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Latest Posts By settowin - Veteran      About settowin
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14-Mar-2012 15:37 Others   /   Market News that affect STI       Go to Message
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News on China's " unwillilngess" on soft policies might affect some property counters, maybe temporarily.  Watch out for any counter measures then we know.

Blastoff      ( Date: 14-Mar-2012 15:33) Posted:

Anyone know why Shanghai dropped so much today? Any news?

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14-Mar-2012 15:26 Others   /   DOW & STI       Go to Message
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Low share-price counters (these not necessarily  low capitalization) are not being played by institutions, bank nominees, fund mgr or deep pockets investors.

Really blame sgx for its system.  Where in the world do they come up with decimal cents after shares were listed for years?  This is to benefit the large corporate shortists.  Half a cent (previous bottom) I cannot catch you, now I make it decimal cents see whether I make or not  and  catch you!~!!! Sickening Bstds.
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14-Mar-2012 15:20 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Market firming up with STI  currently up about 30 pts.

HSI strengthen back  for green 50+ pts.

OK so far so good for market.  Tomorrow another day, hahaha.

settowin      ( Date: 14-Mar-2012 14:07) Posted:

Market will settle until it is satisfied level.  Then it will wait again for DOW tonight.  Think DOW will probably end with a small gain after paring  some  height tonight. Thus our market will probably be spooked by inability of DOW to scale higher. Dingadong and dingalong is what is going to happen in the markets here and worldwide.  My speculation only, don't rely on what I am saying.

settowin      ( Date: 14-Mar-2012 11:58) Posted:

Market needs a rest after this morning's fast run.  I believe going for some small caps, and penny stocks will be good idea.

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14-Mar-2012 14:07 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Market will settle until it is satisfied level.  Then it will wait again for DOW tonight.  Think DOW will probably end with a small gain after paring  some  height tonight. Thus our market will probably be spooked by inability of DOW to scale higher. Dingadong and dingalong is what is going to happen in the markets here and worldwide.  My speculation only, don't rely on what I am saying.

settowin      ( Date: 14-Mar-2012 11:58) Posted:

Market needs a rest after this morning's fast run.  I believe going for some small caps, and penny stocks will be good idea.

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14-Mar-2012 13:28 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Company directors seldom play their own shares as the SGX are always watching their shoulders.  If they play the correct trend that SGX officers think appropriate, no problem and they could continue.  But if they play the correct trend that SGX officers think inappropriate, there would be big problem such as long list of queries slammed on them to answer.  That's why if you have connections in the right place you make alot of money.  Of course this sort of thing can amount to corruption but if no CPIB people are also then not very important, if yes better.  This rhetoric is worth examining and people should understand why sometimes, after you make a sellout of your holdings, the price starts to move up and that's why also after you bought heavy, the price seemed to sink.  There is a stumbling block to raise our name in oversea market maybe because some people might feel many things can be doubtful.

According to Isolator, fire cannot wrap paper, so this is very true when you deal with money where " unknown" forces are at work.

Recently, I heard (read) some complaints of currency manipulations by inner circles. MAS says want to " investigate" .  Think to me very hard to get results fast and accurate.  The danger of playing investments is always there.
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14-Mar-2012 11:58 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Market needs a rest after this morning's fast run.  I believe going for some small caps, and penny stocks will be good idea.
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14-Mar-2012 10:24 Genting Sing   /   GenSp starts to move up again       Go to Message
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Admittedly, I chose to buy a bit only and taking small profits at a time.

settowin      ( Date: 12-Mar-2012 11:49) Posted:

Waiting for selling to be completed by big sellers, and accumulation also about time to complete.  Think its about time to rally.

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14-Mar-2012 10:18 Oceanus   /   OCEANUS is 'a potential takeover target'?       Go to Message
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Oceanus lacks institutional play for the meantime.  Say what one may, every dog will have its day, a matter of time.
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14-Mar-2012 10:16 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Well said.  I have never shorted since I learned to play shares. Even experts warned against shorting.  You know the famous Lombardi who predicted " accurately" recession, global credit crisis, doom times, they also never shorted even if they predicted a general downtrend.  They will say buy certain  ETNs or ETFs instead whenever there is a bear coming. When they predicted metal will rise, they buy gold low and sell  it at a high.

So don't short the market.  Leave the shorting to SGX  brokerages whom one day will become burst when some trillionaires come to catch them. Hahaha.

Peg_li      ( Date: 13-Mar-2012 23:33) Posted:

To short is so easy to make money???

In theory, if you short any stocks, you have infinite loss which can let you bankrupt and only limited gain.

In theory, if you long any stocks, you have inifinite gain and limited loss.

whatever short or long, final purpose is to make money. but most important thing is not to go to the opposite of market trend.

now what is market trend???

you think yourself.

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13-Mar-2012 11:31 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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But clicking on your username, I read that you always said the market is going to collapse, and marketing down trend and all these sayings were based on charts?  Well, you have been wri=ong since feb.  The market (the STI and DOW and HSI etc) have instead go opposite your charts. 

Futher, I almost thought you were Isolator, always chanting market STI2400.  Of course one of these days  he  might be correct, but it might be in the year 2018, or maybe 2030.  Hehehe.

monk999      ( Date: 13-Mar-2012 10:58) Posted:

yes no system is 100% sure. thats why you need stop loss. TA uses probability..so if  price go  against you you need to be disciplined to cut loss. different people have different strateges...if your strength is on FA, then  focus on it. goodluck!

settowin      ( Date: 13-Mar-2012 10:30) Posted:

Have to wait for confirm means not 100 percent sure? That's why I never use charts too much.  It is like believing in a certain superstitious system.  One tend to become fanatical in it.  Hope you understand

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13-Mar-2012 11:08 Oceanus   /   OCEANUS is 'a potential takeover target'?       Go to Message
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Frankly speaking unless you are heavily short on this counter, why you are worrying for others who intend to enter?  It is their money and honestly people who invested  in this business are super rich people and have big money to lose in case of bad outcome in the investment. 

