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29-Oct-2006 18:55 Others   /   OuHua Energy HoldingsIPO at $0.38c       Go to Message
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Well Jessie did try a few times and got tasted once, ipo kopi $$, happy rite 
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29-Oct-2006 18:48 $ ChinaESave   /   China Enersave       Go to Message
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Up/down very nomal, at the very least, it has this opportunities for everyone rich or poor a chance to vest at a such low low price w/o lossing much sleep. The facts is seen, the truth is seem and can buy on dip and why i stated or committ price to 18c or even 18.5 cents as i try to buy on internet w/o much encouraging result, so merely interpreting the facts from a different vantage point of view. Let see how it price perform over days, weeks and months. Thk for ur TA point of view.
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29-Oct-2006 16:10 Others   /   Texchem_Pack Holdings IPO       Go to Message
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Why it price command a premium???. Due to small float, a low PE ratio compare to it peer,  Institutes support, it parent company, Texchem Resoucres Bhd, listed in KL exchange back in 1993 by the same owner, so can see anything can go wrong with the same boss around?. No rite!!.
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29-Oct-2006 15:46 Others   /   OuHua Energy HoldingsIPO at $0.38c       Go to Message
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Well..I'm with ipo boys for a long times liao, but due to my limitation in $$$, can only tompany along..., seem they maybe more ipo boys been formed or so call it a social club (their kakis) to eat, breathe, smile, cry with them, not all the times, a sunny day.
Here a bigger picture co's now ipo is to get the idea of promoting more local and oversea qualified companies here to be listed. Thus more opportunities for people's to vest in, more choices to grow your monies and can earn in it rightful place here where S'pore can be proud of as a HUB.
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29-Oct-2006 15:18 $ ChinaESave   /   China Enersave       Go to Message
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It originality idea is to energy save thus the C character is added to when it S'pore base CEO (Mr Koo), it senior managment and it team went to China to promote it energy saving business in a bigger way, this idea don work here be-co's of limited land space, however the idea of saving energy will work here when technology changes w/o having to use up land space (reserve technology flow). thus in it future. I again can foresee we may have a trading scheme here like the one that is happening in London.
On this notes. I strongly urged those connected to Trade and Industies Minister to setup a trading post (HUB) on ETS, CERs (Carbon Credit),  Another idea of my, anyone  interested ??? and S'pore will definately also can be one of the early beneficiary., it help all the way to make earth more greenery and less global warming..
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29-Oct-2006 11:02 Others   /   OuHua Energy HoldingsIPO at $0.38c       Go to Message
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Vested here , tompany along with the those big boys, their ipo club.
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29-Oct-2006 10:59 Others   /   Texchem_Pack Holdings IPO       Go to Message
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Tikam tikam, me visiting atm for Texchem ipo, grey is about 15-20%. Chances with it small float may have a good chance to get a few lots.
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29-Oct-2006 10:15 $ ChinaESave   /   China Enersave       Go to Message
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Hi savvysamyeo,

Thk. Appreciated also to U for sharing info and tot on this not so new kind of business that Cnersave spoted rite on...and working on a conservative prices on it CERs (profit would be even higher), so rekon Cnersave is truly called China energy saver by using it re-cycle and unwanted materials and it full support from it various China Provincials goverment.
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29-Oct-2006 09:58 $ ChinaESave   /   China Enersave       Go to Message
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Prices remain very stable. This is one of the real reason why everyone have a real chance to vest in at prices where everyone can afford. Whether buy/sell or hold now or in later part. Cnersave prices is not one for pure speculation, it prices estimated to have climb from six months ago (before mid May06 crises) from about 13-13.5 cents to now at about 18-18.5 cents. Close to 40% in profit and still climbing... giving away cent dividend the last time when it earn a low of few million in profit. This time it earning should be some where in about 3 times  it last earning. I have real reason CNersave will get to where it want to be by year 2008, which is only 15 months away. A future stock with a true blue potiential by year 2010, which is 4 year away. I can said it clearly that those big boys vested in Cnersave has done their diligent hard work a little late but (it is still early day)never the rest. I am  sharing this info where i am vested. A vision and foresight which i had pick up long time back. I pick this CNersave stock as a sure winner now and even in later year, come what ever Crises weather is 911, financial, oil and whatever one can think off. 

