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Latest Posts By elfinchilde - Elite      About elfinchilde
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12-Jun-2007 09:27 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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you be our calming, maternal and gently moderating influence here.

in other words, just be yourself. :)

HG metals breaking out, ppl. take a look. perfect charts. bollies squeezing in, c/o up for days, a/d hasn't turned yet, price range constant. elf is in. haha.
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12-Jun-2007 09:03 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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gone quiet....taken over by ray's squeeze thread. haha. 

just to let all know elf's fine aft yesterday's trades. :) and apologies for making my bros worried. haha.

jerome, finance degree etc not necessary lah. it's a singaporean thing to focus only on paper degrees. but if it's private wealth mgmt  you want etc, then no, they take you from any degree. assuming you mean foreign banks.  if it's to be a technical trader etc tho, then yes, need some qualifications.

don't think, just switch! on a whim and a fancy, my boy. ;)

and if you can't figure out the answer to that qn yourself, then might consider why you want to switch. :P of course, you can just be very baldfaced with them and tell them straight out: for the money. MIght shock them into remembering you. haha.

you did say before you were getting married etc and didn't want to commit full time tho.... so consider well? money's not everything.. you'll have to sacrifice family time etc for that kind of salary. that's why they get paid so high, ya know; bankers. work morning to night. they usually pay with their families.

and rayphua, apologies, can't join your group 'cos its msn. if anyone in there has a longer term focus and shd like help on that aspect tho, feel free to ask the elf via the ray. :) 

i could perhaps help in structuring an appropriate portfolio for you, customised on your own risk appetite and personality. 'cos i used to do retail and institutional fund mgmt.

rather than just doing contras, which are essentially a short term measure. but i understand that there are many different personalities on the market, so only for those with a longer term perspective tho. wealth growing is about years, not days. :)

good luck people. make the most of this rally before the lull coming.Smiley 
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10-Jun-2007 01:37 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hullo all, thanks for your words of encouragement (i especially like CWQuah's "a/d lines keep going up". hehe). it's ok, i'll be fine. :)

might be a whiner but when it comes to the market i'm absolutely rational and focused. and yea, don't worry, i won't over-risk. i essentially go for the minimum risk required for the level of returns i want. to me, the most important thing in investing is the stop loss.

My risk/reward ratio is minimum 1:2.5. ie, for every dollar that i will lose, i stand the chance to gain at least 2.5. that's how i calculate if a stock's worthwhile. (of course, in actual market conditions, you take what the market gives, esp scalping trades; you don't quibble 'too small profit' or 'i should have run later'.) 

sporeguy, yeps, the women of the past were real women. and yep, it's about being contented. don't gotta do something just 'cos everyone else is doing it. :) hm. if your mama's 73, what are you, 47-52? what is the average age of forumers here anw.... 

choohian! *hugs* you have excellent children. must have brought them up well, yea? a credit to you. :))) and yep. stick with a defensive portfolio. fact is, you don't have to take the kind of risks ppl like me are taking, we're at different stages of life and portfolio. good luck in all your investments and life!

hm. mebbe you should be our de facto grandma here. keke. if you don't mind assuming the role, of course. :)

and victorian! hire me! keke. i want the software tools. :P
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09-Jun-2007 12:00 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hullo esmiley, you're up early on a saturday. keke.

perhaps you could call it a debt of obligation. but no matter. debt is a debt. and haha, no, as my pet bunnie/godpa/gege will attest to, i'm not tough at all. just a flipping whiner. ahhahahaa. :P

but as my pet puppy can prob say, ppl like us may kb a lot (ok fine, mebbe only me, not the rogue haha), but in the end, when push comes to shove, if we have to do it, we will. it's the kind of street pride i guess, that 'the more you wanna shove me to the ground, the more i'm gonna show you that i will win.' f the things around you.

why else would i be investing so hard for, anyway. locked in 46% returns alr, sitting on paper gain of further 26%, inclusive hh losses. hahaa. not done yet tho. doesn't work that way....thanks for your concern. *hugs* :)

anyhow, nothing's gonna get a good elf down! if i must scalp a trade, so be it. picked out two for monday already. keke. wish me luck. apologies won't post what they are tho, because they're highly risky, and i don't encourage gambling. i'm essentially doing it only 'cos i don't have much of a choice.

cheers to you and me! :)))

ok, gotta go have breakfast and start working....you take care. :)
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09-Jun-2007 02:14 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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btw, thanks eastonbay for the suggestions for a hp. might just get the imobile in the end. i need a phone without camera function; o/w, can't bring into work...

