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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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03-Jun-2007 20:55 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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lol...singaporegal *hugs* such a relief to have you here, ya know. all the men are getting to me. elfie wants more female company...sigh.

working part time. nah. it's just a principle of mine. you don't live a champagne lifestyle on a beer budget. I've been on two hols this year already (i think), excluding sweden. long hols in oct. likely another one sometime around my birthday (sept). so yea. gotta make sure funds balance, even whilst i pamper myself. ;)  

massive spree. haha. i'll see what's there. i prefer shopping in KL and bangkok actually. most of singapore's stuff is boring. all plain, and taiwanese cutesy cute fashion. >~< they don't make clothes for women here. plus, sizes here too big at certain shops. a bit sian.
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03-Jun-2007 18:07 Others   /   Squeeze Breakout Buys       Go to Message
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oop. cyjerry, missed your qn:

TA tracks what is happening, so it takes into acct both micro and macr trends. if a large macrotrend occurs, and ppl sell, it'll be reflected in the charts. so even if its TA is going up by itself, but a  macrotrend change occurs, TA will then record a sudden downspike. if the macro drop is a once off tho, then you can assume that the stock will cont its uptrend once prevailing influences change back to normal.

that's why must always check and recheck your techs. can't get complacent and assuming prevailing techs always right. hope this helps. :)
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03-Jun-2007 18:04 Others   /   Squeeze Breakout Buys       Go to Message
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lol. rayphua, your little sis protects no one. haha. vibro's good for momentum.

actually, vic, i can't see the charts you posted. how do you guys post charts anw? i can't do it; sj rejects. think file size too big or something.
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03-Jun-2007 18:02 EngKong   /   Eng Kong - Wrts issue       Go to Message
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...or more precisely from a techie's perspective: even if you want to whack, make sure you're not the slowest guy in front of the shark.

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03-Jun-2007 16:24 Others   /   Squeeze Breakout Buys       Go to Message
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hi cyjjerry, if i may take that qn for vic....yes, ek is likely to rise to 32-32.5c (that was my tech count, go see EK thread for details), but i would not guarantee the time period of T+5.

dean88, for educational purposes, and you list out 11 stocks!!! lol. c'mon ppl, give rayphua a break yea...
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03-Jun-2007 16:17 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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sporeguy...when the chinese dragon stirs, the world, like it or not, trembles.


anyhow, yeps, nice to have your expert concurrence *haha*. am indeed expecting this bull to end mid next year and then to 2010 mid for the end of the bear.

which FA counters you looking/vested in, if you don't mind sharing? :)

wld not look to pick up most FA counters now for keeps tho; overvalued. scalping the last 'undervalued' pennies for now, and breakouts for the blues. looking to lock out all funds by oct latest this year. Wait for bear and pile into the blues for 2011. That's my long term plan for now.

assuming all macros remain the same, of course. haha. the best laid plans of mice and men! :)
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03-Jun-2007 15:57 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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sigh. don't havta talk so much on this counter lah.

said so many times already, will say it just this last time: have always expected hh to be volatile.

i've never denied this fact, have i? go read my previous posts.

in any case, note that hh's intraday trading range is at least 5c on average. Its movements past few sessions, while disappointing, are not out of the ordinary: it's still range bound, as per the techs.

This is an FA stock. try not to mix it up with the fast, sexy TA ones.

in the market, time is the proof. dun gotta say anything more.

cheers all!

keke, trymyluck, StA is going as per predicted earlier in my bet with eastonbay. didn't update it 'cos saw no change, hence no need to. no hurry with this guy. will have lots of trading opps along the way too. it's forming a W pattern. watch for breakout above 1.31 for uptrend. good luck! :)
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03-Jun-2007 15:49 EngKong   /   Eng Kong - Wrts issue       Go to Message
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just to caution against over-exuberance, since i know a lot of ppl follow vic/my/rayphua's calls. Pls vest at your own risk, and note that there is no such thing as a safe bet. We're simply sharing what we analyse, but in spite of our track records, it doesn't always mean we are right.

anw, ek techs for the vested:

This current upside should be to 32-32.5c.

