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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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30-May-2007 12:13 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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hi sojourner and since77,

if you mean intra-day TA, then perhaps rayphua might be of greater info here. keke.

but to put things in perspective: entire market is down. thus far, gainers/losers reads 172/541. so nothing out of the ordinary for hh to fall. it's a macrotrend.

two large sell quotes of 110 and 176 lots (173+3) earlier in the morning: look at time of trade: the 110 thrown at 1007 hr strategically brought out the 49lots thrown at 1.06 (1057 hr) which led to 176lots thrown later at 1.05 (1107 hr).

from a psych perspective, the control is at 1.07; 110 lots was your BB action. the 49 and 173 are retailers dumping.  

could be a depression so that friday/next week easier to pick up. since hh XD date payable is today.

relatively strong support at 1.04.

contra trap this week. plus profit taking from those who bought at abt $1 sometime ago.
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30-May-2007 10:19 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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look at the current market. i see the SGH indicator is proving itself as the gold standard. keke.

hey pets, don't bug my new brother so much leh....or he might get scared off. hahahahah! :P kitten, cute paw print. :)

jerome, nice piece of real estate. can i pay in virtual dollars too? haha.  

miss japan is quite hot; not bad. she sure doesn't look 20 tho! keke.
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29-May-2007 22:00 Genting Sing   /   outlook       Go to Message
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heya antking, just be careful yea?

and pls rem, my posts are just that, my opinion. don't take it as hard and fast rule, k? it's not my place to tell ppl what to do, and i try not to do that; unless it's really screaming blatant manipulation. 'cos ultimately, each investor needs to make up his/her own mind.

the charts are clear on genting, however.

good luck whichever way you choose tho! :)
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29-May-2007 21:58 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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yeps, no prob rayphua, most ppl do think i'm older from the way i write etc. then they see me, they think i'm younger. still get carded sometimes. *give up* respectable demeanor: i don't suppose you've read my ding dong posts, have you? or that gems bet with cks, rogue, eastonbay. keke. :P

but yea, on the market, it's experience that counts, and age and experience are not necessarily related, since it depends entirely on memory and whether you remember the lessons you've learnt. Some people will keep repeating mistakes. for me, once is ok, two can be accident, three means you did not learn your lesson.

so i take down all the reasons why i buy a stock, i have records of all my predictions even for counters i don't buy; this way, i can keep verifying my techs/skills, and keep improving myself this way: what did i go wrong, how, why? so it's not just about the money. 

was too young for the 1997 meltdown myself, but saw the ppl around me crash; the 2003 crash i know. So yea, i'd never underestimate the market. that's why i rabidly check and recheck my techs each time, as i was telling asterisk before.

props: vietnam is a good preposition. I'm actually considering hawaii. 300k for one acre of land, freehold. argh, for that amt, we get a puny 4 rm flat here? co-ownership, sure, some day, when elf can get big enough, why not? keke.   

yupyup! keep each other in check! i def need to control my flighty instincts: tend to run too fast.

i don't suppose you can adopt me can you? keke. another gege.

wheee... heehee. keke. sorry, elf in playing mood. keke.

singaporegal: if you're swimming in singapore, only sentosa perhaps. east coast water is dirty. keep getting jellyfish stings. leeches in there too. ok for a dip time to time tho. just gotta ignore the jellies and try not to swim during jelly mating season! so many of them around. o_0
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29-May-2007 21:45 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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keke, i said the emoticon, not you! keke.

anyway, enjoy yourself lah. i'm sure you will. bring lots of sunblock man!
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29-May-2007 21:44 Genting Sing   /   outlook       Go to Message
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keke. ok, the elvish mischief in me is playing. rayphua, you're speechless, but i'm not. :P

"yes robert, whatever you say, robert."


bwahahhahaaa. :P

no offence to anyone ah.....
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29-May-2007 21:42 Sakari   /   Straits Asia       Go to Message
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charts are actually mixed for this one. but gapped up 8c today.

game's afoot. need to break 1.22 sustained for further upside.

o/w, as per normal, when a stock gaps up suddenly, it usually falls down a bit in next few sessions. wait and see perhaps. no hurry. watch morning busd data.
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29-May-2007 21:40 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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alamak, singaporegal, the emoticon looks more like it's drowning than it's enjoying itself. :P

anyway, am sure you'll love redang. come back and tell us all about it eh?

and don't log on during your hols! it's a hol, enjoy it! *nag nag nag*

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29-May-2007 21:38 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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keke, yea dxxxxxxd. this stock is one of the last bona fide BB plays in this crazy foaming market. imagine, it's shroeders in here. what more do you need? vintage from my good old internship days.

elfie's smelling blood and on the trail.

patience in the hunt for this one. it's pure BBB play. dun even talk about the sBBs like for other counters.

that's partly why i'm in this one, really. the game.
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29-May-2007 21:34 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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singaporegal! *hugs* enjoy your hols yea. will miss you! :)))))

and hahahaha, yes, the SGH index will be in effect tmrw, ppl. watch out! :P
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29-May-2007 21:32 Gems TV   /   Sparkling gemstones       Go to Message
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keke, if not fundamentals, at least look at the charts.

