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Latest Posts By WanSiTong - Master      About WanSiTong
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21-Jul-2013 22:21 Others   /   Any Stocks Also Can Discuss Forum       Go to Message
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I mean training !! Huat Ah !

WanSiTong      ( Date: 21-Jul-2013 22:20) Posted:

Wow Bro, you are so nice to provide FOC trading!

librajet      ( Date: 21-Jul-2013 22:09) Posted:

Bro Lun, this is the second time I am looking at your trading. Bro, for innopac you were over confident. That was the first time I read your posting, I dont know much about you, so I just kpo, giving you a alert. You were so confident, I didnt want to throw cold water on you, you bled. Then comes CNA, you lost your confident from the moment you bot, you jump off, think within few mins, right?? it went up, u regretted.

Bro, if you are bothered with yr losses and maybe those counters that you are still holding, you are not ready to trade yet. I can see there is a certain fear in you. How about playing some games here, I will spare some time for you. We trade by paper, no buying and check our judgement for maybe 2-4 weeks . We let each other know immediately, the counters we buy, entry and exit levels, TP when we buy and reason. We can learn from our mistakes or correct trading. Making $$$ from stock market, many chances la but loosing it can be a quicky .

Well, its my offer to you, up to you bro. Good luck 

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21-Jul-2013 22:20 Others   /   Any Stocks Also Can Discuss Forum       Go to Message
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Wow Bro, you are so nice to provide FOC trading!

librajet      ( Date: 21-Jul-2013 22:09) Posted:

Bro Lun, this is the second time I am looking at your trading. Bro, for innopac you were over confident. That was the first time I read your posting, I dont know much about you, so I just kpo, giving you a alert. You were so confident, I didnt want to throw cold water on you, you bled. Then comes CNA, you lost your confident from the moment you bot, you jump off, think within few mins, right?? it went up, u regretted.

Bro, if you are bothered with yr losses and maybe those counters that you are still holding, you are not ready to trade yet. I can see there is a certain fear in you. How about playing some games here, I will spare some time for you. We trade by paper, no buying and check our judgement for maybe 2-4 weeks . We let each other know immediately, the counters we buy, entry and exit levels, TP when we buy and reason. We can learn from our mistakes or correct trading. Making $$$ from stock market, many chances la but loosing it can be a quicky .

Well, its my offer to you, up to you bro. Good luck 

Lun1984      ( Date: 20-Jul-2013 22:10) Posted:

Bro stockcham.. Thanks for your kind advice and I fully agreed with you. Guess greed got over my head cause I'm trying to ride on the trend.. Need to follow you guys closely before executing my trade in the future..

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21-Jul-2013 22:16 Others   /   Any Stocks Also Can Discuss Forum       Go to Message
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You can try do it now . Key in buy/sell and after that withdraw

WanSiTong      ( Date: 21-Jul-2013 22:11) Posted:

Yes, you can key in & withdraw any time before next morning  9am

Stockcham      ( Date: 21-Jul-2013 22:08) Posted:

Thnaks bro! What if I key in my buy orders now, can I still withdraw my orders the next morning if I decides not to buy?. Huat ah

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21-Jul-2013 22:11 Others   /   Any Stocks Also Can Discuss Forum       Go to Message
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Yes, you can key in & withdraw any time before next morning  9am

Stockcham      ( Date: 21-Jul-2013 22:08) Posted:

Thnaks bro! What if I key in my buy orders now, can I still withdraw my orders the next morning if I decides not to buy?. Huat ah!

WanSiTong      ( Date: 21-Jul-2013 21:17) Posted:

About 10 to 15 mins after market closed. ie 5.15 pm (Monday)   you can key in your transaction for the following day (Tues)

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21-Jul-2013 21:17 Others   /   Any Stocks Also Can Discuss Forum       Go to Message
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About 10 to 15 mins after market closed. ie 5.15 pm (Monday)   you can key in your transaction for the following day (Tues).

Stockcham      ( Date: 21-Jul-2013 16:31) Posted:

Sometimes I want to be the first few to queue buy or sell but  I don't know what is the actual time which the queue will be valid. I thought it should be 8.30am. But at 8.30am when the price came out, there are already queue there. I tried to queue at about 8.20 am and my lots were also accepted. So what is the actual time the market allow queuing?. Any bros know?.