Thereafter, a retracement to about 27c is in order. Period of consolidation around this target for a while.

I should expect the above two events to take place before august; likely by this mth, latest july.

Thereaft, the third wave up (august or aft) is to 42.5c.

Assuming all macro trends prevail.

Note that ek might not do a retracement, esp as its float gets increasingly sewn up. We're seeing large movements on the basis of a few hundred lots already.

Will update the techs as and when necessary; if not, you may assume that the above holds true.

happy vesting. and haha, yea, considering how much i have on this snail, good luck to the vested. haha.
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03-Jun-2007 15:40 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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puppieee! mine! keke.

aiyah, as if you don't know....vacations have to be earned lah.. i'm taking on part time stuff this mth to pay for my vacation. haha. jerome! yes, singaporegal really prepares well. i didn't even think of it! lol! (no offence yea, singaporegal....) i think you and rogue are hilarious together. keke.

choohian, welcome back! well, you know, someday i should hope to have a life just like yours. Graceful, at peace and at ease with the world and yourself. :)

esmiley (cool nick, btw), no prob. after olympics. haha. well, no sense speculating. never jump ahead of your techs. keep blank and you'll see what really is clearer. sure hope i can learn from you someday too! :)

counter to watch next week: UIC.

and elf just vested in another, thanks to my da gege, shplayer. Eastern. 100 mil float. Cornered. Broke out. Does not do fibo retracement. From 42c, a startling gap up. currently 52c. Still have upside. Px target: 63c.

Caveat emptor.


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02-Jun-2007 18:41 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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haha, it's ok lah. i don't think many people can squeeze (breakout!haha) their feet into miniature elfin shoes. haha.

weh! i wanna go hokkaido too! weh weh weh.....gege.... *sad*

haha. yes rayphua. good idea. avoid any country that i'm visiting on a work basis! lol.

and ok, enough talk of work. rather keep mum on that. back to it. :)
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02-Jun-2007 17:45 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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haha was taking a break from work so decided to do a quick post for the newbies. think too longwinded tho. ok, next time cut down. hehe.

hey gege, you men have to work so that we ladies can go on holidays! Smiley

ooh, ski hols! when? do we need to have a rayphua holiday indicator too? keke. where to, btw, aspen? enjoy yrself yea. :)

my own long hols will be in oct this year...assuming my company doesn't pack me off to paris then. >~<
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02-Jun-2007 17:19 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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oh don't worry. the thais are very friendly. they know its a govt to govt thing; and in the end, they're a very polite culture. plus, it's business, you buy from them, they aren't gonna be mean to you. lol.

good shopping! go see the new centres opened! Paragon! like, woweee!

keke. ok set. i'll spike up the malaysian economy, you spike up the thai economy.

hahahhaha...shop shop shop!

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02-Jun-2007 17:13 SingaporeLandGrp   /         Go to Message
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grin. i see the constellation of Masters and Elites have gathered here.

what's an elf to do? hehe.


and looking to enter.

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02-Jun-2007 17:10 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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KL. Shopping.

must help our neighbour's economy. heehee.

and you?
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02-Jun-2007 17:08 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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singaporegal! *hugs* my favourite SJ-er....keke.

well, hope it doesn't panic everyone else, but yes, elf will be on a mini holiday in abt 2 weeks time too.


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02-Jun-2007 17:01 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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 for newbies:

the real definition of a "stock market correction" is when the market drops by 10% or more, for a period of about 2-6 mths after a time of market strength. this is sometimes viewed as healthy, as markets can't possibly go up in a straight line forever. It is also good, as the time of this correction is a time when the market draws breath for its next charge upwards. Especially when the macrotrend that is causing the temporary reversal is a short term or once-off event. Think the Feb drop. That was a correction yes, but a once-off one caused by a swing factor of chinese news, since actual macrotrends had in effect remained unchanged. 

Which is why, one of the most bullish trend a techie would look for is the W pattern (higher high, higher low on the 2nd 'V' of the 'W' formation), as opposed to looking for a simple '/' line on the charts. This market is a techie's market, really. Be you a swing trader or very short term player like rayphua/kilroy, short term like singaporegal, or mixed bag of nuts like elf. macademias, anyone? hahahahaa.  

but i digress....

