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Latest Posts By FearValueGreed - Master      About FearValueGreed
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05-Jun-2010 01:08 Yanlord Land   /   Lord of China Prop       Go to Message
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Yanlord is turning  down before hit $1.75.


Really lao hong liao.


Let it sink, dun deny it. Come $1.20 for first support.


Ole Ole Ole World Cup
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05-Jun-2010 01:02 Ying Li Intl   /   Ying Li       Go to Message
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God bless YingLin.


25cents here I come
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03-Jun-2010 01:19 Wing Tai   /   Wing Tai       Go to Message
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This one only value at risk when reach 75 cents.


One dollar almost certain within half year
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03-Jun-2010 01:10 Ying Li Intl   /   Ying Li       Go to Message
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This one really terrible. But it only beginning it will stall at 25 cents only. So please be patient, all barbarians. Even at 25cents , not worth buying, Yanlord better. Got GIC supporting it.
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03-Jun-2010 01:04 Yanlord Land   /   Lord of China Prop       Go to Message
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Once Yanlord hit $1.75 for its mini bear rally, it will begin its descend again after RSI hit above 50, this time $1.20 is inevitable.

If China economy goes into a tail spin, Yanlord will hit $0.75, my dream price.

Focus this counter will do, the rest leave it for next super bull few years later.

See, now international sover bond prices is going down, interest rate will have to go up sooner or later as it cant goes against gravity. Corporate rates cant be better than national rate when company borrow from federal banks. If it can do so , it probably lead to artificial holding of economy by pumping cash which eventually means crash equivalent as debts are sold forever to fund it.

Some one have to pay the bill. Karma at work, gain now for you to vomit out later.

So logic is interest will go up, property price goes now, even if GDP around the world can hold, the rise cant be superb after almost one year of double digits gains. Realiity hurts, oops,, sell now and come back to review 6months later.
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29-May-2010 01:35 Straits Times Index   /   STI to cross 3000 boosted by long-term investors       Go to Message
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If God would allow, I would have shorted Yanlord to $1 using my CPF,

but alas our garmen is prudent, they cannot allow us to short against them when they are also the shareholders.

Life is really unfair.

All the property counter will be tumbling come after World Cup, when interest rate starts to increase or seems to be coming for increment.





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24-May-2010 00:53 Yanlord Land   /   Lord of China Prop       Go to Message
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ITs coming $1 within 6months.


Standby bullets
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10-May-2010 23:45 Others   /   will my STI 2400 really comes?       Go to Message
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MAde no mistake,

2000 is the beloved support not 2400.


senecus      ( Date: 10-May-2010 21:56) Posted:

Is 2400 coming or have to wait for christmas...?



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10-May-2010 23:28 Yanlord Land   /   Lord of China Prop       Go to Message
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Monday morning, President Obama makes his way to the podium to give a very important message to citizens everywhere after last week's mini market crash. It will probably go something like this:

My Fellow Americans, as you know, my administration inherited an economy on the brink of an economic depression. And we took quick and decisive action to repair a global financial system that was on the verge of collapse. After spending trillions of dollars getting this economy going, it appears that a new crisis is developing in Europe with Greece leading the way. Unfortunately, this crisis is now spreading to Portugal, Ireland, Italy, and Spain (the PIIGS). Unlike the previous administration, my administration will take speedy steps to prevent another financial crisis like that of 2008. In order to prevent this new economic disease from spreading to our markets, I've sent an urgent request to Congress. A new law should immediately be passed by both the house and the Senate: Prices of stocks and homes will no longer be allowed to fall, they can only rise.

My fellow Americans, let me make this clear so there's no confusion: It's okay if the stock market goes sideways as long as stocks don't fall. We're going to set 10,000 Dow Jones as our new floor. I want Americans to feel very confident that they can invest their money into the stock market without ever losing another dime again. Also, every 1,000-point rise in the DJIA will become a new floor so that all investors will be protected and feel confident that they can secure their retirement by investing in the market.

