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Latest Posts By niuyear - Supreme      About niuyear
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16-Mar-2011 12:15 Others   /   so scary now.....       Go to Message
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Dont forget,  we  contribute  'HUGE SUM OF AMOUNT'    to      ERPssssssssssss  ,  not to forget also taxes, GST etc...........

This is a BIG earnings from government and therefore, they are able to fund the charitable organisations and pilot programmes for citizens to upgrade their skills, llviing enrionment (upgrading of flats ............etc)

Big cars should not be allowed in this country,  for which,  I strongly support this.

cathylmg      ( Date: 16-Mar-2011 12:08) Posted:

I understand that every time you pump petrol, you pay fuel tax right? So the more you pump, the more tax you'll pay? Small car mean you pay less tax? Then where got money to subsidies the poor?

niuyear      ( Date: 16-Mar-2011 12:05) Posted:

Those  limos should be limtied only to diplomates.

Normal citizens should be allowed not more than 2000cc, or like buying HDB flats,  salary is the determining factor to buy big/small car.

More Police cars are needed to patrol round all the estates 24 hours

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16-Mar-2011 12:11 Others   /   Shorting see no road !!       Go to Message
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Shorting see no road?

Those who shorted and made huge profits, if so wish, donate more becos, by shorting , one doesnt need to have capital to short, and yet,  the shorting activity has brought down the company's share's value and this in term, affect the whole genernal market condition.

So, do as one deems fit to  do, good deed or bad deed, let your conscience rule your heart,.for, no one in the world hold you at gun point.  :)

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16-Mar-2011 12:05 Others   /   so scary now.....       Go to Message
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Those  limos should be limtied only to diplomates.

Normal citizens should be allowed not more than 2000cc, or like buying HDB flats,  salary is the determining factor to buy big/small car.

More Police cars are needed to patrol round all the estates 24 hours.

niuyear      ( Date: 16-Mar-2011 11:53) Posted:

Big cars and those high oil consumption continental  cars    should be banned  in its import into singapore .

Too much oil comsumption, waste of resources. 


Salute      ( Date: 16-Mar-2011 11:35) Posted:

the call for attention for the action against the destroy in the O-zone has been ignored for so many years due to disguise and greed, now people(those chiefs of countries) see the impact of it. and there are stilll no much strategies in solving this problem or slow down the degree of demage yet still talk about car manufacturing, oil refinery  etc.

due to heavy cost of solor panel installation and lack of effort given by govts to subsidised this, still chose to use oil and oil exhaustion/pollution is harming the environment.........sad.human being are killing themselves.

after this tsunami episode, next come what, States's tornedos, al nina, el nino is coming to destroy somemore........I am a predictor but this had happend before and is still hanging around, isn't it.

choppy in nature thus choppy in shares

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16-Mar-2011 11:53 Others   /   so scary now.....       Go to Message
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Big cars and those high oil consumption continental  cars    should be banned  in its import into singapore .

Too much oil comsumption, waste of resources. 


Salute      ( Date: 16-Mar-2011 11:35) Posted:

the call for attention for the action against the destroy in the O-zone has been ignored for so many years due to disguise and greed, now people(those chiefs of countries) see the impact of it. and there are stilll no much strategies in solving this problem or slow down the degree of demage yet still talk about car manufacturing, oil refinery  etc.

due to heavy cost of solor panel installation and lack of effort given by govts to subsidised this, still chose to use oil and oil exhaustion/pollution is harming the environment.........sad.human being are killing themselves.

after this tsunami episode, next come what, States's tornedos, al nina, el nino is coming to destroy somemore........I am a predictor but this had happend before and is still hanging around, isn't it.

choppy in nature thus choppy in shares

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16-Mar-2011 11:32 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Just need to do see , cos this sign  already 'trade marked' by Master Lim, so even if you are wrong,  No one will blame you.


Load Up Before you are left out!!

Smiley 154Smiley 154

des_khor      ( Date: 16-Mar-2011 10:58) Posted:


Bon3260      ( Date: 16-Mar-2011 09:34) Posted:


I cnt  specify which Counters 2 buy  here.
Later if e Counters drop, pple here'll f me.
Me v old liao, cnt kena f anymore.
If I'm 20 yrs younger, I think I can take it...


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16-Mar-2011 09:40 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Its a blessing Japan's quack didnt happen  during the Monsoon seasons, if it does, wont the exposure from nuclear radiation will travel to other countries at faster speed?

S’pore faces minimal exposure from nuclear  radiation’
By Faris – March 15th, 2011

It was reported that the recent explosion at the Fukushima nuclear plant had caused the radiation level to rise, sparking fears of it spreading to other Asian countries. (Photo: AFP).

Should there be a nuclear meltdown in Japan, the radiation will take years to reach Singapore and the impact should be minimal, said an expert on energy studies.