eh no prob, we're all here for each other! :)

good luck in your next investment. :) need some TA, find me on fellowship thread lah. i dun often go to the other threads. only came to this one 'cos of that bet i had with eastonbay, rogue and cks the week before. *giggle* still find it funny....shd get a next bet going...hm....not on this counter tho.
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29-May-2007 21:24 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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and the man speaks! give him applause, fellowshippers! keke.

and yep. no template. it's all free and easy on the fellowship. :)

hey, you're into props. perhaps you could offer elf advice then? am considering vesting in props, but not locally. assuming you're vested in overseas, which market would you recommend?

you're a momentum trader, dif from my own style. all the more interested to learn. keke. elf has no msn tho. email? or are you likely to get flooded by requests if you post it out? :P

as for elf (fwah, i'm damn thickskinned, aren't i. hahahaha!): i've been investing since 18. my goal's simple: financial independence by 29, financial freedom by 35.

wish me luck! same to you! Smiley
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29-May-2007 20:52 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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oh yea ipunter, wish i could be a full time trader too. like, so many counters, so many techs, but no time or money to buy. mehh.

same story: maintain need to break 1.10 convincingly for uptrend.

utterly manipulated stock tho, so chartists be careful. very easy for BB to skew patterns since they hold majority of stock.
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29-May-2007 20:50 EngKong   /   Eng Kong - Wrts issue       Go to Message
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sigh. yah lah yah lah gege. that's victorian for you, the 'big picture' guy. and so, the small elf has to scramble around with the fiddly techs and the numbers for kantangs so obscure i can't even figure out their ticker names. not to mention their techs all wonky. niama.

brothers. siggghghhhhhh.....

hm. techwise remains to be seen:

if it can sustain 23.5, then that's its new pivot. which is a clear sign it's pivoting upwards.

if not, it's the same old story.

c'mon snail....mebbe we shd get this bug some crutches. sigh. or an automated wheelchair.
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29-May-2007 20:45 Osim Intl   /   OSIM       Go to Message
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ya know, i don't think ron sim is showing confidence in his counter as much as he's showing a 'this is my baby, i'm not going to let it die' mentality. the way this appears, i do believe he'd be willing to bankrupt himself just to shore up his baby.

hats off to him, really. this kind of businessman, rare to find nowadays. respect....
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29-May-2007 20:43 Gems TV   /   Sparkling gemstones       Go to Message
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ack....just saw the gems charts. flatter than an airport run-way. not good. scarily, it's not done dropping yet. >~< gege, i don't even think 67c will be a support.

yea, rayphua has it right: never lower your stop losses.

altho, hm. for FA ppl they will buy in when it's lower to DCA, but then, that's a totally dif trading style from TA method. bottomline is to find a method that suits you, and never break your own basic rules. no quarrels abt FA vs TA or whatever. just pragmatism: if it suits you and works for you, take it.
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29-May-2007 20:38 ShareJunction   /   ShareJunction hits 10,000 membership       Go to Message
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yay! *clap clap clap* go keejang!

and hey, who's the 10,000 member? give us some 4D numbers or something leh!

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29-May-2007 20:37 Genting Sing   /   outlook       Go to Message
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oic....is this why the charts show selling from ~25may? (actually if you go by a/d, the selling has been from 17th apr at close of 1.05...)

eddyson, if your news is accurate, then tmrw and next few sessions can perhaps expect a drop. the techs all point to a drop happening soon...

not good....stay cautious please....
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29-May-2007 18:59 Gems TV   /   Sparkling gemstones       Go to Message
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yeps youteik, that's the spirit. remember the lessons, cos long term, that's what enables you to make profit.

and yea, guess as investors, there's always a tendency to focus on our losers. but must focus on overall portfolio. that's how you measure a good investor. sometimes, have to cut, must cut.

kudos to you, and it's ok, i'm very sure you'll make back on your next investment. ;)

and yep w6m9hi (difficult to type your name! wail): that's how the market plays. that's why long term, most small timers tend to lose. but learn to read between the lines. either learn some FA or TA, it'll def help in long term. no pt blaming the BBs. they control the market. we just follow. use what is to your advantage.

it'll never be a level playing field, it'll always be unfair. so the sooner small fries like us learn, the better we can be at this game of investing.

don't lose heart, k people? learn and move on.

and rem above all: the one emotion you MUST control when trading: greed.

you master your money, not the other way around.

cheers all!
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29-May-2007 18:52 Genting Sing   /   outlook       Go to Message
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hm. ok people, cool it....

as an investor, it's most important to cut through the ego and see what is, rather than to argue on and on about the way someone posts, or pass derogatory comments on each other. Let's be proper investors, shall we? ie, focus on the market. cut through the personalities, see the trend. whether you like or dislike a person in SJ or anywhere else doesn't matter, the most impt thing is to learn.

am sure all of us have paid our tuition fees in our own time, but that's how you learn. so yea, no need to belittle, or grandiose or overinflate. Focus on the market and what you can learn. long term, that's the only way to make money.


Gen Int techs:

bollies tightening, a/d and c/o don't look good. williams show sudden selling from 25th may to today. expect a breakout drop in next few sessions. i'll place a 10c drop as likely, going from previous drops.

caveat emptor.


btw, i don't know what Gen Int's PE is, but if it is truly 98x, then yes, agree with robert that it's fully ridiculous. Also agree that this stock, like gems, is being held by a lot of small fries. And therein lies the danger. Too large float, too many small time investors. Perfect target to be played by swing traders and shortists big and small.
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