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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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01-Jun-2007 15:02 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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hullo trymyluck,

volume's one of the key indicators of a sustainable/unsustainable rally. also, for some indicators, it's an initial parameter that you need to look to in order to weed out if the stock is accurate on it or not.

briefly, vol increase indicates actual rally when the vol is sustained and high. if the vol increase is just for a one day period/thereabouts, then it indicates a short lived, likely unsustainable rally.

pls note that vol in this case is more for longer periods (ie, not intraday) trades.

if it's intraday momentum you want, then its the busd data you must see.

all in all, best to use it for longer periods. single intra day might be misleading, esp in punting counters or if macro trends wash out the entire market.

btw, good observation on hh/placement you had there. cheers to you! :)

and yep. hh is volatile. been saying that since april alr. hell, even i shake at times with this stupid counter. haha.
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01-Jun-2007 14:56 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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keke oh yea, most impt is to be entertained. keke. no prob lah rogue; i'm very yuan du fu shu one...

ooh you're right, SCI is dropping very fast. what's teh news?

anw, i still got 2 hrs and 10 pts. never say die til the last second! hahahahha!

man, i think we're really quite the same character. :P  
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01-Jun-2007 14:30 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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lol. what's the point of having a puppy if he cannot be baited?


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01-Jun-2007 11:02 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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rogue, on! keke.

for the popcorn eaters: 3541 is the bet for sti closing today. above that elfie takes, below, rogue wins.


rayphua, give my puppie some nice furlined baskets to sleep in. haha. :P
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01-Jun-2007 10:36 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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heya kitten, glad to see you back on SJ! :) and haha, cmi, i'm seeing all the money but i'm vested in low betas and dying on hh! *sigh* my handicapped snail ek is doing quite well tho. keke. slowly, slowly, glacially, glacially pivoting upwards. wish i had the time to play tho; this morn totally busy with work and by the time i saw the market, all up already. meh.


eh, rogue, i see you a bit slow leh. only now then discover the emoticons. sighhhhh.

but ahahhahah! a rogue's a rogue til his last breath eh? sti close, you wanna bet with me, i shui shi feng pei. *grin* call a figure or something.

i place my bet on 3541.


everyone else welcome to join in. elfie raising ruckus now. hahahhaaa!
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01-Jun-2007 09:42 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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keke, puppie, told ya already sti today will go up, you dun believe your own missy. *sigh* damn, shd have betted with you. haha.

i dun believe rayphua reads the fellowship thread frequently actually...prob only once a day or something? he's prob busy with the squeeze thread. why don't you go find him there instead?

but be nice, you rogue! giving your own mistress a bad name... geez....
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01-Jun-2007 09:40 EngKong   /   Eng Kong - Wrts issue       Go to Message
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oh yea, c'mon snail! *wave pom poms*


noobie, date payable for divvie today, so likely some using cash to buy in. two large trades (relative for this counter) of 105 and 100 lots just now at 25 and 26c resp.

expect some shaking out of weaker holders tho; those who've held for long time and taking chance to sell now--seeing it happening alr.

likely to close abt 25c today.

good enough. snails cannot crawl too fast or will tire out.

argh! foreland going up! shd have punted! sighhhhh.....must control....
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01-Jun-2007 00:23 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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keke. now now puppy, let's be nice. one time suan can already, no need to do things excessively. keke.

and yeps, it was certainly a compliment to you. :) you see, your missy elf is all about what's inside, not what's outside. :)

hey, you have a different view! keke. ok, let's see if SGH indicator zun tomorrow or not. :P i haven't actually seen the sti movement yet, since i'm in low betas (stocks with little/no correlation to the sti movement), but haha, let's pit CBA against SGH. :P

daytona! readyyyyy?


ok lah! enough ding dong for one night liao; elf needs to sleep already. tmrw long day at work. sigh. won't be online at night. see you! pets, family and forumers, keep safe! :)
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01-Jun-2007 00:00 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hey rayphua,

my puppy's the best puppy an elf can have. nevermind if he's overweight and deaf in one ear *grin*. he's worth his weight in loyalty and his missy here would never sell him off.

my rogue puppy comes from the streets, you see. he's smart, fast, good at reading people, and cuts no two ways about his loyalties. Gives as good as he takes. What you see is what you get with him.

cheers to a rogue!

