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22-Mar-2011 16:46 IPO   /   Mother of all IPOs - Hutchison Port Holdings Trust       Go to Message
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The cows in japan is getting thinner and thiner,  No more KOBE beaf.  yes,  should not eat beaf,plse.


Dumped Milk From Thinning Cows Poses Next Threat for Fukushima

Dumped Milk From Thinning Cows Poses Next Threat

A woman feeds her cattle at a farm in Kawamata, Fukushima prefecture, 45 kms west from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, on March 20, 2011. Photographer: Ken Shimizu/AFP/Getty Images

Kanju Kurosawa kept his 50 dairy cows alive by carting water from a neighboring town after local supplies were knocked out by the March 11 earthquake.

By the time taps flowed again on March 19, Kurosawa and his 80-year-old father had trucked 12,000 liters (3,100 gallons) for the herd -- less than half its requirement. Milk output is at half the pre-quake levels, he said, and what’s produced is considered unfit for human consumption because of the dairy’s proximity to the Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s stricken nuclear power plant, 52 kilometers (32 miles) away.

Concern that radioactive emissions from the Fukushima Dai- Ichi facility will contaminate food and cause cancer are prohibiting hundreds of dairy farmers like Kurosawa from selling their milk. With no compensation, Kurosawa, 53, said he doesn’t know how long he can continue the 70-year-old family business.

“We don’t know how dairy farmers in Fukushima will survive,” said Kurosawa, who estimates he’s losing 60,000 yen to 70,000 yen ($740-$865) a day on his farm in Iino, 235 kilometers north of Tokyo. “I want to stick it out, but I don’t know how long the radiation impact will last and whether the spring grass will be contaminated. I can’t continue if I have to buy all my feed.”

Radiation Contamination

Fukushima supplied about 1.3 percent of Japan’s 2009 annual milk production of about 7.91 million tons, according to government statistics. Prime Minister Naoto Kan asked local officials to suspend milk shipments from the region’s 567 dairy farms after random tests found levels of radiation that exceeded government-prescribed safe levels.

Milk shouldn’t be consumed from the local area until tests for radioactive iodine have been completed, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna. Farmers in Fukushima have been told to keep their animals in barns and not to feed them fodder kept outside.

More than half of Kurosawa’s produce would be used in local schools and supermarkets, with the remainder sold to either Meiji Holdings Co. or Morinaga Milk Industry Co.

Contaminated milk was linked to more than 6,000 cases of thyroid cancer in children and adolescents in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia in the two decades following the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Ukraine. Iodine-131 was the main contributor to radiation poisoning, the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation wrote in a 2008 report.

Milk shipments from Fukushima will likely remain suspended at least until the crisis at the nuclear plant is resolved, said Mitsuhiro Honda at the milk and dairy products division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

Contaminated Seawater

Fuel rods at the nuclear plant have been damaged, releasing five kinds of radioactive material and contaminating seawater nearby, Tokyo Electric said today.

“Some of the farmers may abandon the business and destroy their cows, too, as they don’t know how long the shipment restrictions will continue,” said Saori Kabeya, an official with Fukushima prefecture’s livestock department.

The affected farmers will be compensated, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano told reporters in Tokyo yesterday.

“Fundamentally, the primary responsibility is on Tokyo Electric as it stems from the nuclear disaster,” Edano said. “If it can’t compensate fully, the central government will guarantee them.”

Kurosawa’s last milk delivery was March 12. He had to borrow a neighbor’s generator to power dairy machinery after electricity supply was interrupted by the 9.0-magnitude earthquake. His cows remain stressed by the temblor and aftershocks, he said.

‘Head Butt’

“We couldn’t go into to the barn because they would kick and head butt” after the quake, Kurosawa said. “Cows are like humans, they get very nervous and worried that such a large earthquake may come again.”

In Aizu county, about 100 kilometers from the Fukushima plant, dairy farmer Masahiko Kaneko hasn’t been able to buy cattle feed for weeks. As his hay and silage stockpiles decline, so does the milk from his 34-cow herd. Production is down as much as 20 percent to less than 600 liters a day since the earthquake.

A March 18 test on Kaneko’s milk showed levels of radioactive iodine measuring 4 becqueral per kilogram -- less than 2 percent of the government’s prescribed safety limit of 300 Bq/kg. Japan’s Food Safety Commission is reviewing acceptable radioactivity levels in food and may set new standards in a week, it said today.

“I cannot see any light at the end of the tunnel,” Kaneko, 53, said. “My cows are getting thinner and thinner day by day.”

