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Latest Posts By richtan - Supreme      About richtan
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08-Oct-2009 22:42 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Below is my chart analysis for sharing and exchange pointers.

My TA chart is posted to share n exchange pointers with those TA practitioner whom believes in TA.
If u are a TA detractor, plse just ignore n refrain from peeping at my chart posting n start making unconstructive comments and plse do not be so childish or lunatic as to abuse the rating system by intentionally rating it as "bad post", this is not cursing but Buddhism beliefs tat intentional bad deeds will accumulate for yourself and possibly your next generation, "bad" karma for your "bad" deeds.

If u think it is a bad post, then be constructive and kindly post your TA for sharing. This is only my view n I may be right or wrong, so dyodd and SOBAYOR.


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08-Oct-2009 22:24 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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This pm weren't u asking "zhou yu where are you hiding :)"?

I think zhou yu probably having concussion now, pm busy covering his/her kena "shot" ass, having cold sweats, peeing in his pants/her panties, balls shrinked liow (oops, maybe no balls at all in the 1st place), changing underwear/pants/panties in the loo lah

risktaker      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 15:15) Posted:

zhou yu where are you hiding :)

risktaker      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 19:30) Posted:

Have a bad feeling Zhou Yu want to Down Midas :)

freeme      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 19:24) Posted:

not again... 和气生财 leh

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08-Oct-2009 22:17 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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SmileySmileySmileySmiley wait kena played to hollan.

bennykusman      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 22:13) Posted:

it's how ristaker works.. empty vessel voice so much.. not sure if he really invest or not.. can never trust him

richtan      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 22:09) Posted:


So lose your credibility lor... see your earlier posting below, at tat time so garang hor, now LL, swallow your pride and bite the hot bullet liow:

risktaker      ( Date: 05-Oct-2009 21:31) Posted:

Like i say once it touch 0.75 i will enter :) 

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08-Oct-2009 22:13 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Ya lor, so sad, how can these type of ppl whom resort to degrading themselves as "bastard", so lack in self-pride n self-respect n dignity, survive in Singapore hor.

risktaker      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 19:17) Posted:

how sad ... lol how can these kind of people survive in singapore. Guess they dont understand my meaning lol

richtan      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 17:13) Posted:


So sad, why must resort to degrading themselves as "bastard", so lack in self-pride n self-respect n dignity.

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08-Oct-2009 22:09 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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So lose your credibility lor... see your earlier posting below, at tat time so garang hor, now LL, swallow your pride and bite the hot bullet liow:

risktaker      ( Date: 05-Oct-2009 21:31) Posted:

Like i say once it touch 0.75 i will enter :) 

risktaker      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 19:22) Posted:

lol Zhou Yu generate 60% of the volume today. I have around xxxx lots but true i brought at higher price so what.

richtan      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 17:53) Posted:


Must be very disappointed lah, missed the choo-choo train, the fare now no longer 75, have to pay higher fare now to join in the fun ride.  Reminds me of the song, "If u miss the train I m on"

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08-Oct-2009 22:02 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Spouting sour grapes

risktaker      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 19:38) Posted:

not when someone wanted to dump this baby T.T

freeme      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 19:32) Posted:

this time nt so soon. at least hit upper bolly band at 91cts. if overall mkt up, Midas might just break tru..

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08-Oct-2009 18:16 Others   /   Stocks Correction Mid September to Early October       Go to Message
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Daryl Guppy: Secret escape from the panda bear
Written by Daryl Guppy   
Saturday, 05 September 2009 15:00


ONE SWALLOW DOESN'T make a summer and many believe that a few days of rebound in the Shanghai market doesn’t drive away the bearish mood. There is no question that the fall below the long-term trendline is particularly significant. It changes the nature of the trend in the market and the nature of the trend behaviour. The long-term trendline will now act as a formidable resistance to future rises in the trend. The shallow slope of the long-term trendline suggests a slower rate of a future trend rise for the Shanghai market. This is a good outcome because it will develop a more stable and sustainable uptrend.

Fundamental analysts use arbitrary measures to distinguish between a retracement and a bear market. The measures of 10% for a technical correction and 20% for a bear market are convenient, but misleading ways to gauge market behaviour. They do not take into account the behaviour and development of trends. In an environment where the Dow Jones can rise or fall routinely by 3.5% or more a day, it makes little sense to define a technical correction based on a 10% figure.

The characteristics of a bear market are related to the behaviour of the trend and not to a particular figure. This difference is very important when we consider the Shanghai Composite Index. A bear market is preceded by strong and clear chart patterns which give early warnings of a major change in the trend. The most common is the head-and-shoulder pattern. The rounding-top pattern is also a relievable leading signal of trend change. Both these chart patterns developed over several months. The head-and- shoulder pattern in the Shanghai Composite Index started in June 2007 and was confirmed six months later in January 2008.

