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27-Nov-2013 10:23 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Our announcement dated 8 November 2013 refers.

The Board of Directors of COSCO Corporation (Singapore) Limited (the ?Company?)

wishes to announce that contracts each in excess of USD200 million, awarded to COSCO

(Qidong) Offshore Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company?s 51% owned subsidiary,

COSCO Shipyard Group Co., Ltd. for the engineering, procurement and construction of

two (2) semi-submersible accommodation vessels have been declared effective.

The vessels will be of Gusto MSC Ocean 500 design and will be equipped with 500 beds,

DP3 station keeping systems, 10-point chain mooring and 300 ton cranes. This will allow

for operations in both DP and anchored mode, providing maximum cost efficiency and


The vessels Safe Notos and Safe Eurus are scheduled for delivery in 2016.

Save for their respective shareholdings in the Company, none of the directors or controlling

shareholders of the Company has any interest, direct or indirect in the contracts.

Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the contracts are not expected to have a material

impact on the net tangible assets and earnings per share of the Company for the year ending

31 December 2013.

By Order of the Board

Wu Zi Heng

Vice Chairman and President

25 November 2013


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27-Nov-2013 10:09 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard was rated AA Customs enterprises
2013-11-26 08:08:34 Source:  International Ship Network

Recently, under the guidance of Zhoushan helping customs, COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard ( location  Comments  News  Jobs ) Engineering Co. was named Class AA Customs Management Enterprise, became the first Class AA Zhoushan shipbuilding enterprises.

" The international economic situation of these years of our shipbuilding business a great impact on the current assessment of the customs Class AA enterprises can enjoy a range of customs facilitation, let's hope we see a rally in the face of adversity." COSCO Shipyard Yao Fei, deputy general manager said.
COSCO Shipyard where the company is located in southern Liuheng Zhoushan Islands, the current bridge yet to be connected with the Zhoushan Island, and from still rely on boats. According to the degree of credit companies, COSCO Shipyard applied for a Class AA management companies.

According to reports, in accordance with our corporate compliance with customs laws and regulations, operation and management, as well as customs supervision, statistical records, etc., set the AA, A, B, C, D five management categories. Which, AA class enterprise is the highest credit rating, the selection is also the most stringent. A business only if they meet the applicable class more than 1 year, the error rate of the previous year, import and export declarations below 3% or less, no bad records and other conditions, it may apply to the customs, the customs inspectors verified by approved by the General Administration of Customs in order to obtain the AA class enterprise qualification. After becoming the customs Class AA enterprises engaged in processing trade business can enjoy free to open a bank deposit account, the priority for the goods declaration, inspection and clearance procedures for import and export of goods classified priority and laboratory procedures and other convenient regulatory approach.

" AA class enterprise selection, involving many aspects of internal control management, trade security situation and so on, for the first time declared eligible, companies often do not have the experience." Zhoushan customs inspection section chief Chen said, " 'COSCO' had to Customs for participating when you know nothing about, and we set up a business liaison, ready for the enterprise to solve the problem.
Help enterprises solve their practical difficulties has been the aim of Zhoushan customs work. In addition to great efforts to cultivate high-credit enterprises, but also with local customs Zhoushan shipbuilding, offshore fishing and fish processing and other pillar industries of production and operation, and timely understanding of business needs, the initiative to provide policy analysis, to help businesses use of state policies.

Currently Zhoushan customs territory enterprises have developed two AA, A class business 65, 20 percent possession of the actual number of import and export business enterprise.

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25-Nov-2013 12:01 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Cosco News contract wins

Scorpio custom-made 8 64000DWT bulk carriers ( cosco Guangdong win 4 )

2013-11-25 08:56:20 Source: International Ship Network

According to foreign media reports, Scorpio Bulkers continue Dingzao ultramax type bulk carrier ( ship  shipyard  trading ), recently with the Korea Ship ( Location  Reviews  News ) Heavy Industries and COSCO Guangdong signed a four 64000DWT each bulk carrier construction contracts.
About 64000DWT bulk carrier newbuilding prices Scorpio Bulkers not disclosed, sources said the new vessels will be delivered end of 2015 and early 2016.
Including the order, including, Scorpio Bulkers ultramax of new bulk carriers to reach 34. In addition, the company also has 10 kamsarmax bulk carriers of new orders.
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21-Nov-2013 15:33 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Ya gzijiang N Cosco       Go to Message
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By    first half  of next year or the outbreak of new ship orders

2013-11-21 07:38:00 Source: International Ship Web 

Korea Daishin Securities analyst outlook, with European, U.S. and Chinese economic recovery is expected to drive the ship price rise, the first half of 2014, LNG vessels, drilling vessels ( ship  yard  sale ) as well as traditional merchant order will focus on the outbreak in the first half of 2014 .
Clarkson Newbuilding price index in July this year after the end since 2011 (142 points) for 24 months, the downward trend began accelerating upward trend is expected to Clarkson Newbuilding price index does not appear before the first half of 2014 decreased signs .
Ship price will end up losing money orders in the first half of this year the trend. Judging from the ship, bulk carrier ( ship  yard  sale ) shipping price will be significantly increased, tanker ( ship  yard  sale ) and container ships ( ship  yard  sale ) boat price rise is limited.

The analyst outlook for the first half of 2014 will significantly increase LNG ship orders, is expected to tender LNG ship orders up to 94, of which Russia is 24, Japan 31, as 39 other countries and regions. Korean shipyards are expected to get one of those 39, more than Japan, Russia and other countries Shipyard less 15.
In addition, since the first half of 2014 focused on LNG carriers ordered by 2016 and delivered the second half of 2017, is expected to LNG ship newbuilding prices will rise.

The analyst expects the first half of 2014, including drilling rigs, semi-submersible drilling platform ( ship  yard  sale ) and jack-up rigs, including marine equipment orders will grow substantially.