To contact the reporter on this story: Kanoko Matsuyama in Singapore at kmatsuyama2@bloomberg.net Aya Takada in Tokyo at atakada2@bloomberg.net To contact the reporters on this story Jae Hur in Tokyo at jhur1@bloomberg.net.
nner and thinner

niuyear      ( Date: 22-Mar-2011 16:40) Posted:

Dont scare me leh.  lol!

I only worry the Japan side suddenly some other NEW   things come out again......now play shares also scared.


warrenbegger      ( Date: 22-Mar-2011 16:37) Posted:

This kind of not bad market still need Stabilizing manager to stable px, so is this a good stock to own? What happen if big bad news come again, all rush to exit door again

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22-Mar-2011 16:40 IPO   /   Mother of all IPOs - Hutchison Port Holdings Trust       Go to Message
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Dont scare me leh.  lol!

I only worry the Japan side suddenly some other NEW   things come out again......now play shares also scared.


warrenbegger      ( Date: 22-Mar-2011 16:37) Posted:

This kind of not bad market still need Stabilizing manager to stable px, so is this a good stock to own? What happen if big bad news come again, all rush to exit door again?

AnthonyTan      ( Date: 22-Mar-2011 16:28) Posted:

Stabilizing manager at work now

causing some share px. movement, lol



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22-Mar-2011 16:35 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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Forced sell on margin calls,  and pushed the price to so low, the brokerage houses will kenna.

zeusleo      ( Date: 22-Mar-2011 16:31) Posted:

heard rumour  it's something related to margin call.. anyone hear about this?

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22-Mar-2011 16:34 IPO   /   Mother of all IPOs - Hutchison Port Holdings Trust       Go to Message
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They eat for so long liao, should move a bit, or become  too FAT!

AnthonyTan      ( Date: 22-Mar-2011 16:14) Posted:

DB ave. px. is abt  US$0.96.

Very clever of them to control the share

px.  at buy US$0.96 and sell at US$0.965.

Big fish eat small fish theory, hahaha.


AnthonyTan      ( Date: 20-Mar-2011 14:11) Posted:

DB, the stabilizing manager bought 70,500,000 shares  at US0.945

to US0.975 on 18 Mar 2011. If without this purchase, the shares

would be worst and could  drop further. Now is the chance to  see the BBs

carry the baby, hahaha. Just watch and see how low it can go.


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22-Mar-2011 16:31 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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They may be changed name from Gao xai to  gu xai. (cow shit).    hahaha!

rotijai      ( Date: 22-Mar-2011 16:16) Posted:

to those who bought/still holding.. let's hope the coming announcement is a good/decent one.

just hope that nth is wrong with the acc

stan19      ( Date: 22-Mar-2011 16:03) Posted:

ok warren, thanks for the advice.

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22-Mar-2011 14:00 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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Its ok lar, if cannot profit,  they can change to build cemetery

Isolator      ( Date: 22-Mar-2011 13:26) Posted:

It is hard to believe that property play is over.... especially those who bought asset at  high price.... They will not believe or will choose not to believe their asset is going down.... They will need to hold another 10year before they can profit from it.... A long painful cyclical cycle.... More pain  when mortgage  interest  go up (believe by year end or next year).... 

That's all I want to say..... Have a nice investment...

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22-Mar-2011 13:49 China Gaoxian   /   China Gaoxian - Investment merits and risks       Go to Message
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I think after so many delisted,  no more s-chips wld want to come here. 

But, more  china developers arer heading here.        there is one property developed by China developer, and the psf is not cheap . its near bishan area and its a Design and build , is HDB flat i think.

Hope the materials used are of  good quality.

warrenbegger      ( Date: 22-Mar-2011 12:55) Posted:

Let see which is  the next unlucky new S-cheat going to list in singapore again. We make sure all mega short + anyhow short + strategty short + ah siao short + ghost short + dragon 18 palm short + sailormoon short + ultraman short + terrible and horrible short till they die pain pain until cannot pain anymore.  Let see who dare to come singapore cons investor again, dont give them chance to cons us,  come IPO $1, short shoik shoik to 0.005c and run ah. LOL!!!

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22-Mar-2011 13:39 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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This is the best and cheap condo in singapore,one and only , underground condo......