When we look at the Shanghai Composite Index behaviour in recent weeks or months, we cannot identify one of these bear-market patterns. There is no rounding-top pattern. There is no head-and-shoulder pattern. These patterns forecast a significant and prolonged change in the trend. Without these patterns, the significance of the recent index retreat and trend change is analysed differently.

Further analysis indicates the market is showing the opportunity to apply Strategy 8 from the Chinese 36 Strategies. This is a Secret Escape Through Chen Cang. Analysts are focused on the bear market development, or distracted by the idea of a bubble collapse. They ignore the developing Relative Strength Index (RSI) divergence pattern. The rally rebound in the last several days has confirmed this RSI divergence. This points the way to the secret escape from the bear market.

Divergence occurs when two trendlines move in opposite directions during the same time period. Analysis starts with the Shanghai Composite Index chart. The first trendline is drawn between the low of Aug 20 and the low of Sept 1. This trend line slopes downwards.

The next step is to consider the RSI indicator display. These index lows are compared to the low points on the RSI indicator for the same dates. These two RSI lows are joined with a trendline. This trendline moves upwards and confirms the RSI divergence pattern. This is a powerful and reliable trend reversal pattern. This pattern strongly suggests this market will develop a recovery uptrend.

The RSI divergence pattern has one problem — it is not very good for understanding the time frame for the market recovery. When the divergence pattern develops, it does not mean the market will instantly recover and change the trend direction. The RSI divergence pattern warns that the current trend has weakened and a new trend is developing. This may be preceded by a period of consolidation and then develop a new uptrend.

The consolidation area is easily identified on the Shanghai Composite Index chart. There is a strong resistance level near 3,000. This is the upper edge of the consolidation area. The lower edge is at 2,600. There is a high probability the market will move in a sideways trading band for several weeks before developing a breakout above 3,000. A market consolidation between 2,600 and 3,000 will provide short-term rally trading opportunities. This indicates investors are accumulating stocks and getting ready for the development of the next section of the longterm uptrend in the Shanghai market. This has been a savage sell-off but, the RSI divergence pattern shows the market can make a secret escape from the bear. The pattern of chart behaviour suggests this is not a bear market, despite the degree of retracement.

Hulumas      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 17:48) Posted:

POST PRC NATIONAL DAY STRONG & LONG RALLY is emerging!!!!!!!! SSE all the way reaching >8000 is just a matter of time!!! SSE will surpass DOW in the long run, simply read my lips and take my words!!!!!!!!

erictkw      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 17:33) Posted:

Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley

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08-Oct-2009 17:53 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Must be very disappointed lah, missed the choo-choo train, the fare now no longer 75, have to pay higher fare now to join in the fun ride.  Reminds me of the song, "If u miss the train I m on"

risktaker      ( Date: 05-Oct-2009 21:31) Posted:

Like i say once it touch 0.75 i will enter :) 

limkt009      ( Date: 05-Oct-2009 21:27) Posted:

Any chance of it dropping near to this range?

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08-Oct-2009 17:37 AusGroup   /   AUSGROUP: 1H09 revenue up 28.8% to reach A$260.5 m       Go to Message
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I m equally impressed by the 2 big big balloons, looks so seductive.

Richman      ( Date: 07-Oct-2009 11:48) Posted:

What impress me is the two big blue balloons.  Hehehe...


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08-Oct-2009 17:28 AusGroup   /   AUSGROUP: 1H09 revenue up 28.8% to reach A$260.5 m       Go to Message
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I fervently hope my long-term chart analysis pans out, but at the same time, I still stay nimble, on the alert for any change in the FA or long-term trend,  and review my analysis and act accordingly, as nothing is guaranteed.

bennykusman      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 17:07) Posted:

you are right richtan!

richtan      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 16:56) Posted:

Wah say, so chun, immediately after posting, it really cover the gap

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08-Oct-2009 17:20 AusGroup   /   AUSGROUP: 1H09 revenue up 28.8% to reach A$260.5 m       Go to Message
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Just my advice (but dyodd n BOSAYOR), do not to be too eager-beaver to take short profits and remember the 3rd golden mantra:

