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Latest Posts By niuyear - Supreme      About niuyear
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27-Jan-2011 16:09 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Absolutely agreed!   Planting  rice is NEVER  easy.       The only way out is :

China change their staple food to  POTATOES which  is  much easier , lessser work.   Thats why US  and westerners staple food is POTATOES........

But too much  Fried potatoes (like those of french fries)   will give one a  big and fat buttocks...............I am sure we see some from western countries.....sorry, no hard feelings/    

krisluke      ( Date: 27-Jan-2011 16:01) Posted:

China should not cap food prices -government economist
BEIJING, Jan 27 (Reuters) - Rapidly rising food inflation, a headache for consumers, is a good thing for Chinese farmers and the government should refrain from capping the price of grains and vegetables, a senior Chinese researcher said.

 <For more on China inflation, click >

 Xianglin, an economist with the Central Party School, a training ground for Communist Party cadres, told Reuters that the current rise in agricultural product prices should be encouraged as it could boost farmer income.

 "China's agricultural products are under-priced," Xu, an expert on the rural economy, said in an interview.

 The Chinese government has put inflation control at the top of its economic agenda in 2011 after consumer prices jumped to a 28-month high last November, rising 5.1 percent from a year earlier.

 With rising food costs the biggest contributor to China's inflation, Beijing has launched a slew of countermeasures, including price caps on certain products.

 Xu, however, said it was unnecessary to control grain and vegetable prices.

 Farmers still do not make enough money from planting crops, he said, and prices of agricultural products are poised for a long-term rise.

 "By growing wheat, a farmer can make about 30 yuan ($4.56) per day according to current state purchase prices. But if a farmer goes to work in construction site, he can make 50 yuan a day," Xu said.

 Despite complaints about food prices in cities, Xu said that most urban residents can withstand food inflation, including the surging cost of some specific vegetable products.

 "Prices of garlic may have shot up, but how much garlic will urban households consume in a year?" Xu asked.

 Ma Jiantang, chief of China's National Bureau of Statistics, told a recent news conference that food weighed heavily in the country's consumer price index, accounting for an estimated 30 percent of urban household spending and 40 percent of rural spending.

 But Ma noted that food items would carry less in the CPI in future. As income levels rise, people tend to spend a smaller portion of their earnings on food.

 Xu said that rising food prices, a short-term pain for some urban residents, are a must for the long-term health of the Chinese economy.

 "If farming incomes remain low, China's plan of boosting domestic consumption won't be achieved," Xu said. ($1=6.581 yuan) (Reporting by Zhou Xin and Simon Rabinovitch; Editing by Don Durfee)

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27-Jan-2011 12:57 Genting Sing   /   Traders Lounge - Daily opportunities for everyone       Go to Message
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The first mistake you have made is  , come to a wrong website which is this one. :)

ic1990      ( Date: 27-Jan-2011 12:42) Posted:

yep...losing one's last few calls can have that effect on newbies like me...Everything i touch seems to go the other way...

eastcivic      ( Date: 27-Jan-2011 12:39) Posted:

it is your state of mind......

you do not understand the market not because the market has changed.... but because you are unsure about your next move

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27-Jan-2011 12:27 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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your  nick name is good and auspicious, so, you must

plea more for STI.   

I must change my nick name from  Niuyear to  Tuyear (thisyear is rabbit)

SGG_SGG      ( Date: 27-Jan-2011 11:47) Posted:

C'mon sweetheart... It's now or never!

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27-Jan-2011 11:06 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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I am hoping it cld show some positive sign.

amilytan      ( Date: 26-Jan-2011 21:16) Posted:

anybody can advise about this stock? a lot of analyst rate outperform but these stock still look not perform.

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27-Jan-2011 11:03 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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Bank will likely be affected, but,  i dont think property will be much affected on the news of cooling measures by the government.

Property counter if  slumps more than 20%,   this will only  be seen when   property prices keep  on sliding down for say a period of consecutively  for few years....and this will be serious for singapore economy and slump all the way.

I hope i am correct.
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27-Jan-2011 10:42 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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不 怕 死 then, buy at own risk.

niuyear      ( Date: 27-Jan-2011 10:38) Posted:

think can buy 0.300 or 0.305,

masterlim must be very happy got ppl wants to buy at this price. hahaha!

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27-Jan-2011 10:38 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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think can buy 0.300 or 0.305,

masterlim must be very happy got ppl wants to buy at this price. hahaha!
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27-Jan-2011 10:27 Genting Sing   /   Traders Lounge - Daily opportunities for everyone       Go to Message
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The transaction price is still selling very high per square foot despite the dipping in  share price of  property counters. Money still parked in the developers' accouts.

BUT, for the banks -

People has omitted one important thing :  The savings in the bank is deteriorating!  The money has been parked in the CASINOs!

epliew      ( Date: 27-Jan-2011 10:06) Posted:


Property and bank will see the impact.

and all the army-trained singaporean should know this.....do not go against the odds and waste no time.


BullishTempo      ( Date: 27-Jan-2011 09:47) Posted:

These traders will never be successful.

Indecisiveness kills the wannabe trader more than any other trait.

Go with the odds, whatever improves your chances. If it turns out wrong, cut losses, and move on. There is no time being wasted on being indecisive or being confused.

