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Latest Posts By teeth53 - Supreme      About teeth53
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06-Nov-2013 09:29 Otto Marine   /   Christening of this Flotilla- OTTO       Go to Message
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It set an astronomical new record for an AHTS vessel. Otto Marine said  - SOLD  two (2)  vessels to an Indonesian firm, PT Go Marine Int'l, in which it has a 49% stake. Deep Sea 1, built at Otto Marine?s Batam yard, was sold for $95m, while an AHTS, Go Riegel, was sold for $25m.

The sales will help pay back bank loans, Otto Marine said in a release.

if you want can provide the link ....
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06-Nov-2013 09:23 Otto Marine   /   Christening of this Flotilla- OTTO       Go to Message
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Otto is post for breakout beyong 6cents. Wishes all vested players huat huat...arhh.    :)
Last Trades Volume Bid Volume Mid Ask Volume
0.057 12 1,290,000 1,290,000 0 0
0.058 40 8,014,000 960,000 0 7,054,000
0.059 85 8,713,000 804,000 1,808,000 6,101,000
0.060 52 5,618,000 1,530,000 2,183,000 1,905,000
0.061 73 5,185,000 2,210,000 0 2,975,000
0.062 10 138,000 0 1,000 137,000
TOTAL 272 28,958,000 6,794,000 3,992,000 18,172,000
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05-Nov-2013 09:54 Charisma Energy   /   ChinaEnersave Share       Go to Message
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Just re-visiting what is mean when some retailers players asked?.

Pauperman ( Date: 29-Oct-2013 20:29)
We are not institution investors or investors with investable assets excess of $30-50m. They will not be interested with us.

I look at this from a different angle. We no doubt are ikan billis... we ride the ship as shareholders. Our ultimate goal is to see the company progress and expand. Share dilution by means of placement will be common here as yhm takes on more projects. When the company deliver value and profits... we will see share value increase too. Hence placements and share dilutions are the way of life here as yhm need more capital for bigger projects. How else can the company expand if they have difficulty in obtaining lump sum cashflow to undertake big projects.

Take a look at ezion. They also have alot of placements now and then however the share value kept going up.

teeth53      ( Date: 29-Oct-2013 21:28) Posted:

Tongue  Yup, Warrant not for everyone n thk for putting in so much effort to summarised.

teeth53      ( Date: 28-Oct-2013 23:09) Posted:

Subjected to allocation, to approximated 100 members ONLY. Charisma energy  maybe coming more  attractive,  as deeper pocket players will turn on radar screen  and may subject to another 100 players..???.

On One Condition - If n when Ezion execute their  100 warrantholders plan successfully. (Ezion long term kakis) Tongue

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05-Nov-2013 09:42 Charisma Energy   /   ChinaEnersave Share       Go to Message
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Approximately  100 members only, (placement shares). whether is new or old players, think is likely to be long term players.

teeth53      ( Date: 30-Oct-2013 12:56) Posted:

Why they mentioned approximately 100 warrant holders. They will look for long term strategy value holders n how Ezion successful created value supporters implemented so successfully.
Everything's will hint on their execute plan to create value for share holders.

Pauperman      ( Date: 30-Oct-2013 10:56) Posted:

the warrant got time frame? 3years? could be at a higher conversion price too. 

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05-Nov-2013 08:56 Charisma Energy   /   ChinaEnersave Share       Go to Message
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Think so, son may hav to dependable on mother share performance.

Listing      ( Date: 04-Nov-2013 15:44) Posted:

It's the other way round. The price of the warrant in the market will be price of mother share minus exercise price of warrant. The price of mother share depends on market sentiment and future biz prospects of YHM... It does not depend on warrants issue... Am I right?

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05-Nov-2013 08:53 Charisma Energy   /   ChinaEnersave Share       Go to Message
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Don see YHM (mother share) near to 0.048c on pre-opening. Steady pun pipi pipi.

Let see how it son, YHM - W161103  performance? (trade code 5F3W)
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04-Nov-2013 17:37 Others   /   YHM to rename as CHARISMA ENERGY SERVICES       Go to Message
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How Ezion come to be a dollars stk?. How come??.
Oni Ezion know or knew how!!!, to turn YHM into Charisma Energy....
As retailer players...my oni own opinion is wait for big bro to be on the driver seat, which they did n drive, maybe need to be more familar with this new restructuring, err..prosperity in the long term n for vested players.
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04-Nov-2013 17:23 Charisma Energy   /   ChinaEnersave Share       Go to Message
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Is like asking big bro. Ezion how come it becoming a dollars stk?. How come??
Oni Ezion know or knew how!!!.