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31-May-2007 23:54 Genting Sing   /   outlook       Go to Message
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lol. ipunter, as a rationalist myself, there are some things i'd agree with in his posts. but what i do find objectionable is his tone. because it is never about the message alone, but also the delivery of the message.

anyhow, in matters where anger is aroused, there are three things to consider first:

1) Is that person worth my time,

2) Is the situation worth my time,

3) Can I gain anything out of being angry.

If the answer, as in this situation, is clearly no, then, may the elfin lady quotes Macbeth:

"Life, is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."


The one and only test of an investor is time: your portfolio proves your worth. Not your words.

Anyhow, this is the last time elf is going to be in this thread. antking, and any other forumers who would like some TA, do feel free to find me on the fellowship thread yea? elf is always willing to help others along. :)
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31-May-2007 23:47 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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lol, my pet puppy, actually when i read the genting thread, i get pissed too; but then, gotta consider reasons for getting pissed. anw, gonna post one final post in there and not enter that thread again. watch for it. hahahahaa. altho, likely too good for the intended audience to understand. damn.


donations: oh, i never donate money directly nowadays. have you realised, they no longer accept coins or free amt now, they will ask for specific 5, 10 dollar amts. and after NKF, youth challenge, etcetc, right now, forget it, if i'm giving money, i'm giving direct to the people who need it, not via charities where the 'admin charges' take up half my donation. and you never quite know where the money goes to, either.
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31-May-2007 23:27 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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singaporegal! *hugs* elfie's only been supporting the idea of the SGH indicator, which thus far, has proven to be accurate. I'm a techie you see, i trust an indicator if an indicator bears proof of the trend.


keke. enjoy your hols lah!

tmrw market will be up, SGH indicator flashing return green light liao.

*double giggle*

bwah ha.

cheers all!


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31-May-2007 00:53 ShareJunction   /   ShareJunction hits 10,000 membership       Go to Message
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chipchip! lol, you're a real market person. yes, 10 lots of SJ-ers!

hm. yah, i wld like to know what number i am too leh. and can we find out who's 999, 3838, 8888, 9999 etc? esp the 10k person! haha.



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31-May-2007 00:47 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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yep punter, you got it right there. 'cos i've been tracking hh since quite a long time ago, have realised that counter has in fact lost sensitivity to a lot of the indicators: eg, a/d and c/o used to work for it, but not so much now, if at all. am thinking even bollies has lost sensitivity. erk.

i'm going in fact by pure psychology matching with the busd data predominantly now. apart from the earlier fibo use; which i do not see need to change target as yet, since stock has not changed fundamentally.

frustrating, tho. >~<

the trouble with cornered float when BBs not done accumulating yet. erk.

but hm, i don't think they consciously try to skew the data; i think it's the other way ard..ie, humans move first then tech shows the (skewed) patterns.
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31-May-2007 00:41 Genting Sing   /   outlook       Go to Message
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ok, elf is a very pragmatic person, so i'll focus only on what the charts say.

genting techs:

with today's drop, MACD has crossed to negative territory; indication of the beginning of long term downtrend.

lead indicators a/d and c/o have actually read down since 17th april, with a confirmed sell signal coming 3 days later on 20th april at close of 1.04. williams especially has been showing a serious downtrend from 25th may to today. close to -100 oversold--data reads -42 to -92 in just 4 trading sessions. (you use williams as a more accurate gauge than RSI because this is a trending stock in a trending market)

bollies are still tightening, ie, today's drop is not the end of the story yet: the breakout drop has not yet occurred.

 busd data:

there is not that much BB action in this counter already, in fact. Most of the lots you see are contra-ists, shortists and swing traders, with lots of small retailers buying in.

