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Latest Posts By Hulumas - Supreme      About Hulumas
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18-May-2011 10:32 China Sky Chem   /   Neglected, Illiquid, Undervalue, Recovery counter.       Go to Message
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Yes, me too, I keep buying!

freeme      ( Date: 13-Sep-2010 12:25) Posted:

in terms of PE and NAV.. china sky indeed is lagging much more than Li heng. Both are good in my view.

Im thinking of adding more of china sky at the moment since it still didnt move much.. anything below 16ct is a buy for me on china sky

Hulumas      ( Date: 10-Sep-2010 09:54) Posted:

For the case of CHINA SKY comparative study to LI HENG:

In short, two main factors indicate CHINA SKY shows much more accelerated growth business expansion opportunity, hence giving much more room share price appreciation in the near future (testing resilient performance result I place in three months and further checking of its (CHINA SKY)  progress of moving its factory activities to new premise.

Factor 1: Intrinsic accelerated growth potential future value.

Factor 2: Ratio of factor 1 above to its related PE (present price earning value ratio)

Conclusion: CHINA SKY has both its Factor 1 and Factor 2  > than LI HENG.

So, I prefer CHINA SKY to LI HENG for short to mid term holding time horizon investment ! (I set trial period of three months period as in my previous posting).

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18-May-2011 10:29 China Sky Chem   /   A case of sell on news       Go to Message
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China Sky announcing on May 18 ( selected the best day) first quarter very good and promising   fact and figure reveal by itself, that my strong call to buy and accumulation of this stock is with solid ground and at least still intact at least for another five years!

alexchia01      ( Date: 17-May-2011 16:46) Posted:

I don't know why Hulumas think this is a Good Counter to Buy.

Looking from Both Fundamental and Technical, this is not a Counter to Buy at the moment.

Unless he has some insider information where he knows the upcoming result would take everyone by surprise.

Please note that China Sky is suppose to issue its Financial Result yesterday, but till now there is no result yet. If by the next few days, management can't produce anything, they will be force to suspend trading.

I don't think this is a risk I want to take.

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18-May-2011 10:01 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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No, we should not do that, since it is purely traders' attitude, eventually, it will do harm to you!

Gaecia      ( Date: 17-May-2011 23:24) Posted:

When there is profit to take in the brokerage a/c (be it cfd or cash a/c) on existing position(s), pls learn to realise it because profits are not merely virtual. It is  real (so are  losses), profits  can always evaporate  when price direction moves against you.

Peg_li      ( Date: 17-May-2011 22:44) Posted:

是 呀 , 很 累 , 这 市 场 太 难 赚 钱 了 !

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18-May-2011 09:54 Others   /   Stock market Investments       Go to Message
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I have the analogical analysis too, hence, I fully agree with you. By this time, I am sure, you have known how to do proper investment, I suppose!

hotokee      ( Date: 18-May-2011 09:44) Posted:

Idealistically, stock market is a ZERO sum game. You buy from or sell to the next trader who has objectives like parking funds, liquidating position or betting long or short on some basis of perception of a company's future.

Short term movements normally are erratic. The concept of one man's loss is one man's gain is more clearly seen in short term play.  Long term, however, we have to add to the intrinsic value of the stock to the fundamental improvements over time and such fundamentals become the variable factor.  This VF is also subjected to asset fluctuations brought about by appreciation or depreciation of inventories, goodwill, and  realisation or fulfilment of objectives and contracts,   and maybe also the  biological assets.

Thus the Zero sum game is not really zero sum. If the economy gets better, all companies benefits and vice versa if otherwise.  A good economy actually adds premium to the quality of all businesses since every one gets the spillover through osmosis. A buyer's gain is more substantiated than that of the seller's  loss  that can at best be considered as opportunity costs that are more or less compensated by a flourishing market.

The beneficiaries of a strong bull market are the economy itself since there will be more cash enrichment, and there should be no such a situation of a balloon since a  burst or crash can only happen where the underside is neither solid nor sound.

This is  what I have come up with some analysis of  stock investments.  

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18-May-2011 09:46 China Sky Chem   /   What is going on !       Go to Message
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Will you stop talking nonsenses please!

warrenbegger      ( Date: 16-May-2011 20:58) Posted:

Wa Lau! U always make me so worried!

I really care for U, U must love me :)

Hulumas      ( Date: 16-May-2011 17:28) Posted:

Another QUANTITATIVE measure by SGX is on process, as such substantial volume trading is boosting up within 5 days, perhaps! Ha. ha . . ha . . .

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17-May-2011 23:37 China Sky Chem   /   A case of sell on news       Go to Message
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Bintang      ( Date: 17-May-2011 15:27) Posted:

China Sky came down from 27 cents after the forming of double top formation on 07/01/11 . It stopped at 15 cents on 29/03/11 n made a technical rebounce to form a bearish rising wedge . Breaking this formation may reach a target at 5 cents .