Since there is no sign the charter contract speculative rigs and drilling platforms orders declined sharply in 2011, speculative orders have been digested by the market, but the 2014 annual drilling rigs and drilling platforms orders compared to the 2011 peak still down.
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21-Nov-2013 15:22 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Ya gzijiang N Cosco       Go to Message
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Yangziyang shipping industry for two 82000DWT bulk orders

21/11/2013  International Ship network 

Recently, Klaveness and Tufton together in Yangziyang shipping industry ( Location  Reviews  News ) custom-made 2 82000DWT bulk carrier ( ship  yard  sale ), the contract also contains options for orders, which is the second time in Klaveness Yangziyang shipping industry custom-made Kamsarmax bulk carriers.
Klaveness custom-made two vessels the first one is as a buyer purchasing from Tufton Oceanic, Klaveness and Tufton Oceanic will co-operate two vessels.
Through this transaction, Klaveness order to obtain additional options to reduce the potential cost of delivery.
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18-Nov-2013 13:34 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Ya gzijiang N Cosco       Go to Message
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Cosco chief seeks sector survival, an end to cut-throat rate wars

Nov 18, 2013

COSCO chairman Ma Zehua appealed for cooperation between different sectors of the shipping industry and called for an end to cut-throat competition to survive the longest and most severe crisis shipping has ever known, Xinhua reports.

Mr Ma made the statement at a shipping conference and said no company was immune to growing market perils of our times.

Song Jiahui, an officer in charge of safety from the Ministry of Transport said the biggest problem the shipping industry is facing now is overcapacity, which has brought the whole industry to a situation of life or death.

Mr Ma said the world's container fleet capacity is 1.69 billion TEU, which is 268 per cent that of 10 years ago. Bulk fleet capacity is 707 million tonnes, 237 per cent of 10 years ago. Oil tanker capacity is 503 million tonnes, 167 per cent of a decade ago.

The current low shipbuilding price is also luring impulse to build new vessels. In September, new ship orders surged 165 per cent year on year.

Mr Song pointed out that the world's container fleet is facing an excess rate of 25.9 per cent and oil tankers 14.7 per cent. Dry bulk fleet's is 26.6 per cent.

This already the fifth year of the downturn, the world's economy has fallen to the bottom and is in a period of restructure, which will hinder the recovery of the market, said Mr Ma.

To help the struggling shipping industry, the Ministry of Transport introduced a number of measures covering capacity control, restructuring, strengthening administration, easing burdens and improving service quality.

Meanwhile, China has created plans to accelerate development of river transportation. By 2020, an efficient, safe and green river transport network will be built up to provide business opportunities for the shipping industry.

Besides, the newly set up Shanghai Free Trade Zone will also bring opportunities for the industry. Mr Song said the Ministry of Transport is seeking an innovated and internationally competitive system for the operation and development of the shipping industry with the Shanghai government.

China will also improve its market administration mechanism to secure fair competition. The Ministry of Transport introduced a new policy requiring carriers to report their exact price to dampen prevent rate fluctuation.


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18-Nov-2013 12:22 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Ya gzijiang N Cosco       Go to Message
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China's shipbuilding industry into the " depth adjustment period"



  Published :2013 -11-18 9:49:22  Source: International Ship Network

    In the international financial crisis, more than five years on the occasion, some sectors have been showing signs of momentum, but affected by the crisis two years of shipbuilding industry is still lagging depth adjustment.

    Completion country accounts for 1/3 of the global 1/10 shipbuilding first province of Jiangsu, adjusting progress? Recently, I starting from Nanjing along the Yangziyang and the lower number of shipyards in-depth field investigations.

    Ship industry faces " Pareto's Law"

    " The recent increase in new orders, appropriate arrangements to ensure the timely delivery of overtime." Nantong COSCO Shipyard, deputy general manager Wang Zhifeng while preparing the next day's meeting materials, while the author describes the situation of the enterprise, " Nantong, and two bases under construction in Qidong There are 14 marine engineering projects. "

    As the strongest marine equipment construction companies, Nantong COSCO Shipyard will be nearly 50 percent of large-scale marine equipment orders " in the bag" , the existing order to meet the company in 2015 before the first half, " something to eat" next year is expected to exceed 10 billion yuan output value.

    According to Jiangsu Provincial Commission by letter statistics show that the first three quarters of this year, Jiangsu new orders 11,296,000 dwt, up 222.8 percent, of which 13 key shipbuilding enterprises accounted for 89.9% of total new orders.

    " At present we can receive orders ship enterprises have three categories, one a bank support, the strength of the central enterprises, the second is a managed, the cost advantage of private enterprises and the third is that the injury is not serious since the period of time it can hold shipping enterprises. " Yangziyang shipping industry Analysis Group Chairman Ren Yuanlin, new orders to the advantage of corporate gathering momentum Obviously, the shipping industry is emerging" Pareto's Law " - 20% of 80% of the orders Enterprises eating.

    Hard skills get through " hard"

    Some experts believe that the reform and opening up China truly competitive export products, shipping to count one, there has been no anti-dumping, intellectual property disputes and other trade barriers. Shipbuilding is skilled labor, capital and technology-intensive industries, China is more than other developing countries development advantages, the future transfer to China has become inevitable.

    " As long as the sea quit, you need shipping, shipbuilding people have the opportunity. Jiangsu unique geographical advantages, such a high-end industrial development no reason not to." Recently, many economic work forum, Jiangsu Province, the main leaders behind shipbuilding.

    Despite the rebound in orders, but profits fell a lot more than the highest point, when, out of the lowest-thin profit of " hard" ? Many shipping enterprises responsible person predicted a " schedule" : 2015. " Judgments based on 3:00, one tariff, boat price has bottomed out, with the capacity optimization and integration, ship prices will rise Second, the global economy showed signs of recovery, increased domestic demand updating of old ships Third, new orders prices rebounded in 2015 began to focus on delivery. " Zhenjiang Shipyard chairman Guo Yan, analysts say, when corporate profits are expected to rise to a reasonable level.

