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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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29-May-2007 03:17 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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haha, rayphua, welcome to the duties of being someone watched in SJ. i won't use the title sifu since i find that absolutely a burden. but tiring, huh? do give some space for yourself too; don't just keep giving and giving; it'll tire you out.  

elfie is going to be away for a bit in mid june, too. holiday. :P

mebbe we shd have a holiday index instead. when elf, singaporegal, rayphua etc go on holiday, time to take a break! hahahahhaha!


btw, rayphua, you've never really intro-ed yourself? mind doing the honours for elf? let's hear about the man and not just his stock tips. :)
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29-May-2007 03:13 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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erm ok, can i just add on, in case ppl see price target only and chiong in to buy: not likely to be 1.58 in at least a mth. I'm vested in this for 3Q of year play really. same as engkong.

sometimes you see, you buy stocks not just for potential, but what fits into your daily life too. elf got no time to monitor closely these mths; that why chose such kantangs. wish i could play tho. meh.
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29-May-2007 03:11 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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hm rayphua, might as well run the tech targets by you:

my previous tech targets for this counter was 1.58, subsequent 1.85 and 2.15 final possible.

do not see any need to change the above as yet.

btw, when we go by the news on cna forum of their prop prices etc, 2.15 is entirely possible from an FA perspective. i had derived the above targets by comparative charting with hb, actually.  

not sure if you can get steady rise in vol tho. stock is rather illiquid. 300 mil float; think greater than 70% in shareholders hands of 1000 lots and above.  

as you can see, my gege has made me learn techs for cornered stocks rather well. sigh.   
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29-May-2007 03:07 SPC   /   SPC       Go to Message
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bollies widening. MACD shows peaking. likely range bound btwn 5.15 to 5.4 for now. needs to break previous high of 5.45 for further upside. might otherwise dither around here for now.

for techies, pls note that SPC's daily trading range can be quite wide, so gotta be careful when reading longer term trend.
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29-May-2007 03:02 EngKong   /   Eng Kong - Wrts issue       Go to Message
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sigh. this dang kantang is like, frozen food section man.

float is too tight. if you look at the buy/sell quotes daily; BBs are not moving at all. just sitting on the stock. some sweeping up when large lots sell. but otherwise, it's status quo. usual bitty lots of 1, 10, 20 daily.

early phases of accumulation yet. as it has been since july 06.

eh. victorian. with all due respect to my beloved gege, your TA is a bit odd. o_0

jul to feb standard pivot was 19c. may pivot is 23c. so stock is definitely moving. just glacially. zzzz. man, even handicapped snails move faster.

anw, concur that new placement is needed. float really too tight for much action.

my qn is what, why, how. 'cos from busd and other techs, obviously, no one big is selling. something's got to be up when a stock shows such techs.

in any case, elf wasn't expecting major movement til abt jul-aug. 3Q of year play. vested and staying in. one of the last solid FA growth plays.
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29-May-2007 02:50 Osim Intl   /   OSIM       Go to Message
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osim techs:

it had actually stabilised at abt the 0.71 mark, but somehow broke below that today/yesterday. going by the jump in volume, likely some big shareholder sold off some. (did not see busd data tho, so pls confirm this independently..).

ron sim is vesting in more just to make sure his company's shares doesn't go down too much. but it remains a qn of how much he can shore it up to tho. 52% is an incredible figure already.

but it goes to show the measure of the man, really. utmost respect to him.

although respect is respect, money is money: i wouldn't vest in osim as yet. Bollies are tightening yet again. going by a/d, c/o, and williams, a further drop is likely in order.

c'mon ron sim....elf is rooting for you....divest the damn brookstone already. argh.
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29-May-2007 02:41 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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singaporegal! *hugs*

elf is jetlagged. can't sleep now. tired and rather upset over stuff. :(

that why posting up TA now. hahahahhahhaa. crap life...