3) Cut losses short n let profit runs with trailing stops, we need to let profit runs as much as it can to cover all the losses made n yet make net gains. When we hit the cut-loss, never be emotional, be mechanical, immediately exit n never regret even if later it goes up bcos if dun cut, wat if it continues to go down, preserving ammunition to fight another day is the key. We can always re-enter if there is another buy sign candles, even if buying at a higher price
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08-Oct-2009 17:18 AusGroup   /   AUSGROUP: 1H09 revenue up 28.8% to reach A$260.5 m       Go to Message
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08-Oct-2009 17:17 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Just my advice (but dyodd n BOSAYOR), do not to be too eager-beaver to take short profits and remember the 3rd golden mantra:

3) Cut losses short n let profit runs with trailing stops, we need to let profit runs as much as it can to cover all the losses made n yet make net gains. When we hit the cut-loss, never be emotional, be mechanical, immediately exit n never regret even if later it goes up bcos if dun cut, wat if it continues to go down, preserving ammunition to fight another day is the key. We can always re-enter if there is another buy sign candles, even if buying at a higher price
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08-Oct-2009 17:15 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Patience does has its virtues.

The tortoise will eventually win the race. 
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08-Oct-2009 17:13 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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So sad, why must resort to degrading themselves as "bastard", so lack in self-pride n self-respect n dignity.

bennykusman      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 17:08) Posted:

haha..risktaker.. i thought u all knowning.. the God! always predict this and that...

risktaker      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 16:46) Posted:

richtan i think zhou yu will be very interested in your portfolio like which counters are you holding atm :) wanna share with us ? we are poor bastard need god to share some wealth with us

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08-Oct-2009 17:07 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Hi freeme,

So sorry, missed your this post, just noticed.

In tat case, u have no choice, have to personally monitor n keep tab on your stop-loss, just as I did, based on EOD data n immediately q online when mkt over for next day exit .

freeme      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 14:48) Posted:

some broker dun have trailing stop.. how leh?

richtan      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 14:43) Posted:

My advice is not to be too eager-beaver to take short profits and remember the 3rd golden mantra:

3) Cut losses short n let profit runs with trailing stops, we need to let profit runs as much as it can to cover all the losses made n yet make net gains. When we hit the cut-loss, never be emotional, be mechanical, immediately exit n never regret even if later it goes up bcos if dun cut, wat if it continues to go down, preserving ammunition to fight another day is the key. We can always re-enter if there is another buy sign candles, even if buying at a higher price have trailing stop.. how leh?

richtan      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 14:43) Posted:

My advice is not to be too eager-beaver to take short profits and remember the 3rd golden mantra:

3) Cut losses short n let profit runs with trailing stops, we need to let profit runs as much as it can to cover all the losses made n yet make net gains. When we hit the cut-loss, never be emotional, be mechanical, immediately exit n never regret even if later it goes up bcos if dun cut, wat if it continues to go down, preserving ammunition to fight another day is the key. We can always re-enter if there is another buy sign candles, even if buying at a higher price

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08-Oct-2009 17:02 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Midas has terrific FA, not only filled with contracts, more to come n also exploring into aviation, not only trains.

knightbridge      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 16:54) Posted:

Me the same bullish on Midas (my earlier post lock in at 28cent upto 35cents)

still holding waiting for 6 fold return.. target 1.8 next yrs . This year target to breach 1 dollar..

Midas already clinch more than enough contracts, now is waiting for them to fulfill the contracts $$$$.. Also hope they have lock in low raw material commodities for aluminium for earning surprises.. Need to beat those analyst profit forcast for the multiplier effect on share price

richtan      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 16:06) Posted:

In an up-trend the next wave high will be higher than the previous high of 0.92, but of course with minor corrective wavelets in between

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08-Oct-2009 17:00 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Smiley So sorry, I m no GOD, just a mere mortal, n I hate mice, never feed mice.

risktaker      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 16:46) Posted:

richtan i think zhou yu will be very interested in your portfolio like which counters are you holding atm :) wanna share with us ? we are poor bastard need god to share some wealth with us

richtan      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 16:06) Posted:

In an up-trend the next wave high will be higher than the previous high of 0.92, but of course with minor corrective wavelets in between

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08-Oct-2009 16:56 AusGroup   /   AUSGROUP: 1H09 revenue up 28.8% to reach A$260.5 m       Go to Message
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Wah say, so chun, immediately after posting, it really cover the gap.

richtan      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 16:54) Posted:

Will be covering the gap at 0.715 soon.

tankuku      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 15:49) Posted:

Not surprise to have last minute buying up by BB


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08-Oct-2009 16:54 AusGroup   /   AUSGROUP: 1H09 revenue up 28.8% to reach A$260.5 m       Go to Message
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Will be covering the gap at 0.715 soon.

tankuku      ( Date: 08-Oct-2009 15:49) Posted:

Not surprise to have last minute buying up by BB


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