    Get through the " hard" is not their teeth, get with the internal strength to speak. Shipbuilding industry in the country, the Yangtze River is one so that " private envy, the central enterprises to admire" business, the profits of the last two years the country accounted for 80 priority shipping enterprises total profit of 50%. Why such a disparity? Ren Yuanlin revealed three seemingly simple but actually need to spend much energy to do " secret" : business strategy properly, to ensure high-priced boats " zero cancellation" internal controls in place to eliminate causes of delay due to production delivery of the ship new product development one step faster and easier to get the order, stability, boat price.

    " International financial crisis has just occurred, we start the new R & D firm. 2,010 years ago, 10,000 TEU container ship was Korea monopoly, in 2011 successfully developed Yangtze River's new ship, the same carrying capacity but the unit fuel consumption and carbon emissions are low 20% of South Korea's shipbuilding industry is a huge shock. " Ren Yuanlin introduction, the Yangtze River in the world 10,000 TEU container ship market share increased gradually become an important source of corporate profits.

    Integration of resources to prevent risks

    To remind the industry, shipping enterprises should change their attitude and prevent a good financial and technical risks, do not rush orders will no bottom line to reduce the proportion of shipowners advance, 20% down payment " red line" should be brought under control. Meanwhile, careful transition to the marine engineering equipment, to avoid blind development. Otherwise, the most difficult, but not drained easily capsize recovery.

    " The new ship orders to the advantage of corporate concentration is inevitable market competition." Jiangsu Branch of China Classification Society Fan Qiang, general manager, said every industry has experienced from the " Hundred Flowers" to " Warring States disputes" and finally to " Three Kingdoms" development trajectory , Chinese shipping enterprises have six top 10 in Jiangsu, should seize the current opportunity to integrate the lowest cost, while promoting their own development resources to revitalize the industry stocks.

    Zhenjiang Shipyard is the leader in the field of special ship, its leading product versatile full swing tugboat market share first in the country, the newly developed marine platform support vessels also gradually open the international market. " Existing plant already overloaded production, modest expansion to meet demand." Guo Yan said, is looking at near a medium-sized shipyards, full use of its berth, dock and other resources.

    COSCO Shipyard is aimed at overseas, planning the transfer batch production capacity. " This is a ship repair COSCO Shipyard started in 2006 repairing contributed 88% of the value of the company, can only contribute 3 percent this year, the remainder by the marine equipment supply." Wang Zhifeng said that in recent years, a substantial increase in the proportion of domestic new ship, ship repair business downturn, excess capacity can only be transferred to overseas, such as the Gulf of Mexico, West Coast, etc. There are many fields but the lack of maintenance of offshore platforms and outstanding enterprises, this is a great opportunity.

    Seize the " adjustment" initiative

    Despite the rebound in orders, but profits fell a lot more than the highest point. For the shipbuilding industry, the " hard" continues.

But the day was tough, hope still in. As awareness of the shipbuilding industry in Jiangsu Province: " As long as the sea quit, you need shipping, shipbuilding people have the opportunity."

    Then, " austerity" how too? Waiting market, and policy support or expect? Front in the brutal competition in the market, no less than some hard work, really work, these companies are also favorable factors is difficult to translate into tangible results.

    Therefore, only the shipping enterprises to take the initiative to the " hard" seize the opportunity, over the more prosperous days. Unswervingly promote the transformation and upgrading, so that " no one I have, I have excellent" , it is a way to seize the initiative.

    Specifically, shipbuilding enterprises must first change the past in order to follow the development of the main ways the initiative in-depth understanding shipowners demand, ahead of the development trend of the world's leading ship, to " people I have" embarked. Second, make good use of every aspect of every process, every intermediate products, " quality" , in order to attract high-quality product orders.


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18-Nov-2013 11:37 YZJ Shipbldg SGD   /   Ya gzijiang N Cosco       Go to Message
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中 国 造 船 业 步 入 ?深 度 调 整 期 ?



    在 国 际 金 融 危 机 发 生 5年 多 之 际 , 部 分 行 业 已 出 现 复 苏 势 头 , 但 受 危 机 影 响 滞 后 两 年 的 造 船 业 仍 在 深 度 调 整 。

    完 工 量 占 全 国 1/3、 全 球 1/10的 造 船 第 一 省 江 苏 , 调 整 进 展 如 何 ?近 日 , 笔 者 从 南 京 出 发 沿 江 而 下 深 入 多 家 船 厂 实 地 调 查 。

    船 舶 业 出 现 ?二 八 定 律 ?

    ?最 近 新 接 订 单 增 多 , 适 当 安 排 加 班 才 能 保 证 按 时 交 付 。 ?南 通 中 远 船 务 公 司 副 总 经 理 王 志 峰 一 边 准 备 次 日 的 会 议 材 料 , 一 边 向 笔 者 介 绍 企 业 情 况 , ?南 通 和 启 东 两 大 基 地 在 建 的 海 工 项 目 有 14个 。 ?

    作 为 国 内 实 力 最 强 的 海 工 装 备 建 造 企 业 , 南 通 中 远 船 务 将 全 国 近 50%的 大 型 海 工 装 备 订 单 ?收 入 囊 中 ?, 现 有 订 单 能 满 足 公 司 2015年 上 半 年 前 ?有 饭 吃 ?, 明 年 产 值 有 望 突 破 100亿 元 。

    据 江 苏 省 经 信 委 统 计 数 据 显 示 , 今 年 前 三 季 度 , 江 苏 新 接 订 单 1129.6万 载 重 吨 , 同 比 增 长 222.8%, 其 中 13家 重 点 船 企 占 到 新 订 单 总 量 的 89.9%。

    ?目 前 能 接 到 订 单 的 船 企 有 3类 , 一 是 有 银 行 支 持 、 实 力 雄 厚 的 央 企 , 二 是 有 管 理 、 成 本 优 势 的 民 企 , 三 是 自 认 为 受 伤 不 严 重 还 能 撑 一 段 时 间 的 船 企 。 ?扬 子 江 船 业 集 团 董 事 长 任 元 林 分 析 , 新 订 单 向 优 势 企 业 集 聚 的 态 势 很 明 显 , 船 舶 业 正 在 出 现 ?二 八 定 律 ???20%的 企 业 吃 下 80%的 订 单 。

    苦 练 内 功 熬 过 ?紧 日 子 ?