And today is a no-brainer. With China increasing property down payment, no sane trader will put money on property counters today. Property counters down, Banks will be down, and so goes the STI.

Like I said, traders who trade daily think and act differently. 

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27-Jan-2011 09:12 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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Buying penny is not as easy as fishing in a barrel, BUT,    it sometimes gives surprise,  like  that counter Informatics - isnt people betting on its   'Surprises'?    LOL!!!!  

iPunter      ( Date: 27-Jan-2011 09:09) Posted:


     If so, that can be bad news... but that's unlikely.. hehehe... Smiley

ykjuay      ( Date: 27-Jan-2011 09:07) Posted:

Big boys are accumulating for a rebound .....juz watch

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27-Jan-2011 08:52 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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The softening of the share price of property sectors  didint really affect the prices of the s'pore proeprty,  it is still selling high psf.
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27-Jan-2011 08:43 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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Buying penny stocks is not as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.
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26-Jan-2011 16:07 SGX   /   SGX       Go to Message
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Yes, i vested, Tks.

something about Chart : -

The Chart already pre-determined the seeling  around $12.00,  so,   the price action is man made and is predetermined.



krisluke      ( Date: 22-Jan-2011 19:02) Posted:

great. niuyear must be veri happy to see the chart. I think he bought recently.

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26-Jan-2011 15:06 SingTel   /   Singtel Bullish???       Go to Message
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Defensive is always safe.  :)

You beginning to trust the MFT? 

des_khor      ( Date: 25-Jan-2011 11:51) Posted:

2011 is the year for Singtel....my MFT friend said one !

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26-Jan-2011 15:03 Informatics   /   Road to recovery in next 1-2 years       Go to Message
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Over the months' observation into its price action., this counter had been tested like a set up to trap buying interest.  

yummygd      ( Date: 26-Jan-2011 10:27) Posted:

wont be surprised anything can happen.

cathylmg      ( Date: 14-Jan-2011 22:17) Posted:

I suppose you are expecting it to hit 30cents within this year

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26-Jan-2011 14:55 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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ok.  noted.  


do play safely cos own balls are not as hard as golf balls.   hahaha!

iPunter      ( Date: 26-Jan-2011 10:00) Posted:

Hahaha.. Smiley

Andrew      ( Date: 26-Jan-2011 09:46) Posted:

They are actually very busy at SGX........playing golf and doing something else other than police the board...

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26-Jan-2011 14:38 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Taxi drivers been complaining NO business.  Now is only  a week before chines new year, and they still dont see the shopping crowd or people buying CNY stuff.  Business has been much worst compared to  last year one week beofre CNY.

Why?   Becos this year,  the crowd has been drwan to the  Casinos!!  Some people could loose until no more money to take taxi and asking if can he or she get FREE ride!   Some just dont pay after the taxi trip claiming they has lost until pennyless..................

Sad but true - but, dont be sad if you want the share price to move up,  be sad if you have gambling family members who become addicted to gambling.      Simply block he or she frm entering casinos.

5 Years down the roadWill we see any of the shopping malls closing down or merger?    There are simply too many malls being built,   e.g   Tampines area has 3 malls and just the GIODARNAO brand itself,   already have few outlets in that area.

Sept11      ( Date: 24-Jan-2011 23:22) Posted:

Don't any how chiong... Chiong up or chiong down??

niuyear      ( Date: 14-Jan-2011 15:22) Posted:

Genting 车阿。。。。。。。。。。。。。

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26-Jan-2011 14:22 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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Now you know why there is no coverage for this stock...........hahaha!
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26-Jan-2011 14:13 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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US has too many  'FAT fingers',  "Buy and Sell"  can be pressed together at the same time. 

Bon3260      ( Date: 25-Jan-2011 21:22) Posted:

SSE raised interest rates during x'mas day last yr. A x'mas gift 2 Dow Jones.

Guess wat'll Dow Jones give SSE a surprise during CNY???

But SSE v smart, SSE announced they might again raised interest rate during CNY.

So b4 CNY, SSE oredi started 2 drop fm 2,800 - 2,600pts.


SGG_SGG      ( Date: 25-Jan-2011 21:01) Posted:

My fingers getting very itchy though... Dunno can tahan anot till then.. See how.

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26-Jan-2011 09:38 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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Many penny stocks' performance are quite similar to this stock. 

Just click their past performances , one will know most of the penny had been down by more than 50 - 80%  and  never recovered eversince.

P/s -    If  is  possible to petition to SGX , one should take the opportunity to have SGX set query and demand those companies answer to the query in order to apease the shareholders.
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25-Jan-2011 19:01 Oceanus   /   new year to buy abalone and lobster       Go to Message
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Now, they (RWS)  by newyear goodies / mandarin organges /  BBQ pork / abalone   etc  to  let members  use points to change them,

Next,  they will probably  set  up  a   mini mart  in Casino for member to change , items include -   condoms,  tissue paper, sanitary pads, perhaps......oh yes,  colgate , toothbrush        ....................hahaha!

niuyear      ( Date: 25-Jan-2011 18:39) Posted:

RWS (genting sentosa)  allows member to use their  gambling reward points to  exchange for  chinese new year goodies,   no need to use money to buy abalone,  can use point to change.   


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