yeayea rogue, i see your counter's doing well. congrats lah...apologies haven't been keeping up; too many kantangs to keep track of.

how's asterisk, YJ etc doing btw? hope you guys are all fine. sama sama godpa and bunnie.  
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29-May-2007 02:37 Gems TV   /   Sparkling gemstones       Go to Message
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called a sell on this counter since mid april, and still hold by that call today.

agree with both livermore and synnexo: BBs were definitely selling behind retailers' back; when you check techs with timing of analyst reports and news flow, you just see BB sell, small fries buy. And thing is, BB mostly sold out before this sub 1 level already. very clear evidence of manipulation.

completely agree with ipunter too. watch for signs of clear bottom before snapping up a 'bargain'.

of course, free choice tho. invest at own risk.

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29-May-2007 02:30 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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concur with rayphua. techs show like a breakout is likely to happen. in next few trading sessions, judging by previous responses to indicator.
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28-May-2007 13:20 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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hi dxxxxxxd,

just a recap in case you're new to this thread (?):

1) hh is a cornered stock. right now, likely greater than 70% is held by shareholders holding 1000 lots and above, and they are not distributing. (if vic can confirm the figures?)

2) tight share float. even with new placement etc, the float is now 300 mil.

3) moreover, the placement was not a public placement but effectively a private one placed out only to institutions (shroeders etc): hence the discounted price of 93c. it's part industry practice to give a discount of ~10% to last traded px in such placements (tempt the BBs to bite).

due to the above, even tho placement px is 93c, you'll likely not see it touch that, as the new shares effectively never hit the open market

Also the largest % of the shares are in top shareholders' hands, not open market. ie, if they don't sell, the px cannot drop that much. the technical px you could have gotten it for was the range i had called earlier, abt 95-99c. (think the lowest was 0.995 tho: further indication of how cornered this stock is).

note that the above--abt share px dipping on new placement--holds true for almost all cornered stocks in the same situation. prices dip on placement only for stocks with large float in public hands. like gems, ho bee, all green, star cruises, etc.
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27-May-2007 23:27 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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oop paiseh, sorry rayphua, i meant 'miss singaporegal' and 'rayphua' separately. your tone of voice is too guy to be mistaken for a female anyhow. keke.

cheers to all, and aie, yes, enough with the popularity contest! market opens tmrw. focus, ppl!

byebye, need to clear up work now.  

PS: singaporegal! *hugs* elf is back already; just got back this evening. i sure miss the hot weather man. sweden's beautiful tho. just gotta fall in love with the light and silence. oh, and design. pure minimalist, functional beauty. not quite my cup of tea, but appreciate it anyhow.

PPS: thanks ipunter for the vote. i learnt a lot from you too, ya know. :)
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27-May-2007 18:25 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hello people, i'm back! *muacks!* missed me? keke.

and what's this, an SJ Idol Contest? Smiley 

geez... agree with rayphua that we're all just here to share; everyone trades differently and that's why it's a share junction. keke.

most impt thing is for investors to find a style that suits them. no need any titles etc, pls. if you do so, then ppl might just pay attention to the 'shifus' and miss out gems from newbies, which could very well give a novel perspective on the market that might be crucial. It's the unknown constant, ya know, that could swing the market.

besides, i'm just a little ding dong *muahahahaa!*, and have only been posting on some counters, unlike our dear unselfish miss singaporegalrayphua etc. shdn't mistake popularity for accuracy. (hm...lets see now. i'm vested in only two counters. so if i only post on two, that means accuracy is either 0, 50 or 100%. ooh. :P)

but if i were to do that, then no fun right? must have fun! hmm...let's scout for the next bet now. keke. rogue puppy, ready for daytona? got your masters in crystal ball analysis yet? *grin*

ok, just back; need to rest. post anr time. see you guys!

