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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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19-May-2007 08:41 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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keke, awww...rogue, it's ok....mistress elf won't mistreat you... ya don't gotta bark (haha appreciate the effort tho) or wear a collar or anything; my pets pretty much roam free.

besides, i kinda saw you more as a mongrel type leh. not the LV-prada poofy lap dog type. hahahahhahaa!!! Smiley

but nah. don't get offended hor.. more in terms of qualities lah. as in you're chor lor, yea, but you're also unpretentious, honest, go all out for what you want, and likely very loyal to your friends. that's why elf figures you're a doggie type. geddit? so you seeeeee....it's a compliment! heehee.

win back your freedom: sure, pet. Just get your TA up to scratch (ooh, pun!) and equal mine can already. *grin* and weh! don't bite me leh! is this how you treat your mistress!

and no biting/bullying the kitten too! bad doggie! no TA tips for you! hmph.

btw, for the rest of the popcorn-eating crowd, i'm not worried abt the bunnie 'cos i know the puppy can't and won't bully her. muah ha. good bunnie! keke.

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18-May-2007 21:24 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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singaporegal! *hugs*

keke. elf has theoretically got a bunnie, a kitten and a puppy. The bunnie, i'm definitely keeping (yea??), but i'm not sure as to the kitten and the puppy status tho? seems as tho i might have a mutiny on my hands. keke.

zoo! elfie's creating her own zoo!


ok, byes for now. friday night. you take care, yea? :)
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18-May-2007 20:07 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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haha. rogue. that means i'm adopting you as my pet, and the adoption is only between you and me: ie, you do not get a godpa, two bros, one bunnie and one kitten. haha. and 'if you should accept', ie, feel free to decline anytime. i treat my pets pretty ok tho! hehe. stock tips and short tips *dangle carrot* muah ha.

weh....kitten doesn't wanna be a pet anymore? meh. elf so sad....can't cats and dogs get along? hahaa. oh but of course, my number one pet is my bunnie!! Smiley  

and ahaha, shijiez, don't just laugh and eat popcorn... ikan billy, if elf so wishes, she will bait you someday the way she baited rogue and the other two gentlemen. you have been warned. keke.

it's market psychology, people. All part of the game.

ok, byes for now, have a good weekend all! drinking time.....keke.


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18-May-2007 17:30 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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ok gentlemen, it's 1727 on 18 May. Gems: 0.90.

Banker takes all. Smiley

The elfin lady calls her stakes as such:

cks: my bro lost side bet with you on SPC; this wipes it off so you both don't owe each other anything. k?

eastonbay: very gentlemanly of you just now to throw in the towel. You already owe me one sake and we're pending one hp upgrade, so haha, ok. this time around, gems acts as guarantee for the hp if StA comes through, yea? That's all.

rogue dahling....you're an absolute scamp. haha. must fine you more heavily. I said it already: elfie wants a puppie.

i.e., you be my puppy.


and gege. ok, i'll give ya a bottle of m&c champagne. it's not a DP tho. consider it my prezzie for birth of your child too.

what say you, gentlemen? fair deal, right?

cheers! Smiley

btw rogue, if you shd accept, pls note that elfin adoptions come stand alone wtihout the rest of the family. keke.
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18-May-2007 17:19 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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ehhh...eastonbay, stop trying to sap me leh...like vampire or what man you....somemore can ask my godpa for permission. o_0
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18-May-2007 16:38 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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godpa, heard of it but not sure what they do.

eastonbay: very gentlemanly of you, but no, a bet's a bet. can't just give in to me like that or it's not fair to you, yea? thanks tho.

cks: yah, still on.

where's the rogue????? weh.

shijiez: Sj abbreviations thus far:

FA = fundamental analysis

TA = technical analysis

BB = big boys.

subdivide: sBB/bBB (small big boys) and BBB (big big boys *haha*).

busd = buy up sell down (price vol data)

px = price.

tp = target price

TH = trading halt.

hmm...what else is there?
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18-May-2007 16:02 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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haha, ikan billy, considering you're just a newborn, do be cautious in all trades k...and never trust what you read in forums, on papers, reports etcetc. You need to learn to do your own techs, your own analysis. read between the lines, essentially.

eh. i'm a techie 'cos i'm practical. i find that it works. that's all. but what i trade by depends entirely on the market. Sometimes i do FA, sometimes it's TA. All depends. I let the market dictate my moves.

and nope; self taught on TA. BB action etc i learnt last time when i had the privilege to do an internship in fund mgmt aft my A levels... So it's good, 'cos now can use the techs to map out the actions which i was taught in the past. my FA is weak tho; that's why i leverage on my godpa (geojam), da gege (shplayer) and my gege (vic) for help there. and eh, if we're having a private conversation, let's shift it to the fellowship thread la. dun distract the other HH-ers with irrelevant topics...
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18-May-2007 15:57 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hm, if that's the case then gotta be very careful with it. altho, hahahaa, china stock. they're all shooting through the roof now lah. just watch the techs very carefully lah. if it reads like gems, then the sell signal is likely easy to see. can't guarantee if they do it in a one day dumping tho.