203 am and clock ticking....sigh. sleepless and rather sad....rogue puppy, ya know, if your missy really had the 0.1mil to spare, i would give it to you. money really doesn't mean much to me... but well. the $ on my grandma's flat running out faster than expected...elfie needs to make money harder and faster now...anxiety attack... it's so, so tough, i tell you... you should know... investing is my 2nd job, really. with a first real job too, and i have one part time as well. if i could, i would take on a 2nd part time. but i'm too physically weak to. lousy elves. sigh.  but i'm just making excuses for myself...your missy is so silly really...make all this money, but in the end, i will prob not get to keep or want to keep a single cent....financial independence is when i can buy myself out of commitments..

wail....puppy....kitten...bunnie....*sad* i want a real puppy! meh. something that can be mine and mine alone. mehhhhhh.

sigh. ah well. day to day. can't even begin to think of the future, if any. one step at a time, one dollar at a time. elf really needs to work harder on her investments. bring it on, market! i don't believe i can't scalp enough. bwah.  
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08-Jun-2007 23:15 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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thanks singaporegal. :)

rogue, 0.1mil. sure. what are you giving me in return?

quid pro quo. something in return for something. structure me a deal i can't resist, puppy.

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08-Jun-2007 23:14 EngKong   /   Eng Kong - Wrts issue       Go to Message
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noobie, short term target was 32c, believe it'll be breached on monday, from the way this snail is rocketing. haha.

longer term target is 42c.

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08-Jun-2007 17:16 EngKong   /   Eng Kong - Wrts issue       Go to Message
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29c close on virtue of one lot buy up.

oh yea snail...nice and steady, that's how it can be sustained....elf is fragile, please no heart attacks ah...


cheers to all vested. Smiley
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08-Jun-2007 11:08 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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aw, poor puppy....crystal ball not working very well eh? :P stay out of market these few days lah. rayphua and i hinted gems alr, and i just called the sell on it. that was a scalp trade. dun go in anymore tho. very speculative counter. did say kings sw. go check it out. altho might not be your type of counter. you seem to like fast trades?

jerome and eastonbay, thanks for suggestion. will go check out the phone. sirocco: not in gold lah! so 'orbit'... wanted the black one. just want something sleek and black and light. no camera function if possible.
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08-Jun-2007 11:02 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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wah, kilroy,no need so sarcastic leh....to think you were one of my favourite forumers. meh meh mehehhhhhhh!


anw, BIG big boys in here. none of us, even combined as an sBB, can hope to swing the trend. just gotta follow.

my only worry is that they may have killed this counter. see how. entire market down anw. today's not a day for selling. dow -188. sti shd close down today.  
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08-Jun-2007 10:58 Gems TV   /   Sparkling gemstones       Go to Message
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ppl playing gems this morning, might consider running already. 72-73 is a good price to exit. small profit, yes, but better a confirmed small than a risky big (which might evaporate).

by techs i was expecting the upside to last only one day.

and c'mon lah. look at the timing of the brokerage reports to px movement. from the launch, to the high 1.8, to now. please don't tell me you still buy their 'stories'. this is obviously a toy counter. fundamentals of a company and fundamentals of a company's stock are two different things.

think live chicken, not dead tiger.

good luck!
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07-Jun-2007 23:47 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hm. ok ppl, might like to hands off the market tmrw. dow just broke below 13,400. all indices red. not good....
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07-Jun-2007 23:32 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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ahhh!! shplayer, you too?

do take a look and let me know what you think. ARs are still quite a struggle for me to read.

But yes. from the little i know, cash flow is positive in all segments (they split worldwide sales), at least 11% increase in profit, they've reduced debt (according to my reading, pls check ah), and they are liquid. also shifting manufacture to somewhere cheaper...can't rem which country offhand tho. basically, my reading was reduced costs, increased profits, better production capabilities. from NAV of 19.6, that's a book to price ratio currently of 1.35x. PE of 11.4x might be a bit high,  but my sense is that they will announce increased profit (>11% qoq), which will justify rerating in Aug.

but techwise is very interesting: float of 220mil, directors been converting. very, very strong support at 25c. yesterday had 1000 lots support there. So yes, i do think something's up. The upside is to 38c from a perfect wave count, but ksw does a right graphical shift (further indication of support), so max i'd count is 41c.

will expect to ride out the stale bulls at 31c tho. and someone's been buying it up!!! was keeping it nice and slow at sub 26, but someone got impatient and whacked the 26-26.5. >~< i personally wouldn't pay above 26 for this guy lor....since if want to bail out at 31c IPO price, the upside is not worth.
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07-Jun-2007 23:25 Eastern   /   Eastern Holdings Ltd       Go to Message
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ffyyss, yes. tech-wise post split, eastern shd be able to rise to max of 20% above its highest price, whatever that might be in the coming days. you see consistent patterns amongst such stocks.

note, the techs only hold true if macros are unchanged tho. even if not, a rerating of PE would send eastern higher, as the market comes to realise it's a proxy prop play. am actually considering vesting in this counter again. but might do it the day after the split, since that's when prices are low. will see how it goes.