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21-Jul-2013 21:08 Others   /   Any Stocks Also Can Discuss Forum       Go to Message
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Market depth :

Phillip : use reward point or monthly subscription $ 30 

UOBKayHian : Free to   VIP client

Kim Eng : Free to VIP client

cskshares      ( Date: 21-Jul-2013 09:04) Posted:

Bro, thank you for the info.

halleluyah      ( Date: 21-Jul-2013 07:40) Posted:

Fr Cimb, brokerage muat b 70k n abv if nt subscription fees is only $30/mth

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19-Jul-2013 14:48 SPH   /   SPH       Go to Message
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It's turn for SPH to chiong !!
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19-Jul-2013 14:42 Others   /   Any Stocks Also Can Discuss Forum       Go to Message
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Shareinvestor membership fees  $ 148 for 6 mths

librajet      ( Date: 19-Jul-2013 12:39) Posted:

u need to pay la, try shareinvestor.com

WanSiTong      ( Date: 19-Jul-2013 12:34) Posted:

If you are the VIP customer of yr brokerage Co., you can ask for it   free. If not, you can subscribe it @ $ 30 per month

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19-Jul-2013 12:34 Others   /   Any Stocks Also Can Discuss Forum       Go to Message
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If you are the VIP customer of yr brokerage Co., you can ask for it   free. If not, you can subscribe it @ $ 30 per month.

dantechai      ( Date: 19-Jul-2013 11:59) Posted:

Hi Guys,

I have seen you guys discussing about market depth. May i know you guys go where to see market depth?

Thank You

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19-Jul-2013 11:08 SPH   /   SPH       Go to Message
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Someone quietly collecting SPH @ 4.28 !!
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19-Jul-2013 09:10 Citicode   /   Envirotech is ?       Go to Message
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Good volume !!
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18-Jul-2013 22:22 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Markets Overview

Data as of 10:15am ET
Thursday’s Trading:
  • Dow +80.25    15,550.77 +0.52%
  • Nasdaq +8.11   3,618.11 +0.22%
  • S& P +8.69    1,689.60 +0.52%
Jul 18 10:06am:

Investors pushed the Dow to a new trading high early Thursday as they wait for the latest missive from Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke.  More

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18-Jul-2013 17:18 Others   /   Any Stocks Also Can Discuss Forum       Go to Message
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No news is good news, not much  juice for EnvirHub!

Hope he don't come and short those counters you vested. lol

novice_trader      ( Date: 18-Jul-2013 17:11) Posted:

Can some bros go peace centre ktv and find Short master ace333??? Haven't hear from him for a week plus...

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18-Jul-2013 09:27 Vard   /   Vard Holdings       Go to Message
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Hot from oven by CEO Pan:

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18-Jul-2013 09:20 Vard   /   Vard Holdings       Go to Message
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CEO Peter Pan, Where are u? Busy baking Huat Kueh ??

guoyanyunyan      ( Date: 18-Jul-2013 09:12) Posted:

在 不 景 气 的 时 候 , 有 勇 气 购 买 低 价 股 , 坐 收 成 长 的 收 益 。 要 学 会 的 就 是 攒 钱 , 然 后 在 别 人 出 局 的 时 候 进 来 。

...last done: $0.820 +0.030  ...Smiley

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18-Jul-2013 09:06 Vard   /   Vard Holdings       Go to Message
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All huat ah !!

SFGuyRuleZ      ( Date: 17-Jul-2013 16:46) Posted:

Haha.. Just unloaded half my kreuz this afternoon.. Lots of bullets to hoot liao. Game on!! But pls dun follow me anyhow hoot cuz I am being "irrational" now and I can hold.. DYODD!! =)

WanSiTong      ( Date: 17-Jul-2013 16:35) Posted:

I am also in the Q !!

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18-Jul-2013 05:36 Others   /   Any Stocks Also Can Discuss Forum       Go to Message
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The problem is you  go  different direction of the BB !!? Find out Why ?

novice_trader      ( Date: 17-Jul-2013 23:34) Posted:

I find losing $$$ is easier than making $$$. June and July lost $20k already, haven't made so much before in my many years of trading. Crazy... Real crazy. Driving me mad... Price up 2 pips can down 4pips. Anyone can advice is trading problem or problem with myself???

medivh      ( Date: 17-Jul-2013 23:30) Posted:

I  think  you guys need to see the pt of view from the advisor's perspective

    Their advice though with good intentions are meant to use for their own trading strategy.