1 hr 15 more min to end of May 18th. zzzz......next time i'm only doing one day bets man. haha.
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18-May-2007 15:31 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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oh yeah harryp, tell me abt it. i was kaobehing like crazy to vic when my tech instincts took over previously. hahaaa. but yea, FA stocks play by FA mtd. pure tech trades, pure TA mtd. mustn't mix up the two.

kilroy, not so fast lah. this one's not a ONS. hahahaaaaa.

shijiez, welcome, you ikan billy. keke. hang on fast to the shark hor. and i sure hope you didn't take margin on this....eh btw, you guy or girl ah? i kinda thought you were the latter... 
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18-May-2007 14:46 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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actually, mathematics was my worst subject in school. haha. never quite figured out the use of calculus and all that. oh but statistics, that, i could do. haha.

anyway, never had much of a choice. the market's my 2nd job. so good or bad at numbers, ya gotta master the tools in order to work effectively wat.

yah, fairygal has a very good analogy there. cheers to her! :)

ok byebye. i have so got to post less lah. sigh....
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18-May-2007 14:36 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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aiyah, relax lah peeps. i'm prob one of the youngest punks in this forum here. if elf isn't panicking, no one else shd be, given that you guys prob have years more experience in the market than me.

fundamentals have not changed at all. why else do ya think BB trying so hard to shake out all the small fries, and that, despite the fact that 5-6 brokerage houses have hh, none of them have released analyst reports on it?

see the pic, ppl, the machinations, not just the day-to-day price.

of course, above all just my opinion. buy/sell at own risk ah.
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18-May-2007 13:45 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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*grin* oh, and btw, elfie wants a puppie! Smiley
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18-May-2007 13:06 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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sighhh....poor, poor elf....everyone just wants to sap me dry. meh. meh. mehhhhhhh.

jerome, nah; i dun rem all the TA for all; but as a techie, you shd have a 'feel' for the counters you're watching. eg, just by eastonbay's posting of busd data, you shd be able to recognise what counter it is even when he didn't give the name. esp if the counter is one of those in your basket of stocks you watch. dun quite know how to call it, instinct or gut feel?

oie, rogue, don't short the counter lah. make already, sometimes must know when to hold back. odds analysis shd tell ya dun short today liao...

toto: there are programmes that calculate the combination of hot/cold nos etcetc. haha. me, i rather save the 50c and put into stock market. haha.  
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18-May-2007 12:59 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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hm. just to give a bit of elfin perspective: a stock like hh is actually not for the contra/shortists. yes, you can likely make a lot out of it (just look at trading range for morn high to low already) but it's also too volatile and too cornered. BBs are in the lead for this. As small fries, just follow.

Have warned since a long time ago that this counter is going to be very volatile, and will take a lot of nerves. So yea, just hold on for the ride.

fyi, i vested my hh at 1.13. Have not sold yet. Have a strike px for sub $1 to enter, but otherwise, i am not going to move. Just ride on the rollercoaster.

This counter is for long term, i reiterate. ie, at least til august. Less for trader, more for FA investor. Use TA to call your entrances and exits, but note: a lot of the indicators are not sensitive for this counter anymore. So choose your tools wisely.

a recount for FA ppl here: CNA forum someone gave the nos: for hh's prop prices. Recalculation for RNAV at current float of 300mil is as such:

props factored in, RNAV = 1.86. 20% premium to share px = 2.23.

Earlier tech call for hh was 1.85 and 2.15 max possible. Thus far, i do not see any need to revise this estimate. TA and FA dovetails.

Make own minds up yea. Strictly not an inducement to buy/sell or trade. Caveat emptor. This counter needs nerves above all.
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18-May-2007 11:35 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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eastonbay: k, if it's chinaen then i'll give you the TA offhand: (pls check ah, i'm doing fr memory)--

RSI and williams up since 11may, MACD shows beginning of strong uptrend. stock has been consolidating since that date. a/d and c/o doesn't seem to reflect actual trend. bollies indicate breakout yest, supported by candlesticks; which show that this current uptrend is not likely to be a once up spike.

wave count: 1st upswing from 0.97-1.36. thereaft drop to 1.26. This upside shd take to 1.87, assuming all macrotrend remains constant.

so yea, bb accumulating.

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18-May-2007 11:27 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hm yea. shortists all buying back now, and retailers nibbling away. so it can go either way still. little bb action.

eastonbay, as well: one day action sometimes doesn't tell a lot; unless you're a swing trader, where every min counts. need to see over days for the trend. and erm,real bbs are normally not contra players. they hold for months, if not years. like the props: bbs mostly bought in 2-3 years ago already. this final run, when all the retailers swarmed in, that's when they sold. that's why you see hb now abt this px even tho news, Q reports are good. all factored in alr.
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18-May-2007 11:09 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hullo all. elf stressed now so taking a break.

gems: gonna be close call. haha. rogue hanging on? haha.

eastonbay: is the counter china energy?
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17-May-2007 19:56 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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??? the website says only $50 voucher wat...

anw, my guesses: 3504.89 and 3501.29.

tech-wise says to guess something approx 20pts lower than today's close. keke. good luck! :)

yes my dear rogue, see tmrw closing then say. enough speculation liao. hehe.  

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17-May-2007 17:53 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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sigh. eh, rogue, relax lah. like i said, i'll only ask for commensurate value. c'mon lah, since when have i ever taken anything from the forummers here?

besides, if i reveal what i want, it'd be no fun. no more surprises. and dun worry, i won't cost ya. anw, too early to say. like you said, we shall see. 92c. can go either way.

keke. wheee.....elf wants to play. keke.

yah. rogue prob put his bd or age or something to guess the sti.
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17-May-2007 17:43 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hm. for that ses thing: i used to track the sti via the dow (there was a correlation): briefly, 1% dow causes 3% sti movement.

haven't been tracking it tho, and not sure if the correlation still works.

aiyah. calculate the sti movement via weightage of the component stocks lah. shd be able to do to a sufficient degree of accuracy. focus on the heavy weights esp, and give a ballpark for the mids and smalls.

not sure if its worth that much time tho. haha.
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