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17-May-2011 23:32 China Sky Chem   /   Worth a bet ??       Go to Message
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No punctuation marks, it means no stop buying! Ha. ha. . ha. . .

bryancbq      ( Date: 17-May-2011 15:24) Posted:

hai. if only you can add punctuation marks...haha

Hulumas      ( Date: 17-May-2011 12:37) Posted:

Future huge potential capital appreciation yet with fantastic discounted buying share price and big volume share supplied market availability too

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17-May-2011 23:28 China Sky Chem   /   A case of sell on news       Go to Message
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Just try to think positive, every thing will be different!

Jackpot2010      ( Date: 17-May-2011 17:42) Posted:

Can't understand why Q1  can be delayed. It is unaudited unlike full yr where delay may be due to certain audit issues. So it could be bad news - then followed by halt  or suspension. BOSAYOR.

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17-May-2011 23:10 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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teeth53      ( Date: 17-May-2011 20:51) Posted:


The tap dance begins: Treasury Secretary Geithner said he can move money around to keep U.S. out of default until Aug. 2.

NY(CNNMoney) -- It's official: The U.S. govt hit the debt ceiling on Monday, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told Congress. He would have to suspend investments in federal retirement funds until Aug. 2 in order to create room for the govt to continue borrowing in the debt markets.

He went on to urge Congress once again to raise the country's legal borrowing limit soon " to protect the full faith and credit of the United States and avoid catastrophic economic consequences for citizens."

Congress, meanwhile, is not showing any signs of budging. Many Republicans and some Democrats say they won't raise it unless Congress and President Obama agree to significant spending cuts and other ways to curb debt. (Social Security and Medicare squeezed)

  If lawmakers don't get it together by Aug. 2, the United States will no longer be able to pay its bills in full.

S& P said it did not see Washington agreeing on a plan for its dept before the Nov 2012 presidential election.

Defaulting on BOND in unthinkable, it debt now stood at US$14.29 trillion (S$17.6 trillion)  a click away which can plunging U.S. into it ever worst finance disaster again.

How many times has the ceiling been raised? Since March 1962, the debt ceiling has been raised 74 times, according to the Congressional Research Service. Ten of those times have occurred since 2001. Expect more of the same over the next decade. Barring major changes to spending and tax policies, " Congress would repeatedly face demands to raise the debt limit," CRS wrote.

What happens if Congress doesn't raise the debt ceiling before Aug. 2? No one knows for sure. But the going assumption is that no good can come of it.

What happens if Congress blows the debt ceiling?

Treasury would not have authority to borrow any more money. And that can be a problem since the government borrows to make up the difference between what it spends and what it takes in. It uses that borrowed money to help fund operations and pay creditors.

Agence France-Presse, Reuters.

teeth53 thot: What can happen here, when our politics is based on U.S. style policy. I can ONLY see two big elephant fighting it out for it own political selfless own  agenda.


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17-May-2011 13:42 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Financial deleveraging is still in process, QE3 is still in preparation stage! SSE is still in consolidating process too!

tanglinboy      ( Date: 17-May-2011 08:36) Posted:

Why are trading volumes still so low after GE??!!

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17-May-2011 12:46 China Sky Chem   /   Great Singapore Sales       Go to Message
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Now we are awaiting false market share price to appreciate . . . that is all I think!

ordinaryguy      ( Date: 21-Apr-2011 10:56) Posted:

Slow price movement since the release of audited financial report to shareholders, but at least the wry of fake cash is over.So to-be investors need not wry abt the issue of fake cash anymore. Stay tune to the AGM on 26th April

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17-May-2011 12:37 China Sky Chem   /   Worth a bet ??       Go to Message
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Future huge potential capital appreciation yet with fantastic discounted buying share price and big volume share supplied market availability too!

tanglinboy      ( Date: 17-May-2011 10:09) Posted:

Why buy? Please give reasons?

Hulumas      ( Date: 17-May-2011 09:03) Posted:

Buy tomorrow China Sky, if only you believe me

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17-May-2011 09:03 China Sky Chem   /   Worth a bet ??       Go to Message
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Buy tomorrow China Sky, if only you believe me!

crystal1818      ( Date: 21-Jan-2011 10:32) Posted:

Thanks for sharing.

Can you teach us how to find laggard stocks to buy?


Hulumas      ( Date: 21-Jan-2011 10:31) Posted:

I 'll probably find it and tell you around post Chinese New Year

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17-May-2011 09:01 China Sky Chem   /   A case of sell on news       Go to Message
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Make a lot of money!

warrenbegger      ( Date: 16-May-2011 20:22) Posted:

??? This counter very good??? Why???