Hohoho:)). I am very sure those big boys and even smallest boys/gals will thk me for sharing all this insight thought and all vested holders will be marching and smiling to the bank ($^_^$). Yahh.....
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29-Oct-2006 09:02 Others   /   OuHua Energy HoldingsIPO at $0.38c       Go to Message
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Hi YongJiu,

I tink the same like U. Ouhua at $0.38c offer for it sentimental tier one Energy a big boost. However Texchem-Pack is still a good buy due to it small float and oso it PE ratio is a discount to it peer. Grey mkt is  some what about 15%-20% above water..
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28-Oct-2006 13:10 $ ChinaESave   /   China Enersave       Go to Message
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Morgan Stanley plan to invest S$4.7 billion into carbon trading market, including setting it own low-emission energy projects due to seven US North East states have already agreed  on a regional move to cap emissions from 2009. It investment bank moves just days before a British government report is expected to propose a huge expansion of it global market in trading permits for it carbon dioxide emissions, Said financial Times report Oct 28, 2006.
Cnersave is one of the very early beneficiary to all this trading markeet.
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28-Oct-2006 12:45 $ ChinaESave   /   China Enersave       Go to Message
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FYI: S'pore (XFN-ASIA) - China Enersave Ltd has agreed to sell Certified Emission Reductions (CERs), commonly known as carbon credits, generated by its bio-mass products to EcoSecurities Group PLC of the UK. 

 It did not say how many it would sell or how much it would sell them for, (sales will be kick in by year 2008). 

"Sale of CERs of its biomass projects is expected to create another significant revenue stream for the group, in addition to the plants' traditional cash flows from the sale of electricity and other by-products."

China Enersave said that each of the three biomass power plants it intends to build in China can create up to 150,000 tons-worth of CERs and each CER represents the equivalent of one tonne of carbon dioxide. They can be traded through the mechanism established by the Kyoto Protocol. 

"This has engendered an increasingly active carbon trading market and potential carbon revenues for developing countries such as China and India," China Enersave said.
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28-Oct-2006 12:34 $ ChinaESave   /   China Enersave       Go to Message
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Yahh.....If U care to take a good look, look at today Oct 28, 2006 Straits Times paper (Page 44 World News) Carbon emissions market set to boom, then U will know why i did long long ago is vested in China Enersave..Yahh...interested >>>read on....

1) 1st 9 months of the year, carbon market grew to US$21.47 billion, compared to just under US11 billion for the whole of last year 2005. Global market in carbon emissions has doubled to US$22 billion so far

2) All data show that the carbon market is fast becoming a powerful financial force supporting clean development.

3) According to estimates by World Bank, the biggest market could offer business opportunities to  the tune of about US$1,000 billion within five years of it action being agreed upon with.. EU.

4) Nearly US$19 billion is traded dominated by EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) in it value. ETS is only launched beginning of last year to help member states meet it green house gas target emission and to tackle global warming.

5) last but not the list is it aim it encouragement of it industrial polluters to reduce their emissions. In exchange, they can sell any unsued quotas to companies that have surpassed their allownaces under the Kyoto  schemes (Clean Development Mechanism. CDM Asian market with 84% and China and India in the lead).
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28-Oct-2006 12:04 Others   /   TEXCHEM-PACK HOLDINGS (S) LTD IPO at 0.4cts       Go to Message
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U R most welcome..Yahh.....If U care to take a look look at today Oct 28, 2006 Starits Times paper (Page 44 News) Carbon emissions market set to boom, then U will know why i am long lonr ago is vested in China Enersave..Yahh...interested >>>read on....
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28-Oct-2006 09:44 Others   /   OuHua Energy HoldingsIPO at $0.38c       Go to Message
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FYI: Three IPO stocks on the block, tink tink Ouhua come out 1st, at $0.38c offer for it sentimental tier one Energy a big boost, following closely is Texchem-Pack offer at $0.40c, due to it small float, vested interest is manageable and oso profitable and the last, Straits Asia Resoucrces is an Aussies down under Indo play offer at $0.73c.

Then oso got PT Berlian Laju Tanker coming on on Monday, it 1st trading day. Oso don know how ??? went from offer price of $0.40c to $0.32, may get some support initially due to lower it offer price. So all in all this will form sort of scenarios for this coming week on IPO trading players.

Any expert care to share some alternative view.
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27-Oct-2006 23:58 Others   /   Texchem_Pack Holdings IPO       Go to Message
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Refer to Oct 26, 2006 Straits Times News paper lohh...
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27-Oct-2006 23:57 Others   /   TEXCHEM-PACK HOLDINGS (S) LTD IPO at 0.4cts       Go to Message
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Refer to Oct 26, 2006 Straits Times News paper lohh...
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27-Oct-2006 19:25 Others   /   OuHua Energy HoldingsIPO at $0.38c       Go to Message
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Tikam tikam and good luck to those who believe, that included me adiosSS$$$.
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27-Oct-2006 19:20 Others   /   OuHua Energy HoldingsIPO at $0.38c       Go to Message
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10 lots better, ratio maybe in 1for1 lot, 2-9lots (2 lots), 10-49lots (3-4 lots), 50-99lots(6lots) and so on.
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27-Oct-2006 19:16 Others   /   OuHua Energy HoldingsIPO at $0.38c       Go to Message
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Just one more thing hohh....oni to those believe, those not can always avoid.
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