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Latest Posts By niuyear - Supreme      About niuyear
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30-Nov-2010 12:52 Genting Sing   /   Traders Lounge - Daily opportunities for everyone       Go to Message
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Game engouh to wait for target $2.50?  It  has not  breached yet. 

niuyear      ( Date: 30-Nov-2010 12:42) Posted:

Whatever came down, will go up . 

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30-Nov-2010 12:42 Genting Sing   /   Traders Lounge - Daily opportunities for everyone       Go to Message
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Whatever came down, will go up . 
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18-Nov-2010 10:04 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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it has fallen from 2.37 till this price, more than 20 %   ,   will you short?

CheongCK      ( Date: 17-Nov-2010 15:43) Posted:

Will You Short?


FearValueGreed      ( Date: 17-Nov-2010 13:35) Posted:

Looks like the stock will only stablize by Dec end.

then can accumulate.

$1.80 is a good bet

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17-Nov-2010 18:14 Genting Sing   /   Traders Lounge - Daily opportunities for everyone       Go to Message
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Sooo confident?

cannotfind      ( Date: 17-Nov-2010 17:19) Posted:

DJI will be < 10k tonight.

soloman      ( Date: 17-Nov-2010 17:03) Posted:

HANG SENG IS GONE ..............

DOW JONES NOT IMPORTANT ...........................

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17-Nov-2010 17:58 Genting Sing   /   Traders Lounge - Daily opportunities for everyone       Go to Message
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You are Singapore Warrent Buffet.    LOL!

natureman      ( Date: 17-Nov-2010 14:02) Posted:

I have been an avid investor and trader for more than 16 years and had gain financial independence after 5 years of trading . All i can say is that whatever Trading be it forex , stocks , futures , about 70% is psychology ! The reason for me to Post on the internet is because i want to Pay It forward and contributing back to the society what no one can teach me and i would like to share it with you guys about the current market which is creating a Superficial Big HOO HAA . Infact now is the best time to invest when others are running scared. I have always found the best investment opportunities occur when everyone is saying that the world is falling. When ALL THIS doom and gloom reports are rampant in the market, you are probably near a market bottom trend , don't ask me when to Buy in you have to spot it yourself . i would say this coming 2 days is a good day to shop for it and HOLD . Genting SP was way below $1 back then where everyone being so negative and had hit and all time high above $2 this year and will continue to move on still . I had studied many counters infact alot are still undervalued and overSOld . So pick it up while it is cheap and HOLD , i say again BUY and HOLD you will see profits if you choose the right counters congrats , i cannot reveal much which is the ones for you to BUY but all i can say is that this week is one of the best time this year to BUY in on STABLE counter with potential yields and developments . Anyway I can see alot of Shortists trying to short various top 20s counters last week and monday which is STUPIDITY at it's finest as the probality ratio was way too low to win , let's hope you don't get caught without your undies and crying for your mummy :oops: [b]A NOTE for you guys as to how BBs analyse you :[/b] They will study the trend and market depth every seconds and will PLAY mind GAMES with you retailers . Do not queue your ORDERS when you intend to SELL early in the morning because you will put up an advantage positions for them to continue to suppress the PRICE down and easier for them to know when to SHORT . Sad to say you got to monitor constantly in order to sell at your own Tp . This is one way they study the market and suppress the price - oh gosh the shorters will be very ANGRY with me now for spilling one of their secret stradegy . Well, I hope that this post helps you with your stock buying purchases! Remember that temporary market events can create great buying opportunities. Till then Stay tuned FOLKS . B x U X L XL coming . SMILE ~

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16-Nov-2010 16:57 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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those who shorted heaveily,  恨不得 this stock goes down and down.  

epliew      ( Date: 16-Nov-2010 13:50) Posted:

let see if my sifu is awake after lunch hour !

Incinerate13      ( Date: 16-Nov-2010 10:34) Posted:

Finally recover to stable state.

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16-Nov-2010 16:01 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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There wont be a massive sell down like that 2 yrs ago where sub-prime crisis took place. 

Bon3260      ( Date: 16-Nov-2010 14:43) Posted:


Since 08-Nov-2010 (Mon) I oredi warned pple here liao...

Not couple of days ago...


Bon3260      ( Date: 08-Nov-2010 09:08) Posted:

No more gd news expecting liao...

Healthy Corrections shd b cming now...



