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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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17-May-2007 17:39 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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elf is the youngest, grumpiest and most temperamental noise maker in the family.

so yea, they all listen to me.

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17-May-2007 17:35 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hm, rogue, not bad leh. you quite zhun on the closing sti.

and ehhh...what kind of a gambler are you man, getting cold feet now. tsk. haha.

anw, relax. you guys are jumping the gun yet again. The closing, as i've been saying, is for tmrw 1715 hrs. dun gotta speculate before that. just wait and see.

btw, rogue, in case you got same idea as eastonbay, hp = handphone, not hewlett packard.

and no, that's not what the elf wants to claim from you, if she wins. (still an 'if'). keke. you can go sit, guess and sweat for the next 24 hrs.

muah ha.

ok byebye!
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17-May-2007 16:19 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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yeps, concur with vic. i dun konw what the heck are naked shorts and covered shorts (can someone pls explain), but have been tracking the busd since mon. a lot of shorting going on.

this will stablise the px for now, but once it is over, as vic said, it'll freefall--not likely in a day, but a slow bleeding. who's behind it? vic, knightrider on the gems thread gave the ans liao.

and yah. this is not spc. spc drops to sub$4, i'll buy. gems drops to sub whatever, i'm not touching this counter with a ten foot pole.

and rogue dahling, who said your stakes were just two jugs of alcohol? keke. assume 5 lots at 7c gain, that's 350 liao. muah ha. (or what, you went for lucky number 8? *grin*)
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17-May-2007 14:43 Gems TV   /   Sparkling gemstones       Go to Message
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sigh. agatha, this counter is only for high risk punters. my advice: stay out.

nuff said.
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17-May-2007 14:42 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hardly anything to do with him, rogue. more like if i were to take adv of the situation, my godpa, bunnie and bro are gonna pull my ears. haha.

odds analysis: the support for gems today is at 0.865.

you go analyse and see when you wanna cover.

lemme know when you do. keke. so you seeee....elfie is fair to all what....haha.  
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17-May-2007 14:40 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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oop apologies, shplayer, the mistake was mine. what i meant was as you said, that it isn't entitled to the 15th may divvie.

when is the TH gonna be lifted....
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17-May-2007 14:29 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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rogue, what px you sold the short?
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17-May-2007 14:18 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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thanks cks, but wah, pls don't involve me in any news media etc! i'm only a forumer here; they're sure to qn what does a young punk like me know abt TA when their analyst prob has a finance degree etc from some prestigious place or something.

anw, my aim is just to give as fair a perspective on a stock as is possible for me; whether i'm vested or not shd not make a dif to the tech call.
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17-May-2007 14:14 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hey, cks, i'm serious here. read your gems post. stop trying to bottom fish for now, can you? if you want to bottom fish, wait til it drops to the bottom first. do you see the sell quotes? the selling pressure is increasing.

ok? please. i don't want to win this bet from you this way. it's not fun anymore. so for you: if gems closes below 0.85 today, i'm suspending your bet. ok? elf pulling rank here as banker.

the other two gentlemen, however, the bet still stands. in fact, i wanna increase stakes for rogue. muah ha. niama...dare to odds analysis and short on me....haha.
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17-May-2007 13:49 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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erm, ok, i don't know who the zaobao techie is, but whoever he/she is, it's giving TA a bad rep.

jkbk, it is possible to do TA without knowing the fundamentals. but a good tech analyst has to be able to give the reasons why the trend is this way, and not just quote figures out of the blue.

the last time i checked SPC's techs, it was consistent uptrend. esp if you look at the busd data: for past trading sessions it's consistent large lots buy up. Also broke the resistance of 4.96 that was earlier called. Nothing to suggest it's going down.

note: a/d and c/o not very accurate on SPC tho; so perhaps the analyst didn't do a backtest to see if his/her indicators worked correctly on the counter or not.
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17-May-2007 13:44 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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to my three gentlemen: the game's not over til it's over.

gems: 0.89 now; increased selling pressure. TA-wise if you look at it, has been down since it was 1.5+. It just broke support at 0.9.

but there's 1.5 trading sessions left, so we'll see. only one of two ways now anyhow: either freefall down, or tech rebound. close of friday 18th is the deadline, yea? We'll suspend all speculation til then. One of the key things an techie must do: never overstep your techs. 