PS: gege! i missed happy feet! arghhhhh....niama sweden trip.....wail...hm. looks like i must side-bet with my gege. keke. :P   

PPS: godpa, yeps, elf back in singapore and def miss the warm weather. i'm like, soaking up the humidity now man. ahhh. ok, need to zzz. 20 hr journey in all; shacked out liao. tmrw need to work. byebye!
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25-May-2007 04:21 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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ok babes and dudes, all tech signs point for a breakout soon; lead and lag indicators agree. direction: likely upwards. momentum is gathering pretty strongly.

first resistance to break: 1.10. second: 1.19.

again, this is going to be volatile. 

cheers all!



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25-May-2007 04:12 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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ahaha, good to see my pets getting along without their elfin mistress around. keke.

yea rogue, good luck for your paper! :))) 

and haha, yesss, i fully support the idea of a singaporegal holiday index! :P

as for happiness/simplicity etc: think it ultimately depends on the person you're talking about, their level of ambition, what they're willing to be contented with. what one person defines as happiness, another might not.

character being the most impt thing: agree with rogue that if you have nothing, then pride, etc don't matter. 'cos, when it's survival you're talking about, morality is a luxury. Only ppl who have their lives settled can afford to preach on about having 'good character' etcetc. To quote Ghandi, "To a hungry man, food is God." perhaps blasphemous, but perhaps also harsh reality.

Having said that tho, yes, i do believe character is necessary, more so than grades in getting where you want to in life. As for jobs: degrees do matter; as eastonbay pointed out, 100+ resumes, they'll sieve out on grades first. but even before grades, there's one more thing: connections. it's who you know.  lets put it this way: you got 200 resumes to go through, your pal says at lunchtime, 'hey, i've got someone, take a look'. you'll see that resume first, isn't it? and if it fits, that person will likely get called for the interview first.

so not so much abt pulling strings blatantly in, but that, yes, apart from degree, connections do help open that first door. if you've got nothing, then, well. you either choose to bend, or hell it, you fight all the way. elf doesn't believe in compromise. haha.  

and haha, rogue. get snooked by my godpa a few times more, you'll learn faster that way. :P big shark scam small shark; elf will just sit and enjoy the show. :P

hullo and byes to godpa and the rest of the family, pets and fellowship-pers! singaporegal, enjoy your hols! elf is freezing here in sweden. really love the fresh air, the green, the light and silence of this place, but it's really too cold for me. think its abt 10 degrees when the wind doesn't blow...so i'm warm only in the shower or in bed. >~<

not to mention that i'm practically in hibernation mode. hahahhahaha!

nites all!

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24-May-2007 05:35 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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heylo all, it's 2320 in sweden now and elf just back from a dinner party; got to wk early tmrw, anyway, i see the posts here really run fast. so just brief, apologies if i miss out any:

ehhhh....i see the rogue of a pup has been running wild on SJ eh. keke. ok, he's rogue_trader to all of you, but a puppy to only me. and aie, no dog collar lah! so demeaning....altho, pup! no bullying my kitten or Smiley!!

and oh yea, bunnie's my number one pet. keke.

gems, no fun anymore. pup and anyone else game for a bet, watch out for the next one as when. keke. not while i'm away tho; since i really got no time to monitor. :P ok peeps, start polishing your crystal balls. hahahhaaa! anyone can name a counter, elf will consider. keke.  

sporeguy: bull not in malaysia yet. perhaps the pt that stock markets are inextricably linked to politics? eg, singapore went up not just 'cos econs strong, but also 'cos politicians willed it. cf how we have strategically timed comments and news from the top whenever market appears to be flagging. not just here, but in the US, too. all factors remaining the same, stock markets run only when the politics are right for it.

check when the malaysian elections are. that's your hint for the malaysian bull. i believe my bro can elaborate more abt that? besides, markets are rotational. to foreign funds, the rotation might not be blues, mids, pennies intra-singapore, but blues of s'pore, thailand, malaysia, for instance.

k all, nights!
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23-May-2007 13:25 Gems TV   /   Sparkling gemstones       Go to Message
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cks, rather ungraceful of you to have to cut-and-paste my post. Smacks of a childish oneupsmanship.

