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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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17-May-2007 10:02 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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keke, did kilroy vest like elf asked? keke.

they're institutionalising hh, kid.  
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17-May-2007 09:59 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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ok peeps, news out.

proposed placement of 26 mil new shares at 0.93. UOBKH as placement agent. rep 9.46% of total share cap as at 11may. placement shares not entitled to the divvie tho.

financial effect: NAV per share increases from 29.95 to 36.11. 'assuming all shares fully suscribed for'.

considering it's likely an institutional placement, duh, of course all suscribed for. esp at this discount to current px.

step 1 of rerating of PE underway. keke.


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17-May-2007 09:15 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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have looked at various scenarios. my best guess is a private placement to institutional investors, at px of $1.
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16-May-2007 13:16 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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haha. cks, look at the busd data. it's not TA or GA etc. Dun bother analysing. There are only pure punters in that counter only now. BBs either exited already or are sitting still. ie, this is the tech rebound now. and it's a rebound via retailers. Not institutions.

what's rogue's stakes, btw?

and godpa, no more bets. house limits reached already. hmph. bunnie was right; keep the bunnie, throw out the godpa. how can you bet against me!!! *wail* 

yes gege, you'd better be on my side, or stay neutral at least....or no more kantang updates for you man. hell, considering we're holding some of hte same counters, i can even play havoc with them. muah ha.

(that's why they say, never offend a woman. hahahaha!!)

do we gotta have chinese food? jade or jiang nan chun's my pick then. japanese is good too--keyaki. or if you like somewhere quieter and nice atmosphere, capella at chijmes is good. (western/fusion). if you go jiang nan chun, can people spot. the lee family dines there. sim wong hoo too; and the khoos. Big Boys, literally. heehee.

k, byes for now; am very swamped with work (in fact i shdn't be on SJ now); leaving the country on sat so need to rush. byes!

(gege, might havta use you as my courier pigeon for the rest of this week to honour/check on the gems bet...since will be in and out of office etc. can?)
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16-May-2007 09:37 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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ahhh, rogue, you make me so sad....thought you were my friend, will support me. meh.

but haha, ok, bets on.

and dun worry, i promise i won't manipulate gemstv. *scout's honour* i'm ding dong but i'm not siao ok: gems: 1 bil share float, shaky FA, TA deader than a dodo, not a chance in hell i'm entering that counter.

smart of you to even think of that tho. haha.

on! Smiley

i repeat tho: if anything big shakes the entire market, then all bets off. ok? fair's fair. 
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15-May-2007 22:38 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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jerome, singaporegal uses RSI, williams, a/d, c/o and bollies.

and yes chinkiasu, when it comes to techs, there are always parameters to fulfil. that's why you need to be very careful what you choose to specialise in. either use method and select stocks that respond to those methods, or stock first, then select method that responses to stock.

You can't do it both ways. likely to go wrong.  

not exactly exceptional cases; but you need to take the entire picture, and not just a few days indication by one indicator---liable to be too myopic then. need sufficient distance to see pic clearly.  
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15-May-2007 22:35 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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fyi, further tech analysis from the busd today:

as i said, the margin call was likely 0.995 for a lot of players. So if you see the busd data today; large lots thrown at sub $1. When you put the pic together, these are not likely lots thrown by the BBs, but lots thrown by margin players who could not afford to top up their calls.

just my opinion. esp so since the lots sold were not in nice round numbers. indication of players who fully leveraged up and thus ended up with odd lots. eg, 76, 126 etcetc.

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15-May-2007 22:31 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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haha, chinkiasu, you're lucky that vic spoke up. if that dang bro of mine didn't ruin my deal, i'd take eastonbay's 0.955. Smiley


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15-May-2007 22:28 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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ok, the tech range for depression (can't rem if i posted it out) is 95-99c.

Assuming margin at buy price of 1.07 (which was abt the price it allowed margin on): margin calls happen at 0.995, with forced selling at 0.92. Taking it all in all, the range as per above still holds.