My fellow Americans, I want to make something very clear. This country, along with all major industrial countries around the world, are fighting a debilitating war. This is an economic war and the enemy is deflation. As you know, I reappointed Ben Bernanke to be the commander and chief to fight this war. Mr. Bernanke not only has an unlimited supply of ammunition (dollars) to fight this war but also to win it. He has the willingness along with the full backing of my administration to deploy all monetary ammunition against this very powerful and dangerous enemy. I'm highly confident that Mr. Bernanke will create as much money, out of thin air, to defeat falling prices. My administration will no longer tolerate falling prices and I believe I have the right man at the right time to win this historic battle. And remember, they don’t call him “helicopter Ben” for nothing.

Next, I have also urged Congress to lift the debt ceiling of the United States from 14 trillion to infinity. I will no longer put up with any hindrances to fighting this war on deflation. This will provide my administration an unlimited amount of fiscal ammunition to continue battling falling prices. To stop the decline of falling prices of homes everywhere, we'll buy 95% of the remaining supply of homes to stabilize the very weak housing market. The US government is already backing 95% of all mortgages from our first phase in this economic war. Make no mistake, this administration -- and really every administration -- is built upon one word: BAILOUT.

I want every person and every company to know that there's no such thing as “too big too fail." I also want every country around the globe to know that their will be no nation “too big to bail” and that, of course, includes Greece and the other PIIG nations that will soon get slaughtered. I've instructed my commander and chief to immediately deploy a fleet of government helicopters filled with bales of newly minted $100 bills. We'll soon have thousands of those government helicopters dropping dollar bills all over the globe, so please don't worry. Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, and Spain -- we'll be there to bail you out right along with California and all the other bankrupt US states. This great nation has an arsenal of unlimited amount of dollar bills so there are plenty of them to go around.

In summary, I know that many of you will worry that a victory in this global battle will bring on a new enemy -- inflation. I want to reassure any detractors of my new plan that we've already taken decisive actions to make sure inflation doesn’t result in rising interest rates. The Federal Reserve has been ordered “to keep rates low for an extended period of time,” and that extended period of time is forever. Any government bonds that aren't purchased by investors or nations will simply be bought by my great Fed Chairman. Don't for a second doubt that this great and powerful nation will use all means at its disposal to win this global war on deflation. My mission is clear: This country -- in fact, no country -- should ever tolerate falling asset prices again.

May God continue to bless America.
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08-May-2010 00:44 China Sports   /   Mid-year Bonus 2010       Go to Message
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This one looks going to breakdown.


buy at 9 cents after considering its ex-placement
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08-May-2010 00:23 Entertainment   /   Seven Sins of Stock Investing       Go to Message
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People worry that if Greece is Bear Stearns, Portugal is Lehman and Spain AIG," BNP Paribas said during the past week, a phrase that gained much circulation.

If history repeat itself, the medium term bottom still has 6months to play out

Please declare your sins again from this week roller coaster

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07-May-2010 23:44 Yanlord Land   /   Lord of China Prop       Go to Message
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This is a classic symmetrical bear chart.

$1.1 is almost confirm when World Cup arrives

Anything below $1 is a buy. The longer it stays above $1.60 The harder it will hit the floor

A confirmed 5 bagger if you are willing to wait for 10 years.


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07-May-2010 23:34 Ying Li Intl   /   Ying Li       Go to Message
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This one no need to monitor once every day.

Once set my sms alert will do.

Just need to know when it hit 10 cents to buy.

Haha. Swee!

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28-Apr-2010 00:23 Others   /   World Cup Effect on Stock Market       Go to Message
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Sell before World Cup

Never wrong
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28-Apr-2010 00:05 Yanlord Land   /   Lord of China Prop       Go to Message
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$1 is within reach by Dec10


God bless to those who buy
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28-Apr-2010 00:02 Ying Li Intl   /   Ying Li       Go to Message
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Buy 10 cents by Dec 10.