You " chap ba boh liao" meh? Or you want to become a saint to save people?  Hahah,  for me    I am vested in a small way, that is why I read Oceanus forums. 

risktaker      ( Date: 13-Mar-2012 11:02) Posted:

so many S-chip have gone down the drain. SunVic lose so much money.... Oceanus lost so much Assets...
I think its common sense ... to think that way... So oceanus recently loses millions of dollar worth of abalone assets the first question i will ask myself is will this kind of Aoutbreak happen again ? What are the procedures or measures they have taken to prevent this to happen again ?

Aslo I just wonder if anyone have really seen or audited  the few hundred millions dollar worth of abalone being disposed ?

Ask yourself.... I just pointed out doubts ....
For me My advice stay out of this counter if:

1) No preventive measures are in place (So which means abalone will die again)

I am not attacking anyone or coy. I just pointed out doubts i have. This is a place to share. Like I say do your own study before you made a Buy or Sell Action.

settowin      ( Date: 13-Mar-2012 10:51) Posted:

The word potential " something, something" has already landed people in trouble if a check is done in legal circles.  I no lawyer, but potential is a very strong word.  It, Oceanus, can pull you in.  Admin will be obligated by law to furnish your info.  Ok, just an advice, no offence.

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13-Mar-2012 10:56 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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That is playing futures, very risky.

risktaker      ( Date: 13-Mar-2012 10:42) Posted:

for 1 contract u short everyone single point of HSI  = SGD $8

settowin      ( Date: 13-Mar-2012 10:38) Posted:

Waiting is actually a game

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13-Mar-2012 10:51 Oceanus   /   OCEANUS is 'a potential takeover target'?       Go to Message
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The word potential " something, something" has already landed people in trouble if a check is done in legal circles.  I no lawyer, but potential is a very strong word.  It, Oceanus, can pull you in.  Admin will be obligated by law to furnish your info.  Ok, just an advice, no offence.
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13-Mar-2012 10:42 Oceanus   /   OCEANUS is 'a potential takeover target'?       Go to Message
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Speaking certain words  can sometimes  become libelious, be careful in the use of  correct words.
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13-Mar-2012 10:38 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Waiting is actually a game.

risktaker      ( Date: 13-Mar-2012 10:36) Posted:

Nothing to do now haha except looking at my shorts to turn profit :)


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13-Mar-2012 10:30 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Have to wait for confirm means not 100 percent sure? That's why I never use charts too much.  It is like believing in a certain superstitious system.  One tend to become fanatical in it.  Hope you understand.

monk999      ( Date: 13-Mar-2012 10:26) Posted:

the trend has changed for now. here is somthing on renko charts if you are not familiar with it. goodluck!



Hollow bricks are bullish, black bricks are bearish - that's the simplest interpretation of Renko charts. Renko charts may be most useful in identifying trends and trend direction. Because they screen out moves that are less than the Brick size, trends are much easier to spot and follow. In order to avoid whiplash periods, some people wait unto 2 or 3 bricks appear in a new direction before taking a position.

settowin      ( Date: 13-Mar-2012 10:22) Posted:

haha, chart reading  is for the person to believe his own interpretation of the future. Basically I know use charting too much.  I use market fundamentals instead, and not based on individual counter because I believe many shares like to follow in tandem with the market drivers

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13-Mar-2012 10:22 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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haha, chart reading  is for the person to believe his own interpretation of the future. Basically I know use charting too much.  I use market fundamentals instead, and not based on individual counter because I believe many shares like to follow in tandem with the market drivers.

settowin      ( Date: 13-Mar-2012 10:16) Posted:

Your chart is an uptrend chart.  It has a parellelogram down followed by the usual up and another parallelogram in the making. Longer term interpretation is up.

monk999      ( Date: 13-Mar-2012 10:04) Posted:

my advise is still the same..dont be fooled by the rally...short the peaks or sell if you are still holding longs. here is the daily chart if sti using renko charts as of yesterday. dyodd.

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13-Mar-2012 10:16 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Your chart is an uptrend chart.  It has a parellelogram down followed by the usual up and another parallelogram in the making. Longer term interpretation is up.

monk999      ( Date: 13-Mar-2012 10:04) Posted:

my advise is still the same..dont be fooled by the rally...short the peaks or sell if you are still holding longs. here is the daily chart if sti using renko charts as of yesterday. dyodd.

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13-Mar-2012 09:34 Oceanus   /   OCEANUS is 'a potential takeover target'?       Go to Message
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Each placee put in more than $1 million to the treasury of Oceanus.  Wow, really can go. 

People with one million dollars to spare, are more than wise men, I think and I am surely getting it right. Huat arh.

teeth53      ( Date: 13-Mar-2012 09:28) Posted:

Not one, but 19 placees as partner....more price stabilitiy, anyway, they are not speculators.

Certainly Dr Ng has done his homework and oso had 19 placees confident in him.

It no small matter to (BBs)19 placees....let see how  Oceanus perform in coming day and week. 

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12-Mar-2012 16:34 Oceanus   /   OCEANUS is 'a potential takeover target'?       Go to Message
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Security is now very tight after experiencing a nasty surprise on fatalities. If these people running do not buckle up or wise up, then they will be outcasts in business.

ykjuay      ( Date: 12-Mar-2012 16:23) Posted:

little worry about how there run their business as the worst is over, more worried  about the money used to purchase nutrition for the livestocks gone elsewhere.....??

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