As i said all along, a game of nerves.

They're forcing out the margin players now.  

Elf still vested. I'm not on margin; so they can't force me out. haha. Goes below my strike price, i might enter again. see how.

it's a fine line. game of psychology now. they need to shake out the small players, but at the same time, depress the price too much, everyone flees, no one will buy it in future. People lose confidence, and have emotions attached to their stocks. no one will want to buy something that leaves a bad taste in their mouths.

Let's see them play. BBs here not fully experienced yet, i think. Plus, need to hold price low to make it attractive for placement.
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15-May-2007 22:18 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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reposting...somehow or other got muddled up. ignore earlier post pls. as follows:

an either or choice for the two gentlemen here. keke. either this friday's close, or next friday's close. and i called a range earlier, but realised to make things simpler and mutually exclusive, we need to set one price.

so eastonbay, very nice of you to offer 0.955, but cannot lah. That will not be fair to you. The lowest today was already 0.95. I won't take unfair deals. (if not for vic, actually, i'd prob just take you on. heehee.)

a) this friday May 18 close: 0.94. Below that i take. Above, you win.

b) next friday May 25 close: 0.98.

Any takers? or counter offer. i'll consider. Smiley

oh, and as per vic's deal with cks on SPC: if anything big shakes the entire market (eg, entire SGX downs), then the bet's off.

fair enough to all?

gege... no objections right?

PS: pls note i'll be out of the country next week; so will likely not be able to check in on the deal that frequently.

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15-May-2007 22:13 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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okok, at the behest of my dearest bro victorian, elf will be nice. Smiley

an either or choice for the two gentlemen here. keke. either this friday's close, or next friday's close. and i called a range earlier, but realised to make things simpler and mutually exclusive, we need to set one price.

so eastonbay, very nice of you to offer 0.955, but cannot lah. That will not be fair to you. The lowest today was already 0.95. I won't take unfair deals.

Any takers? or counter offer. i'll consider. Smiley

oh, and as per vic's deal with cks on SPC: if anything big shakes the entire market (eg, entire SGX downs), then the bet's off.

fair enough to all?

gege... no objections right?

PS: pls note i'll be out of the country next week; so will likely not be able to check in on the deal that frequently.

unfair deals. (if not for vic, actually, i'd prob just take you on. heehee.)

a) this friday May 18 close: 0.94. Below that i take. Above, you win.

b) next friday May 25 close: 0.98.
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15-May-2007 21:38 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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eeee....concur with singaporegal. UTAC is going down. baseerahmed, don't just take a/d for a couple of days; look and see it since ~18th april.

and gege. *giggle* i can't help it if they offer themselves what. *stifled laughter* rogue! you joining in or not? singaporegal? c'mon....let's play!! keke. singaporegal no need stakes; she's a techie, i'm pretty sure she'll be on my side. just that she'll likely not call a range. keke.

but don't worry, i'll be nice. my dear (or shd that be dang haha) bunnie made the stakes for me; i was actually gonna go for a hp 'upgrade'. haha.

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15-May-2007 18:02 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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keke, rogue, you ain't a rogue if you're not tempted by this side bet. keke. besides, thought you'd like a chance to practice your TA. and hey, you're supposed to be on my side! meh.

eastonbay and cks: in order to be fair to all: i'll let you guys choose the time frame? so either end this week, or end next week.

meanwhile, we'll kiv the price range to call til tonight? so everyone has a chance to make proper decisions based on facts.