1) i have never said i was an oracle or a sifu. In fact, if you can rem, i told fortunegal once that i didn't like being called that.

2) if you recall, there was a 2nd bet for this week.

3) my mistake, i'll admit, 'cos i'm typing fast in between work: when i say no rebound, i meant a genuine rebound---like SPC. ie, trend reversal, uptrend on an new uptrend. this is a likely a tech rebound shored up by punters like yourself. there is no data to indicate it's a genuine reversal, currently.

of course, rem like i always said too, that techs change as the trends change. you do me no justice if you hold by the call of a week, or even a few days ago, when there's change in a trend. you can ask asterisk: i told him once why i rabidly check the techs everyday.

anyway, not interested in this counter. so good luck to you and the rest. nuff said.

btw thanks, rogue, i'm definitely keeping this puppy. :)

k gotta go. puppy, help me tell hi to the rest in the fellowship thread!
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21-May-2007 21:45 Gems TV   /   Sparkling gemstones       Go to Message
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gah! gege, it's rogue, not rouge! i have a puppy, not a blusher!


unless he's a blushing puppy, but from the way he's going, seems certainly to be a scamp of a pup eh? must control...this one...tsk.


and erm, can we shift unnece stuff to fellowship thread? don't distract the rest of the gems ppl leh. i mean, i'm sure that there are lots who have bled on this counter. let's be more considerate ppl, while we're talking on our sidebets etc....

agree fully with knightrider. this counter is def down. TA or FA, there's no rebound in sight. cks, perhaps a little premature to be calling 'support lines'. there are no support lines at all: it keeps breaking through all of them. In investing, see what is, not what you want to see.

gems has only one direction long term: down. The qn left is to what level.

and meh. is my poor puppy so neglected without his missy around? sigh....no dog food leh. i kinda thought my pets feed on better stuff than that. grin, rogue, let's watch you structure a bet with vic. make sure you don't die hor. ya better make sure first that i'm not on his side helping him secretly. hahahahha! :P  
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21-May-2007 21:32 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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oh and hullo zolatw, welcome to the fellowship! and dun get scared off by all the master/veteran/etc rankings hor...we're all very friendly ppl. if sometimes it seems like we're ignoring you tho, then that's prob just 'cos the posts on this thread go so fast, sometimes we miss them! so just make some noise if you have anything to ask. keke.
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21-May-2007 21:30 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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keke, singaporegal, that sounds like me. ultra rational on stocks, but pretty much irrational everywhere else. or haha, i'm prob an extreme case, as my 'family' here can attest to. haha.

tanglinboy, elf is in sweden now. freezing man, but lovely country. it's a utilitarian kind of beauty, all sparse and clean lines. a country for guys man, if there's such a thing. perhaps not really my thing tho; i like a bit of unncessary beauty now and then; ya know, beauty for its own sake?

and i see my puppy is kinda running wild on the gems/spc thread eh. why puppy, so hyper without your mistress around ah.... *here, boy! patpat*

keke. hm....feed the doggie...what am i supposed to feed him on? stock tips? hahahahhaa. ya gotta ask, ya know. i won't just give out info like that. :P  

if that's your new email, then haha, your 'proper' email is most prob rogue_trader at hotmail isn't it? ;)

kitten doing fine? *hugs* must not forget the kittie...
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21-May-2007 03:27 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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heya all; it's 2123 hr where i am now and elf is zonked out aft a long flight and 1st day spent touring. haha.

rogue: oh dear, are you someone i know? anw, pls request for my email via sj admin, alt, go via my godpa? (godpa, wld you mind pls facilitating?) and no rogue, bad puppy. you bear all your own liabilities (re you and vic on gems thread). haha. what i'd ideally teach my pets to do tho, is to minimise their own liabilities. hopefully.

resigned to being my pup eh?


ok, nights all!
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