    有 专 家 分 析 认 为 , 改 革 开 放 以 来 中 国 真 正 有 竞 争 力 的 出 口 产 品 中 , 船 舶 要 算 一 个 , 至 今 没 有 遭 遇 反 倾 销 、 知 识 产 权 纠 纷 等 贸 易 壁 垒 。 造 船 是 熟 练 劳 动 力 、 资 金 、 技 术 密 集 型 的 产 业 , 中 国 比 其 他 发 展 中 国 家 更 具 发 展 优 势 , 未 来 向 中 国 转 移 已 成 必 然 。

    ?只 要 大 海 不 干 , 就 需 要 航 运 , 就 有 造 船 人 机 会 。 江 苏 区 位 优 势 独 特 , 这 样 一 个 高 端 产 业 没 理 由 不 好 好 发 展 。 ?近 期 多 个 经 济 工 作 座 谈 会 上 , 江 苏 省 主 要 领 导 力 挺 造 船 业 。

    尽 管 订 单 回 升 , 但 利 润 比 最 高 点 时 回 落 不 少 , 何 时 走 出 价 低 利 薄 的 ?紧 日 子 ??多 位 船 企 负 责 人 预 测 出 ?时 间 表 ?: 2015年 前 后 。 ?基 于 3点 判 断 , 一 是 运 价 、 船 价 已 跌 至 谷 底 , 随 着 产 能 优 化 整 合 , 船 价 将 回 升 二 是 全 球 经 济 出 现 复 苏 迹 象 , 国 内 老 旧 船 舶 更 新 增 加 需 求 三 是 新 接 订 单 价 格 有 所 回 升 , 2015年 开 始 集 中 交 付 。 ?镇 江 船 厂 董 事 长 郭 琰 分 析 说 , 届 时 企 业 利 润 有 望 回 升 到 合 理 水 平 。

    熬 过 ?紧 日 子 ?不 是 硬 撑 , 得 凭 内 功 说 话 。 在 全 国 造 船 业 , 扬 子 江 是 一 家 让 ?民 企 羡 慕 、 央 企 佩 服 ?的 企 业 , 最 近 两 年 的 利 润 占 到 全 国 80家 重 点 船 企 利 润 总 和 的 50%。 何 以 如 此 悬 殊 ?任 元 林 透 露 三 个 看 似 简 单 实 则 需 花 大 精 力 才 能 做 到 的 ?秘 诀 ?: 经 营 策 略 得 当 , 保 证 高 价 船 ?零 撤 单 ? 内 部 管 控 到 位 , 杜 绝 因 生 产 原 因 造 成 的 延 期 交 船 新 产 品 研 发 快 人 一 步 , 更 容 易 得 到 订 单 、 稳 定 船 价 。

    ?国 际 金 融 危 机 刚 发 生 时 , 我 们 果 断 启 动 新 品 研 发 。 2010年 前 1万 标 箱 集 装 箱 船 被 韩 国 垄 断 , 2011年 扬 子 江 的 新 船 型 研 发 成 功 , 同 样 运 载 量 但 单 位 耗 油 量 、 碳 排 放 量 均 低 20%, 对 韩 国 造 船 业 是 巨 大 震 动 。 ?任 元 林 介 绍 , 扬 子 江 在 全 球 1万 标 箱 集 装 箱 船 市 场 的 份 额 逐 步 提 升 , 成 为 企 业 利 润 的 重 要 来 源 。

    整 合 资 源 防 范 风 险

    业 内 人 士 提 醒 , 船 企 要 调 整 好 心 态 , 防 范 好 金 融 和 技 术 风 险 , 千 万 不 能 为 了 抢 订 单 就 无 底 线 地 降 低 船 东 预 付 款 比 例 , 20%的 首 付 比 例 ?红 线 ?应 控 制 住 。 同 时 , 谨 慎 向 海 洋 工 程 装 备 转 型 , 避 免 盲 目 发 展 。 否 则 , 在 最 困 难 时 没 倒 掉 却 容 易 在 复 苏 时 翻 船 。

    ?新 船 订 单 向 优 势 企 业 集 聚 是 市 场 竞 争 的 必 然 。 ?中 国 船 级 社 江 苏 分 社 总 经 理 范 强 表 示 , 每 个 行 业 都 会 经 历 从 ?百 花 齐 放 ?向 ?战 国 纷 争 ?最 后 到 ?三 国 鼎 立 ?的 发 展 轨 迹 , 中 国 船 企 前 10强 有 6个 在 江 苏 , 应 抓 住 当 前 整 合 成 本 最 低 的 契 机 , 推 动 自 身 发 展 的 同 时 盘 活 行 业 存 量 资 源 。

    镇 江 船 厂 是 国 内 特 种 船 领 域 的 佼 佼 者 , 其 主 导 产 品 多 功 能 全 回 转 拖 轮 的 市 场 占 有 率 全 国 第 一 , 新 开 发 的 海 工 平 台 辅 助 船 也 逐 渐 打 开 国 际 市 场 。 ?现 有 厂 区 已 超 负 荷 生 产 , 适 度 扩 产 才 能 满 足 需 求 。 ?郭 琰 透 露 , 正 在 考 察 附 近 一 家 中 型 船 厂 , 充 分 利 用 其 船 台 、 船 坞 等 资 源 。

    中 远 船 务 则 瞄 准 海 外 , 谋 划 转 移 一 批 产 能 。 ?中 远 船 务 本 是 修 船 起 家 , 2006年 修 船 贡 献 了 公 司 88%的 产 值 , 今 年 只 能 贡 献 3%, 其 余 由 海 工 装 备 供 应 。 ?王 志 峰 表 示 , 近 几 年 国 内 新 船 比 重 大 幅 提 高 , 修 船 业 务 急 转 直 下 , 过 剩 的 产 能 只 能 向 海 外 转 移 , 比 如 墨 西 哥 湾 、 西 非 海 岸 等 有 很 多 油 田 但 缺 少 维 修 海 洋 平 台 的 优 秀 企 业 , 这 是 一 大 契 机 。

    抓 住 ?调 整 ?主 动 权

    尽 管 订 单 回 升 , 但 利 润 比 最 高 点 时 回 落 不 少 。 对 于 造 船 业 来 说 , ?紧 日 子 ?仍 在 继 续 。

但 日 子 虽 苦 , 希 望 犹 在 。 正 如 江 苏 省 对 造 船 业 的 认 识 : ?只 要 大 海 不 干 , 就 需 要 航 运 , 就 有 造 船 人 机 会 。 ?