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15-May-2007 17:12 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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cks: oh i see, had thought your next week meant mon. but nah, bets must be fair. tell ya what, you choose the time frame, i'll call my range? ie, if you want end next week >$1, also can, but give me time to call a new range then, since SJ data doesn't come out til 8 pm or so? if the range i call is same as yours, then we're same side so bets off. keke. fair deal?

 and aiyah, today def cannot close below 0.9 lah. just look at the buy support at 0.96 you know alr.

zhirong thann, sti down is normal lah. entire region down. plus aft yesterday chiong up, needs to breathe what. vols are at least more normal.
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15-May-2007 16:50 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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keke, bunnieee!!! *hugs*

cks already said he went against the trend and bought in (?). that's why i wanna do side bet with him. but haven't called stakes yet lah. dunno how much he bought, thought it wouldn't be nice if he loses both the share and the bet what.

eastonbay, one glass sake, on. but gotta fix parameters first: you wanna call your own range, or default cks >$1 call?

and cannot just above 92c. no go.

muah ha. ehhhh where's my rogue trader ah beng friend? *grin*

btw, zhirong thann, abt shorting: i wldn't advise doing it, since it's a one day thing. not unless you have the CFD acct which allows for 30 days. 'cos generally, even for TA ppl, we'll call the up or down trend, but we seldom like to put a date to it; since to be right on one is difficult alr, much less to be right in the given time span.

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15-May-2007 16:44 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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ehhh...no fair, you can't say above 0.92; your first call was >$1 wasn't it?

if 0.92 and above that's too easy. then the onus is just on me. no fun. c'mon leh....bets must be fair.


eastonbay, wait; gotta set parameters of the call first. haha.
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15-May-2007 16:19 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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chinkiasu, the first rule of investing, as ipunter has pointed out many, many times: the trend is your friend.

but keke. i see the opp for some fun. *grin* nevermind about 2 mths, that's too long to wait. you say $1 by next week?

wanna side bet?

gemstv: i call friday's close at 0.88-0.92.

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15-May-2007 16:09 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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hear hear! good one, kilroy. and yea, elf agrees. let nickyng have his fun. I still say he's the most accurate barometer of SPC.

keke. plus, it's fun watching him, and sure as hell he gets more enjoyment out of the market than us poring, rabid, raving, overly serious investors.


cheers nickyng! Smiley
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15-May-2007 14:14 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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kid, you see, the point is not the law per se. the point is in the burden of proof. ie, prove that the person is guilty of manipulating the shares.

near impossible to do so. And when it's Temasek? or Keppel buying up SPC?

you can't call the cops wat. in first place, it's not illegal.

and eh. can we pls avoid this topic? getting dangerous. i'm a simple elf. i just want to make my Smiley. haha.

yeah, chinkiasu, what i want is a yorkshire terrier; ya know, the little ones? that pic was a silky terrier, aka, singaporegal's pet. hehe. small people need small pets. heehee. and arghhh, no yorkshire pudding! jerome, asterisk etc, you cheapos! want lesson but dowan to pay. hmph. doggie! i want a doggie! *wail*

talk abt being a noisemaker. keke. :P

yah man, eastonbay, you're perhaps a little too diversified? you almost had me reaching for my calculator to derive your NAV. until the last line abt additional FJBen etc. Concealed NAV resulting in inaccurate NTA therefore halted accountancy. hahahaa.

StA doing well, huh? it's consolidating now. hp, i'm getting my hp! Smiley

SPC ppl: tech update: ~5.95 is your next upside. Also, don't use a/d and c/o on it. for some reason it's inaccurate---just see the recent upsurge in px.

hm. what other kantangs require updating? china yb is dipping a bit as expected. gemstv, large lots sold; don't fight trend hor.  vic's multiple kantangs, all same story: rangebound and in accumulation phase.

and no logic, but i just want to post up this onion. quite cute leh. hehe. Smiley

ok, back to wk. byebye!
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14-May-2007 23:46 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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keke, kid. currently, the main potato picker is vic. i get help from my two geges, and my godpa too (thanks you guys!).

time ah? then you shd learn to do momentum scalping. i'm serious. go check it out. even if say, cheap, make 500 every week, that's 2k a mth already. swing the trade, kiddo.

ok lah. byebye for now. shd go sleep already; or tmrw sure be one sulky grinchy elf at work. sigh.....meh meh meh.

and there i go sounding like a bleeping lost lamb again.

haha. niteesssssssss peeps!
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