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16-Nov-2010 15:58 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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How  many %  of them turned out to be distinguished and learned individual? 

boyikao3      ( Date: 16-Nov-2010 10:43) Posted:

If what you said is true, then how do you explain children in households where one or both of their parents are mentally insane, dumb, blind or partially mentally impaired or simply from broken families, but who grow up to be distinguished and learned individuals? Children will choose what they want to choose, irregardless of the amount of teachings and attentions their parents shower them with. There are tons of examples of rich kids with high achievers parents who steal, kill and hurt other people for fun....As such, all that is truthful is; the only thing children inherits is their own Karma ! !

yummygd      ( Date: 15-Nov-2010 23:14) Posted:

OF COURSE without a doubt.Parents are mostly responsible for their offsprings failure.But mostly though. they can chose not to heed it though. especially at such a young age. where they feel the need to get acceptance from their peers. but acceptance or not....one should be smart enough to know when is stepping over the line.

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15-Nov-2010 18:10 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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 Parents are 80% responsible  for their children's upbringing!!  

yummygd      ( Date: 15-Nov-2010 14:56) Posted:

seng dun forget they are only teenagers. when one is a teenager how many actually think beyond today? especially parents now give money like water. buy iphone for them psp etc. they dun understand value of money one la. e luck ones will be those who grew up n wise up. e unlucky ones will be the poor living with parents n in n out of jail for free meals. lets us hope us here know how to discipline our children n let them know that these behaviour very malu. gangs are sooooo 1990s. e up to date children are too chic to join a gang.

ah_seng1001      ( Date: 14-Nov-2010 00:31) Posted:

Exactly!!! These ppl know nuts about stocks n investment.. Dont even mention simple savings up in the bank for your own future. Stupid idiots, all just wanna fight n show how garang they r. Who has the most cash is then the biggest WINNER.

Makes me really laugh at them cos they got No $$$ No Hope No Future No Balls No Achievements. We have a brilliant future ahead of us by investing n stock picking.


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15-Nov-2010 14:41 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Those teens who committed the murder at downtown east,  their necks will soon be broken by the rope in changi prison.


SGG_SGG      ( Date: 13-Nov-2010 11:44) Posted:

These teens have a hot temper okie... if they win money in the stock market, okie, all is good and happy. If lose, then how? Go next door and whack the neighbour!

beruangface      ( Date: 13-Nov-2010 06:29) Posted:

DSP Davin Ng, head of the Secret Societies Branch of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Singapore Police Force, said: "Traditional gangs tend to have a very specific goal. They come together for a common goal to earn money through illicit activities.

"But for street corner gangs, they come together just for companionship - a false sense of security which they don't find, probably, at home and they get into fights for no apparent reason." Channelnewsasia, Nov 13

I wonder what teenagers are thinking these days, maybe they should learn how to invest in stocks rather than wasting time joining gangs and staring at each others, then fight and get themselves killed. There are many other things to stare at like staring at the stock price and make money, that's a smart thing to do.

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15-Nov-2010 14:28 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Lets see how  GENTING SP  is going to celebrate  its  FIRST Christmas here in RWS.

It goes like this :

We wish you a happy gambling, we wish you a happy gambling,

We wish you a happy gabmling, and a happy new year


Hahaha!!  hohoho ,  merry X'mas


pharoah88      ( Date: 15-Nov-2010 14:07) Posted:


Is  stIll  a


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4 min - 3 Jul 2006
Uploaded by galadriel555

Madonna Like a Virgin Confessions Tour - clip    
50 sec - 2 Aug 2006
Uploaded by Madonna561



pharoah88      ( Date: 15-Nov-2010 13:40) Posted:

nO  sIgn  Of  market  dUmpIng    ? ? ? ?

lOOks  lIke  accUmUlatIOn    ? ? ? ?

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15-Nov-2010 13:28 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Gangster behaviour not only restricted to street  murder but, at home, a brother is being killed at home - See below clippings:

Teen charged with brother's murder
08 May 2010

Source: The Straits Times

A SECONDARY school student was charged in court yesterday with the murder of his brother who had a history of mental illness.

As soon as Umar Othman, 18, clad in a red T-shirt, appeared in the dock, two of his family members tried to approach him but were told to sit down.

The two were among about a dozen people, including friends, who showed up in court yesterday for his case.

The Pasir Ris Secondary student is alleged to have caused the death of his 22-year-old brother, Muhammad, at their home in Tampines on Wednesday afternoon.

They were said to be quarrelling when a fight ensued.

Mr Muhammad, was found dead in the living room with head injuries.

Umar, who is not represented, was remanded at the Central police division lock-up for a week for further investigation.