Hulumas      ( Date: 16-May-2011 17:56) Posted:

Yes, the scenario will repeat again tomorrow, time to buy heavily this counter!!

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17-May-2011 08:59 China Sky Chem   /   A case of sell on news       Go to Message
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Be patient, every thing will be okay!

MasterNg9999      ( Date: 16-May-2011 21:01) Posted:

Hwaah....... so powderful .... got lucky charm from buffet .. i also wat but i scare later Hulumas come after me if he know i take his portion of the bush .

  this forum so scary one ah??.....got some secret eye looking at every post and cassette all the nonsense??...... think i be like Hulumas write loud loud word like the whole world can shake one.....

  this counter is ok for big time gambler,pple who like to hwah ah!!! hwah ah!!! can take high pressure, i cannot play cos i scare later i get heart attack and cannot take care of my other baby counters .....i hamp chee one and kiasee also plus my Karma hit max liao cannot anyhow bluff pple this year......need to top up first.... (T_T)

  maybe u can try try since got  Hulumas onboard ( finger-crossed ) and haven hit your 30% yet.............got lucky charm also


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17-May-2011 08:48 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Something wrong with SGX trading mechanism system, I suppose!

tanglinboy      ( Date: 17-May-2011 08:36) Posted:

Why are trading volumes still so low after GE??!!

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17-May-2011 00:17 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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That is why, I like to buy them! " GOT PLAY"

warrenbegger      ( Date: 15-May-2011 14:51) Posted:

This is the lastest about S-cheat on 15 May 2011. Pls read more if u still playing with S-cheat, just for your own good :)

There are still many S-cheat out there, is either U play them or U play by them, go find out more yourself before U kanna burn :)

Chinese stock scams are the latest U.S. import


Pump and dump scheme. Finance chief resigned. A member firm of the " Big Four" accounting company's global network, severed ties to the company. Investors chase the next hot Chinese stock -- only to find themselves victims of scams. Many of the questionable Chinese companies gain access to U.S. capital markets through a back door. Of the more than 600 companies that obtained entry to U.S. exchanges this way between January 2007 and March 2010, a total of 159 were from the China region, according to the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). While many are legitimate, some turn out to be outright pump-and-dump schemes and other scams. This has taken U.S. exchanges by surprise. NYSE and Nasdaq have delisted several companies and have a veritable " skid row" of more than a dozen firms that have been halted for weeks or months pending requests for information about accounting problems and late regulatory filings. " You see these Chinese companies that have these great numbers, they never miss a quarter of earnings. They are always right on. Their expenses are low. Their growth is tremendous, regardless of the economy. So you go, 'Hmm, this doesn't make sense'," said Left. Efforts to inspect Chinese auditing firms have met resistance from Chinese authorities, but Doty told Reuters this week he expected progress this year, in part because the various problems with Chinese firms had shown authorities in Beijing the importance of credible auditing. " I'm afraid for my personal safety in some areas of China," Qin said. He told Reuters that some companies colluded with employees at major Chinese state-owned multinational banks to provide false bank statements, though he would not specify which ones. " Just because it is China doesn't mean it is a path to riches," Left said.

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16-May-2011 23:32 China Sky Chem   /   ChinaSky heading for the sky? Look again!       Go to Message
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It is worth buying today, while the market full of negative exaggerated suspicion about S-chip! One thing for sure, the price of China Sky is so cheeeeeeeeeeeeeap!

louis_leecs      ( Date: 07-Dec-2010 08:53) Posted:

take a look at li heng,,,follow up bb aqu,,,,,,huat ah

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16-May-2011 17:56 China Sky Chem   /   A case of sell on news       Go to Message
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Yes, the scenario will repeat again tomorrow, time to buy heavily this counter!!!

jasonrxz      ( Date: 24-Feb-2008 18:43) Posted:

Attention all Bros.....

I am very very confident that this counter will move and move up very fast in this coming week to come...watch out for this!!!


Very confident about the chart ( i am a TA guy ) that shows uptrend is in place and please don't miss the boat. I hope Brothers here can get a profit from this potential stocks...

Dun flame me ok if this go opposite way ok? However i am super confident on this stock!!!!!!  Do your own research!!! Trust urself in stocks and have luck. [L]earn [U]nder [C]orrect [K]nowledge.






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16-May-2011 17:28 China Sky Chem   /   What is going on !       Go to Message
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Another QUANTITATIVE measure by SGX is on process, as such substantial volume trading is boosting up within 5 days, perhaps! Ha. ha . . ha . . .

Jackpot2010      ( Date: 16-May-2011 13:01) Posted:

5 days delay seems reasonable but SGX just rejected China Sky's request per noon announcement - so strange!

belgeran      ( Date: 16-May-2011 10:26) Posted:

they are just going to delay 5 days... is that so horrible.. ? :(

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