    那 么 , ?紧 日 子 ?怎 么 过 ?坐 等 市 场 回 暖 , 或 期 待 政 策 扶 植 ?在 残 酷 的 市 场 竞 争 面 前 , 不 下 一 番 苦 功 夫 、 真 功 夫 , 企 业 也 很 难 将 上 述 有 利 因 素 化 为 实 际 成 果 。

    因 此 , 船 企 只 有 掌 握 了 主 动 权 , 才 能 在 ?紧 日 子 ?中 抓 住 机 遇 , 把 日 子 越 过 越 红 火 。 坚 定 不 移 地 推 进 转 型 升 级 , 做 到 ?人 无 我 有 , 人 有 我 优 ?, 正 是 掌 握 主 动 权 的 方 式 。

    具 体 来 说 , 造 船 企 业 首 先 须 改 变 过 去 以 跟 随 为 主 的 研 发 方 式 , 主 动 深 入 地 了 解 船 东 需 求 , 超 前 开 发 引 领 世 界 潮 流 的 船 型 , 向 ?人 无 我 有 ?进 发 。 其 次 要 把 好 每 一 个 环 节 、 每 一 道 工 序 、 每 一 个 中 间 产 品 的 ?质 量 关 ?, 这 样 才 能 以 优 质 产 品 吸 引 优 质 订 单 。


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17-Nov-2013 14:10 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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COSCO Shipyard: further development of marine

Source: China Ship Online 2013-11-15 14:14:33

2013, COSCO Shipyard tightly around the " order is the last word, is hard power delivery, cost competitiveness, innovation is the source of power," the guidelines, give full play to the existing marine engineering R & D and manufacturing advantages, increase scientific and technological research and development efforts to enhance the management level, to ensure that production schedule and product quality, whether it is the total production or total orders, have achieved steady growth. According to statistics, the first three quarters of 2013, COSCO Shipyard achieve marine construction / modification company output value accounted for 2/3, orders totaled more than the same period of 2012.

Breakthrough technology support market

Although the marine market to achieve a " one step ahead" , but COSCO Shipyard clearly recognize that, " one step ahead" easy, " steady first step." harder. Face tough competition in the market situation, the COSCO Shipyard will consolidate and enhance the marine equipment in the field of first-mover advantage as an urgent matter, give full play to advantages of a national marine research center and carry out design and development work to improve design efficiency and quality, promote the production and efficiency, and support marketing. Product diversification to meet the design requirements, based on the optimization of competitive products, and actively seek market share of existing products.

In the strong scientific and technological support, in 2013, not only in marine equipment traditional business to achieve a breakthrough, to undertake a semi-submersible rigs OCEAN500, Super116E jack-up drilling platforms, offshore support vessels constructed orders, two Sevan300-490 cylindrical marine life platform modification orders, series marine module construction orders, but also through the development of new products in the market competition, received a dual-fuel powered small LNG carrier orders in the development of energy-saving environmental protection has taken a new ship important step forward.

June 18, Nantong COSCO Shipyard partners - Norwegian Shipowners will two " SEVAN 300" cylindrical semi-submersible offshore platform life refit tasks Nantong COSCO Shipyard formal payment. " SEVAN 300" was originally cylindrical FPSO semi semi-submersible, according to the contract, Nantong COSCO Shipyard will transform it into a cylinder-type semi-submersible offshore rigs, which will be the world's first semi-submersible cylindrical marine life platform. " SEVAN" series of drilling platforms and rigs, construction started early this year, coupled with a cylindrical FPSO " Dana" project, a cylindrical marine products has become COSCO marine markets in the world iconic products. In the development of the international market, is committed to developing the three major domestic oil product market marine construction, 2013 to achieve a historic breakthrough - with China Oilfield Services Limited has signed two supply vessels and two 8000HP 9000HP AHTS ship construction contract.

Started delivering pavilions

October 28, Nantong COSCO Shipyard built for the Norwegian company Sevan Drilling's third cylindrical ultra-deepwater offshore drilling platform, " I hope the 3rd" delivered during the COSCO Shipyard Marine delivered to a climax. Since 2013, COSCO Shipyard has delivered the " T-17" " T-18" Drilling auxiliary ship, " Bangchak" jack-up barges and " Skyway" supporting transport barges and marine engineering module series. With Shanghai COSCO Shipyard to build a series of Petrobras FPSO modules smooth delivery, COSCO Shipyard shipbuilding and repair companies have been among the offshore construction market, while supporting enterprises in Dalian Di Shi, Nantong Di Shi, COSCO Dalian Jia Yang, Nantong COSCO shipping automation, ZTE and other sea and land on the market are also supporting each marine gains.