Seriously,  should we have  some  underground condo , if selling $200 psf, sure got people grab...  No pent house, but, the lower it goes, the most expensive it would be.....hahaha!


warrenbegger      ( Date: 22-Mar-2011 12:28) Posted:

Changi Gao Sai  really both leg in coffin liao. Now so many investor already lost trust in both scandal prono textile brokeback Hongs brothers and  look like Gao sai wish to join them 3P. Now really make those vest in Gao sai pain and panic liao, dont know what will happen when halt lift? And those want to catch falling chopper plz think again, if u got too much $$$, plz donate to Japan better, at least others will thanks u for kindness. Dont waste $$$ on sai again, u  kanna hit by  MRT/Lorry  no body will care.

warrenbegger      ( Date: 28-Feb-2011 19:12) Posted:

Basement Condo in Lim Chu Kang Rd Call HeavenGreen. Big 50% discount to peers, Freehold 999years, Ultra low PE, Super Paranomic View, Free maid to cut green for u with maintenace free services, PX very low cause cant dig deeper liao with hugh outside high rental yield, Front face Longkang with back face more neighbour condo, Super lucky fengshui recommend by Yu long zi master, While stock last!!!

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22-Mar-2011 12:15 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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This  chart was pulled out on  20 March.

How one knows if 0.72 going to be the resistance before today's performance?

Chart can be misleading    .    :)

Lets see if it goes sideway


Bintang      ( Date: 20-Mar-2011 00:14) Posted:

Midas has reached the downside target as mentioned , if it would  to rebound next week , the strong resistance is at 72 cents . According to the RSI , it may go into sideway movement for quite some times . ADX is still rising at 49 while DIs are negatively crossed . Short term support is at 63 cents .

Bintang      ( Date: 23-Feb-2011 11:12) Posted:

If there is no rebound in the near term , then breaking 72 cents would see it goes   down to 67 cents which becomes the strong support now

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22-Mar-2011 12:09 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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Those who borned  on 11 March are brilliants and kind  people.

wishbone      ( Date: 22-Mar-2011 11:44) Posted:

HPH IPO closed at 12PM before the earthquake in Japan at 2.46PM on 11 March.

To bad for those who already applied and hope that it will turn around once the Nuclear issues have normalised.


AnthonyTan      ( Date: 22-Mar-2011 11:02) Posted:

Do your own research before applying for IPO,

especially those from China.

Even during bad time now, with plenty plenty

troubles in Japan and middle east, I am really

surprise to see ppl subscribe for HPH Trust, WHY??????


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22-Mar-2011 12:03 China Gaoxian   /   China Gaoxian - Investment merits and risks       Go to Message
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Re: textile company

Someone's uncle was doing textile business in hongkong since  i think  early  nineties    (i think) and came back to singapore 1998 and closed the business in hongkong.    eversince, textile industry has not recovered much.

warrenbegger      ( Date: 22-Mar-2011 02:33) Posted:

The recent S-chip scandal create by both Hongxing and hongwei r from textile sector and we can see  now almost all textile counter keep going down and down with ??? upside. No trust, no matter how beautiful FA is = No value.

But only CGX i wonder why keep supported and going up till i also dont know why, with TA indicator looking  good on it some more. But today: TA trap for all???

Base on time and sales,  i can see so many BBs strategy selling (those repeat 200+300+500+ also them if i not wrong) to small hungry fish. Those who thought strong support base on TA at 0.220 kanna cons again and again till below 1.95 still can see many hungry idiot fish still want to eat. Today so many big sell down sure got something they know and we dont know and still many dare to eat. Taisan everday sell down bit by bit already something strange liao but this CGX is like today must get out type one, very danger.

I wish u all safe and remember to get out when got chance, cut loss or cut yourself,  or chose what  pattern to die then shoik. There r so many good counter out there to play why still want to touch CGX, backside too itchy ah? This CGX really can get Grammy's Best Rubbish Award liao.

Kensonic77      ( Date: 21-Mar-2011 19:56) Posted:

Vested heavily on this counter

Hoping for the best

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22-Mar-2011 11:35 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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ALL s-chips should go , but i-chips come in (indian chips).      lol!
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22-Mar-2011 11:33 IPO   /   Mother of all IPOs - Hutchison Port Holdings Trust       Go to Message
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Our Mr Isolator already said,  dont worry, so, we shant worry.    8:)

AnthonyTan      ( Date: 22-Mar-2011 11:12) Posted:

The stabilizing manager is controlling the share px.

at US$0.96 - US$0.965. Just wonder when this

stabilizing business will go off and LET THE MKT


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22-Mar-2011 11:28 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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Re recoupe the news aagin ----------------


Singapore News

More S-Chips to re-list in light of low valuations: analysts
By Chris Howells | Posted: 10 March 2011 2027 hrs
  Singapore stock brokers
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Singapore stock brokers
More S-Chips to re-list in light of low valuations: analysts



SINGAPORE : More Singapore-listed Chinese companies, or S-Chips, are packing up their bags here and re-listing in markets in North Asia, where they expect better valuations.

