look at your responses to each other. *highly amused*

but elf is first and foremost a rationalist, esp when it comes to the market. To me, make is make, i don't care how, be it TA, FA, some mumbo-jumbo zen thing, or whatever.

so haha, nevermind SPC. As long as both of you are making in your own ways, really. as i've been saying all along *wise look*, method doesn't matter. whose opinion is right doesn't matter. What matters is the dollars you count in your hands. So let's get out there and make some BIG dollars. yea? ;)  

elfin stocks doing very well. Smiley man, i love this emoticon. apart from the puppy eyed one, this has got to be one of my favourites. heehee. godpa, sunrise stocks, i'll tell you when i see them. email. muah ha.

and kitten, don't you even dare suggest i be pan jinlian. i'll lelong you off faster than a speeding bullet. haha. :P act, i think godpa makes a good song jiang. a very charismatic leader whose intentions can never be guessed, and who's much smarter than he appears to be. keke.   
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17-Apr-2007 17:01 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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haha, oh man, i think apart from fellowship, the SPC forumers are my favouritest bunch. you guys are really damn cute. i did tell you all alr that SPC likely to break $5 wat....still so happy. sheesh....

anw, seeing strong buy ups there. STE doing very well too. if you aren't eyeing anything else, hold both counters, peeps! Smiley

yah, victorian gege, pay chinkiasu $1!!! and chinkiasu, you're so gonna split half with elf in return for the tech advice i've been giving. :P or you can buy me a drink too. hmmm....sake from eastonbay, a drink from my godpa....ooh, i'm lining up my alcohol for when i'm well again. keke.

sigh. waiting to go home....started to fall sicker last night; today at work had to borrow some medication from a colleague; bought some more at lunch. now nicely drugged up so stopped the coughing/sniffing. but feeling all boneless and sleepy. sigh.  

btw, victorian is currently out of country on work. so pls don't expect regular posts from my gege for these few days. depends entirely on his net access.

byebye. btw, watch the SJ membership. it's 88-something-something now. i'm waiting to see 8888. keke. i'm a pantang kantang. hehe.  
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