Baigezhengliu thousand sails compete, first by sea to sail Fen. 2013, Nantong COSCO Shipyard / COSCO Qidong Offshore continue to play a " leading big brother" role in helping enterprises within the system, to break Takumi, occupied the commanding heights of the domestic marine construction. February 25, Nantong COSCO Shipyard for British shipowners design and construction of the " Dana" (N487) cylindrical FPSO vessel (FPSO) started cutting board, the project is the construction of China COSCO first FPSO turnkey projects, opening up China's marine engineering equipment manufacturing industry FPSO vessel total package of its kind, marks the COSCO Shipyard in China's marine engineering equipment manufacturing industry once again to achieve a major breakthrough. 2013, Nantong COSCO Shipyard cylindrical deep-sea drilling platform " Hope the 3rd" , " hope the 4th" and the cylinder marine life platform, " I hope the 7th" , " Shun Feng No. 1" pipe-laying ship and the " Adams Tige Rui " pipelaying vessel while the construction and modification, ships, marine products while construction, production is booming, the development is gratifying.

To the " small but fine, small and specialized, small and mental, small and culturally," said a Shanghai COSCO Shipyard , by virtue of the " Sword Spirit" and sincere services into the offshore construction market, August 1, the successful built and delivered the first FPSO modules. The modules are the successful delivery of a milestone, marking the Shanghai COSCO Shipyard in marine technology on the basis of output achieved marine products manufacturing breakthrough, a new stage of transformation and upgrading.

Dalian Di Shi of China National Offshore Oil Corporation built " BZ25-1 / S TOWERYOKE" single point mooring project for ExxonMobil built single point mooring hitch completed and delivered, marking the COSCO Shipyard in FPSO single critical point mooring system design and construction of facilities and equipment on a new breakthrough, while achieving a national marine equipment manufacturing critical equipment made â??â??a major breakthrough.

Raise quality and efficiency complement each other

To achieve system-wide offshore construction go hand in hand an excellent situation, in September 2012, COSCO Shipyard Marine Division was established in Nantong COSCO, COSCO Qidong marine business professional management as the basis to further optimize and improve Singapore's marine management within the system gradually offshore business project management, technology, key equipment procurement professionals to implement functions such as line management, to improve the overall management of marine manufacturing level, management level, improve production efficiency.

2013, Marine Division, make full use of their own experience, on the one hand to strengthen their role to play, the other guiding each company to establish a sound system of marine management, organizing various training courses to enhance system-wide enterprise management and marine engineering related business level. In order to regulate offshore project management, in June 2012, according to the characteristics of marine construction projects, COSCO Nantong COSCO Shipyard information center and a special project team composition, start the development of marine document management system. March 2013, the system developed, followed in Nantong COSCO Shipyard / COSCO Qidong Offshore formally launched. The use of the system for the formation of offshore project document management standard processes and lay a solid foundation.

Each company all the way to discover, manage frequent tactics. Guangdong COSCO Shipyard to carry out " Marine Star " contest, strive to promote the production organization and management of marine projects, to create a" dare to face, courage to act, to take the result, " the cultural atmosphere. Involved in the manufacture of marine COSCO Zhoushan relatively late, all the way and steady efforts to forge their own advantage. Japanese shipbuilding system implementation using the dispatching system favorable opportunity, a bold attempt at FPSO, PSV and other marine products introduced standardized Japanese faction construction workers, promote standardized management of marine, marine products effectively improve efficiency, FPSO, PSV and other marine Project production schedule has been effectively guaranteed. Dalian COSCO deepening process for improvement, cantilever jack-up drilling platform thick plate precision cutting to be successful, not only for the entire project to save a lot of money, but also broke the COSCO Shipyard thick cut bottlenecks.

Through technological innovation and management improvement, COSCO Shipyard 2013 marine equipment R & D and manufacturing maintained a good momentum of development, not only in the company repair, shipbuilding and marine engineering " three industry simultaneously" and thriving, more robust domestic first-mover advantage, further enhance competitiveness in international markets, will then show glory, forefront, to achieve greater development.


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15-Nov-2013 11:56 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Northern Offshore Orders LeTourneau Super 116E Rigs             

Cosco jack up Drilling 116E                      dry bulk carrier of 64,000dwt



The Board of Directors of COSCO Corporation (Singapore) Limited (the ?Company?) is

pleased to announce that shipyards, which are subsidiaries of the Company?s 51% owned

subsidiary COSCO Shipyard Group Ltd, have secured contracts totaling over USD380

million to build two jackup drilling rigs and one bulk carrier as follow:

1. COSCO (Dalian) Shipyard Co. Ltd

Contracts from a Bermuda company for two (2) LeTourneau Super 116E jackup drilling

rigs, scheduled for delivery in 1H2016 and 2H2016 respectively. The buyer has also

secured options for two (2) additional jackup drilling rigs.

2. COSCO (Zhoushan) Shipyard Co. Ltd

The contract under the first option, cited in our announcement dated 12 Sept 2013, to build

one (1) dry bulk carrier of 64,000dwt for a European buyer has been rendered effective.

The bulk carrier is scheduled for delivery in 2H2014.

Save for their respective shareholdings in the Company, none of the directors or controlling

shareholders of the Company has any interest, direct or indirect in the contracts.

Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the above contracts are not expected to have a

material impact on the net tangible assets and earnings per share of the Company for the

year ending 31 December 2013.


http://infopub.sgx.com/Apps?A=COW_CorporateAnnouncement_Content& B=AnnouncementLast3Months& F=1022487

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15-Nov-2013 11:22 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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The gradual recovery of the international shipping market newbuilding prices accelerated

Source: International Ship Network 2013-11-15 09:45:51 

With the gradual recovery of the international shipping market, South Korea's major shipyards began to selectively orders, new shipbuilding prices is accelerating upward trend.

November 8, British Clarkson new shipbuilding price index was 132 points, an increase of more than a week ago, 1:00. This year the traditional merchant orders - bulk carriers, container ships and oil tankers showed substantial growth trend in the first three quarters of the traditional merchant orders are more than last year's orders and newbuilding prices have bottomed out, the recent newbuilding prices is accelerating rise.

Clarkson new shipbuilding price index from the end of last year to the first half of this year, has been at around 126 points, while the second half continued to rise slightly, 127.5 points in late July, late August, 128.7 points, 129.5 points the end of September, 10 at the end broke through 130 points to 131 points , rose again last week to 132 points.

