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Latest Posts By Peter_Pan - Supreme      About Peter_Pan
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26-Sep-2013 22:23 Others   /   Cowboy Traders Annonymous       Go to Message
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This is called murphy's law lor..

pepperginger      ( Date: 26-Sep-2013 22:19) Posted:

Today I'm going to share about my impatience leads to loss of gain.
Bought weiye at 0.088 and sold at 0.092 instead of 0.098, which I had been targeting from the moment I bought the counter. Then bought AP STRAT at 0.465, cut loss at 0.455. If I were patience, I would have gained 10 bits in weiye and save the loss of 2 bits in AP.
Now I have only ipco on hand, my ave price is 0.040 and I'll keep my cool this time.
Hope everybody trade with care tomorrow and please be ALERT in your counters ~~~ ^^

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26-Sep-2013 22:06 Others   /   Cowboy Traders Annonymous       Go to Message
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Now wall street very green maybe ipco can recover some grounds?

pepperginger      ( Date: 26-Sep-2013 21:58) Posted:

Hmmm ~~~ still play my ipco la, safe play ~~~ lol!
Then see if have chance to play yhm bo? If only the halt is lifted la ^^

Peter_Pan      ( Date: 26-Sep-2013 21:25) Posted:

Tomorrow play which penny leh?

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26-Sep-2013 21:25 Others   /   Cowboy Traders Annonymous       Go to Message
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Tomorrow play which penny leh?
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26-Sep-2013 18:22 Others   /   Thought of the Moment       Go to Message
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哈 哈 哈 !!! 你 打 老 虎 , 我 打 红 牛 !!!

Winson      ( Date: 26-Sep-2013 18:05) Posted:

潘 兄 , 今 天 我 是 又 惊 又 险 , 九 点 吓 到 五 点 。 。 。
Tiger's time, 打 老 虎 咯 。 。 。

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26-Sep-2013 17:57 Others   /   Thought of the Moment       Go to Message
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好 无 聊 的 一 天 ...没 有 刺 激
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26-Sep-2013 11:57 Others   /   Thought of the Moment       Go to Message
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好 吧 , 我 少 吃 我 很
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26-Sep-2013 11:24 Others   /   Thought of the Moment       Go to Message
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26-Sep-2013 09:27 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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cherry picking season starts
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26-Sep-2013 07:12 Others   /   Thought of the Moment       Go to Message
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早 起 的 鸟 儿 被 虫 吃
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25-Sep-2013 23:30 Others   /   Cowboy Traders Annonymous       Go to Message
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Hahaha! I see i see!! Maybe anyhow buy anyhow huat leh? Lol!!!
You also huat

pepperginger      ( Date: 25-Sep-2013 23:03) Posted:

Welcome brother Peter!
Meaning huh ~~~ actually I also dunno lei but I goggled liao then interpreted myself one ~~~ meaning luan luanc cheong in and buy the counter at high, like cowboy style la, lol! So this thread is to remind each other that do not luan luan buy and si kiau kiau, lol!
Sister Meohmy, my reply tiok bo? If not, must correct me lei ^^
Hope you huat big big in your counter hor!

Peter_Pan      ( Date: 25-Sep-2013 22:44) Posted:

Cowboy Traders Annonymous what meaning leh?

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25-Sep-2013 22:44 Others   /   Cowboy Traders Annonymous       Go to Message
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Cowboy Traders Annonymous what meaning leh?
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25-Sep-2013 22:37 Others   /   Thought of the Moment       Go to Message
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果 然 是 武 林 高 手 ...

M-come      ( Date: 25-Sep-2013 22:05) Posted:

云 妹

也 来 凑 热 闹

花 开 堪 折 直 须 折 ,
莫 待 无 花 空 折 枝 。

长 风 破 浪 会 有 时
直 挂 云 帆 济 沧 海

还 有 附 送 给 潘 弟

劝 君 莫 惜 金 缕 衣 ,
劝 君 惜 取 少 年 时 。
花 开 堪 折 直 须 折 ,
莫 待 无 花 空 折 枝 。

guoyanyunyan      ( Date: 25-Sep-2013 18:37) Posted:

人 生 得 意 须 尽 欢 ,

莫 使 金 樽 空 对 月 。

天 生 我 才 必 有 用 ,

千 金 散 尽 还 复 来 。

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25-Sep-2013 21:54 Geo Energy Res   /   Geo Energy       Go to Message
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dow now come down maybe got chance for geo to come down. if dow don't finish down maybe geo won't come down and will have to wait for it to come down. so hope dow will finish down then geo will come down.
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25-Sep-2013 20:06 Others   /   Lai lai ...argh. Which penny s on rotational play?       Go to Message
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Volatility is the name of the game! Yea!!!
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25-Sep-2013 19:25 Others   /   Thought of the Moment       Go to Message
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好 , 我 今 天 就 放 你 一 马 ! 哇 哈 哈 哈 哈 !!!!!

Winson      ( Date: 25-Sep-2013 19:08) Posted:

哈 哈 , 潘 兄 这 招 在 小 弟 预 料 之 外 , 真 的 有 点 戳 手 不 急 。 。 。 。
云 姐 给 我 的 感 觉 是 高 深 莫 测 的 , don't play play 哦 。 。

Peter_Pan      ( Date: 25-Sep-2013 18:46) Posted:

英 雄 , 那 就 请 你 出 招 吧

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25-Sep-2013 19:21 Others   /   Thought of the Moment       Go to Message
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各 位 果 然 是 英 雄 豪 杰 ! 佩 服 ! 佩 服 !
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25-Sep-2013 19:04 Others   /   Thought of the Moment       Go to Message
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我 家 有 只 小 毛 驴 我 从 来 也 不 骑 ! 因 为 我 也 有 只 小 宝 马 ! 哇 哈 哈 !!!
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25-Sep-2013 18:55 Others   /   Thought of the Moment       Go to Message
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哇 ! 有 墨 水 !

guoyanyunyan      ( Date: 25-Sep-2013 18:37) Posted:

人 生 得 意 须 尽 欢 ,

莫 使 金 樽 空 对 月 。

天 生 我 才 必 有 用 ,

千 金 散 尽 还 复 来 。

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25-Sep-2013 18:46 Others   /   Thought of the Moment       Go to Message
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英 雄 , 那 就 请 你 出 招 吧 !

Winson      ( Date: 25-Sep-2013 18:25) Posted:

好 , 在 家 不 谈 股 市 , 就 话 家 常 , 吟 诗 作 乐 , 说 说 笑 , 多 好 啊 ,

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25-Sep-2013 18:40 Others   /   Thought of the Moment       Go to Message
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嘻 嘻 嘻 ! 是 的 ! 是 的 !

GorgeousOng      ( Date: 25-Sep-2013 18:35) Posted:

吃 了 长 命 百 岁 !

Peter_Pan      ( Date: 25-Sep-2013 12:24) Posted:

  美 味 好 吃 !!

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