        One man's meat is another's poison..

              You may end up losing lots more if you use it in the wrong way... 

*the surest 1st step of making money is firstly to learn how to  to lose less.., its an art as some sifu once put it* 


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17-Jul-2013 21:49 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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U.S. Stocks Rise as Bernanke Says No Preset Course for QE
U.S. stocks rose, after the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index snapped an eight-day rally yesterday, as Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said the pace of bond purchases was not on a preset course.

The S& P 500 rose 0.2 percent to 1,680.36 at 9:30 a.m. in New York.

“The market is responding to the fact that the Fed is not going to create an arbitrary definition of when and how the QE program is going to end,” Stephen Wood, the New York-based chief market strategist who helps oversee about $174 billion at Russell Investments, said by phone. “The Fed is going to respond to the data and they want to maintain flexibility in their policies.”

Bernanke said the central bank’s asset purchases “are by no means on a preset course” and could be reduced more quickly or expanded as economic conditions warrant, tempering speculation the Fed was planning to taper its stimulus.

“If the outlook for employment were to become relatively less favorable, if inflation did not appear to be moving back toward 2 percent, or if financial conditions -- which have tightened recently -- were judged to be insufficiently accommodative to allow us to attain our mandated objectives, the current pace of purchases could be maintained for longer,” Bernanke said today in prepared testimony before the House Financial Services Committee.

The S& P 500 snapped an eight-day winning streak yesterday as Fed Bank of Kansas City President Esther George, who has voted against the central bank’s bond-buying program this year, told Fox Business Network that cuts to quantitative easing are appropriate as the U.S. economy gathers momentum.

Market Rally

Central bank stimulus has helped fuel a surge in stocks worldwide, with the benchmark U.S. index jumping as much as 149 percent from its March 2009 low. Fed policy makers have been debating the timing and pace of any cuts in the central bank’s $85 billion in monthly bond purchases. Bernanke has said any reduction will be tied to sustained improvement in the labor market or an increase in inflation.

Data today showed U.S. housing starts unexpectedly fell in June to the lowest level in almost a year. Work began on 836,000 houses at an annualized rate last month, the least since August 2012 and down 9.9 percent from a revised 928,000 pace in May, figures from the Commerce Department showed today in Washington. The reading was weaker than projected by any economist in a Bloomberg survey.

Some 21 companies, including EBay Inc. and International Business Machines Corp., are due to release results today. Per-share earnings topped estimates at about 71 percent of S& P 500 members that have reported for the quarter so far, data compiled by Bloomberg show.

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17-Jul-2013 21:32 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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US Fed’s Bernanke reiterates rates to stay low after end of QE3
Analysis from Capital Economics

US Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke used the text published ahead of his semi-annual testimony at the House at 10.00 EST today to emphasise that tapering QE3 won’t be immediately followed by hikes in interest rates. This is not a new development - it was also stressed in the press conference immediately after June’s policy meeting and in the minutes of that meeting. But by saying it again, Bernanke is ensuring that the message is being received loud and clear. Indeed, he stated that the Fed intends to “maintain a high degree of monetary accommodation for a considerable time” after QE3 ends.
Given that he reiterated the Fed expects to slow the pace of its asset purchases “later this year” (most likely September) and end them completely “around midyear” next year (probably June), we don’t expect rates will be raised until the first half of 2015. What’s more, policy will remain loose while “the economic recovery strengthens” and, once they begin, “increases in the target for the federal funds rate...are likely to be gradual”. We don’t think this forward guidance could be much clearer. It’s interesting that Bernanke did not draw attention to the contrast between the stronger news on employment and weaker news on GDP growth, which could be important as tapering is “by no means on a preset course”. But as the Fed still expects growth to accelerate, this is unlikely to alter the tapering timetable much. Finally, it will be interesting to see if the Q& A during the actual testimony includes any more tapering tidbits.
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17-Jul-2013 16:47 SPH   /   SPH       Go to Message
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Hoot some using CPF

WanSiTong      ( Date: 17-Jul-2013 15:29) Posted:

18 cents special dividend coming soon.......... follow by Oct 13  year end dividend of at least 17 cents...........

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