Shanghai China released new shipbuilding price index continued to rise, Chinese newbuilding price index from the end of this year, a 857 point rise in the end of September was 890 points, 10 more than 900 end-points, 907 points.

Insiders pointed out that, Clarkson new shipbuilding price index lagged the actual operation, taking into account recent new ship orders prices rising trend, it is expected that the index will continue to rise recently.


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14-Nov-2013 23:22 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Cosco wins 2 mpre contracts drilling rig from Singapore ownet total of us $ 400 million .
Us $200 million per rog.

Cosco wins so many contracts .
Share price keep Droping . ??

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14-Nov-2013 19:39 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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New Contracts for COSCO Shipyard Group Total of US $380 Millions

Posted on Nov 14th, 2013 with tags asia, china, contracts, COSCO, Group, New, News by topic, shipyard.The Board of Directors of COSCO Corporation (Singapore) Limited announced that COSCO Shipyard Group Ltd have secured contracts totaling over USD380 million to build two jackup drilling rigs and one bulk carrier.COSCO (Dalian) Shipyard Co. Ltd secured contracts from a Bermuda company for two (2) LeTourneau Super 116E jackup drilling rigs, scheduled for delivery in 1H2016 and 2H2016 respectively. The buyer has also secured options for two (2) additional jackup drilling rigs.COSCO (Zhoushan) Shipyard Co. Ltd secured the contract under the first option, cited in the company?s announcement dated 12 Sept 2013, to build one (1) dry bulk carrier of 64,000 dwt for a European buyer has been rendered effective. The bulk carrier is scheduled for delivery in 2H2014.COSCO, November 14, 2013
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14-Nov-2013 00:19 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard built FPSO bow half completed and delivered

Views: 113 Date :2013 -11-13

By the semi-submersible vessel COSCO Shipping " Auspicious mouth" wheel hitch shipment shipping
November 11, COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard for foreign shipowners built FPSO bow half of the B1 segment completed and delivered smoothly fitted semi-submersible vessel COSCO Shipping " Auspicious mouth" after sailing round.
This FPSO bow half of the project is the collaboration within the system of COSCO Shipyard key projects, orders by the Shanghai COSCO, COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard construction. Construction process, Shanghai COSCO Shipyard in the business, technology and other aspects of the strong support given to COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard. COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard careful planning, meticulous organization, and in the production process, quality and safety measures in place, the successful completion of the construction tasks, and to achieve a " million man hours without harm."
This FPSO bow half of the weight of more than 20,550 tons, length 151.3 m, width 54 m, height 31.5 m. COSCO Shipping " Auspicious mouth" wheel bear ocean transport tasks for this project, which is by far the largest volume of the wheel carriage of ultra large pieces. COSCO and COSCO shipping this mode of cooperation, to achieve the complementary advantages, but also give full play to the synergy within the system to better serve our customers worldwide marine products provide a " design, manufacture, delivery, installation," one-stop service .

FPSO bow half of the ship before November 8, COSCO Shipyard party secretary Ma Zhihong boarded the " auspicious mouth" round, on behalf of Wang, general manager of COSCO Shipyard aerospace and team members visited and saluted " Auspicious mouth" round cadres and employees, and " Auspicious mouth" steamboat Long Deng Zhixiong, Political Commissar Zhu Ronghui, chief engineer Mr. Qiu red cordial exchanges, learn more about the " auspicious mouth" round operational management, the shipping plans. Ma Zhihong said the transport FPSO project is the COSCO and COSCO COSCO Shipping thoroughly implement the requirements of the development on the strengthening of synergies, vigorous cooperation, join hands to cope with the severe market-specific expression. COSCO COSCO ship with people to build their own transport of marine products, is very proud of tasks. He asked COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard loading process with good service in the hope that we unite as one, to carry forward the Cosco hard work, and strengthen the country to serve the country's glorious tradition, security, science, successfully completed a good transportation task daunting. (Yen - Red / Man Tin Chun / Chart)http://www.cosco-shipyard.com/newsx.asp?id=5926& type=

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14-Nov-2013 00:18 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Guangdong COSCO Shipyard launched a boat trials of two ships

Views: 136 Date :2013 -11-12

Guangdong COSCO Shipbuilding within a week to achieve three major nodes - 35,000 tons bulk carrier, PSV launched the first system, the second ship of livestock transport ship successful trials.
November 8th, Guangdong COSCO Shipyard Group for the construction of Turkey's fifth ER 35,000 tons bulk carrier ship was launched successfully, shipowners, ship inspection and related construction project team who witnessed this important moment.
November 10, PSV first ship N492 was launched successfully. COSCO Guangdong ship for the United States Tidewater (TIDE WATER) series built by four PSV shipbuilding marine auxiliary bow, the captain 83.75 meters, width 18 meters, depth 7 m. The water for the first time the use of hydraulic pushers and rail clamp device process method, according to berth, barge over two paragraphs, the maximum to meet the " series build" needs.
November 7, after a four-day sailing trials, Guangdong COSCO Shipyard for the Dutch VROON second ship built by the successful completion of trials task livestock vessels. (Guo Yuhong Executive sub)
http://www.cosco-shipyard.com/newsx.asp?id=5924& type=
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11-Nov-2013 12:00 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Minjie resigned * ST Wei Jiafu, COSCO Group is limited to clarify the departure

徐 敏 杰 辞 任 *ST远 洋 集 团 澄 清 魏 家 福 被 限 离 境

Source: China Securities News 2013-11-11 08:53:29 

* ST Ocean on the 8th night announcement, company directors Minjie has resigned for personal reasons directorship of the resignation with immediate effect.

Notice that Minjie the 7th survey was confirmed by authorities, and the company has confirmed that its board of directors and the company does not have any disagreement, there are no other matters relating to the resignation need to notify shareholders of the Company.

* ST ocean was released late yesterday announced major issues, the company in November 7, 2013 received the controlling shareholder of China Ocean Shipping (Group) Corporation, notice, Executive Director Minjie are receiving the relevant departments for investigation.