However, where a market correction leads to a bear market, is when the controlling macro-trend continues, and there is no new macro trend that might lead to a reversal of the down wave, such that the down trend continues. E.g., if US housing subprime loans keep defaulting (macro trend), softening of the US housing market is in order, CPI (consumer price index) and retail confidence goes down, people stop spending, banks lose, industries--esp retail in the american context--lose, which will eventually lead to a broadbased US recession.

The signs of a real correction leading to bear market are never once off, never sudden. There are always signals.

So roughly, a bear market occurs when markets lose approx 30% of their value for a period of 2-3 years. The depth of a bear market is when a value investor strikes, to pick up bargains when us techies are all dead and quiet. haha. 

Of course, this is the textbook definition--7 year cycle from end to end. But note that current economies of the developed and developing worlds move on the knowledge economy, which is technology based: ie, things are faster. With globalisation in full progress, chaos theory is in full effect too, as markets become more and more interlinked. A butterfly flapping its wings in New York creates a storm in Shanghai, as the saying goes. Domino effect in play.

By elf's estimate, this year and the next are your bull years here. After 2008 (likely mid '08) will come the correction to bear, and then it's gonna be quiet til the IRs start. So about 2010 2nd half of year.

That's why elf's learning FA now, really. Prep for the bear market even while running with the bulls now. Always pays to learn and know more.

btw, i think ppl might be getting confused what with so many TA leads here. just fyi, there are really many different styles even amongst techies. singaporegal prob holds abt 2 weeks on ave, rayphua's a contra player's dream with a 5 day average (hehe, i'm selling my brother hehe). elf on the other hand does both long and short term; roughly i look for at least 1 mth, since my goal's not time but upside: i'm looking for upside of at least 25%--actually, i look for 50% returns, in this current market. which is also why i'm willing to hold longer and move less. since my job doesn't allow me full time on the screen anw.

in any case, as i was seeing on the squeeze breakout thread; no one can force another to pull the trigger on the buy button. so yea; always gotta accept responsibility for your own calls, whether you're following an 'expert's' tips or not. keep in mind too that none of us here have ever claimed to be an expert or a guru; we're all just fellow members in a forum, and sharing and learning.

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02-Jun-2007 16:54 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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oops. looks like elf had better stop the cursing and swearing eh. keke.

anw, agree with ipunter that most ppl tend to see one day blips as 'corrections', when it is in fact not so. they're just part of normal market movements, really.

in light of this tho, perhaps we should refine the SGH indicator? keke. level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

Level 1 = one to two days trip, ie, no worries, people! just intra-day drop. Smiley  Level 5 = >6 mths out of country. ie, peng san time. Smiley 


okok enough ding donging...before singaporegal kills me. heehee.
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01-Jun-2007 17:30 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hahahhaa yah right you not good at maths! who's the one who could bet with me gems up and then short it in real life? hedge analysis....i learnt it from you man!


wehhhh....no fun....puppy play with me leh...dunno what happen to my other two pets. sigh.

like heck you don't give yourself buffer: look at how you're trying to scam even your own sister! niama...

keke. just joking ah. keke.

ok byes for now! :) SGH indicator is very zun! :)
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01-Jun-2007 17:14 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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oh rogue dahling, come to missy elfie.... *cracks whip*


it did get close for a while tho. but lucky i gave myself buffer. i had actually put the sti closing at 3551, but thought give myself 10pts buffer. that why i quoted you 3541.

heng ah... Smiley

elf is a free thinker. no religion.

and yea eellee, welcome to the thread! glad to be of entertainment value. keke. post here more often, we're sorely in need of female company! always the guys only, very boring...
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01-Jun-2007 15:05 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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oh and btw, since most ppl tend to expect fast returns etc, which this current climate encourages. the other thing abt hh, which i've also been saying since april:

this counter is for a 3Q of the year play. ie, august onward. It's an FA counter, not a fast TA trade. Meant for buy and keep. You don't expect fireworks from this guy now; doesn't make sense to.

want fireworks, go for china energy, or UIC. haha.   
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