To make the BB action clearer: weeding out lots of 500 and above, leaving out the final 1600+ lots married trade at closing bell:

bu: 5857 lots.

sd: 11461 lots.

esp significant is the sell down of 4544 lots at 1655 hrs.

definitely distribution going on.

buyers beware. when the last of the BBs are out of the counter, you can expect the slow steady decline as with osim, longcheer, even gems now (altho that one is not yet bottoming out either).

the support, as zujzuj pointed out (heya, nice to have a techie's concurrence! :)), was 0.94c. that is broken. your next viable support is abt 0.82. so quite a steep fall there. testing the lower bollie band. if it breaks it, that's your freefall.

good luck, people.

caveat emptor, yea.

antking, how are you doing? the above data's for you yea, since you asked....

and pls, those who are vested, don't kill me ah. i'm just the messenger. as always, make own minds up.
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31-May-2007 00:17 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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yah! elf fully supports the SGH indicator!

more accurate than all your "recommended: buy!" analysts.


oh man, i hope she doesn't kill me when she returns. keke.

and rogue, pet, give the genting thread a break lah....may i quote jacqueline onassis, "Class is making other people feel like they have it."

Or to change it to this context, why engage an 'enemy' who's not worth engaging? you wanna fight, must also pick right cause and right foe. A battle's only worthwhile if you can gain something. sun zi's art of war. yea puppie?


and yep. agree with the punter. it's easy to 'win' when all you do is to follow calls. much more difficult to learn the skills to make the calls. glad to see baseerahmed making the effort! :) elf is learning along right with you too! :) my FA sure as hell is bad. vic keeps having to correct me. meh.

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31-May-2007 00:06 EngKong   /   Eng Kong - Wrts issue       Go to Message
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wheeee!! c'mon my handicapped snail! beautiful pivot!

just keep going, just keep going...

*nemo theme*


gotta love such cornered stocks. market haemorrhages, and the snail is safely, obliviously crawling. phew.


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31-May-2007 00:01 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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thanks for the consolatory post, shplayer. :)

and yea to rayphua and vic: that's the frustrating with the counter. 'cos when you track busd, BBs are not selling. There is no distribution going on; there is, however, deliberate depression.

Take today's busd data: stock was actually holding constant/going a bit up from morning of 1.09. but the strategic sell of 110lots at 1.07 was what caused it to cave in, psychologically speaking.

if you ask me, that's the only BB lot thrown. perhaps one more 100 lot in the afternoon, but that's it.

it's literally shaking out all the small fries by a 'fear breeds fear' tactic.

frustrating tho, for a techie.

well. my only consolation is that my handicapped snail, engkong, actually pivoted up. hmph.  

altho, hm....looks like my kaobehing works, eh? mebbe i shd kb more for hh then. hahahhaha!


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30-May-2007 18:21 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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lol, rogue, jerome, you two are like a pair of squabbling furballs. lol. thanks for making my day man. talk abt a bad day on the market. niama hh....

k byes ppl!
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30-May-2007 17:08 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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gah. what a miserable day on the market. hh was actually poised for breakout upwards, but got scuppered thanks to china.

liverbuffet, it's a macrotrend now; the actual fundamentals for hh remains unchanged.

like that 9% drop in shanghai in feb and the ones in later months. give them one or two days to recover. thing is, china is flushed with liquidity; so they can't keep out the retailers for long.

the butterfly effect from chaos theory in full operation tho. does make trading everywhere else annoyingly volatile, esp if like me, you can't watch 24/7.


tmrw is a hols; but not sure if shanghai on same hols? wait and see. just follow the trend. today's one is anomaly in the data, really. entire market is shot. need to see shanghai for cue. no pt jumping ahead of techs.
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