Allegations of accounting irregularities in some S-chips such as China Hongxing and Hongwei Technologies have dented investor interest in these companies.

And that's leading to low valuations for even the better-managed S-Chips.

Some of them are now leaving Singapore for Hong Kong where their businesses are more clearly understood and better valued.

And one S-Chip company is going private.

This week, the controlling shareholder of Singapore-listed Passion Holdings launched a conditional bid to acquire all shares of the handicraft and furnishing manufacturer.

This follows Sinomem Technology, which announced plans to de-list from the SGX over the weekend.

Analysts believe Sinomem is likely to get its shares re-listed in Hong Kong in the near future. This follows furniture manufacturer Man Wah, and Sihuan Pharmaceutical which re-listed in Hong Kong last year after de-listing in Singapore in 2009.

Currently, Man Wah's market capitalisation in Hong Kong is the equivalent of almost S$2 billion, compared to just about S$100 million when it was listed in Singapore.

Sihuan Pharmaceutical is currently worth some S$4 billion, versus S$458 million before its move.

Terence Wong, Executive Director and co-Head of Research at DMG & Partners Research said: " Confidence has been shaken in this field and I think a lot of investors have really shunned away.

" And even with the recovery coming through very strongly, the S-Chips still lag behind and many of them are trading in the single digits - low single digits PE - and if you look at the volume it has been crimped considerably."

Some S-Chips that are staying put in Singapore are seeking a dual listing, either in Hong Kong or Taiwan, to try to drum up more investor interest.

" If you dual list, you can benefit from both sides. So if it's a successful dual listing, and within Singapore, there is also the awareness that this company actually went and dual-listed in another stock market and in that market their reception was very good, and investors recognise the value of the company," said Wong Sui Jau, GM of Fundsupermart.com.

The Taiwan exchange for example is expecting 20 dual listings this year, an increase from 12 last year.

Going forward, analysts said more companies are likely to take either a re-listing or dual-listing route to other locations if investor confidence continues to wane in light of the new cases of financial irregularities among S-Chips.

Jackpot2010      ( Date: 22-Mar-2011 11:12) Posted:

Legacy of ex-ceo, Hsieh Fool Hua. He was credited for bringing in s-chips left all the germs (in sgx) and got then promoted to President of Temasick. Sick!

niuyear      ( Date: 22-Mar-2011 09:37) Posted:

Its time to revamp the management of  SGX!

MAS should have the answer to this, who is in , who is gonna out.

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22-Mar-2011 10:50 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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Very simple,  next time new ipos of s-chips,  just boycott.  If none    subscribe excepts the underwriters and banks,  then, price will move up 50% above ipos.  ::)
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22-Mar-2011 10:02 CapitaLand   /   Capitaland       Go to Message
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How can anyone here, be richer than you , my friend ? Smiley 2


Anyway, i am seeing property counter should  shoot pass the previous high (in long term till 2012),  for, at the moment,   singapore has provided the safe and sound environment for property   investments compared to elsewhere. 



Isolator      ( Date: 21-Mar-2011 23:52) Posted:

It is reversing up now, but it will not see $4 again.... Retracement upwards to have a further downwards later on... This is just my views.. Don't believe me as someone said I am just a pauper trader... Better trust those RICH traders.... lol... Enjoy...

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22-Mar-2011 09:55 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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Singapore - can play can pay?

Play what??  hahaha!  3Ps ?    LOL!

I enterred 0.19, hope can go up after halt...  No pain, no gain,  this counter let you have pain more than gain.

louis001      ( Date: 22-Mar-2011 09:42) Posted:

Quote " This made me wonder why, in the first place they chose to list in the Singapore market which is comparatively much smaller than those in the North like Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan and even China itself." .........

Hong Kong --- own family member ?

Korea -- not familiar ?

Taiwan -- not happy,don't like    ?

Singapore -- very good friend, can play can pay.


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22-Mar-2011 09:37 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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Its time to revamp the management of  SGX!

MAS should have the answer to this, who is in , who is gonna out.
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21-Mar-2011 16:49 Midas   /   Midas       Go to Message
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Do you mean its a trap?

hmm....... must start to get   weary after  MasterLim's  load up before you are left out!    lol!

Joe2020      ( Date: 21-Mar-2011 16:46) Posted:

I smell Blood like Macbeth

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21-Mar-2011 16:47 China Gaoxian   /   ChinaGaoxian       Go to Message
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The Underwriter has to answer to those holding this stock.
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