Dr Hooman Peimani told The New Paper that if the release of radiation is phenomenal and if the natural means of transportation of radiation, such as wind and water, are strong enough to carry the radiation, then it is possible that radiation could reach Singapore in the future.

But he added that “the radiation strength would be insignificant to cause any damage by the time it reaches us.”

Dr Peimani heads the Energy Security Division at the National University of Singapore’s Energy Studies Institute. Last August, he presented a paper on the viability of underground nuclear reactors in Singapore at the Nuclear Power conference.

Will the food imported from Japan be safe for consumption?

“Yes. Today, there is no indication of exposure of any food in Japan to any volume of radiation beyond the acceptable level,” said Dr Peimani.

“However, if there is any food produced in the proximity of the nuclear reactor and if indeed there is a significant amount of radiation released and food is exposed, it is possible that food produced in that region be contaminated.

“And in this case, the food should not be consumed.”

For example, if there is a chance that fish reared in a farm near a leaking nuclear power plant will be contaminated, the contamination will be passed on to the person who eats it, causing health problems like cancer or complications in pregnancy.

But Dr Peimani said Japan’s health authorities would examine any food from the region which could be exposed to determine if it is safe for consumption.

“The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore would also be stopping such products from reaching us. Food should not be much of a concern and I will not hesitate to eat it,” he said.

An AVA spokesman said products from Japan are being tested for radiation and the it would also monitor Japanese produce –- including fruits, vegetables, meat and seafood -– based on its source and potential risk of contamination.

“Samples will be taken for radiation testing and fresh produce will have priority,” said the spokesman.

On April 26, 1986, the No.4 reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in Ukraine exploded, causing the worst nuclear disaster in history.

The explosion killed 30 people on the spot, released more than eight tons of highly radioactive material, contaminated 60,000 square km of land, and caused more than 3.2 million people to be affected by radiation.

The catastrophe also left a legacy of contamination in the western part of Belarus and Russia and swathes of forest remain affected even two decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
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16-Mar-2011 08:58 Others   /   Market News that affect STI       Go to Message
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Funds pulled out from Japnan and lets see where they will  likely end up with , mostly back to US, and perhaps, Asia l.
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16-Mar-2011 08:56 Genting Sing   /   Traders Lounge - Daily opportunities for everyone       Go to Message
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US investors are pulling or have been pulling out funds from Japan and funds going back to US market.

So, investors being kind or not?    They have no choice and taking of their pockets are vital despite  disaster going on.  :)

bladez87      ( Date: 16-Mar-2011 06:47) Posted:

nobody shorted in this market? surprised sia. all so kind not to profit from someone's loss. i wanted to short yesterday.

i mentioned that i will be back after my exams or during a crisis...looks like the crisis came first. had planned to short but dont want add oil to fire. not that my short will have much effect..

but i pretty sure this time will not end so quick. still got room to short, but must be firm with cut loss. as long as 1 day japan crisis not over, still can short. cause everyone hopes the nuclear crisis will resolve, thus market

will not factor in the case of a meltdown ... yet...

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15-Mar-2011 16:16 SGX   /   SGX       Go to Message
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I just bought (matter of time will go up) despite ppl said will be down $5??  While watching this, i click buy  (LOL!!!).



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMnbknbDDow& feature=related

knightrider      ( Date: 15-Mar-2011 16:01) Posted:

  I buy Cache logistic this morning, and eyeing SIA, but haven't buy SIA yet ! This one still calculating, so you think is a good buy now ?

niuyear      ( Date: 15-Mar-2011 15:12) Posted:

7.27 was low enuf for your to buy, did you  buy>

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15-Mar-2011 15:46 China Minzhong   /   China Minzhong Food forum       Go to Message
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Temasek must wait for 365 MA , then it will come out and support.    hahaha
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15-Mar-2011 15:38 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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There are many types of characteristics of human beings in the world,   and in the case of stock market,  Traders or investors.

Speaking of one's feeling about making profit from the stock market out of some tradegies, are merely nothing more than one's truth feeling being expressed out in the Forum, and , i suppose Alex means no harm to those who made profits  out of the current situation.    ::)

War or choas or disasters of any country  does affect stock market.    Remember when one of the presidents passed away (i cant remember which country was that), the stock market was closed for many days back then.

Cheers ! 

Gaecia      ( Date: 15-Mar-2011 15:14) Posted:

Alexchia01, just because you got the  STI  bull breakout wrong and went long past 3083 which turned out to be a trap, doesn't give you a right to judge  anyone who  had sold their long positons or short sell at that point/ peak.  They  are simply  accomplished in trading smartly and protecting their positions & money.