Pauperman      ( Date: 30-Oct-2013 21:21) Posted:

guess its another round of boring collection and cruise to nowhere kind of price action.

teeth53      ( Date: 30-Oct-2013 20:35) Posted:

http://sg.finance.yahoo.com/q/ta?s=5QT.SI& t=1y& l=on& z=l& q=l& p=e5%2Ce20& a=m26-12-9& c=

Current trading patten and MACD signal  look similar to month of Feb  - March 2013  patten.

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04-Nov-2013 15:15 Viva Ind Tr   /   IPO issue price @0.78       Go to Message
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For FYI. SB REIT cum dividend same price.... better buy ???.
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04-Nov-2013 12:01 Charisma Energy   /   ChinaEnersave Share       Go to Message
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Waiting for YHM to breakthru in another few more rig biz and also branching into their new source of " stable" income by leasing more hydro-generators to countries....
Thot going to joint own the rig n maybe split the oil profit??.
Not looking for 5c, 6c business (think so). They almost dying once upon a time...saved from the dead. 2nd coming will repositioning for big prosperity.

spiderhunter      ( Date: 04-Nov-2013 10:00) Posted:

Dying a natural death, or a 2nd coming?


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03-Nov-2013 22:12 Others   /   YHM to rename as CHARISMA ENERGY SERVICES       Go to Message
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Proposed change of the conpany name to " Charisma Energy Services Limited"

Date n Time for lodgement of Proxy form - 13 Nov 2013 at 4.00 pm

Date n time of EGM - 15 Nov 2013 at 4.00 pm

Place of EGM - Boutique Hotel, Klapsons, Tower15, 15 Hoe Chiang Rd

Direct interest n Substantial Shareholders - Ezion holding Limited,  4,022,600,000 or 49.32%.

Note - % of shareholdings is computed based on the issued n paid-up share capital of the company comprising 8,156,233,710 shares (excluding Treasury Sahres) as at the latest practicable date.

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03-Nov-2013 21:44 Others   /   Aug 2, US-living on borrow time from debt disaster       Go to Message
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Americans see potential for winners and losers under health law, causing anxiety and confusion.

Associated Press  - Americans start figuring out that President Barack Obama's health care law goes beyond political talk, and really does affect them.

It's not whether an expert thinks something is a better insurance policy, it's whether people perceive it that way."

A look at three groups impacted by the law's rollout..........

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03-Nov-2013 06:48 Entertainment   /   Health matter       Go to Message
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The major symptoms of kidney failure include: generally feeling ill, tiredness and loss of energy, shortness of breath, swelling of the legs, an increased need
In Singapore, there is an increases in kidney failure needing dislysis has risen to 5,237 as compare to, up from 4,895 the previous year. Lastest report Renal  Registry, which tracks  kidney failure cases here,  listed 913 new cases, up from 647 a decade ago.
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03-Nov-2013 06:39 Entertainment   /   Health matter       Go to Message
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Kidney failures cases soar - say experts.
Explore Answers About

Renal failure (also kidney failure or renal insufficiency) is a medical condition in which the kidneys fail to adequately filter waste products from the blood. The two main forms are acute kidney injury, which is often reversible with adequate treatment, and chronic kidney disease, which is often not reversible. In both cases, there is usually an underlying cause. Renal failure is mainly determined by a decrease in glomerular filtration rate, the rate at which blood is filtered in the glomeruli of the ... Read More »
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02-Nov-2013 20:44 Entertainment   /   Health matter       Go to Message
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Just for health sharing information on TB. There is an increase in cases of TB...

Humm..isit due to the increase in population , especially ppl from country with high TB cases coming here???.


The 22 countries shown on the map accounts for 80% of the tuberculosis cases in the world

1 - Afghanistan
2 - Bangladesh
3 - Brazil
4 - Cambodia
5 - China
6 - Democratic Republic of Congo
7 - Ethiopia
8 - India
9 - Indonesia
10 - Kenya
11 - Mozambique
12 - Myanmar
13 - Nigeria
14 - Pakistan
15 - Philippines
16 - Russian Federation
17 - South Africa
18 - United Republic of Tanzania
19 - Thailand
20 - Uganda
21 - Viet Nam
22 - Zimbabwe

Look at these countries. We have ALOT of foreigners from those countries working here....
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02-Nov-2013 14:38 Others   /   Lai lai ...argh. Which penny s on rotational play?       Go to Message
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thumbs up Pennys rule, pennys can survived the toughest, penny's  will goes on rotational playTongue regardless.

Do yours due diligence homework n own analysis.

It also bluff brokers, Remisers and even news Reporters. WHY:confused:
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02-Nov-2013 13:58 Entertainment   /   Health matter       Go to Message
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Is jicama the next superfood?