and thanks for raising AP oil as another eg! :)  
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07-Jun-2007 23:22 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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orhh....i have a poddie already. i like to keep my gadgets separate. and small and slim and sleek. keke.

hmm...where have i been...in elfin land, of course. the world revolves around meeeeee!

haha. :P

sian....can anyone recommend a good phone? all i want is something slim, small and lightweight. can call, sms, calendar, nice ringtone/pics, can already. the smaller the better. i like to travel light. haha.  

money creeping in w/o notice: yea. at first i read the counter, i thought, wah, sure another red day. but then, the time of the sales. techies, go see the busd. they're consistently abt 30sec apart for the sell downs. which means passive accumulation: ie, someone's mopping up the retail sells. that's why chaikin has been going up. but i'm entirely unsure tho. a bit puzzled really. damn speculative counter. >~<  
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07-Jun-2007 23:10 Hiap Hoe   /   Looks like on an Uptrend       Go to Message
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lol. liverbuffet, don't havta fight so hard. just follow the trend. if cuts below your support, cut. if goes above, hold. concur with you on the TA vs gut feel thing tho.

actually, what my techs read (i don't find it believeable either) is a straight upspike to 1.85, with a short consol at probably abt the 1.4-1.6 region midway; but likely to be a short period of ~5 trading days. (cf its rise from 60c to 1.18 first wave)

that's the first tech pic.

but realistically, i think the BBs might have overdone this counter: will have to ride out the stale bulls now. ie, zigzag from now to 1.18 as panicked and relieved buyers sell out. the all clear signal only comes at a sustained 1.19.

anw. it's abt overall portfolio. wait and see. i don't believe 8 lux properties can be overlooked by the market.
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07-Jun-2007 23:05 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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well bro, you gotta admit the techs look as tho something's going on. you're the short term trader, you tell me. keke.

eh? short battery life? heavy? dang, but it looked so pretty. (same reason why i got the vaio....hahahahaha.). was thinking of the vertu but i don't like the diamonds on the back cover. how awful!!

what's the iPhone...there's this little cute one, sold only in bangkok, the i mobile 310. interested viewers can go google it and see. keke. if you buy it in BKK direct, it's abt $90. can get it from yahoo at abt $150 sing....that's the other one i'm considering. small and cute.

yeayea, very bimbo. haha.
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07-Jun-2007 22:51 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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singaporegal, would like your opinion on gems? appears to be mixed signals. note to all, not an inducement to hope ah.
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07-Jun-2007 22:47 Eastern   /   Eastern Holdings Ltd       Go to Message
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oh and btw, may i just highlight here that i was not the one who spotted this stock. shplayer was the one who raised it to me. i merely called the techs to decide entry/exit. he's been very kindly helping me along with my FA, which is weak.

thanks to you, da gege! :)  
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07-Jun-2007 22:45 Entertainment   /   Fellowship of the Shares       Go to Message
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hm...thread runs very fast. didn't reply to posts from a day earlier...as follows:

choohian, no prob. always glad to help. :)

If you're looking for slow growers/divvie plays, apart from SPC, you could perhaps look at one other counter elf is eyeing: king's sw.

FA-wise, EPS increased from 1.22 to 2.32. NAV is at 19.6c. last done was 26.5c. Their divvie last declared was 1.1c. So abt 4% yield. Just under SPC's yield of abt 6.6% at last done px.

Play on this counter since feb. There's very strong support for this counter at 25c. So perhaps try to get it below 26c. 25.5 is a viable bet. Needs to be hunted tho. another cornered floater. 220mil float only. top directors have been converting their options (see SGX announcements). Their IPO was 31c. so even assuming a rerating to 31c, from 26c, there's an upside of 19% possible. The tech upside gives the count actually to 38-41c.

So basically, what you get with this counter will be dividend yield plus chance of capital upside. note, slow grower tho. so don't expect any sexy fast TA upspike. keke.

Do consider the reits if they fall in px too! keke. babcock and brown is an extremely overlooked counter in this area. macqinf too. the latter has a clause where the managers only get bonus if they deliver 8% div returns or higher. so there's incentive on your mgmt to perform. haha. i would suggest getting out of reits by the time of the beijing olympics tho. by then, some other industry shd be in play.


eastonbay! i'm still confident that StA will hit the target i called earlier. 1.82.  I am also confident that it will be extremely volatile. anw, (typical singaporegan guy!! meh) ya don't gotta worry, elf prob gonna get a new hp herself soon. considering the nokia 8800 sirocco. if anyone has any opinions on how it's like, do let me know.  :)

ooh yea, spas. in a pinch, just give me nice hot water and a tub will do. preferably some rose petals etcetc. *splish splash* 

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