And when the bell strikes at 1715 hr tmrw, the little elfin banker will take accounts. *grin*

gege victorian sitting as arbitrator still yea?

godpa, aren't you glad i threw out your bet? keke.  
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17-May-2007 11:55 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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kaoz, rogue, just read your gems post. you're really a soccer guy man. 'odds analysis'. sheesh. must teach me sometimes. hedging bets. haha.

see ya anr time lah. elfie also going out for lunch now. see lah, suppose to be chionging work, but kena sidetracked by hh and gems. sigh.

yea, lelong, lelong, one rogue! keke.

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17-May-2007 11:52 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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ehhh...kilroy, so sad, meh. does what i do really come across as aggressive selling? hm...must tone down then. dun wanna lead ppl on anything. own minds, ppl, own minds!
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17-May-2007 11:49 Gems TV   /   Sparkling gemstones       Go to Message
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rogue, married deal can be a share buyback by the co itself too stop the price from falling too much on open market. like spc in the past, and osim recently.
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17-May-2007 11:46 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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vic ain't the only one man. elf also managing for family. and yes, it makes it difficult to. they expect high returns and instantaneous. >~<

i've basically installed a hands off policy. ie, you give me the money, don't ask so much qns, don't interfere with my trades. i payback min 10% guaranteed returns. plus special divvies dep on my 'FYE results'. 

more difficult than margin man. haha.

and no, i'm not soliciting for investors. family difficult enough liao. haha.
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17-May-2007 11:40 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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oie, rogue, you're really a rogue man! you bet with me that it'll go up, but you short it in real life!!!

niama....this one, must fine heavily. keke.

tech call: what's your email? or ask my godpa to mail you the tech details? i don't want to put it out here, like i said, will skew the bet, and that's not fair.

eh, relax lah peeps. elf is very fair. i'll just go for commensurate value. keke. plus, if i'm not, my gege is gonna scold me. haha.

altho, dang, i'm quite silly leh. i shd have earned my yorkie off SJ bit by bit. sigh....wasted.... 

yea cks, agree with baseerahmed fully. bet is for fun: but do be very careful; you're vested in it.
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17-May-2007 11:29 Gems TV   /   Sparkling gemstones       Go to Message
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eh hello dahling, i didn't inform you precisely 'cos you betted against me! will skew the bet if i let you know the techs wat. if you were on my side, i'd have told you.

keke. regretting now? and eh, pls tell me you didn't buy gems! (can we shift this to fellowship thread pls)
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17-May-2007 11:22 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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gems is at 0.915 now. falling faster than i expected. cks, please be careful. this isn't abt the bet anymore; you have real money there.

on the other hand, if it doesn't break below support of 0.9, might have a chance of tech rebound.

but haha, fine, i'm too softhearted; the way this is going, i rather i lose the bet than you lose your $. vic was right, a lot of small fries are going to bleed on this one.

not good...

rogue my dear boy, if you remember, the elfin lady hasn't set her stakes yet. keke. be prepared to pay,  gentlemen. keke.

anyway, still too early to say. a good techie never oversteps his/her techs. for the bet: wait and see. but cks, be very careful.  
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17-May-2007 11:17 Gems TV   /   Sparkling gemstones       Go to Message
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hey, cks and others, this is not funny anymore, side bets aside.

i'm serious, gems is falling too fast; i gave my godpa, bunnie, vic and asterisk my TA call for it privately yest/today already; it's breaking that even now with this fall. currently 0.915.

extreme caution, pls. i cannot and will not tell you what to do: but the numbers speak for themselves.

didnt want to release it yet cos of our ongoing bet, but busd data for previous trading sessions: for lots of 100 and above:

tues: sd outweights bu by 5000+ lots.

wed: sd outweigh bu by ~1000 lots.

it's consistent large lot selling, exclude the damn retailers already and see the pic. I don't have the exact nos on hand, but i've given them to geojam.

this is no joke, k. i've been advising sell on gems since it was 1.5+.
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17-May-2007 10:26 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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erm, gege. can you please remain more calm anot....public forum. exercise composure and discretion. don't induce people to 'BUY!'. then you're no dif from all the bank and brokerage houses analysts.

more logically:

placement at 0.93, last closing px is 1.02.

read between the lines of the report: 'assuming all shares fully suscribed for'. I'm thinking, don't need to assume. they're probably all fully placed out to institutions already. (hence the ~10% discount, rather than issuing at last closing price). WHich means, like the two pplacements of edmi, the stock is not likely to touch its placement price.

Fair estimate of 0.95-0.99 for short term still holds. hh is gonna be accumulated on open market the moment it lifts trading halt. likely to see retail sell, institution buy. So expect short term weakness, long term up.

and unlike that excitable bro of mine *tsk*: buy or not, up to individual investor to decide. caveat emptor.

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