When approached outside the Subordinate Courts, Umar’s father, a teacher, said: “Give a chance to my son. Please don’t disturb us.”

One of Umar’s relatives, a woman who declined to be named, said they did not know anything about the incident and were not allowed to speak to or see the teenager.

“We don’t even know what happened. The police were the ones on the scene.

“We are very supportive of each other and we are very close,” she added.


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15-Nov-2010 13:17 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Parents and family play a   very IMPORTANT role in a child's upbringing.

But, if the MOE could get help from some authorities to:

Train a group of people to help to detect gang activities going on in any secondary schools..  Put one or two such trained personnel to be placed in each secondary school.  Why sec school?  cos this age group is the most vulnerable .

beruangface      ( Date: 13-Nov-2010 06:29) Posted:

DSP Davin Ng, head of the Secret Societies Branch of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Singapore Police Force, said: "Traditional gangs tend to have a very specific goal. They come together for a common goal to earn money through illicit activities.

"But for street corner gangs, they come together just for companionship - a false sense of security which they don't find, probably, at home and they get into fights for no apparent reason." Channelnewsasia, Nov 13

I wonder what teenagers are thinking these days, maybe they should learn how to invest in stocks rather than wasting time joining gangs and staring at each others, then fight and get themselves killed. There are many other things to stare at like staring at the stock price and make money, that's a smart thing to do.

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15-Nov-2010 13:07 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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If you could invent something like :   Bricks used to build external tall buildings to be able to absorb all the haze, then, you will be a great inventor.

We should have this type of  "Green bricks"  to be built for any new up and coming residentail or commercial buildings, where it could:

1) absorb haze

2) reflect sunlight

3) act as solar panel...





pharoah88      ( Date: 15-Nov-2010 12:58) Posted:


sO  HAZE  can  simply  COME and GO  without  PASSPORT

Did  the  HAZE  that  CAME  go OUT at all    ? ? ? ?

Where  did  the  HAZE  that  CAME  go    ? ? ? ?

Based  on  #Inherent tendency#  TEST

HAZE  may  be  a  fOrm  Of  TERRORISM    ? ? ? ?

Is  there  HARMFUL  CHEMICAL  in  the  HAZE    ? ? ? ?

Is  HAZE  HARMFUL    ? ? ? ?

Is  HAZE  a  slOw  pOIsOn    ? ? ? ? 

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15-Nov-2010 12:50 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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HAZE slowly clearing away...


pharoah88      ( Date: 15-Nov-2010 12:24) Posted:

BREATHING  also must be careful

because of the  #inherent tendency#

of  HAZE  in  AIR.

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15-Nov-2010 12:43 Informatics   /   Road to recovery in next 1-2 years       Go to Message
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Ironically, someone gave out big donation 2 miliion,  money from where?   Is it from You, the retailer?    But, who got the credit?  not you, but the donor. 

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11-Nov-2010 12:48 Nordic   /   Nordic - NEW IPO       Go to Message
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UOB KH 's   IPOs  can perform well or not?  


ianong      ( Date: 10-Nov-2010 11:10) Posted:

UOB Kay Hian. So far few IPOs already. Not sure why some and not others....

ozone2002      ( Date: 10-Nov-2010 11:06) Posted:

where's ya broker from?


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09-Nov-2010 15:43 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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Good choice!  

Richman      ( Date: 09-Nov-2010 15:41) Posted:

I have sold all my holding for informatics.  Having sleepless night when buying this kind of stock.

Now all my holding are blue chips.


niuyear      ( Date: 09-Nov-2010 15:25) Posted:

Each time you said you will be buying more lots,  price drops.........lol!

Hows your informatics?  YOu still holding them?

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09-Nov-2010 15:25 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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Each time you said you will be buying more lots,  price drops.........lol!

Hows your informatics?  YOu still holding them?

Richman      ( Date: 09-Nov-2010 10:55) Posted:

I will be buying more lot and I hope the shorties will not appear again especially the SJ shorties.  Hehehe.

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09-Nov-2010 11:30 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Dont tell me  Banks  also must set  WITHDRAWAL LIMITS.   One Singaporean can only draw maximum $2000 per day at RWS and MBS.     hahaha!

Can be arrangement and bring this up to the government .   Good idea.

AnthonyTan      ( Date: 09-Nov-2010 11:27) Posted:

What is the rationale to have various banks' ATM outside

the casinos. Notice many gamblers lost money in the casinos

and go to the ATMs to withdraw and go back to the

casinos to gamble agin. I think the intention is to make it

convenient for the gamblers. That is the one and only reason I can

think of.


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