God bless to those who buy.

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24-Mar-2010 23:05 Ying Li Intl   /   Ying Li       Go to Message
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May you buy more now so that I pick up at 10cents

Amen. May the force with you.


Hulumas      ( Date: 23-Mar-2010 11:45) Posted:

You have bought this share when it is on rush, quick capital appreciation and very liquid and most of all at much much higher than the price level now (Sgd. 0.50). Do not worry, keep buying on yours behaviour and let others profit from your losses! (Just guessing and kidding) Ha. ha.. ha... Do not be offended please!

FearValueGreed      ( Date: 23-Mar-2010 00:29) Posted:

Where need to wait so long?

Ying Li 10cents will be coming faster than you need to go for toilet. Cos I admit these days need 20cents to go into public toilet 

I will invest $10k when it come, money I will considered write off the moment I buy

Then I can sleep well.

Not cannot sleep well cos it has not drop to 10cents yet.

Patience is  a virtue.

la lala la lalalala lala

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24-Mar-2010 22:56 Entertainment   /   Seven Sins of Stock Investing       Go to Message
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March 24 (Bloomberg)2010

A sense of despair pervades perceptions of the economy and nation. Barely one-in-three Americans say the country is on the right track. Fewer than one in 10 say they believe the economy will be strong again within a year. Just 4 percent of Americans who cut back on spending during the recession now say they are confident enough to open their wallets, according to the poll, which has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.

Poll respondent Lynn Heath, 31, a Belleville, Illinois, stay-at-home mom with four children whose husband lost his job 18 months ago and since has only been able to find part-time work, says her family has nearly depleted its savings.

“We don’t have cable. We don’t have internet. I just learned how to make laundry soap. For $4, I can make two-and- half gallons,” Heath says.

The Obama Administration has made no progress over the past three months convincing the public that the $787 billion stimulus package passed last year either helped the economy or prevented greater deterioration. Only 37 percent of the public say they see positive effects, the same portion who said so in a December poll.

Economic Deterioration

Asked about a range of economic measures, people say they have seen deterioration over the past year: 54 percent say the condition of businesses in their community has worsened and 56 percent say the value of homes in their community dropped during the period.

Poll respondent Jim Buyer, 47, an electric utility lineman from Syracuse, Indiana, says that his impression of a worsening economy comes from cutbacks in overtime on his job and his observations as he drives to and from work along an industrial road that services home suppliers, toolmakers and recreational- vehicle manufacturers. Media reporting on the economy may be “slanted,” he says, and what he sees has greater credibility
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23-Mar-2010 00:53 Yanlord Land   /   Yanlord Dome Collapses       Go to Message
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This one is the perfect short in the making


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23-Mar-2010 00:51 Others   /   S-chips are still in the shit!       Go to Message
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Everyone buy with eyes open, so dun blame anyone else

If you want to buy, make sure you engage a PI to conduct if their factory in China exist.

Then check if they are producing goods,

Then check if the goods are of standard as declared

Then check if the goods are delivered to the customer as declared

Then check if the goods are converted to recievables in cash flow

Then finally check if the big boss has clear Singapore Government check like the one they did for Genting IR,

Once all cleared, check if the CFO is going to leave soon or threaten him with a knife to declare anything wrong with the company

Finally once the checklist is ticked, then buy

But may end up also in smoke because never check if the big boss got mistress(es).

End up mistresses murder him because of money or murdered himself because of love or he is on mortage cos he visit IR too often--- then end of story, company collapses because of one man wonder as in most Schip

Morale of story :

Dun buy stocks if you cant sleep, otherwise buy dividend play of Singapore stock then can sleep steady steady provided  PAP still around.

Otherwise focus on your job and work on your career. This approach makes money more than S chip So stop treating market like a casino or a black market of sharks, though I must admit there are plenty of sharks in the workplace as well.



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