And another concern for the characters - Cosco former chairman Wei Jiafu , November 8 evening, COSCO Group issued a statement on its official website: " On 'former chairman Wei Jiafu has been restricted by authorities to leave' rumors, there is no basis, would like to clarify. "

COSCO Group, as mainland China's largest shipping central level, to shipping, logistics terminals, ship building and repairing the main industry, owns and operates more than 700 merchant ships, more than 400 million tons of cargo, the scale is China second in the world. Group's website refers, currently employs 13.5 million people, including more than 4,600 foreign employees, total assets of more than 3,300 billion yuan in overseas assets and income has exceeded more than half of the total.

The COSCO Group's every move affects many listed companies in the nerves. Group's existing listed companies, including H shares and A shares listed on China COSCO (601,919) and CIMC, the Hong Kong-listed Cosco Pacific (1199), COSCO International, as well as Singapore-listed Cosco investments and in A-share listed COSCO shipping.

ST远 洋 8日 晚 间 发 布 公 告 , 公 司 董 事 徐 敏 杰 因 个 人 原 因 已 辞 去 董 事 职 务 , 该 辞 任 即 日 生 效 。

公 告 表 示 , 徐 敏 杰 7日 被 证 实 被 有 关 部 门 调 查 , 其 已 确 认 与 公 司 董 事 会 和 公 司 无 任 何 意 见 分 歧 , 亦 无 其 他 与 辞 任 相 关 的 事 宜 需 要 通 知 公 司 股 东 。

*ST远 洋 曾 于 昨 天 晚 间 发 布 重 大 事 项 公 告 称 , 公 司 于 2013年 11月 7日 接 到 控 股 股 东 中 国 远 洋 运 输 ( 集 团 ) 总 公 司 通 知 , 公 司 执 行 董 事 徐 敏 杰 正 接 受 相 关 部 门 调 查 。

而 对 于 另 一 个 备 受 关 注 的 人 物 ??中 远 前 董 事 长 魏 家 福 , 11月 8日 傍 晚 , 中 远 集 团 在 其 官 网 发 表 声 明 : ?关 于 ?前 董 事 长 魏 家 福 已 被 有 关 部 门 限 制 离 境 ?的 传 言 , 没 有 依 据 , 特 此 澄 清 。 ?

中 远 集 团 作 为 中 国 内 地 最 大 航 运 央 企 , 以 航 运 、 物 流 码 头 、 修 造 船 为 主 业 , 拥 有 和 经 营 700多 艘 商 船 , 年 货 运 量 超 过 4亿 吨 , 规 模 属 中 国 第 一 、 世 界 第 二 。 集 团 网 站 指 , 目 前 员 工 总 数 13.5万 人 , 其 中 境 外 员 工 4,600多 人 , 资 产 总 额 超 过 3,300亿 元 人 民 币 , 海 外 资 产 和 收 入 已 超 过 总 量 的 半 数 以 上 。

而 中 远 集 团 的 一 举 一 动 都 在 牵 动 诸 多 上 市 公 司 的 神 经 。 集 团 旗 下 现 有 多 家 上 市 公 司 , 包 括 在 H股 和 A股 上 市 的 中 国 远 洋 ( 601919) 和 中 集 集 团 , 在 香 港 上 市 的 中 远 太 平 洋 ( 1199) 、 中 远 国 际 , 以 及 在 新 加 坡 上 市 的 中 远 投 资 及 在 A股 上 市 的 中 远 航 运 等 。

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09-Nov-2013 15:31 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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You means cosco Singapore aso corruption revenue of 989 million net profis of 16 million . And overal profits 4 million only .???
They must be hiding
Some money go to china Ocean Shipping . Or go some where ??
Coscp Singapore also no transparent to investors .
Got contracts didn't announce
Delivery vessel don't announce

We are only guessing

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09-Nov-2013 12:39 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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The china prime minister 李 克 强 。 are looking in to this round of china government company corruption case he wanted to clear all members who are involved . Another group of government executive officer will work properly.

If cosco china and cosco Singapore high executive director and officers are involved. He can change the new group off members just one weeks . In China they are alots government executive officer and specialist member
We can wait and see when this time around all bads people clean up. Cosco will be back to normal and moving up to tracks

All corruption clear . All money return to company . Then you will see more profits

So aots analysis will ask you to sell away cosco and buy yangzijiang and kepcorp

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09-Nov-2013 11:24 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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As long current cosco china 书 记 ceo mr. Ma and cosco Singapore ceo no involved in the corruption . Then . After all other member been caused .
At the end there had to pay back to cosco group. And in put in holiday camp.the end of yhey life.
China governments may put in some of the members to make cosco running and make more profits

Cosco is government company
Will no close and will no lose to private company like yangzijiang . No faces

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09-Nov-2013 00:47 COSCO SHP SG   /   CoscoCorp       Go to Message
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Today Cosco Just reports


Total of Us $1.2 billion ( 2+ 4 options  )

The Board of Directors of COSCO Corporation (Singapore) Limited (the â??Companyâ??)
wishes to announce that COSCO (Qidong) Offshore Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of the
Company's 51% owned subsidiary, COSCO Shipyard Group Co., Ltd, has secured a Letter
of Intent from a subsidiary of Prosafe SE, a company listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange,
for the engineering, procurement and construction of 2 (two) semi-submersible
accommodation vessels with options for 4 (four) more units. The Letter of Intent covers
two potential contracts, each in excess of USD200 million.
The vessels will be of Gusto MSC Ocean 500 design and will be equipped with 500 beds,
DP3 station keeping systems, 10-point chain mooring and 300 ton cranes.
The vessels are scheduled for delivery in 2016.
The Company will make further announcements when the contracts are awarded or
rendered effective.
Save for their respective shareholdings in the Company, none of the directors or controlling
shareholders of the Company has any interest, direct or indirect in the contracts.
Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the Letter of Intent is not expected to have a
material impact on the net tangible assets and earnings per share of the Company for the
year ending 31 December 2013.

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