Rich in minerals and vitamin C, jicama deserves a place on your tableView Photo

Rich in minerals and vitamin C, jicama deserves a place on your table. This slightly sweet and crunchy root vegetable may lack the marketing budgets of acai and coconut juice, but it acts as a prebiotic to promote " friendly" bacteria in the gut. Plus it may boost collagen and fight wrinkles.

Rich in vitamin C and minerals, jicama, also known as Mexican yam or water chestnut, can be cooked, mashed, or baked, or served raw in slaws, salads, and stir-fries, after you peel its thick skin.

While predictions are swirling that jicama will soon take an honorary place alongside carrots and kale, at this point you're still likely only to find the vegetable at farmers' markets or Mexican groceries.

Jicama, like Jerusalem artichokes, is a source of inulin, a prebiotic that can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Munching on jicama might also boost the look of your skin, thanks to its vitamin C content (one cup of raw jicama slices provides more than 24 mg of vitamin C). Eating vitamin C-rich foods can increase collagen production, which can help improve skin texture, speed wound healing, and give you a healthy glow.

Still, Livestrong warns that while jicama root is healthy and completely edible, the rest of the plant is toxic, including the seeds, leaves, and pods.
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02-Nov-2013 13:34 Others   /   Asean/Japan Quake n nuclear crisis apocalyptic..?       Go to Message
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  1. Radiation in Japan Seas: Animal Death, Mutation Risk?. If radiation from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant continues to enter the ocean, animals could suffer " bizarre ...news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/​ 03/110331-japan-radiation... - Cached
  2. When a nuclear accident strike us. We and Singapore, plus all surrounding  will...perishable a slow death.

    Subject to a slow destruction or death or decay 'this minute and perishable 'perishable foods such as avocating a slow death on those unborn and newly born babies, whether we creature live on land and or under the sea.

    Note - Japan is well aware of...* Japan radioactivity could enter food chain, children at risk.

    OMG...Will it be found in babies...?.

    Jun 26, 2011,. Fukushima - Japan Times: 3 millisieverts of radiation has been measured in the urine of 15 Fukushima residents.
    businessinsider.com/residents-near-​ fukushima-are-pissing-radioactive-​ urine... - 94k

teeth53      ( Date: 23-Oct-2013 11:55) Posted:

No takers...for Fukushima waste left exposed and left in the open, " not under control" .


Japanese govt and TEPCO were scrambling to reassure folks.

teeth53      ( Date: 08-Sep-2013 13:58) Posted:

'Safe pair of hands' Tokyo to host 2020 Olympics

Tokyo celebrated Sunday after winning the right to host the Olympic Games for the second time, overcoming fears about radiation from the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant to land the 2020 edition of the world's biggest sporting event.

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02-Nov-2013 13:12 Others   /   Asean/Japan Quake n nuclear crisis apocalyptic..?       Go to Message
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Taiwan cooking oil scandal 台 湾 大 统 食 用 油 被 曝 添 加 违 禁 物 一 斤 卖 百 余 元


China's street food and restaurants are filled with black market oil processed from rubbish and sewers known as 'gutter oil'.

In this documentary by Radio Free Asia, we learn the disgusting origins of oil used to cook food in about one-tenth of China's food industry.

In this video, a woman is seen opening up a manhole to uncover sewage material she finds 'valuable'.

" Poisoned at the Source" series about food production issues in China,  specifically  Guangdong Province. If learning about gutter oil doesn't ruin your day, you can also watch mini documentaries about illegal slaughter tents that spring up overnight and disappear before the sun rises, agricultural fields fertilized with human garbage (" including used batters and toxic waste" ), and scam artists who sell fake soy milk. 
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02-Nov-2013 13:00 Others   /   Asean/Japan Quake n nuclear crisis apocalyptic..?       Go to Message
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An entire tall filing cabinets wall in Wei Kuangrong's office tell a sad and worrying story. The cabinets are filled with the faded registry cards of cancer patients stretching back over 40 years.

Wei's dept, the Dept of Epidemiology at the Zhongshan Cancer Research Institute in Guangdong Province, has seen the cabinets fill ever more rapidly as the cancer incidence rate keeps climbing. Faced with some 200 new patients every day, Wei and his colleagues now record all patient information on a computer databases instead of the cards, according to a recent report from China News Week.

Wei, 50, has been registering cancer patients for 27 years his work only accounts for a fraction of China's total cancer registry data.

According to the 2012 Cancer Registry Annual Report, released in January, one new incidence of cancer is diagnosed every six minutes, resulting in 8,550 people being diagnosed with cancer every day. Of these cases, one in seven will eventually die from the disease.

The report states: " China's cancer incidence and mortality rates continue to rise, the situation is grim. Every year, China has approximately 3.5 million new cancer cases and 2.5 million cancer deaths." With air particulate matter readings hitting an alarming PM 2.5, Chinese people are becoming increasingly concerned with the country's rising cancer incidence.

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