It is immoral  of you to insinuate that the blood of lost lives are upon these traders/ retail investors. What a ridiculous statement from you, Alex.  Do u hav any idea just how many people  had probably  gone long to buy stocks upon reading  your postings  that STI's going up and runaway?  Don't  have such  a loser spirit. 

You were just hesitant/ fearful  to short the stock  market back then, full stop. Not that you  showed empathy  to mankind  by withholding your shorts.       

The  global  market operates on & reacts to any news, be it  good  or bad on  economic  sentiments  or natural calamities. Have you not personally  vested  (in equity markets  or property)  &   benefited  during  times of war, sep 11, Sars  or  any economic recession periods  which were also times of distress to humanity?       


alexchia01      ( Date: 15-Mar-2011 14:55) Posted:

Quite right, but the money made during this period has the blood of 10000 souls in them.

I wanted to short yesterday, but change my mind in the end.

Show a little respect for people who die from the earthquake and tsunami

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15-Mar-2011 15:12 SGX   /   SGX       Go to Message
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7.27 was low enuf for your to buy, did you  buy> ?

knightrider      ( Date: 15-Mar-2011 12:38) Posted:

" lau ka gui tak kao" ( shit until the whole under wear" . Always wanted to play window dressing game ! On 21 Mar 2011 will replace the STI components of SMRT with GLP, to do some window dressing. Now SMRT laugh until don't know how ! Ha Ha HA. LOL.See today price of GLP !!!! S$1.74

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15-Mar-2011 14:44 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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He is too,  worried about Japan's issues   too.    ::)

bluekelah      ( Date: 15-Mar-2011 14:34) Posted:

Japan gonna cash out bonds from USA to rebuild the nation, china gonna cash out also, USA bond program nobody buy liao, DOW will finally die and Europe will die also. No more printing money nonsense just depression and proper rebuilding of the economy.

  Those who got profit better take as much as they can.

  Me just gonna hold until STI hits 2000 and OSIM goes back to 0.05 per share

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15-Mar-2011 14:24 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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A new creation of wealth is going to happen out of this recent disaster.

Mask, bodyshield to ward off " radiation" (for those  very Scared of radiation types),  will be in demand.    8:)

Many fields from construction to any resources that needed to rebuilt a part of nation, etc,,,,,,,,,anything you can think of.

China will be the biggest beneficiaries... though, its citizens are not allowed (or they dont like??) to sing Jap songs.   

rotijai      ( Date: 15-Mar-2011 14:11) Posted:

u might be right. but my only fear is tat more bad news coming out from japan :(

Isolator      ( Date: 15-Mar-2011 14:07) Posted:

When more and more  people are getting panic for accident that happen on last Fri.... It mean the worse is over for me... Time to accumulate and rebound to above 3070.... Smiley

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15-Mar-2011 14:15 GLD USD   /   Gold & metals       Go to Message
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If Silver is in demand, but, physical stocks cant meet demand =  price will shoot up = $50.00   

Visit to dentist will be expensive if one needs that 'fiilling' be done.
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15-Mar-2011 10:33 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Good result no use, then  buy on fear.  lol!

Salute      ( Date: 15-Mar-2011 10:27) Posted:

ya, it's been quite a nos. of wavea in this downtrend tsunami. like the real tsunami, there are false alarms after the real one, therefore don't know when will it stop dropping and many counters have dropped but every few shares transacted in many counters.

whatever good news to any company doesn't work this time....

niuyear      ( Date: 15-Mar-2011 10:20) Posted:

Scarley when one is about to sell at this already low prices, a sudden cheong up............lol

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15-Mar-2011 10:20 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Scarley when one is about to sell at this already low prices, a sudden cheong up............lol!

tankuku      ( Date: 15-Mar-2011 10:17) Posted:

The ripple effect is coming. Japan Nikkei drop 620 point, plus  another 6 %  drop yesterday, total drop 12% in stock.

Think it is worst than sep 11 years back. S'pore STI drop about 50 point as for now.

With the middle east  unrest plus  japan reactor radiation problem, I think worst to come. Better cut lost now.

Good luck.

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15-Mar-2011 10:04 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Yen is dipping, can buy yen on dip.
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15-Mar-2011 10:02 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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Only those who play stocks and letting their profits manipulated by daily stock market, will be badly hit or " sad" .

There are Up stocks and Down stocks running concurrently.    :)



Isolator      ( Date: 15-Mar-2011 09:38) Posted:

Many will be facing depression.... really sad..

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15-Mar-2011 09:59 Others   /   News break: SGX listing for Hutchison Whampoa IPO       Go to Message
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Your saliva drooling long long issit?  lol!

bishan22      ( Date: 15-Mar-2011 09:54) Posted:

Many dead counters are lying around to be picked. Can leave this one out.  Smiley

niuyear      ( Date: 15-Mar-2011 09:43) Posted:

This company controlled by billionaire Li Ka-shing (李 嘉 誠 ),

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